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June 23, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-23

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~t U, of


VOL. VI. No. 197.



96 1L CLASS DAY EXERCISES. lered however, that there are a
- few things in this world better thtan
W e Must M~ove logic. We have always had a great
S The store we now occupy has Presentation of. a Portrait of Bx- diversity of opinions on every subject.
ques.i estse e Dean Knowlton. brouaght before s, except ota the (lues-
quarters tints of 'class tlettlsrial, whets ae were
W eMus Clse ut Abotut 700 peop~le gatthered in TTuiver- solidly untited."
Wer D.RustldCloseato Outh
our stock of music goods and sity Hall ycsterdaty afternoon to tistess Er ) tyosstl rtro u
II Bicycles. Neotter urices which
ll will sell goods if tow prices to the closing exercises of tilt -lass class is stew to oratoary in the OUniver-
mean anything to buyers cla's f '0. he latormwastaste ity, best deliveredt tis oration it
ftly1 eoae0vtt elwos au "Ethical Domiinatnce its Society," its a
STHIS MEANS BUSINESS frbuntingr ndwthgodenn
a u tingad the class colots, crieisonfocbetasrsilwittodett-
S If you want laeyttilsg Is the el cationt, white his oratiotn showed cacc-
m~ usic- linea rr railests I a and whsite.I _11.-__-I-- --- - - .,

Senior Promenade on the, Campus
Last Evening.
.Tta e catusswas the scene, of great
anitmation last eveiig attd tite Seilor
Isrontienade of -'96 will be rettlsttlered
ionec of tite ettos60letsittg events of
Cotmtnttcetmentt week. Alsout 2,001)
tacolsle thtrotngedOtto catmpust5iita rottof
the IkMain IBuildittg andeta w a tlks lead-

you will find a bottle of
147%ice --Perfume
will be very acceptable
to either lady or gentle-
man. Some very pretty
bottles at
Mvrmyel'S Drug Store
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
G. H. WILD.:)
The Leading Tailor,.
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
lull1 Dress Suits a Specialty.'
Griaduating Gifts
All the latest publications now on
sale at our stores. Fine illustrated
-Gift Books, Illustrated Poems, Art
Books, Standard Books in sets,
Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf
Discount Prices to All
Up Toswn, Down To3wn.
'Uniers BokstreOpposite courtalouss
20nS.ers1tyastS. 4 N. ManSt5.

Thse exercises as a whole, at leastruTheIato lsistttofresit hsidh- itg in every direction f roan it.
utphield tite statsdard set lis fsrtr "Tlanyisosoriatnlaefris These walks wvere litned with roava of
years atti the clss tas reasots to lao ed athsetsea for hutane research for Chtinese lanternts'whilettewatlkt-I-
ceturies. 'Iheuttilososthice ittd htas
pround of its represetatatives whose 11 .muediately in front of the bauiladittg wits,
namnes ttppear stpon the psrogramt, ever soughit to extplore thse cautses asatnned lyay csri-asstrtisticaslly thee--
whaicha is as follows: which have te'ndedt to brightate ittais- oratretdswitht these ltnternis.
Music, overture--WNale of iovn-!dlas and social chtaracter. Morality 'Tte Chestutuegon orchtestra f oir-
Blanehietelau, CtseauastegotsOr- as olsdser tamanakind. 'For a essorat nistaed tte musia-for ttooccasioan and
etiestrlt; Presistent's address, Frd ra incsiplehateutiosshlave been fondedt lent hartmony ts ths whole.
L. Insgrahtati; Class P~oeem, a ntteoe atede iligsatr. "'hThe camipus fusrnisheed not all tto
tttwyers Fee" h).''Ths Hour It less ever been a nev'er failiteg tsalis- decoratiosn-s, as manay tprivatte atad f ra-
Drasss Near," Htenry Eat. Tsotlioiss , ian its the elevation of socestsy neglect- tertaity houes'wevara -,6stittiarly attired.
esusic, Conseert Waltts l';sitisas eator tiisptiied. Outr ossitaounttry littId Aisastagthe eariv-ate- resistaences wste that
'Tosriec; Class History,,Dsaitel It this prtinip le as a coriset stoese. of Jusaga- t'ooleiy, while of tto freter-
Williamrs; oatioti,"Eltaicsal Doasi- Opposed to the development of this nity Itoueses the Zeta Psi, Bata'Thetta.
tests-neaSoscia-ty, Earl D. Iteytiols trintiestaa rs beats 'Mass's inhuatiy Pt, De-ltat Kapttl 1t'EtSilota sat PSI aSi-
Class Prophiacy, Alert A. Huthe- lao ins - the prolific source of a mtoratlson lchapter hiosuses were hung 'withe
essats;teisie, "Piece Chararterist i obliqtyt deeper thases perditione, aisrker Cheiesa- laterns, while tto last mns-
Fasciniations,'Totatat; 'resentatian thasn distant. tioned house had a special daeoration
of C'lass 'Metuoril, Portrait of ex- The tiafiuence of ethics, then, npons in the shiape of ths-Greek letters of'
Deata Jersaie C. Knowlton, Danish mian's' social condition is unnusitak- the fraternity outlinied in electric tig, ts
H. Otegils Arelatatee, tegn ale. The lessoen to tmankined is per- o-rteearsie
Lievi L. Biarbosusr; valedictory. El- elishtory andi esenot beaoasred. So-
gar P. OLear-y; muossic, 4tha logo. ciety' tas advanredi withs it, and it Morley from Six Little Girls.,
March, Buartona.svitht-society. Satutrdaay afterntoota thei-"teasPhti
Presidenst tssgrahaiei in isaddrelstr-.-i "'T'e tinme will sutrely- come sn-ten the Sorority" giavl' tha'"Me-rcantt of
to Oh ls pk obyo hioi- sersants of our governeint withla beessotefr-iayo Oi-s-Venice Simplaifieda,"bsefort-ean leeero-
fiseetce of -olle-ge life, of thee high caatrzdb oa ettd chatisave atdiaeo. 'The proreeds asfthis
titeals it rasisedt, of thee grot tt a-lihen every hasilot shuelt beckon peacet entertsainmencst,$1.5l, n-ore tuerned eves
tiosi to retrogression of its grladutates with Otee spires that psoint to thee life't telnsarit r-nee o h
whets brousghit inato actual conitact swithi bv. benefit of the Womaen's Buoildinig. The
ttio world, sayinig: Albert A. Itoseesan, in fitle class "Sorority" is comsposedt of thee follow-
"ise grelatest danger that cosefrotli, protphecy dest vteOlecas goner- ug istei oty aoiish
us in goinagot frome college isthteealyanostndatopftuurfr Miss Marg-arat tooley, Miss Kathlteena
we are leavinag the world of high ansd (otne n esdPg. Cutting, Miss Bessie Eggert, Miss
scholarly motiv-es for a waord its shiichi rotclien Lydecker aid Miss Rtose Car-
selfish motives are tsar too trovaleut Last Lecture to '96 L. lent, all maenmbers of thee fouerth ands
anad far too successful. Professor Mechtem lectou-ed to thee fifths grades of the city s-hools.'fle
"The wvorld never had greaer need S o a ls etra oeontiscketssvhicha stre soldt ly thai-tsar-
of honiest umen. Do sot think theist o he"t-ainofLw oScit"sonast offotofhennixsw k
ysu nmust bend to get on in thee worlit. s ast "7Taet'unction of Ohi aswyr its tworesets eaech ausd three coasts extrsa
Ma yu el t pov tatth brthe Conservator of Puiblic tlhitty.' o rsrvedi seats. 'The play wvas
of Amierica can prodoce meen swho do Tise address swas a strong and atbte given in Miss Kathilen Cuttings lates-
not forget that thee highest end of flsts ne dry.
life is to be honorable men." Itocharacterized lasv as Ohioraler of If all those n'losvouldi be maeirially
H-enry' Ed. Nothotnb in his tsva usost and as pervadiug all thinsgs. Al beaseitteat by the buildinagtee the im-
poem shwedcarfulprearaionan things in nature are governied by law mediate future wvould enmueate the
much natorsal ability as a poet se e and nhaiebe Society is good example set Ohioa by these chill-
gave a feeling and dramatic Inter- goer nd uby l gasv v le idviuldrsthe Wromen's Building nouled
pretatlon to tie tsvopsems. gvre ylw hc h niiul rn
m eay disregard, but list efteasn i lass- soon be assuredi. aid the last generus
The class history by Daniel IL Wil- psity. offer of Regent Barbornould be se-
hiams was somewshat of a depa rture pl cured..
from the n-eli settled line of such prs- Summer School tor 1896. Class of 171 Reunion.
ductions, departing fron thte tradi-
tions laid dowvn by stating that Wise prospects fer a large attendence Thee class of '71, which hol ds Presi-
w'hich actually existed and not what at thee Sesaner School are very grati- dent AngellIin honorary msembersheip,
might have been. tie said, In part: fying. From the correspsndence nitha will celebrate its tnenty-fifth ausever-
"Our class has many marks of distine- the mnanagemnt it is estituatedi that sary by a reuniosl at Irettylnaa's at Gi
thou. In our early days as a class we ever 300 studenets will attend. this o'clock tomorrow evening.
numbered 315 pairs of longs; today summer's session. Wise resident members of thee class
we graduate 317 strong, tsventy-sne Our Summer School at present offers are Professor Richard Hudson, Profes-
attend of the nwordds record." thee broadest course of instruction and nor H-. B. Hutchins and Mr. Byron A.
After giving a description of the largest faculty of any in this country, Finney.
first election he said: "We have been and In this and in f uture years it will AnteL.D.frrAgl.
qunick to grasp the truth and. act upon undoubtedly draw a large attendance AohrL.D o r nei
It, and to improve the time we goner- from the numsber of teacheers asad stn- Rutgers College conferred the degres
ally occupied the time before each lee-1 dents who desire to take summuer edo- of LL. D. upon President Angell at Its.
turn In vocal exercises; we have si c ational work. recent coamtec~rceancnt exercises.

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