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May 14, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-14

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III. No. 159.








ions for Camp Must Be Left
Record Office Before
Tomorrow Night

Two hundred and eleven cadets
from the University will be recom-
mended by Lieut. George C. Mullen to
attend a training camp to be estab-*
lished at Fort Sheridan, Ill., according
, to a letter received by the military
authorities from the adjutant, head-
quarters central department, Chicago,
Ill. Transportation, subsistence and
lodging will be paid by the govern-
ment. The camp will commence on
June 3 and last one month.
The total membership of this camp
will be about 2,500. It will be open to
universities and colleges in Michigan,'
Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Arkansas,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas,
Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Indiana hav-
ing reserve officers' training corps
courses. Michigan has the largest R.
0. T. C., while Illinois ranks second.
Deans to Decide Credit
No information regarding the ex-
act conditions of credit or require-
ments for taking examinations were
given out last night.
"An equitable amount of credit will
probably be given upon such examin-
ation as the instructors see fit," said
Dean J. R. Effinger last night. The
other deans have failed to act on the
Applications Made Before May Ia
Applications for this camp must be
left at the record office, room 202,
Natural Science building, before 6
o'clock tomorrow night. The records
of those' who apply for admittance
to the camp will be scrutinized, and
the selection will be chosen from the
211 students possessing the highest
records. Those who are not selected
will be listed in relative order of mer-
it as alternates, who will take the
places of the cadets failing to attend
the camp.
"Students authorized by the profes-
sor of military science and tactics to
attend this camp will report in person
to the commanding officer, Fort Sher-
idan, Ill., early on June 3," states a
memorandum issued by the military
authorities yesterday afternoon. "They
will be allowed three and one-half
cents a mile from Ann Arbor, or from
their homes, to the camp, and mile-
age at the rate of three and one-half
cents a mile from the camp, after the
completion of the course, to their
homes within the limits of the United
Students Receive no Pay
"Subsistence of the government ra-
tion, cooked and prepared at the gov-
ernment expense, will be allowed. Stu-
dents will receive no pay for attend-
ing the camp.
"Members of the camp will be re-
quired to have with them the regula-
tion R. 0. T. 0. uniform, the one is-
sued to cadets at this University:
"One pair, olive drab, woolen
breeches; one olive drab cap; one olive
drab, woolen coat; one pair canvass
leggings; one set of cap and collar
ornaments; and one pair of russet
No Uniforms Issue.d at Camp
"No arrangements for the supply of
uniforms at the camp will be made.
In additions to the clothing above list-
ed, each cadet should provide himself
with one copy each of the following
"'Infantry Drill Regulations, U. S.
Army'; 'Field Service Regulations, U.
S. Army'; 'Small Arms Firing Manual,
U. S. Army'; and 'Manual of Interior
Guard Duty, U. S. Army'."
The applications will receive the im-
mediate attention of Lieutnant Mul-
len, and the announcement of the ca-
dets who are to attend the camp will

With the accountingiof the third
Liberty Loan all over with, the Wash-
tenaw War Preparedness board is
now determined to put the county over
the top in the war savings and thrift
stamp campaign.
An intensive drive is planned for the
coming week. During the past week,
a number of open air meetings were
held at which a considerable amount
of stamps were sold. The Varsity
band was present at the meeting held
Saturday night at the county court
house to help boost the sales. Cer-
tificates to the amount of $126.17 were
sold at that time.
From May 6 to 11 the stamp sale
took a decided jump at the local post-
office,, having reached the sum of
$982.54 which is about the best record
that has been made since the ppening
of the campaign. The most encourag-
ing part of the drive is that many of
the latest investers in these "baby
bonds" are people who have not been
buying stamps before, according to Mr.
F. Sanzi, assistant postmaster of Ann
Miss Mary Sullivan, who is in charge
of the war savings and thrift stamp
accounting at the postoffice, express-
ed herself as being very optimistic
with regard to the results of the cam-
paign so far.
Plans have been completed by the
Washtenaw county war preparedness
board for raising the county's quota of
$30,000 for the American Red Cross.
The campaign to secure this money by
house to house canvass will be con-
ducted from .May 20 to May 27
throughout the county.
Because of the fact that the people
who will be required to go out to col-
lect this money must do so at the
cost of their own time and energy, it
is expected "that most patriotic peo-
ple will consider it a pleasure to re-
lieve their friends of the extra bur-
den of calling on them for their sub-
May Volunteer
It is therefore planned that all per-
sons who desire to volunteer their sub-
scriptions may do so on May 21, 22,
and 23, in school houses in each dis-
trict. Since all who volunteer their
subscriptions will be considered as
having met the wishes of the war pre-
paredness board in full, a suitable
badge has been prepared for such con-
tributors to wear during the days of
the Red Cross campaign. An attrac-
tive window card will also be present-
ed to each volunteer.
Plan Demonstration
Plans for a monstrous demonstra-
tion are now under way for the open-
ing of the campaign. There are to be
a number of booths- throughout the
city for the first few days for volun-
teers, the entire work of canvassing
being under the supervision of mem-
bers of the war preparedness commit-
tee. Mr. Herbert Tenny has been
placed at the head of the parade for
the day, and is planning to make it a
decided success.

Women are wanted to assist with
the relief work in the dependent fami-
lies of sailors and soldiers in service.
The work will require special train-
ing and such training may be secur-
ed either at the Institute under the
auspices of the Central division of the
Red Cross which will be held in Mil-
waukee June 25 to August 2.
The first two weeks will be devoted
to presentation of the broader princi-
ples and general problems; the four
following weeps to specific courses,
with case work under an experienced
instructor. Those- interested may ob-
tain information from Dr. J. L. Gillen,
American Red Cross, 180 North Wa-
bash avenue, Chicago, Ill.
A summer session course will also
be held at the Chicago School of Civics
and Philanthropy June 19 to July 26,
which offers a course on problems of
Social Work in War Tme.


R. T. cDonald 'S, and A. W. Boyd,
'18, To Instill Pep at Class
Relay Races and Cane Spree Also to
Be held; Rope Contest Re-
places Pushball
Rules of the spring games to be
held Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning will be explained at meet-
ings of the underclassmen to be held
on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Robert T. McDonald, '18, will be the
pep instiller for the freshmen at their
meeting on Wednesday night, and Alan
W. Boyd, '18, will act in the same
capacity at the sophomore gathering
on Thursday night. Both meetings
will be held in the amphitheater of the
Physics building. Captains for the
teams, which will take part in the
games, will be elected at these meet-
ings. The games will consist of the
usual tug-of-war and relay races but
as announced before, the pushball con-
test has been replaced by a rope con-
test. In addition, the cane spree which
was omitted last fall will take place.
Classify According to Weight
Weighing in for the tug-of-war will
begin today from 3 to 4 o'clock in
the locker room of Waterman gym-
nasium and will be held each day at
that time until the day of the contest.
The entrants will be classified ac-
cording to weight. The lightweight
contestants must weigh less than 135
pounds, the middleweights less than
160 pounds,'and the heavyweights will
include all weighing over 160 pounds.
Three Tug-of-War Teams
The Student council urges all sopho-
mores and freshmen to be weighed as
soon as possible, so that the teams
may be chosen Thursday night. Each
of the three tug-of-war teams will con-
sist of 20 men from each of the under-
classes. The relay teams will be com-
posed of 10 men each and 20 from each
class will take part in the cane spree.
Giving Time Over
"Time, please," will no longer be a
familiar question over the wire.
From now on, at least until after the
end of the war, the winding of the
clock at night will become more im-
portant than ever before, because the
Michigan State Telephone company
has found it necessary to discontinue
giving the time of the day.
"There are thousands of calls a
day for the time," said Mr. Kelly, man-
ager of the company, "and the handl-
ing of these calls requires, for the
entire state, a large corps of opera-
tors. With the demand and need for
workers increasing so rapidly, non-es-
sential features that have heretofore
been permitted over the telephone now
become a waste, and there can be no
justification for continuing any such
features that requires a large number
of people.
"If the calls for the time are dis-
continued, more operators are avail-
able to handle bona fide connections.
Furthermore, the percentage of work-
ers required by the telephone company
will be reduced proportionately so that
all other lines of endeavor requiring
the same class of help are benefited
to a certain extent. The individual
is being called upon to carry . his
bundles home and do a number of
little things that heretofore have been
done for him. Looking at his clock is

one of these little services that he can
perform himself and thereby help the
general situation greatly."
New York, May 13.--Twelve fellow-
ships valued at $650 each will not
be awarded by Columbia university
this year, it was announced recently.
The reason assigned was "the treasury
is depleted by losses 'of hundreds of
thousands of dollars in tuition fees
from students who have enlisted." The
endowed and annual fellowships,
however, were awarded as usual.

Baritone Suffers From Appendiciis;
Substitute to be Announced
Matzenauer, Martinelli, Middleton,
de Luca, and Sharlow Will Sing
in "Carmen"
Riccardo Stracciari, the Italian bari-
tone who was to have sung at tomor-
row's concert of the May Festival in
Hill auditorium, will be unable to ap-
pear owing to an attack of appendici-
tis. He is in the Waldorf hospital in
New York. Arrangements are being
made to procure a substitute, who will
be announced later.
The war,iwhich touches everything,
will have its effect on the Festival.
A choral union flag of 52 stars will
be displayed at all concerts and each
program will include patriotic selec-
Will Sing "America"
Before the beginning of the formal
concert Wednesday evening Fred-
derick Stock will lead the orchestra,
chorus, and audience in the singing
of "America." In the same program,
Margarete Matzenauer and Stracciari's
substitute will sing arias and songs.
Thursday evening, Cesar Franck's
beautiful oratorio, "The Beatitudes,"
will give its initial An Arbor perfor-
mance. The work will be given by an
all-American cast, composed of: Miss
Lois Marjorie Johnston, Detroit so-
prano; Miss Emma Roberts, mezzo
soprano; Miss Nora Crane Hunt, con-
tralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Arthur
Middleton, baritone; Bernard Fergu-
son, baritone; James Hamilton, tenor;
Odra Ottis Patton, tenor; Robert Rich-
ard Dieterle, baritone; Joel Thomas,
Morgan, baritone. Earl V: Moore, or-
ganist, will assist.
Children's Chorus Sings
At the Friday afternoon concert the
children's chorus will contribute Ben-
oit's "Into the World" and also
"America" while Friday evening's
program, in which Mme. Muzio will
sing several arias, will be preceded
by "The Star Spangled Banner."
Joseph Bonnet, the eminent French
organist, will give a recital Saturday
afternoon on the Frieze Memorial or-
gan consisting of a program from the
forerunners of Bach down to works
of Debussy and Cesar Franck. He
will play also one of his own compo-
sitions. This recital will be opened
by the singing of patriotic songs lead
by Earl V. Moore with accompani-
ment by Mr. Bonnet.
Present "Carmen"
The performance of "Carmen" will
be given Saturday evening, when the
operatic stars, Matzenauer, Martinelli,
de Luca, Middleton, and Sharlow, will
be heard. As a fitting climax to the
week of music, the audience, chorus,
and orchestra will unite in a triumph-
ant rendition of "America."
The University Choral union, con-
sisting of 300 voices from the Univer-
sity and the School of Music, is one of
the oldest organizations in the coun-
try. "The Choral union is in splen-
did shape," says Dr. A. A. Stanley.
"Everybody is full of enthusiasm and
waiting to deliver the goods."

F. C. Bell, '19,was elected president,
C. T. Hogan, '20E, vice-president, and
C. J. Sullivan, '19E, secretary and
treasurer, of the Mimes for the en-
suing year at a meeting held last night
in the Michigan Union.
The meeting was almost entirly de-
voted to the discussion of a book for
the 1919 Union opera, and it was
strongly urged that prospective writ-
ers submit scenarios at an early date.
A strong plot, about which to build
the production, is urged by the Mimes.'
Members of the organization believe
that there is sufficient talent on the
campus for the writing of the opera.
A meeting will be held at 7:30 o'-
clock next Wednesday night at theE
Michigan Union for the prospective
writers. Suggestions and Informa-
tion concerning the work will be given
out at this meeting.

That women are beginning, and
probably will continue, to play an i-
portant part in the law profession, is
a belief that is rapidly gaining
strength in legal circles.
"We are daily receiving requests
for men," says Prof. E. C. Goddard, of
the law school," which we are unable
to fill on account of the small number
of graduates this year. Many valua-
ble practices and libraries are offered
for sale by men leaving to answer the
draft, and we are continually asked by
offices in which we have placed men
before, for graduates who will pro-
bably be exempted from service. I
"A consequence of the demand for
grauates not subject to call for mili-
tary duty is certain to present an ex-
cellent opportunity for women in the
profession. That women are consid-
ering the legal profession more gen-
erally than heretofore is indicated.by
the number of inquiries concerning
the law school which we receive."
There is a marked tendency toward
increased salariesdas a result of the
shortage of trained men, although
many offices show an unwillingness to
meet it. That the pecuniary attrac-
tiveness of the profession will proba-
bly be increased seems to be evidenced
by the fact that the close of the war
will probably find this country, for
the first time in its history, facing a
shortage of lawyers.-
Washington, May 13.-In co-opera-
tion with the army general staff, the
naturalization bureau of the depart-
ment of labor set in motion today
closely prepared plans to secure the
speedy enforcement of the act ap-
proved by President Wilson Saturday
by which almost immediately will con-
fer citizenship upon 123,377 aliens
now in the national army, in addition
to many thousands in civil life.
Fail to Apply
Through neglect or ignorance of the
terms of old naturalization law, many
aliens now classed as enemies failed
to complete application before the
United States court closed the doors
to further proceedingslunder that law.
Now those who meet the test will be
permitted to acquire their citizenship
papers. The provost general's figures
show that in the first draft 467,703
aliens were called and of these 70,067'
were certified for service.
Examine Candidates
Notice of the change of the law has
been sent to commanding offices of
all army cantonments and camps, and
trained examiners are being sent from
the bureau of naturalization to 'can-
tonments and camps to examine the
candidates and instruct them how to
proceed. Arrangements have also
been made to hold special terms of
court adjacent to the camps and can-
tonments before which the army can-
didates can appear.
Examine Each Case
Civilians, eligible for citizenship, un-
der the terms of the new act, are ex-
pected to make applications to the
clerks of courts to complete their pa-
pers. Such applications will be cer-
tified to the bureau of naturalization
which has allowed 90 days to examine
each case before the courts act.

Washington, May 13.-The govern-
ment is- looking for high caliber men
with foreign trade experience to serve
as commercial attaches for the bureau'
of foreign and domestic commerce,
according to a recent announcement of
the department of commerce. Appoint-
ees will be accredited to the Ameri-.
can embassies of the various coun-
tries where they are sent, and will be
expected to meet in a creditable man-
ner the most important men and ofil-
cials of these countries.
. The salary of commercial attache
ranges from $4,000 upwards, and there
are transportation and other allow-
ances. Written examinations will be
held for these offices June 6, and those
interested are urged to write at once
to the bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce at Washington.




Ukrainian Reports Tell of Captura
BY hluns of Dowager Empress
Maria of Crimea
With the American army in France
-A big army ammunition dump a
Camp Cantigny was fired by the Ame
rican artillery this morning. At th
same time, fires were started in Mont
didier, followed by numerous explo
The weather continues still rainy
There was no infantry action today
and only" intermittent machine gu
and rifle fire. The position of the Ger
mans is becoming intolerable, whil
the Americans are entrenching thei
positions more firmly. All hopes tha
the enemy had of breaking throug
are disminishing. All Americans -tak
this for granted that the return of th
enemy's fire by 2 to 1 which is be
lieved to set a new pace in this sec
(By Associated Press)
Germany's resumption of the gigan
tic offensive against the Allies on th
western front has not materialized
In various sectors there have bee
slight operations which have no beam
ing on the situation on the whol
Along the front is quiet which migh
be encouraging were it not for th
fact that the Germans are known t
be moving up men for the new drive.
Field Marshal Haig's report make
no special note of activity, except th
German artillery fire which is tadkn
place north of Serre.
Experts Watch Developments
For several weeks military expert
have been watching developments i
this region because this is the logi
cal point from which the - German
may be expected to launch a gres
turning movement against the Arra
Field Marshal Haig mentions cot
siderable artillery fire to the north o
Kemmel, but this is in a region wher
the cannons of both sides have bee
roaring for weeks.
Enemy's New Effort
The southern portion of the Britis
front has also been under heavy fi
from enemy guns, and this may ind
cate that the Germans are ready fc
a new effort to reach Amiens.
On the rest of the Western frox
the reports tell nothing of interest
Since the Italians captured Mo
Corno, the Austrians have tried in va
to regain this peak, but have failed.
In Mesopotamia, the British ha+
advanced up the Tigris and capture
Ukrainian Reports
Ukrainian reports tell of the ca
ture by the Germans of Dowager En
press Maria Feodorovna, and t,
other members of the royal family 0
Emperor Charles of Austria, a<
companied by his foreign minister c
military affairs, has called on Empe:
or William. The report of the mee
ing says, "there was complete accor
in their discussions of the present an
future relations of the country."
Favors War Service Work for Columb.
That Columbia university forbi
all activities not contributing to t
winning of the war or reconstructic
afterwards and be proclaimed a W
Service university is urged by Pro
Charles E. Lucke, dean of the m
chanical engineering department<
that university. He states that tl1
Winning of the war should be regar

ed as a more serious and compellin
duty' than such things as researche
on medicine and mathematics in th1
sixteenth century. >
"The university should assume re
sponsibility for the larger war act
vities," he declares, "and should as
sist in finding, or should create, wa
Jobs for its staff and for other citi
zens anxious to serve but unable t
find a place.".


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