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May 14, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-05-14

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1. XXIV, No. 159.


I. I






Michigan Hits Regan Hard, Securing
11 Safeties, While Quaintance Is
Holding Ithacans Safe
All the Way
Sisler Plays in Left Field and Makes
Sensational Diving Catch
off Keating
Fast fielding and effective pitching
held Cornell at bay yesterday,while the
Wolverines regained their hitting
stride, and won a 3 to 0 victory from
the visitors for the eleventh straight
win and the seventh shut-out decision
of the season.
The Varsity, despite the lack of prac-
tice this week, came back in decisive
fashion, recovering from their slight
slump on Saturday and playing un-
beatable ball in the last home contest
before the eastern trip. The Wolver-
Ines found Regan for 11 safe clouts,
touching up the Cornell star in every
roend except the second and seventh.
Only his excellent control and habit
of tightening with men on the bases
kept the score down.
"Ack" Quaintance, Lundgren's pitch-
ing selection in the absence of.Bar-
beau, must have got wind of the fact
that Frank Navin, owner of the De-
troit Tigers, was in the stands. The
smiler threw one of the best games of
his college career, holding Cornell to
three scattered hits, two of which were
fluke singles.
Lundgren'sent Captain Sisler into
left field yesterday in place of Laba-
die, the captain batting in fourth place.
A double and single and several bits of
sensational fielding were Sisler's re-
plies to recent stories that he had
hopelessly injured his arm in the Syra-
cuse game.

Pro. I. E loxey speak(s iEngineer-
fil ectterol, ,0 o'clock.
E+nv lugi exhibit In old engfineering
grid chemistry building, from 7:00 a.
Inl. to 11:00 P. M.

Dixie club smoker, Michigan Union,j
7:00 o'clock.
All-soeh "pep" mass meeting for,
spring contests, west physics lecture
,room, 7:00 o'clock.
Second May Festival concert, 1ull
auditorium, 8:00 o'clock.
E)ngineering exhibit, old and new engi-
neering and chemistry buildings,
9:00 to 12:00; 1:00 to 5:00; 7:00 to
10:00 o'clock.
Third May Festival concert, Riccardo
Martin, Hill auditorium, 2:30 o'clock.
Fourth May Festival concert, Pasquale
Amato, baritone, Hill auditorium,
8:00 o'clock.
Indiana club smoker, Michigan Union,
7:00 o'clock.
Fresh-Soph tug of war -4:15 o'clock,
Huron river.
Indiana Men d Smoker Tomorrow
Indiana club will hold a smoker and
business meeting tomorrow night at
7:30 o'clock at the Union. Professor
Jesse S. Reeves, of the political science
department, and Mr. H. V. Wann, of
the French department, will speak.
Officers for the coming year will be
elected, and plans will be made to
care for the new men entering the uni-
versity from Indiana next fall.
More Than 1000 Near Graduates Weet
and Rear Addresses in
I. aIl

1k [ ---y
,e R i
___ -- 21
.1 d___

* * * * * * * * * *
P a ls t o n , S a u r a y a y 1 6 ,
President-P. Duffy Koontz, '14; *
W. W. Schroeder, '14; Mar-
shall W. Foote, '14; Karl J.*
Mohr, '13-'15L. *
Recording Secretary-H. B. Ab- *
bott, '15E, Chester 14. Lang, '15, *
F. F. McKinney, 416L. *
Lit vice-President-H. G. Gault, *
'15, C. H. Jenks, '15, W. B.
Thom, '15. *
Engineering Vice-President-K. *
S. Baxter, '15E, H. S. Parsons, *
'15E, A. T. Ricketts, '15E. *
Law Vice-President-E.H. Saier, *
'15L. *
Combined Departments-C. P. *
Field, '15P, F. W. McDonald, *
'15D, H. J. Caulkins, '16. *
Faculty Representatives-Dean *
11. M. Bates, Prof. R. Peterson, *
Prof. H. C. Sadler. *





Counittee Makes More Appointments
The appointment committee an-
nounces the following appointments,
which have been made during the last
week: Mrs. Lyda Johnson, French, Bat-
tle Creek; Ralph Clifford, Principal
and Science, Newberry; Alta Welch,
History, Alma; Elisabeth Koslowsky,
German, Saginaw West Side; Myrtle
Ileseltine, English and History, Eaton
Rapids; Evelyn Roos, Eigk~th Grade,
Interclass Tossers to Resume Series
Weather permittiig, the second
round of the interclass baseball series
will start today with the following
games: senior engineers vs. junior lits,
senior laws vs. fresh dents, senior lits
vs. junior engineers.

Opening Concert of 21st Assemblage of Second Year Men Meet Tonight
Artists Delights Crowd West Physics Hall to Make
Gathered in Vast Preparations For
Auditorium Contests




Numerous Dlispiays Are Finished, and
Are Ready for Expected
Tlhousandsi Of
Motion Pictures and Model of New
York Building Are Some of
the Features
When the doors are thrown open at
8:00 o'clock this morning for the see-
ond annual engineering exhibit, the
public will be admitted to a series of
displays more varied and numerous
than any attempted by any department
in the history of the university. The
past two days have been spent in per-
fecting the individual displays, and all
are in readiness for the thousands of
visitors who are expected to go
through the buildings.
Work was finished yesterday on the
miniature railway prepared by the
electrical engineers, and the engine
will make regular trips this morning,
drawing a trailer which will carry sev-
en passengers. The automatic sema-
phore has been wired and is in work-
ing order. Power for the engine and
signals will be furnished by a gasoline
generator which has been placed be-
side the tracks.
The films for the motion pictures on
highway construction, which will be
displayed .by the civil engineers, have
arrived, and will be shown continu-
ously during the exhibit. Actual cross-
sections of seven models of different
kinds of road, working models of all
road-making machinery, a five foot re-
inforced concrete bridge, and displays
of different road materials, will also
be features of the highway exhibit.
An 18 story model of the New York
Chamber building, showing all the
details of construction, will be shown
~by the civilkengineers. -Over $100 was
spent for the solde'r alone to complete
this model. Other features of the civ-
il's exhibit will be a slow sand filter,
in actual operation, a model harbor,
complete- in every detail, even to fan-
created waves, and a model of the reg-
ulating works for a canal.
The glider of the Michigan Aero
club has been carried out beside the
engineering building and will be on
display throughout the exhibit.
Among the interesting features of
the physics exhibition, in connection
with the electrical department, will be
a singing arc lamp, an Ive's color lan-
tern, the creaion of low and high vac-
uum effects, and the discharge of elec-
tricity through gas.
Small M's will be cast for all visitors
at the miniature blast furnace in the
foundry building, and other novelties
will feature the exhibit.

The feature play of the game wasI
on Keating's low, vicious drive to'left ' n -h
in the fourth. Sisler came in fast, but Clad in the rob-sof fowing black
seeing that he could not reach the ball for the first time, more than 1000 of
made a one hand diving stab, sliding the class of 1914, participated yester-
on his stomach, but retaining the ball, day afternoon in the traditional swing-
and robbing Keating of what should out exercises, which mark the begin-
h e been a hit. ning of the long list of events termi-
McQueen and Sisler wasted singles nated by commencement.
in the first with two down; and How- Gathering in the vicinity of various
ard hit safely in the third under simi- campus buildings soon after 3:00
lar conditions, later running himself o'clock, the seniors entered University
to death on the paths. With the arriv- hall to hear the program which had
al of the seniors in their caps and been prepared. After the invocation
gowns, however, Michigan's attack by Dr. M. L. D'Ooge, Professor-Emeri-
would not longer be denied, and two tus of Greek, Bruce Bromley sang a
runs counted in the fourth. solo, which was followed by a brief ad-
McQueen grunded out., but Sisler dress by President Harry B. Hutchins.
(Continued on page 4) "You will probably forget most of
the things you have learned," said
President Hutchins, but while these
DIRECT EL ECTION details have slipped out of your mind,
you have gained strength,-a capacity
GAto solve problems,- a capacity to do
things in the outside world. You should
always avoid the tendency to become
too practical." President-Emeritus
Following a discussion which con- James B. Angell closed the exercises
sumed practically the entire time of with some words of advice to the near
the special session of the board of di- graduates, after speaking a few words
rectors of the athletic association yes- on college friendships.
terday afternoon, it was voted to aban- "You are now embued with a fine set
don any attempt to measure through a of high ideals," said Doctor Angell.
proposition calling for direct election "Unless you determine that those
of the student members of the board in ideals shall not suffer when you get
control, when it was found that the out in life, there is great danger that
board of regents had already passed the love of ease, or that any of the
unfavorably on the same proposition-at great variety of selfish interests, may
a meeting in 1911. As a result it xvll warp and corrupt them."
be necessary that the three student After the program, the seniors swung
members be elected by the board, and out of the main entrance df University
this will be done at a meeting to be hall, and promenaded around the cam-
held in the near future. pus through narrow lanes of specta-
The action of yesterday came fol- tors. Several movie men took pictures

('horal Union Will Sin; Ilandel's "The
[esdiab,"' Indev Leadersmip ;
oi pro cStanley !
With the opening strains of Elgar's
"Pomp and Circumstance," the annual
May festival started on its 21st round
last night. And for the second time in
its history, Hill auditorium was the
scene of the event. These facts to-l
gether conspired to draw one of the
largest and most enthusiastic audi-
ences ever atsembled in Ann Arbor.,
'The appearance of cid friends, too,
had much to do with the success of

Lightweight Tug-of-War Teams to
Start Fray Across Huron
Sophomores will be given opportuni-
ty to uncork slumbering enthusiasm
'or thE spring contests with the fresh-.
men tomorrow and Saturday, at a big
all-sophinass meeting at 7:00 o'clock
tonight in the west physics lecture
room. Edward Saier, '13-'15L, will
preside, and Frank Murphy, '12-'14L,
and several student councilmen will
give snappy talks. Rules of the con.-
test will also be explained.-
Last night more than 400 'yearlings
crowded into the small amphitheatre.


Be First Entering

Entertain Whole Body
of Students
. ay
By giving a "Campus Fete," open to
the entire student body, the class of
1917 will go on record as the first
freshman class to undertake the en-
tertainment of the university as a
whole. The affair will be in the form
of a novel musical fest, and will be
-staged on the evening of June 5 near
the band stand. It will be conducted
entirely at the expense of the first
year men.
Native Hawaiian music, rendered by
an orchestra of Hawaiians which is
making a tour of this country, will fea-
ture the program, rendering both mus-

Class to

the concert. The Chicago Symphony and vowed vengeance on the sophs for
orchestra, under the leadership of the 5 to 0 shutout handed to them in
Frederick Stock, without whom no fes- the fall games by the second year men.
tival would be complete, and Mine. Al- Harold Hulbert, '14M, presided, and
ma Gluck, the celebrated soprano, who Selden Dickinson, '13-'15L, Maurice
endeared herself to festival patrons Toulme, '12-'14L, and Maurice Meyers,
two years, ago in University Hall, are '11-'14L, gave short talks. Rules for
always sure of a hearty welcome. the contests were explained, and the
The distinguishing feature of the procedure of the Cap night festivities
concert from the standpoint of inter- were outlined. Hulbert, president of
pretation was the Franck Symphony, the student council last semester, ear-
which was given a reading character- nestly entreated the freshmen to re-
ized by exceptional refinement, beauty frain from rushing the theaters and
of proportion, repose and lucidity. Es- hazing.
pecially in the opening movement, did}. Relays trials and tug of war weigh-
the work of the orchestra call for high- ing-in finals held yesterday, were suc-
est commendation. It was exquisite in cessful, and as a result, more than
clarity, beauty of tone and finish of enough men have been signed up for

phrasing. Hardly less impressive was
the overture to "Benvenuto Cellini."
Mme. Gluck's delivery of an aria
from "Rigoletto" was marked by sur->
passing beauty of tone, the roulades,
trills and staccatos in the concluding
portion being poured out lavishly.
"Casta diva" brought out the dramatic
phases of the singer's voice and show-
ed its intonation and power. The three
Russian songs were most effective.
Tonight at 8:00 o'clock the Choral
Union, under the leadership of Profes-
sor Stanley, will sing Handel's orato-
rio, "The Messiah." The soloists will
be Inez Barbour, Margaret Keyes,Lam-
bert Murphy and Henri Scott.
Michigamua, all-senior honorary so-
ciety, took nine new braves into camp
last night, after raiding the junior
class. The names of thfe captives are:
Cecil. Brown, Chester Lang, Philip
Middleditch, Francis Bade, Henry Par-
sons, Ira Reindel, Harry Gault, P. H.
Crane, and Allan Ricketts.

the events. Freshmen tug-of-war
teams were posted yesterday afternoon
in University hall. The successful can-
didates for the soph tug-of-war teams,
and all the relay teams will be posted
on the bulletin boards of University
hall, the engineering building and the
gymnasium this afternoon.
The first tug-of-war event is sched-
uled for 4:15 o'clock tomorrow across
the Huron river, just west of the Mich-
igan Central station. The lightweights
will pull first, and will be followed by
the middle and heavyweights. The
bafiks for the respective sides have not
yet been chosen.
Fresh lits elected Harry L. Calvin to
captain the heavyweight tug-of-war
team, Walter DeLano to lead the mid-
dleweight tug-of-war, and John Codd
to direct the first relay team. Fresh
engineers elected M.W. Paterson light-
weight tug-of-war captain, P. J. Grif-
fen pushball captain, and H. L. Car-
roll captain of the first relay. The
combined classes will elect a freshman
captain for- the third relay this morn-
Ing, and the combined sophs will-also;
elect a lightweight tug-of-war leader.

ical and vocal selections. The univer
sity band will also play, making it
last appearance of the year in Ann Ar
bor. Japanese lanterns will serve fo
Through the medium of the first yea
men in attendance, who will be charg
ed 25 cents each to help cover expen
ses, cigarettes will be passed out to th
men, -and favors of some sort will b
given to the women. Booths will b
erected about the grounds for the sere
ing of refreshments.
** * * * * * *, * * * *
* Time-4:15 o'clock sharp, Fri-
* .day.
* Place-Huron river, below Mich-
* igan Central freight depot.
* Referees-Arthur Kohler,George
* Paterson, James Raynesford.
* Officials-Student councilmen
* and "M" men.
* 1. Three contests, each to
* count one point.
* 2. Footholds to be dug with
* heels only, and not until signal
* is given.
* 3. No metal cleats allowed.
* 4. Only anchor man to wind
* rope around body. .
* 5, Team succeeding in puli-
*p ing flag to touch its side of river
* to be the winner.
* 6. Each team to be composed
* of 45 men.
,* * * * * * * ~ * * * * *


With only today left for the track
team to finish preparations for the
* Syracuseans, Trainer Farrell will
* make the best of the last practice.
* The sprinters will be put through their
* regular paces, while the distance men
* will merely receive a tapering-off
* stunt today, and a rest tomorrow.
* The Wolverines will enter Ferry
* field Saturday, 'ully as weak in the
* field events as they were when Cornell
* trounced them two weeks ago. The
*. strength of the Methodists in these
spots is not known, but they iwill
* probably be able to take seconds to
* ;Kohler in the weight events, and win
* some of the jumps.
* The sprints will likely furnish Mich-
*2igan with eighteen points or more, and
* the middle distances seem easy with
* Bowser, their colored flier, and Barton,
* the half mile star, out of the running.
* Trainer Farrell looks for a victory
* Saturday on the basis of the strength
* in the sprints and the middle distances,
* with Kohler to pring in firsts in the
* weights. The preparation has been as
* strenuous as the weather would allow.

lowing a hard fight put up by the di-
rectors who were elected on a direct
Sballoting platform, and, according to
statements made by them last night,
was the only course open.
To ExeUse Classes Decoration Day
No classes will be held on Decora-
tion Day, May 30. This follows the an-
nual proclamation of Governor Wood-
bridge N. Ferris, urging the observ-
ance of the day. It is probable that no
special celebration will be held by the
students in Ann Arbor.

of the parade. The circuit described
on the campus was a complete "M."
The festivities were ended by attend-
ing the Cornell baseball game in a
body, at which seats had been reserved
for the seniors, and the first all senior
sing on the Memorial hall steps at
7:30 o'clock.
Seniors of all departments will wear
their caps and gowns on every Wed-
nesday and Friday until graduation.
Following the precedent set by last
year's seniors, the gowns will be worn
both morning and afternoon,


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