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May 14, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-14

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* the training of enlisted men here is
more valuable as war work than the
education of her own students. Her
- engineers, medics, pharmics, dents,
ititled and other graduates will perform


>therwise credit-
the local news
University of
morning except
Ann Arbor as

900; Editoria, 2414.
ot to exceedS300 words,
re not necessarily to sp-
an evidence of faith, and
ill be published in The
on of the Editor, if left
The Daily notice box in
the general library where
cted at 7:3O o'clockweach
unications will receive no
anuscript will be returned
ids postage for that pur-
d...Managing Editor
...Business Manager
........News Editor
Jr.....Sports Editor
.......Telegraph Editor
.......Women's Editor
.........Literary Editor

R. Atlas

cAlpine Paul A. Shinkman
rih Philip Slomovit
M Price Frances Broene
)wn Milton Marx
E Hunter K. Frances Handibo
Iandis dgar L. Rice
Sergean . Vincent H. Riorden
Rlla A. Nelson
eitzinger Harry D. Hause
Cress Katherine Kilpatrick
L. Case Frances H. Macdonald
'hiting II Agnes Abele
. Cadwell, Jr. L. A. Storrer
Hirsheiner Frank N. Gaethke
JESDAY, MAY\14, 1918.
t Editor-Paul A. Shinkman
ag of entire editorial staff and
at 12:40 o'clock today in re-
fl roms.
Ica has been in this war long
to realize that the expression
ur bit" is out of date. The
who would have had te con-
ied last fall, with the Allies
us has ceased to inflict his
pon a none too receptive pub-
our bit" means to us our giv-
careless attention to a thing,
n proceeding to forget all
as soon as possible. Wleth-
re right or not, the controversy
ched a point where we can
r no conclusion at the early
first-days-of-the-war prophets
ave had us believe, As day
by passes and the ultimate Al-
tory draws but little nearer,
d of doing everything in our
o hasten that victory becomes
more apparent. The quicker
ierican people come to ap-
that point of view and bend
r energies in that direction the
peace will be restored.
o becomes mre apparent as
ss that this war will be so gi-
nd will exhaust the nations to
extent that no one of them
e attempt a general struggle
B time.
peace comes and men and wo-
this and other Universities,
Michigan's war record, there is
be a variety of thoughts ex-
as to what the Maize and Blue
further the cause for which
es fought. They will take it
ted that a University as great
ne did more than the average
The fact that she sent un-
y and without a murmur of
her thousands to the fields of
that she oversubscribed her
Loan quotas regularly; and
he gave of her faculty
the expense of her own stu-
ill be taken for granted. "0th-
as did that," the critics will
Vhat else did Michigan do to
i her place as the greatest of
iyersities?" i
kpically it is probable for
n' to carry a heater war load
e now has. Bullfings can .be
d for war work, and their;
equipment carried to other
occupied campus structures.
It Hutchins has said that the
ty will not have as many stu-
ext year as she had in 1917.
ant space which would be oc-
. 7ormal times should be uti-

great service to the country before the
war is completed. They should be
given preference over the enlisted man
who neversawthe inside of the four
walls of a university, I
At the same time there is a point of
conciliation between the two, and it
is this point that Michigan should
soon attain. She should educate her
maximum of students first, but after
that fill her halls to capacity with
government men taking the training
which Michigan's facilities offer. The
University should drop the common
phrase and resolve that she will "Do
her best."
The Daily has been censured lately
as being too free in its criticism of
campus affairs. It has been accused
of not being squarely behind such un-
dertakings as the Union opera, the
basketball team, or the R. 0. T. C.
These organizations could not be ab-
solutely perfect, point out the accus-
ers, and it is The Daily's duty to ree-
ognize the fact and stand back of them
The Daily has made mistakes this
year, as have all other bodies whose
scope is more or less broad; but The
Daily feels that its stand in the above
points is not a mistake.
It is a poor kind of loyalty that
would not point out weaknesses for the
sake of )improvement. To say that
everything is perfect, when in reality
it is far from such,' would be worse
for any organization-than the severest
sort of criticism'. A teacher does not
teach by overlooking weak points. A
football coach does not tell his teaix
that it is the best in the world, when
it loses a game, or between the halves.
A business man does not run his bus-
iness by ignoring its faults. It is
only by finding the faults, seeking out
the weak points and trying its best to
improve them, that progress is made.
A newspaper can please some of the
people all the time, but can never
hope to please all its readers on all
occasions. It is impossible to progress
in any public undertaking without be-
ing criticised. Those who would do so
are urged to stay in bed.
Far be it from The Daily to believe
in continually criticising, if by that is
meant merely finding fault. But it
does, and always has, believed in in-
telligent criticism-in criticism that
will be of some help, that will cause
improvement. -.
Every worthy cause on the campus
has the unquestioned support of The
Daily, and it is only through showing
its loyalty by offering suggestions of
improvement that The Daily feels it
is accomplishing a duty it owes to the
The Hun leaders are now telling
their people that grave insubordina-
tion is a daily occurrence in American
camps. If you -call the desire of some
hundreds of thousands to growl a bit
because they aren't .allowed to grasp
a Hun throat immediately insubordin-
ation, then we have it in abundance.

We have at last observed a use for
a senior cane beyond the evident one
of revealing the mental calibre of the
bearer. When swung in a Chaplines-
que arc it's the dawndiest little wea-
pon for lknocking off cigarette ash!
And the Triangle Turned Over in h
Pavement of the Arch
The ambitions candidate for B. S.
of M. E. was studying for a blue book
on the train into Detroit. Yes, he was;
there were a number of witnesses.
And the nice old lady who shared the
seat wanted to know what he was
"Gear teeth, ma'am," answered the
amateur blacksmith.
"My," ejaculated Somebody's Grand-
ma, "you dental students have to work
awful hard, don't you?"
The Ann Arbor avatar of the De-
troit News remarks that no self-re-
specting young woman has any busi-
ness to marry a man until she is
able to support him in the styje to,
which he is accustomed. We'd agree
if it weren't for the adjective. A self-
respecting young woman would be ex-
ceedingly likely to have moral scruples
against supporting a man in the style
to which he has been accustomed.
Oh, Maurice!
"I see the senior girls are' going
around. with sticks now."
"That's nothing; they always have."
Bloody-noses and black-eyed Susans
are in order as a floral offering for the
fresh medic who walked slowly down
the north side of North Uiiversity
yesterday absorbing a panoramic view
of the women's baseball game through
the chinks in the fence, and suddenly
ran up against the fact that trees
grow in the middle of sidewalks in
Ann Arbor.
Edged In By Gargoyle Propagandists
We asked the newly appointed cub
how it seemed to be on the staff of the
G. M. N. He said he hadn't realized
that the official ranks had been so de-
pleted by this here war.
Terrifying quiet enveloped the
white-haired man as he sat in his
desk in one of those latest of spring
quiets which fit the figure so well, cut-
ting a little at the waist. It was plain,
almost unadorned, that something was
going to happen. Solemnly he raised
his hand above the pile of sky-blue
phamplets before him and spoke in
the voice of doom.
"They shall not pass," he said.
And Bingo Wagged His Tail
Another phase of the "Save the
meats" campaign appears in the may-
or's order that all loose dogs be shot.
Bayonne (N. J.) Club Elects Officers
The Bayonne (N. J.) club elected
the following officers at a meeting
held Saturday night:
President, Samuel Q. Swersky, '19;
vice-president, B. M. Kline, '20; sec-
retary, Abe Kenigson, '21; assistant
secretary, Joseph L. Abramson, '21;
treasurer, Max Halperin, '20.
Offers men and women high-
est . marketable prices for their
old clothes. Anything in the
way of suits, overcoats, or shoes ke
will take off your hands. Sell your old
clothes. They are no good to you.,
I can use them. You will get your
money's worth. No quibbling to buy
cheap. Their absolute value will be
paid. Men's and women's apparel
both. Call Mr. Claude Brown at 210

Hoover Ave. Phone 2601. He will
gladly call at your residence.-Adv.

Juniors and freshmen will have reg-
ular baseball practice at 4 o'clock this
afternoon. Sophomore and freshman
subs will practice at 3 o'clock Wednes-
day afternoon.
Gamma Phi Beta and Collegiate Sor-
osis will play baseball at 5 o'clock
this afternoon on the field across from
Barbour gymnasium.
The Girls' Glee club will hold their
regular meeting at 4:30 o'clock this
afternoon at Barbour gymnasium.
Freshman girls who have not as yet
paid their social tax are requested to
do so this week in the office of the
Dean of Women.
There will be a meeting of the fresh-
man social committee at 5 o'clock this
afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet at 4
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Geneva club will meet at 4:30 o'clock
this afternoon in Newberry hall.
Senior and junior girls will start
their first inter-class baseball game at
9 o'clock Saturday morning instead of
4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon aspre-
viously announced .
As a part of their food saving pro-
gram, a number of house wives are
continuing to decrease their milk pur-
chases, while at the same time reports
are being made daily of a surplus of
milk in many parts of the state.
"Milk is a food which can be used
without stint, and is cheaper at pre-
vailing city prices than butter or
eggs," said Dr. Mary Anderson, of
the extension department of Michigan
Agricultural college, in commenting
on the situation.
"Every growing child should have
at lastonequart of fresh milk daily,"
she said, "for it is especially essential,
because of its high food value and
mineral salt value, in building up the
framework of every .growin; child.
"Liberal use of milk at -this time, in
addition to being economical in the
home, will help lessen our milk sur-
plus and decrease the need for wheat
and other foods which we must share
with our Allies."
No more Rhodes scholarship ap-
pointments will be made for the pres-
ent, according -to a statement receiv-
ed by Pres. Harry B. Hutchins, for th
year 1916-17, though qualifying ex-
aminations wil continue to be given.
The report states that "throughout the
past academic year the war has in-
terfered increasingly with the scholar-
ships. At the close of the year 1916-
17, the American scholars holding
scholarships were barely affected but
on the entry of the UniteStates into
the war, the difference between Amer-
ican and colonial scholars naturally
eeased to exist.
"Largely as a consequence of the
new situation thus created the trustees
have decided to postpone for the pres-
ent all future elections to the schol-
arship. This will not, however, inter-
fere with the annual qualifying ex-
"The trust has continued its policy
of giving scholars leave of absence
for the duration of the war with the

right t'b resume or commence scholar-
ship when the war is over, or earlier,
should circumstances make that pos-

Get one of these cedar bags and protect your clothes from
moths and dust.
Several Sizes-75c to $1.50
200-204 E. Liberty Street

Seniors Hear Ye! Hear YE
Calling Cards


Place your order for
The Slater Book Shop




Our Merchant Advertisers represent
the progressive business men of Ann
Patronize our advertisers.-Adv.

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(May 14, 1918)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:25 a.
1n., 8:io a. in., and hourly tO 7:10 p. n., 8:10
p. M.
Jacksorf Express Cars (local stops west of
Ann Arbor)---8:48 a. in., and every two hours
to 9:48 p. in.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6:40
a. m., 7:05 a. ,m. and every two hours to 7 :o;
p. 111,1 9:05 p. n., io:50 p. m. To Ypsilanti
only, 8:o5 p. M., x1:50 p. in., 12:20 a. in.,
r:io a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a, n., 7:48
a. 117., 10:20 p. Mn., 12:20 a. mn.

Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
Tbe AnnArbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Resources .........$4,000,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
707 North University Ave.
113 East University





The early approach of Red Cross
and thrift stamp- campaigns should
help convince even the most skeptical
that it takes continued streams of
money to win a war.
If they had left the word boys out
of the Boys' Wrking reserve, it is
our opinion, knowing them as we do,
that more boys would join it.
The Saturday mixer at Barbour gym
is said to have drawn a big crowd.
Couldn't that fact have been taken for
granted in advance?
Again do the May Festival visitors
get the opportunity to see how the
rough underclassmen abuse each
Teachers Demand Raise Before Spring
Port Huron, May 13.-Claiming that
there was a joker an the salary sche-
dule presented to them, Port Huron
teachers have decided not to sign con-
tracts for the coming year unless their
demand for an increase in salary is
granted. If the board of education
grants the request of the 138 teachers,
they will receive practically $200 more
than they are getting at present.
Free Exhibition of the celebrated
Medici Color Prints now on display at
the James Foster House of Art.-Adv.



For Sale and Reut
Fraternity and Social Stationery
0. D. 3I RRILL
A : South State Street


Copyright Bart Schaffnor &Mara







Hart Schaffner & Marx
spring suits and top coats are
more snappy than ever this
spring; the kind of clothes red-
blooded young men will be
wearing. They have incorporat-
ed in them all the style tenden-
cies that will be popular.
We have bought freely and as
a consequence offer >you choice
of a stock unequalled for rich-
ness. of choice and variety of
style, anywhere but in their
shops. You will find here
clothes as good as you can buy
in any city, and the price is
more reasonable.
New neckwear, Steson -and.
Knox Hats.

Your every Bank-
ing need fulfilled at
Farmers& Mechanics Bank

101-105 So. Main

330 So. State St.
(Nickels Arcade)




FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918

Try our
They are both delicious and

Dancing 9 to 1

Tickets at Busy Bee

Reule, Conlin Fiegel & CO3
The Big Home of Hart Schaff-
ner and Marx Clothes, at South-
west Cdner Main and Washing-
ton Streets.



Music by tIke" Fisher's Jazz Bandi

Phone 967 109 S. Main St

of the opinion that





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