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May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 8

…'U 4 CONFER-I THIS ON RED and Cardinals," which is to be direct- ed by Ellen Wonders, '22Ed., has the following cast: The Girl, Evelyn, Rockwell, '22; The Youth, Francis Greenbaum, '22; -Father Austin, Nayt Bashara, '23L; Mrs. Connelly, Celma Simonson, '23; Levraut, Henry Goff, '23; the Cardinal, Milton Klee, '23. Besides taking one of the star parts in this play, Miss Rockwell is direct- ing "The Glittering Gate" which has but two characte...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 Y 4 ' A REVIEW BY G. ). E. of value to both the layman and tIse (Continued from Page 5) more scientifically inclined. against Miss Bethany Lovell for the Those who have borrowed my books manneri o which he at first ackd in might start returning them. "Arms aod the Man" as given b~ themihstrrerogte. Comedy club. 1 find out that she act- Sixteo dolts 00 a freshmaos chest, ed to the letter of S...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 9

…be be the so be There will be a meeting of all Uni- versity women who live in Ann Ar- bor at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. This special meeting has been -called for the pur- pose of making a decision concerning a proposition to raise funds for the University of Michigan ' league cam- paign. Plans Completed For Sorosis fete With elaborate plans under way for decorative effects which have tak- en much time and effort, t...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 10

…CIAL B r3 p. M. (11:30'. AY, MAY 14, 1922 U LLETIN Number 163 a aF 18ea .a1s ra ICs I I LVi" !L ! 1/ 71 L 1 Rath-Frost Engagement Announced member of the Delta Sigma Pi fra- Announcement was made of the en- ternity, is president of the Commerce gagement of Miss Helen Frost, '21, to clubtand secretary of the Boxing and Harry Rath, '22, Friday night, at the Botr'cus Alpha Omicron Pi sorority of which Miss Frost is a member. Rath is a Patroni...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 11

…II :1 it F SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 r , r THE CRITICS FALL OUT Over Webb Waidron's Book (By Delbert Clark) they fail to she a thing it cannot long chester Union, *or would be if Mr. One chapter which would probably Yhen Webb' Waldron Wrote "The exist, and that. the best remedy)/for Waldron was trying to make a real kindle the blush' of shame upon the ad t the World," he accomplished any evil is ignorance...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 12

…The New University Health Service. (By Mauriee Berman) some time during the summer months. show that the Health Service has an "We shall have pretty close to double average of about 4000 calls per month. Several mopths ago when we were the room in the new building that we He expects an even larger number of reading stories of the proposed new now have," was the opinion of Dr. calls next year, especially in view of Health Center for the Univers...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1' 1 -IEM I IUAIN IAIL x WiviAUAI.sM "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper & Brothers ) fundamental truths in regard to man raping control in spite of our best ef- is that he believes in too much gov- I. Our Medieval Intellectual Inherit- were assumed to be established once forts to prevent any thoroughgoing ferment. * * * ance and for all. The Greek thinkers had readjustment. We ins...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN, DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 into bittern's5 and denounced their "The M ind in the 7aking" pponents is pig-headed obecurantits. (Continued from Page 3.) ceiter. All creatures were made to It is the avowed purpose of sciem- To the medieval theologa, man assist or to try man. God and the title thought to reduce the number of was by nature vile. We have seen that, devil were preoccupied with his fate, mysteries, and its succe...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 15

…A Review-and Addenda (By G.D. E) But the sad fact must be told. Bjlrk- the senile Brander Matthews who said ought to heave Bjrkman's novel into seldom that any writer has man is neither Englishman nor Amer- that Ludwig Lewisohn was refused a the gutter with Lewisohn's book and ael stortof an oy' ife ican. He was born in Sweden and job at Columbia not because he was a the works of Joseph Conrad. Sa real story of a boys fifelived there for twent...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 16

…hooks and Auduoi "THE CRITIC AND THE DRAMA" less valuable because of this fact.' By George Jean Nathan acting is not an art has long been (A Review by C. J. D.) of his favorite contentions, for Our dramatic critics are coming to ample. In the present volume he serve an important and unique func- devotes much space to the suppi tion in the life of that mysterious ani- this interesting theory. mal, the General Public. They as_ But in spite of th...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 17

…nervous instaoiity oc oo. in raris he falls in love with a shallow, in- sincere, extravagant, altogether worthless woman. The victim of an hereditary lack of balance and sense. of proportion, he allows this woman to consume his whole life. Her pres- ence keeps him from writing his nov- els. He is driven to desperate and un- scrupulous methods of . securing money to satisfy her whims. When she has exhausted his funds she turns to other lovers; ...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 18

…A REVIEW BY G. D. E. of value to both the layman and those (Continued-from Page 5) more scientifically inclined. n 1Be SURE it's a against Miss Bethany Lovell for the Those who have borrowed my books manner in which she at first acted in Toewohvbroedmbok "Arms and the Man" as given by the might start returning them. F R 0 S TT E Comedy club. Ifind outthat sheact- F R O S T B IT E etotelteofhiwspa.Te Sixteen dolts on a freshman's cheat, x. ed t...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…Sit' 4 4:3ait zzi , ,e ASOI~ATEI) I - ES A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1921. PRICE FIVE CXNTS 29 Classes Plan 4(eunion On June 28; '71_Representatives Oldest ILL ONT iE ) KILLED FIGHTING Members of 29 classes will assem- ble here on June 28 for the annual class Reunion day. The oldest class to be represented is that of '71, which, expects to have every living member here for its meetings. Out of the 67 who graduated with ...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BA' art ilg WSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN morning except Monday during the Univer- A in Control of Student Publications. OF THE ASSOCIATED, PRESS Press is exclusively entitled to the, use for we dis atches credited to it or not oth erwise and te local news published therein., ostoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second t the stret. nunications not to exceed 3oo words, if signed, the Big- t necessarily to appear...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY U " : " .r._..., i .... FAVORED T VARSITY stance Runs, Weights, Give Indians Edge Today VS COUNTED ON FOR FIRSTS IN 100 AND 220 Ilinois strength in the distance runs, weight events, and the two jumps make the Orange and Blue al- most certain winners in the meet at Urbana today. Michigani athletes must extend themselves to equal the marks that Illinois made in the Notre Dame meet last Saturday. Simntons seems ...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FUNDS ESTAB51ISRED FtO UVERSTYE roit alumnae of Collegiate Sor- are presenting a loan fund forj r girls to the University. Th ipal, at present $1!X, is to be I to -rom time to tume. ioans Sb1 admi istered y the Presi tne' desii of women a a thurd cerson to be ch n by the donors. Mortarxoard, s or women's hon- orary society, has a fund of $153 which they are preparing to increase and nac for loaning .c University women. ...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

…THE L lCHIIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILY AfF ' WWU, fI ENGIN~EERS SET MAY 17 AS DATE OF ANNUAL OUTING S U 6 WAY DOWN EAST I dramatic ra comn- dames in the final wn before this srisen from ob- among the finest st December he Otello with the any and scored a him the sensa- Sophomore engineers will hold their annual outing Tuesday, May 17, on the Edison company's property at Barton Dam. The entire class will assemble at 5 o'clock on T...…

May 14, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,a ..- . , _. i L BULLETIN MAY 4, 1921. Number 156. t ence and the Arts - Administrative Board: ial meeting of the Board Monday afternoon, May n's office to consider the report of the committee question of a revision of the present freshman A. G. HALL. St ate Committee for Michigan will selet; sity and of the colleges of the State and lip for 1922. A scholar elected for that Oxford in October, 1922. The Univer- o...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…I" u I V .d AiJ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1920. rn May 13.-Michigan matches from the 1. Boyden of the Wesbrook a hard Wolverine captain s from two sets, 6-4. Reindel com- Newey by a count fell prey to Munz, while Angell easily 6-1. Both sets of by Michigan. IAND ' TO TED TONIGHT HEARSAL PAVES OPENING MHT ress rehearsal is an ll-presented public na's Husband," the ssical club will pre'- :k tonight in Sarah 11, will fulfill a...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…Con atle events ot a colege career. Ambition for mem- bership in such oganizations is a spur to greater efficiency and a more social spirit among students, and as such must 'be -considered a big asset for Michigan. As for the charge of lack of democracy, >r few will deny that proved ability and hard work are Se fair standards for all. Most of the campus organi- - zations base membership on the winning of con- spicuous places in athletic or ca...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

… .' ' "' .a ; "<. 7 - :6 6or i DAY'S GAMES American League games, rain eveywhere. National League oklyn, 1; Chicago, 2. v York, 6; Cincinnati, 0. ton, 3; St. Louis, 9. TRACK MEN LEAVE FOR, CONTEST WITH MAROONS This afternoon at 1:16 o'clock (2:16 Ann Arbor time) Manager Parsons and 21 members of the Wolverine track squad will leave for Chicago to meet the Maroons in a dual meet tomor row night. Coach Farrell has already TWO INTERCLASS...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…11 12 '13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 .29 Hats are high; your last hat cleaned andhre- into this season's shape, new band, will look like I save you five or ten We do only high class Factory Hat Store, 617 St. Phone 1792. IlLII I I U. h URUIlLI 11N STA9L L ED.YESTERDAY Members of the old and new cab- inet of the Y. W. C. A. met Wednes-' day afternoon. The installation serv- ice was conducted by Frances Wesley, '20, the retiring presiden...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 5

…S :pow ---- .I ! PHOTOPLAY TBY I(OUIwwDRGUEr b A5ED ON AN OR IGINAL STOR~Y RODERPT 6AKE.R 'DflRiZFtD BY *GEORGE. FIZMAUJ2ICE _. rmuallrf itr U N ERS ITY BRANCHES It is the purpose of the national officers of the American Legion to, launch a drive for members from May 17 to 22, according to a communica- tion received from the Legion head- quarters in, Indianapolis. The state ment was made that college men are particularly wanted in the Legio...…

May 14, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

…gory, H. J. Watson, L. Selling, R.I zodgers, R. A. Sullivan, W. Bend-I )n, L. H. Treat, R. E. Nettleton, E. , C. K. Strozensky, M. Newton, C. !ades, H. L. WNaha, B. F. Kerwin, L. Leader, 1V. Gilbert, R. J. Dunne, Wilson, F. Steketee, E. Vick. iFreshman Heavyweights he freshman heavyweights ire: F. Copp, W. J. Van Orden, W. A. ,on, W. Bastian, R. Chenot, C. D. fly, A. F. Dittmer, E. M. Keeler, ~Crawforth, C. Ely, C. Kuhn, P. G. bel, C. G.Robert...…

May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 1


May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY :. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the university ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled so the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or notnotherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the...…

May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'I rA E J Ii.§ t- VASIT TO MEET Lundgren's lien Will Line Lip Against Respected Foe on Ferry Field Dianiond FARlIERtS REPUTED TO HAVK FT1E HURLER IN DOMNELLY The Wolverines will stack up aiainst the first south paw of the sea- son this afternoon on Ferry field when Donnelly will do the hurling for the M. Al. C. baseball aggregation. Reputed to be a clever pitcher, and determined to whip the Michigan Var- sity as a means o...…

May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…m,, THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,tWEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919. /"'r/"' A, RR I V, 11 p. Frosh frolic J is next Friday night. "White Flannel" is the "oarder." We have a full line of them. c,) VI RY LOAN OD $4.00, per week will purch ase a $100.00 Band $2.Od per week will purchase a $50.00 Bond 0 WADHAMS AND CO. STATE ST. STORE This IjWe will be very glad to carry them for you, OP 2 11 10- SATNACT0 HAS BEEN OUR MOST SUCCESS...…

May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…p19. THE MICHIGAN DAILY "AMERICA DAY" T TR DRIVE AGAINST ANARCHY New York, May 13.-'As part of a campaign against Bolshevism, a na- tionwide celebration of the ideals and institutions of America will be held on May 17t by the American Defense society. It is planned to designate the day as America Day and through patriotic celebrations in many cities throughout the United States call the attehtion of loyal Americans to the MAJESTIC I MAJESTIC ...…

May 14, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... a..,... _-. a CONOMY COURSES IN SUMMER SESSION uction in political economy, is administration, and sociology en thoroughly arranged for inl rimer session. ses offered in the first two sub- vill be elements of political ay, general economics, labor ns, theory of value and distri- money and credit, the princi- banking, corporations, market- isiness grganization and man- it, foreign trade, corporation principles of acc...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…HTLY WARNER TODAY I ~r 4k P~AitF ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND MINIT IRE SERVICE III. No. 159. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918. PRICE THREE .... I I ESTAB ISH INING CAMP T FT, SHERIDAN HIP OF 2,500 OPEN NTS FROM SEVERAL UNIVERSITIES TO '. G.C. MULLEN WILL )MMEND 211 CADETS ions for Camp Must Be Left Record Office Before Tomorrow Night Two hundred and eleven cadets from the University will be recom- mended by Lieut. Georg...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIliGAN DAILY * the training of enlisted men here is more valuable as war work than the education of her own students. Her - engineers, medics, pharmics, dents, ititled and other graduates will perform CARYATID1 >therwise credit- the local news University of morning except year. Ann Arbor as 900; Editoria, 2414. ot to exceedS300 words, re not necessarily to sp- an evidence of faith, and ill be published in The on of the Editor, if le...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGA DAILY . .. .a, , JL~e ORR I I V 11 Due to Pitch Against Aggies in Second Battle the 'Y TRIMS SCRUBS N POORLY PLAYED GAME shall pitch the game against M. A. C. tomorrow afternoon. The Michigan coach believes that the Aggies have improved materially since the first game between the two teams when the Wolverines won 12 to 2 in a slug- ging match. Lundgren will take no chances and so will start his best pitching bet. Ruzick...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…ThE NACHIGAN DAILY .. _ f 4 OF 398 Marked Are ir engineering stu- which will be >uncement of the total of 2,106 stu- hile this shows an er the 1,708 stu- g term, the actu- graduates in at- onsiderably less. les 205 men at- aining course as of the different than any other class, for their mem- bers number but 240, while 413 men completed their third year at the col- lege last June. It is seen by the new summary that, while war has increa...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 5

…HIGAN DAILY I Oa he9 the I the men men 'Y d the guns WIT. P-- a a Knittex Overcoats Tan Oxford Heather at $25.00 :., a _ kii { 1,11(sWILL WIN \' ! T14% I IWA,~R .. MNIYV/tIIN p { 1 '1 JE~uer hG Early Spring Showing Society Brand and Hickey-Freeman Suits. Also just recmved a line of Spring Hats and C Between the Theatres U U Your Floral Needs GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION BY US CUT FLOWERS FRESH SPRING FLOW CORSAGES FLOWERING P...…

May 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 159) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - I U P OL)xx 1, 1Y1. ...,. _..... v_ Valk-Over OLLEGE MODISH Comfort- , = voman is as young as her feet. Here are the very t keep your feet feeling young, vigorous and stylishly inged Tip and Military Heel Black and Brown calf, white Buck and white cloth. Either Boots or Oxfords. alk-Over Boot Shop. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET dents of the University of Michigan inspect our new line of very smart models in (oung Men's Top-...…

May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 1


May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THE VMICHI.GAN flAIL'! .' "l .. .,. . . Your Ease of Mind Self-possession and personal effici- ency depends largely upon the clothes you wear. [f we are your tailors you will always have that feeling that comes with Clothes of Character G. H. WILD COMPANY LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE ST. Tennis Rackets We are the Agents for the SLOTTED THROAT RACKETS L Ui I _ Rackets Restrung In Three Days SH EEH Ns STUDENTS BOOKSTORE DETROIT UNI...…

May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…m 11 R.., LU 1 1 IN fl -. - _ _ a..., . ...,r.._. .._..-_, _,_.__..__. ____._ . . ,,1 -i yr.. x :wn rw.xwr V t. r FT'1 ( I ________ IIii L" A t I... __,W POP. MATS. TUES., TI-ItRS. AND SAT. 260 and 50c EGARRICK DETROIT Week Starting Mon., May 151 and ending Sunday, May 21 Scarcity of Candidates for 1916 Elevein Shows Michigan Spirit Lacking, Athletic Authorities Aver DANCE C R A Z E RESPONSIBLEf VAUGHAN GLASER and Sup...…

May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…TIIEMICHIGANIDAILT. _,,, , p- w Y STRAW HATS I 1 9 1 6> 0 x BANG! The season begins May 17. Get a becoming STRAW, and enjoy the Summer. Exhibit of Straw Hlats Sailors, Ban koks and Panamas in the Latest Weaves and Styles. Tinker & Company FURNISHERS and HATTERS Corner of S. State and William Sts. ,N. F. ALLEN.. CO. Clothiers MAIN STREET MAIN STREET .4 U I a 3 ........... I STRAW HATS? FELLOWS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE...…

May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…f/If J 4 * x T~y. M1HIGA DAL Y i '.i:F,: "AI 1 9 1 6 Exhibit of Straw Hats Out of, the COi~ becauoseKOa~te Sailors, in the Bankoks and Panamas Latest..Weaves' and Styles. N r <; . F,; Tinker & Company FURNISHERS and HATTERS Corner of S. State and William Sts. Better Bet ter Better. Better Knox- "Beacon" La!~ Foi o . , b. ;. . S $3, . r 3. '.T r , a : ,,- -; _ : J. .V, '. ; i j., r f . ]. t Wk i , c:' k > .{ r':. pISTOTMIITOR...…

May 14, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…"- , THE MICHIGAN D1L IAww] i 1 - .._ -,_ II Although we have betn offredl $550 per Pound for Elon Developer which we could get along without, but wich gives bette'r results for AMATEUR FINi SHING we refused the offer because we are determined to give to you, Mr. Amateur, the best results obtainable. THE'WONDER IS that we do notcrganmoetnteohr fellow who uses a make-shift develop-;r. We for.;awt ils r ndi icmand "safety first", we believ...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…E YEAR LOCAL m I, ie Michigan Daily MAILED NO0W 75c 7-a 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1915. PRICE FIN PRCEFl ISLER AND REGAN, PUT ON SLAB DUEL >)rliell Man and _lclhigan Star to Be Pitted Against Each Other in Tomorrow's Game )ACH DETERMINED TO GET MEN OUT OF BATTING SLUMP emann or Anderson to Fill Left Garden; Line-up to Remain Same George Sisler is the man who will >rk against the Cornell nine when e Wolverines an...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…TkIE MICHIGAN DAILY .-- ' A Suit Above Criticism You would like to wear such a suit,. wouldn't you? You may; its up to you. We are ready and anxious to make you the best suit you ever wore, barring none -good material, perfect fit, and the latest cut combined. We are selling lots of -Billiard Cloth for white trouserings. Have you ordered a pair? 0" THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning ...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…TRU MICRIGAN DAILY Y What Do YOU Know About Clothes? Not much if you're like most men; you probably don't care to spend either the time or money to learn, The way to be sure to get what you pay for is t wear ...I # Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes They're certain value because of the "all wool" fabrics and skilled workmanship that go into them. They're the cheapest clothes you can buy considering what you get for your money. In the newest ...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . of w. OR HARD a snappy practice rved to prepare the 1 team for a hard The yearling team :hard Lake Saturday he Polish Seminary of no mean caliber hem. ,ke crowd have had g the last few years t teams around De- contest is expected the Saturday game have an opportunity on Ferry field. FORESTERS' PACK TRAIN GOES OUT FOR FIELD DAY AT NOON Forestry students will leave at 12:00 o'clock this noon for their annual field day...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 5

…TRI MICHIGAN AILY L. I i M EN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Stein-Bloeh Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- dashery for warm weather-a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style presented in our apparel will be...…

May 14, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY alk ~ e New Spring Styles now Ready Y rr1il vA Another Big, Clean Up of Filly Slightly Worn Ko daks Prices start at from 30% to 5O% off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Ev ery one plainly marked. This is the biggest snap you ever saw. We sell from a sample line but our clothes are tailored in town OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $28,00 UP C. I. KIDD * wnSophomore 1530-1 1112 S. Univ. Ave ...…

May 14, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…1 e Michigan ti 1111JU 11r 1. XXIV, No. 159. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,-THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914. I. I IELL FAILS EVENTS FOR TODAY i THE SPIRIT OF TODAY! s s * TO CROSS P AN ON QUAINTANCE Michigan Hits Regan Hard, Securing 11 Safeties, While Quaintance Is Holding Ithacans Safe All the Way NAVIN WATCHES WOLVERINE TRIUMPH OVER ITHACA NINE Sisler Plays in Left Field and Makes Sensational Diving Catch off Keating Fast fielding and effecti...…

May 14, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…I ,THE a[I U A.N DAILY. ow On Display Ii I .R~ LIHIAN ~AL! a iP~iii iwiiilU I LLL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINS FOR SPRIN l~e1914 roLargest Line of Woolens in the olty to select from f 11 SENOR Order Your Visiting Cardts Now Plate and 100 Cards Script $1.50 I IPlate and100 Cards old English $2.75 1; I I Plate and 100 Cards shaded old English $3.00 The above are the three most popular styles. Place your order now at SHE! dANIS, ...…

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