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October 17, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 21) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . tFFA IS FORD touring car inx good running TWO or more tickets to condition. Sacrifice for fifty doUars-. State game. Phone 1222. the OhIo Cail 1153-W. f.LOSEDS CLO i i TYPEWRITE VIfADVERTISING AT 3 P.M' WE will deliver, for yo ..RemingtonPortables a typewriters. Stacy R. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Madison, 1809. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line forj three or more insertions, cash in ad...…

October 17, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 21) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GWEDNESDAY, OCTOPER 17, 1923 _ University Lecture: Count Albert Apponyi, former Premier of Hungary, will deliver an ad- dress on "The Present Situation in the Near East" this evening at 8 o'clock in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins, Research Club: The first regular meeting of the Research Club for 1923-4 will be held October 17 at 8 p. m. in the Histological Laboratory. The f...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 1


October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OC~TOBER 16, 1923 . .. , , ,f C r 5 " Y' R > . M ' .yy y - / . :F cert will be a two-piano recital by Mr. PROF. (CURTITS CALLED WVEST ET and Mrs. Josef Lhevinne. I>BY FA I ?TTLEWS SUIENHEATH glDVcncerTOarOavElabEXTtRAe ofice Prof. Ralph Hamnilton Curtiss, ofth C O N E R T S [of t h u e S c h o o l o f M u s ic .a s r n y d e rt n , h a b e n c l d . Sou a ', Band, nder the direction or' MIC IAND ME his father, Mr...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…'TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1l23 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Indiana Dean Of Women Studies Here For Degree In Astronomy Two active deans of women in Ann ucational university ought to teach in Arbor at the same time is the unique order to come in closer contact with position the University finds itself in the student body. She did not approve today. Dean Jean Hamilton has not of a dean of women performing mere- divided her duties, however, as the ly an ad...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…;AGE FOUP TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY TUEFSDAY, OCTOBER 16), 1523 lk ft u - aSenate Committee on Student Affairs r ,. ctrni . F Iu in their meeting Wednesday.I _______________________m r alflflmfI mumiv aWaqrlfM/ft~f OFFICIAL WNE P'APEII OF Tl UNIV.ERSITY OF XICIIGAN Published every morning, cxvxpt Monday during the tbiiversity year by the I'oard in Control of Student Pubijrations.1 Members of :Western Conference Editoirialj As:,ociatiun. The ...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .' I TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923 r' II I z: HELDIXPEDITIO'N MAKESBIG FINDSI Discover Presence of Chinese people In Ptillppines in Pre. Megellanic Times METAL TOOLS AND VESSELS SENT BACK TO MUSEUM HERE Explorations made by the Univer- city archeological expedition to the Philippine islands have proved the ex- istence of Chinese people in theI islands in pre-Magellanic times ac- cording to the first annual field report of...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…P AGE SI 1--(E M I:ICIAN DAILY TUIDAOCTOBER 1G. ,1923 \'1 f _... a j , 0 . ry _, .. . , ,; .. . g g y A . < p g d j iD at ;Yw, a; ,m . ?. s , .x , ( i,4 'Sy a o , yL- .y cHQ' Mm'4ya.,ca w;a lw4,c?1C k+ Y :Li6c,0 H Ynygw MS 'i'Y. iJb6 a r Irk rf f i7PV y tlA. 4' {' f / y of 7J r -- ! i y m f l . 4 11 x J t t , r, , TP L, EAGUE S TAKE : H4 1' 7 '1" V 1. yI i f L.( {( i t ,ny EII - y 1 , ' ( G. )' I ' " vJ t 3t L5r_ " r r :u...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923 CLOSES CLOSES A13. P.ADVE RTISING AT 3 PA "how to DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES I 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line forl three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. ;W91,A 1,4 places, but I hl where I wante In concluding said, "I never t in my life, no decision from a I always like . game is before Get the MAost out of College" the liquor gam s Subject of...…

October 16, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tt FSDAY, OC'TOB n I 132"?; THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOIV~Tt I~, i925~ Physicians H101( Out Little Hope of Obregon 's Recovery farrested for parking on the wrong side flll~l i ecting; are over Saturday at noon, of the streets. IVI E E[EOE ONCE o it is thought they would in no way All of these cases drew the estab-' interfer e withi the occupants planning lished fine of $3.45 apiece, representing [ORD IIIPLI[flITO H...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER COLDER; GENERALLY CLOUDY g I IdIL- A6F 4hp A AL Ag fRt r t 4 4 n -- - VOL. XXXIV. No. 19 V TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOPER 13, 1923 ATHLETIC BOARD LETS FIELD HOUSE FOR UNION AI ! Lowden Thinks People Ought To Settle Own Civic Crises PROCEEDS OF EVENT WILL TO SWIMMING POOL FUNiD Go Crisis in civil government are bet-I ter handled by the people themselves than by the intervention of military authority...…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 VARIOUS INTERPRETATIONS On Books With a Drawing by Wallace Smith. and 1 Vanity Fair tni e is tttoks ts hilyo By Jonaithanii Roberts. Biroils now the tout Yuse i ok hings eith yecus o'clockiotr. t:antsei eltete eas Isere is the toerry-- th e arc too far sway or because they round. Like a det'r1 kpast But0all tt y otsatlyn We thed o icwi' th'co ito toirto live, wty sould untrthe ore'u...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…__________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ SMNJAYt, O 'OBER 14, 1923 i will assume the form of a mixer. A 'PROF. WENLEY D~EFENDS musical program will be rendered and ACTION ON IhRiiI refreshments served. I (Continued from Patge One0) UN ) TOASSIGN party issue in the United States. ifIf MORE. ADVISORS w di r ikrhmo k as death and C a (-3. Soowner ori a ter ree(nt inl particular c'ase, ,wxhen a flir'n by t,,tI~e T;;),. ,tno)appe.,a11 'wn Read t...…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE 'AO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 On Books and Reality Messrs. Shubert (Continued from loge Oe) Itsbte e" in morder to bring he" within S p eeTogt huh siiia otebad tcmo eec.v l a i t life Lite in itsolt, is anotuohatys At any atenetieiroepreent it f e'S p e e V u a i t affair; man nover thoughit, untiltIIIao it i. ORLANDO BEEDE hod become conouseto f hiis ms01- Le0 is av5dn with this eternal . liiwtotel e vrpre sotir.;ifor(l...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, 'OCTO:BT'R 14, 1923 .. _.. SUNT~AY, OCTOBRI14,I1923AILY PAGE E.S I i, u% STARTING TODAY'! STARI!N TODAY a. tn ii . 4' k ~S1 :i 4'. r f°~ 4,y ~ F $? g Y4 r4 ' i. C.,. 1 4. I.: =: 1 ti[( [y' T 1 . INA '4, s' tPRO-DUCTION // ,.,f ,._ . X . { , :t WITH Ip JAAOft all 4C HOLD' A SUPPORTED BY W CHARLES deROCHE- JT'S Iola Negri in her second American made pic- ture, and which contains one of the GREATEST....…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THtE John Cowper Powys An Analysis of a Critical Genius If some of our extravagant cultists LISLE himself may think about his tech. have their way they will go ar to nique, those who know it well hold ward destroying two writers who are it in high esteem The style, like the just now attaining general apprecia- of his own to give except what he may (for these are what ultimately count) man, emerg...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…?AQICTOURTHE MICHIGAN DAILY m 1 hntlk <t~ .re disappearing from ..- ~Last year a similar case arose. Then OAC MPSTPIIO OFFICIAL N{EWSPAPER OF THlE the ambition seemed to he to collect rI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIQAN cuspidors, the gigantic brass cuspi- T gtI, drthtgcetemnconrof jWE'RE SO ULIEAGUE.QL'ESTION NOT Published every morning except Monday dsth trc h ayconr fHAS POLITICALI during the University yearby the Boar din teinterior of the building....…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAeten THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNAY OCTOBER 4 192 The Unoffical Observer A good deal1 of a1tri1enmd r-,-hrl nuht a o h in theie0ghbo1rhood of01theUive Srln.I tM.r n i of Ctto ovner anvl0 cd"ry n ahyovou tto Towers All 111apu0 ad x at1 nC'i1a t0(]1trato1 Po pus literat ire up i 10 aot it heS,;,a 01,i ur. though 1tre1facultyson' emtead01 1 idrter> pt h least hlt exc1111. It lo . o u 1s01a an=:~ao c~i~m ',tao, though the author of"rgTwrs(ym r L~, 0nJ...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC FINAL DEBATE TRYOUT ET FO n1PTfrl 901 NEWBERRY TO GIVE TEA TO FRESHMEN run[II U MIU LU Helen Newberry residence will give "its annual freshman tea-dance from DIRECTORS SELECT TEN WOMEN 4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 1ITORCOMPELECSTUTEN All women of the class of '27 are in- TO COMPETE SATUR. vited, including the freshman nurses, and more than 400 invitations have been sent. In past y...…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY yPA :3 FIVE oo -Jis and Writers [HHE PT A15il A' ~yt, ra ii _ei tr"d0A nd oCili311111C'h;, offers in ) connvenientison hih ffrsi cnvnin Lee11slrs.Bo! (1 eth::t al )reedp;ojigada deers er.Mom gim- rsn, 3 cfoion dalthatfrmaio tatavear ,eras "ot ' i iiirsh Wi oitoin owse, iiy n iatr it h cmeltt at. For the person who Heei oeltatL ond iiw .olnti f hng ;i te itm ntad fthI a. i; oapiy the disncoveries whic...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…41E ~MICHIGAN DAILY sUaNDAY, OC )!',ER 14, 15W^ R 61 M5- e OT, 010=1 p III III - 111111 :== a , r Midrau A1I11 wrwb + . ~ G p I-M --AW*4 - , ::NIZ dv (Coutim Iy~ H1'Ni~ y 1IiiHHDL7' StR sco FIE R W% -- ;-aw-'r-' W£ i& t )RE BY QUARTERS 1st 2nd 1YA 7i S T I E UP SE - :R IE S B Y 3 rd4hFIAl 1 WININGFO fTM 1U THGAME .8-4 IV i &a, Ued fromi page One) stellar variety and his pssn excellent. Stan lAluirhead and Curron also up ...…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 BOOKS AND WRITERS have made the poverty-stricken Fabre shams of all sorts was a pious boy, reviled by scientists whose progress in (Continued from Page Five) gasp. le recounts student pranks who saw in the complicated nervous science had been made possible by his this "Story of Development" is made and experiences in discussion and mi- system of man the mark of divine in- discoveries. Today ...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…TOBER 14, 1923 - ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ 'AGE 5S;VFN Il L A S S IF I ECOLUN CLASS CL.OSES 3 ..ADVERTISING AT 3 PM'. DAILY 'L.ASg AIED RATES 10e per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, lic per reading line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at same rates....…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DACE S r:t'",,; SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY lACE SEVIfN BOOKS AND WRITERS stories and an estimate of Theodore offense was to translate the new tests-:{ (Continued from Page Six) Dreiser, Drieser's own esti- int ioto readahle American. to figure out that Chatiapin is the, What awaits a man who says that same as Schaliapine, and he must ma to.' Jesus, wtho was not the Christ, was kn...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'ring a more intimate service, accord- t 'DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday. t Volume 4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 Number 19 Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The first meeting of the Literary Faculty will be held Monday after- noon, ...…

October 14, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PA..; EIGHIT THE I ICIIIGANDAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 Put This in Your Pipe and smoke it!! There are approximately 211,934 inches of up-to-the-minute Michigan news, as well as news of the world at large in the remaining 161 iissues of the Delivered to your door every morning for only Don't let another issue of the "Daily" slip by. Subscribe Today! U50 See the Circulation Dept., Press Building.. Phone 960 HAVE THE "DAILY" SENT HOME-I...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…Section Two A64v Ar att Section Two VOL. XXXIV. No. 19 ANN ARBOR, _IICHICA ,,\,.2N A Y , O", , ; , , 11. 1E92 PRICE, FIVE CENTS t WILL PROMOTE NEW HISTORICAL STUDY BUILDING WILL BE LA 41RATORY FOR SCIENT'IC SCIIOLA LACK OF KNOWLEDGE WAS HINDRUANCE IN WAR LLOYD GEORGE; A STUDY IN MOODS Art Display In Architecture Corridor Shows Excellent Work Frequently during the year, exhibi- tions of drawings appearing in the corridor of th...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY,:Oc I-WTAL VPL1W ON OKLAHOMA FARM OSSBTATTE K 2'^ ,pi4 N.:> } , y, "5A^ . r=I ri jM. ,KELMI EARTH THEORM (Continued1 fr ol Page Nine) IlgY :z> Heb, whon he s' 'owd that the liquid ha i( o f0 the lava is duo. to the le r ro '' a. ffit }'*y5 - "1ralaxt(ionof pressurE On the interior : ~ ~ of the ea h in c rtu' Ia pluce~. In es- H INN(a~ak, /t tishizng a. firn ppoin t agaist the L a zI ' b place theory, Professor I obbs...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

…R 14, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ........ ... .......THE....C...GA..DAILY. r.c.i . ,a. r v s; tv MadePerm nentcapable of taking an active part in HUNDEDS YDID TAXthe programs may enter as associate S. C. . Sec etarymembers. Membership fee of $1.50 jTentitles the student to the privilege PRNM NT N DITR!t of attending all the concerts spon- Taxevaionon he artof undedswhich the student league is a subsidi- a; ax vason n te prt f rundedsary The f...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…AE THE MICHIGAN DAILYY1 wNnAY, 0CTOP'r,,R 14,'1993 h S gPeters, a young romantic actor and The age Shakespearean authority, has the double distinction of appearing as Ro- Jane Cowl as Juliet, the fair hero- nico and of designing the splendid ine of Verona, come to the Garrick stage pictuers of medieval Verona. 'h r fnnzrnt nr omm n n 1 a Universal comedy, and Screen Snap-! shots.will make up the program. Ethel Grey Terry and Crauford Kent i...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBO. MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1923 VARIOUS INTERPRETATIONS, ,OnBooks With a Drawing by Wallace Smith and Vanity Fair. ay Jonathan Re rs Broils now the four "You see in books things which you o'clock hour. Icannot see in reality, either because Here is the merry-go- 4they are too far away, or because they ere ite mryg- are past. But all that you ,see in round. ike a de- books, you see wrongly, and sadly. sauched tos it ...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 14

…FA(E TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 On Books and Reality Messrs. Shubert (Continued from Page One) table-leg, in order to bring her within Thought: Thought is inimical to; the bounds of common decency bupre m u ]ga7Ss life. Life, in itself,is a not unhappy At any rate,-neither represents lifeu affair; man never thought, until he as it is. ORLANDO BEEDE had become conscious of his misery. Let us have done with this eternal . . ...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 15

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE John Cowper Powys An Analysis of a Critical Genius If some of our extravagant cultists LISLE ROSE himself may think about his tech- have their way they will go far to- Rnque, those who know it well hold ward destroying two writers who are -It in high esteem. The style, like the just now attaining general apprecia- of his own to give except what he may ,(for these are what ultimately count)...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 16

…0 JA1 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 The Unoffical Observer A good deal of a stir is being made oso-hardly enough to pay for the in the neighborhood of the University binding. In it Mr. Overton writes wll of Chicago over a novel called "Grey and fairly of various author;fr m Towers." All the campus and ex-cam 'Jose h Conrad to Gene Strat 1,tr-po- pus literati are up in arms about it, ter. The essa0s are mild, it is tru thoug...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 17

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P,GE FIVE Books an Writers THE NUPTIAL FLIG T By iar problem story, designed to force hone ries a crook, who despoils and then but it is one which offers in convenient Lee Masters. Bon &'Liverght 19,3. some thesis nd spread propaganda. deserts her. More ignorance, artifi- form a dea1 of inormation that we are $2.50. Mr. Maters knows too much to waste iaity, and disaster, with the woman apt to want. F...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 18

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 BOOKS AND WRITERS have made the poverty-stricken Fabre shams of all sorts was a pious boy, reviled by scientists whose progress in (Continued from Page Five) gasp. He recounts student pranks who saw in the complicated nervous science had been made possible by his this "Story of Development" is made and experiences in discussion and mi- system of man the mark of divine in- discoveries. Tod...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 19

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MOM SEVIr..V BQOOS-AND WRITERS Istories and an estimate.of-Theodord offense was to _translate the new tests- their holdings in the Smart Set con> to (otnudfo Page Sisthe Dreiaer, . . rieser'a own esti- nsmeat into readable Anmerican. . pany. . . Perhsaps this explains same as Schaliapine,. and he mustmat. .Jesus, who was not the Christ, was deeonnt thbsne know which index to search hin if hemae .r...…

October 14, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 19) • Page Image 20

…PAC - WICHT 'C = E MICH1GA DAILY SUNDAY, OTOBER 14; 1923. ut This in Your Pipe and smoke it!! There are approximately 211,934 inches of up-to-the-minute Michigan news, as well as news of the world at large in the remaining 161 iissues of the Delivered to your door every morning for only Don't let another issue of the "Daily" slip by. Subscribe Today! $ .5IL See the C i r c ul a t ion Dept., Press Building.. Phone 960 HAVE THE "DAILY" SE...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…s ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1923 PA l LODEN IN FAVR OF REORGANIlZATlN IN GOVERNMENT! FORMER GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS! ADRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE IN HILL AUDITORIUM - (a TO DECLARES HEADS ARE SWAMPED BY DETAILS Program Be- of State President of Nation Receives Amount of 'Iinor Workt Says Speaker Vast Foxy Fellow Foils Frosh Doubtless taking advantage of the new anti-violence regime put into ef- feet by the Student council...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…tLINl 1TODA Uol ,e to iarruice, will delver a in- EQ jiversity lecture at 4:l5 o'clock, Mon- ;; day afternoon, Oct 22, in the Natural Science auditorium. M. Moret is an, Egyptologist of international stand-! sUrge ug and wil:peak in French on some atnsphaoe of the history or civilization of as Mgypt althouigh his exact subject has i not beemanounced. n' tl~i Lo, comes under the auspices of the a ve ii ot ,ercle Francais. 1 " ~ AVOO SEK Mo're...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILX ,s ad- 26, a.t 11 pro- ures is tee inj being' of 'the e, andr fast wil tak~e place at 6:30 o'clock inI o'colck Monday evening in the parlors gir the morning at Wesley hall. Installa-; of Barbour gymnasium. cIa tion a~nd full initiation will be held at an( 'o'clock in the. afternoon at WEesleyj Senior society will m~eet at 7:30 to hall and a formal dinner will follow o'clock Monday evening, at Betsy far- of at Barton :d...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . I rence is exclus blication of t or n't 3 the local! he pogtoffice at An econd class matter. by carrier, $3.50; Arbor Press I Wi orial, 2414 and UntiOflS not Cs C conmiuicants w~ k body. The Ioal en roll men ( 0 E \wT r- o ~ IA ih i s about e t.housan3d studen ts and mre than eight hundred of this one thousand have acccmpaflied the .ght- mug team to' Ann Arbor to w:tness the game with Michigan. ondai When two thir...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY w to koko ho '0 w w ho%*,40%0%OW406% ------------ wM/% M THE MARKET PAGE , - - I .....ww ------- ,.O.w- LA " h w w -, - 60%w*s%0p%0% un+ THE SCHULTZ GROCERY THE HOME OF PURE FOODS 114-16 E. WASHINGTON PHONES 326-328-327 SATISFACTION I' I lk. __ ,, o Until You Have Tried Q A L I T A Few Old Bill.Spud Says:E "When you bud from a concern which has an enviable reputation that R it has established by yea...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…t tIE MICHIGAN DAILY- F ., 9' Y7 %"Wwolw - ,. r , '¢ r. Em L S Aff MER EL M AG IN WINS FO,-R ;~iz On odw) y''s Gidi ro Card hl BI;QIXEUP' REAKI NG )NWD SEES T xkie Wayid't71.0 f, C Oct. 12.-.-(By A.)- it may seem, in a lie: Stengel-"Casey, the re the New York Gig .h a home-run drive the recoil' time inl ecord breaing, woc watched the stru gs to0 Righ;lt Icldl he ball into the ri s at the Yankee stadL Ii inning, Steng~ol's b...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

… FOR RENT SUITE TO RENT on second floor. No smoking. 1333 Volland. 637-R. C Terrace Garden dandruff? Stop it! Appointments evening if made day before. Older ladies given special attention, Hours unless by special appointment from 10 to 6. Work guaranteed by one who has studied medical as well as manip- ulatory beauty culture. MADAME E. S. ANDERSON, I 21 Wuerth Arcade. ag-t '' 510 First Nat'l.Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451 Hou...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…ling at the Perry school are i niners class in English, acco: Screen-Today i I -1 Arcade-"Enemie3 of Women," Lionel Barrymore. e held Monday after- Library. John IL Effinger. 1i Majestic-Viola Dana in "Roug- ed Lips." v. 16, the sconsing Come AFTER THE GAME to Wuerth -- "Down to the Sea in Ships," Orpheum-"Fools and Riches." Prekette' S 10 James. Stage-This Week SUGAR BOWL, [.0 1 Witney-May Robson in - the "Rejuvenatio...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…A6V Ar ficit % X m q kTI Extr VOL. XXXIV. No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1923 PRICE, FIVE ANKO TIE SE IES. WIN FO R } SCORE BY QUARTERS AGAINST YOSTMEN MICHIGAN 1st 2nd 3 3rd 4th FINAL 0 E PASS IN FIRST QUARTER, STEGER TO UTERITZ, GOOD FOR 40 YARDS BLOTT OPENS SCORING WITH PACEMENT KICK Teams Practically Deadlocked Three Quarters in Fierce Struggle For By Ralph N. Byers Sporting Editor Ferry Field, Oct.. 1...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

… the competition this morning. About WILL OLD 12 women will be picked from this WILL OLD CMBINE try-out and they will meet for the last ;~elimination try-out Saturday, Oct. 20, 1,99E THBUTT009' ,when the final team will be selected. DEBATIHYOT TD~ At the meeting this morning the try- TWELVE WOMIEN TO BIE PI CKE )1 speech on the Towner-Sterling bill. TO (COiTIzE'1' FOR F'INAL ? Staff members of the public speaking PLACES department will be the ...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 11

…"'_#.''""_____ ^x":_'_ .:___saxe_______________c:,.._: v ..,. 4. P a:. '. $ a 4. '.i . ui.ip ai° " . , fast will take place at 6:301 oclock in ocolck Monday evening 'in the" parlors (girls with the -highest .scres in the ........ ~h~l thhIh~e morniing at Wesle~y hall. Igatalla- of Barbour .gmnasiumi. casswl eenee nti o test Mgtion and full initiation will be held at aldrvlyfolh oos sepce y eno scit mllmetatI o'clock in the afternoon at Wesley ...…

October 13, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 18) • Page Image 12

…'I'CE MICHIGAN DAILY S ATU] THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATU. ___ 1 i AT THE THE ATERS Night_ Classes Begin. at Perry School jto Miss Carrie Dicken, principal. The More than half of the 118 pupils who majority of the students are Germans, enrolled at night school last Monday with the Swedes second in number. evening at the Perfy school arein the, The night school is open every Mon- beginners class in English, according day, Wednesday, and Fr...…

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