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October 16, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-16

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(Continued ~l 1'ron1a -,One) enTy'gouePadIrw
?'irst l°a3lu'2 No ;roan, no hits, no errors.
Yankees: Witt .sent. up1 a Cihfig
to xrobL. Friseh tosse, ou' !'B11z. j
R u th S c'o r e d a; l ';I .1 ^ r ! .z t p'' } ,? 'r_ -
rightfield stand. iMiEunu 'sc1: h ziYsi E''
One run, oneO hit, no ' (i Ur:5.
GIant1.::'lan oft -flied out to z {. RB11
Groh singled into lf.Pr.eigat a' it, ct''........ .....I 00
single off Pennock': le W, (xreub g'7,
to second. GollSoI15ro t on 81.......... ., 1 0
single to c--nter and 5' Prj w ,ch l1i 1
thrown out at fhirdt, Witt to Dugan.,r. ,I TMCacli.........4 0 1
M!?eiel fanned. One razz. three hi. Ppi,!..............4 0 0
no errors., Werz l, u'11...........4 () 1
~"j'n14lJ jtap.)Jfl,.c ..........4' 1

Yankees: Nelif threw out, Pi fl..
Ward erashed a single into lef.
Schang hit into a dlouble play, Nehti:
to Blancroft to .belly. No runs, oneo
hit, no errors.
Giants: Cunninghlam fl,,od cut to
Witt. Kelly fouled out to- Sclhang.,
who _ran to the Giants' b,'-zch to r.:.: e
the catch. Snyder whiffd.1. N ru:
no hits, on rors.
Third lnii
Yankees: Net throw out kuo. t.

flE. Scott, ss .........4
Pennock, hp.........2
Jades, P...........0
Total, ...........31


Dan croft-, ss ........4

Nolif also throw out 37en12!0(% -.IVtitt C ~ri, .b...........4
fliedt out to Meusel. Norn,10 l!s,5, Frisch, 21)....:......4
no orrors.1 Young, rf .......... 4
G iaits : Nob f strulcik o0, . 1igaiu] 1E. i'vlm-'l, irf........4
threw out TBancroft. Grog s -;,t 0a ongj(%-zlin-lir 'ain ef . 3.
liner to iMeusel. No run-, noL)h1"ts, I,0 ,Stengel, cf .........1
errors. IKelly, lb ...........4



Whacks Aother VRSITY PREPAR,5mE=R1~ EM CT
[~] fi [1111 STAT men who are interestedl in
ItheC art of fenc-ing arereesd
to meet in Doctor May's c etcee-in
hni out.Cahs te t;oSoohQi l Y 4.:15 o'clock for the purpose of
r: ::'' >1tIiiViiid discussing the possibility of a<
ColtestI Michigan fencing em
.<.": __, . rseason, it sceems low. The Illinois,
O EWith onyon ee f rctc sconsin, and Minnesota gaines
0 0 scheduled before the Ohio State war I 1922 produced somze passing on. the
t000 riars invade Ann Arbor, Varsity coach-I part of the Yostmen that uinuked see-
2 1 (I shv settled dowto the task of ond to none in the collegiate worfl.
1 0 ~ ~,"**~~s*"*"' Icorrecting numerous faults in the That the Ohio game shold th
:.;; f; , "; olverines' play which were evident hardest of the year is a foregone con-
12 0 0 :
070in Saturday's contest with Vanderbilt. ciusion on the pant of the coaches.
07 0 0.Atog h ote hwdvs h icmn nterls w ans
4, improvement over their form against have showed real fight and power.
120 Is Case, the team is by no means the Against Wesleoyan, State was t,,ailing!
0 1t0 smooth running machine which van- by seven point sat the en~d of the fir t
010 0 squished the Buckeyes a year ago. ThereI halt. Staging a sensational comeback
0 0 0I Bae Rut11 Iis still an element of co-ordination in the last two periods, the Buckeyes
0~~~I 0*iBb Rt aking, both" in' the backfield and on; finished the gam~e on the long end of a!
0 0 0, Babe Ruth, king of swat, didn't fall the line. The forward wall showed 34-7 score. Another remarkable spurt
-- to come across with a circuit cloutt the results oaf the intensive drill they on the part of Wilce's charges occur-i
27 13 0 yesterday, driving the_ ball into the; received "during last week's practices' red in Saturday's battle with Colgate.j
righit field bleachers of the Polo! in the, manner in which holes were1 The strong Eeastern eleven had State
grounds in the first inning with the opened up by the backs, but this trailing, 17-3, when the whistle ended
() A E bases empty. Later he came to batj branch of the game is not yet entirely the first half. Starting in the third
2 7 ihth assfldad aldt satisfactory. Counterbalancing the quarter, the Ohioans inceptedihtebssfled anfaldt .
0 2 0 touch the ball, almost costing the l ine's improvement in this one re- smashing attack that swept their on-
15 0 game to the Yankis. spect, was its painfully evident weak- ponents before them. W hen the smnoke
0 00011 ness on punts. The Contniodores sift- of battle had cleared away, the teamsj
100ne,23Mvs acheWht,100,1 dtruhtm fe iewe ik eete,2-3 ats rozsdfa
0 0 0 Unless these (leficients play their was kicking, hurrying the Michigan at the hands of Michigan is a bitter
19 0 0games by 5 o'clock, tomorrow night captain to such an extent that Harry's memory to the Buckeye aggregation,
19 0 0 they will be thrown out of the tecurna-I punts suffered considerably. Thie and they arc heraldin:; next Saturlday's
4 0 0 ment and the schedule completely re- whole of last season failed to bring out game at Ann Arbor as the means of
0 0 0 arranged, a game in which the punter was har- making up for the disappointment they
000 It has been possible to schedule th~eI assed as Kipke was Saturday. ThisI suffered in 1922.
0 00 following matches in the second round fact threatened to lose the gamne for I-
27 19t of the all-campus tennis doubles Michigan a number of times, but thetoraet resruBxr 131beasetrdtecneto h ie

3ron)t> acke otackle the Army line
(133 J~ackh 3>Zias''l. a-ang as ihas b een seen for

I rI TI~ Army elevon's deisivetrilunph
over the University of Teninessee at
;West Point in the service team's; first
(clash confirmed the early report s in
re,,,ardlto the streng th o i' sh idt
That theu West Pointe s will have oe o
lie g catirst eleven s ill thre East, ditnot

Yankees: Frisch robbed ~il .r,,,n(of
az hit by a rema-lrkable :tunnng . e
Ruthz got a lseon b"),lls. Thle iants3
protestedl. Bancroft threw ouit Mecusei
at first, Ruth going t;to :second. .1an-
croft threw out Pipp at first. No riu',
not hits, no errors.
Gziants: The crowd eered Friseli.
Frisch cat out a bunt. Ward tI vecw,
out Young, Fr lack ?-;Jidinfg ent to AWftt.
Fris(°h scored o(, rnnhr' in'i
to right. Ward1 threw eat K el:ly. 0One
run, two hits, nio errors.
Fifth 1w *iiu r
Yankee: 'Ward went out.,Paerof
to Kelly. Frizs,. throw o(, Sining
robbing him of a hit. F iscli ossedt
out Scott. Na runt",-no hnl-s, ,:o.er-
Giants: Snyder -got an bo-.e rn;71'o
left field stlands. It wn isI:Ihit
of the series. Neli was; a s trike-ouitt
victim. Scott g ot Bacra9ft ,at first.
Groh sent a fly out to Ruth. Gnc rmaz,
one hit, no errors.
Sixthii Tuing
Yankees: Pennokh strak out..
Nehf took 'Witt's hopper and gat Mhim
at first. Dugan was throwni out at
first, Groh to Kelly. No rns, no hits,
no errors.
Giants: Frisch got a long z zli into
left field for three bases.ou Woarditfithrewi
third. Frisch scored en'.:t us,'';in
gle past W'Ia. ECuning1, n at. oct11
Pip,,)unassisted-, MaceR going t0 see-

Snyder, c ..........4
Nelif, p............3
Ryan, p>............0

along tit O. arbisc i, the start of two
;, inisat ceniter, , aDtl ls e~nthis
lh~ean as geilnilliy corescdd to be
the~~O einiothe country in1his p)OSI-
tio:i. :Not only sisth a power offensive-
ly, butas a renwer of the sixrane do-
.:,-leb the Cadets employ a great

ithe "ccuntry -, his season woul are- ;deA he resv~s at random. }
Pear to be a, foregone concliisknf, i iii oaltiOric
the results of that contest ai e to Eye en-(lo:;- the kicking; for the vital point aft-
tertained for a moment. ettlchon
Tennessee camne North from Natsie- Fn t . c-end 1 llinger are the guards,
ville with a highly respected organ- ti etu orts clearly stamp them as
ivation, one which is --!xlected to vie i < the : best of the year. The form-
with Vandeirbilt for sectional hcuors, ! ..is a veteran, whbile Effinger was the
butt one which at the samie time was no! ude ud~y for Breidster. the captain
tnzatecli for the erighty offense of the Of last se asoni's successful eleven. El-
Cadets. Only once did the Southern-- ingcr's lot weas a tough one, for it's
ers register a first dlown;,,rand that on - mig htly hard to displace the ~1eader of
a :forward pass, but that sturdy Army a.a' winning team..
Rine, a typical Mcflwen barrier, fruzs- Cs odrn'n and Murlli an are the same
trated every running attemnpt of the 'i nArydv
Wisitors. tclspae
enis forth past three years, and they
TIhe score was 41 to 0, d(lOi(lli1) rei lridy air. Mulligan particu-
favor of the Cadets but h1d1 he4f!C Q h -T'v rump:;~ all over the field, and it
eleven remained in the afi or a t heou with the game two min-
longer time it is iII poOSi ',io e0-C5 , young"ell on a fumble and' in a
'timate what the final outcome muight t= ouet"Tiny" hewitt had lilac-
havebeen -!1efl ha ..'.P) pcunds lYehiind the goal line

Plerhaps the dominant chiaracter on
the gridliron for the Cadets was "iy
IHiewAtt, the plebe fullback1, Gwho iiater--
curlated at the Military Academy 1;tis
fall after having spent several . yetr,
at the Uiiiversity of Pittsbu rgh, whe re
he incidentally helped hims elf to a
huge chunk of Glen Warner's football
instructions. "Tiny'' is the same i-)on-'
deou fullback as of a year ago, andi
lie dents an opposing line wvith the
-lent heal methods and effectiveness a-
N hie always (didl.In Hewitt, Mc]; wen
has the man the A~ny has needed ever;
since Oliphant quit the pliains. Daley's'
tenis of the last thre or four year,
have had good running backs, fine
'k ickers and expert _passers, but wvhen.i
a few yards throut h the line w'ere'
needed there was no one upon ',\TIoii

sir Sip(1olit a. The Cadet captati is
:;'<t dlown under kicks, and in fact he
del about everything and more than
a t ackle i5 siipiosd to do.
iIf thrr is any weakness in the p~lay
c ,1 the (hetsq it has to do with the
ends. Doyl eand 13'axtor lplayed well
o'ifouh, but rere incon spicuaous. On
sev-eral ce(asions they fell easy prey
for theTe(nnessee interference, and
only by the superior tackle p~lay of
tMul-ligan and Go-odman was tile rush
' tepped.
Von. Storek, the veteran wing, has
beevn nursing a. lame ankle. l-Ie is a.
g; od endl, and if in condition will lie of
great hell fo rthe coming big names.
FGeorge Sinythle at quarter is splendid,
and rflic cther backs, Wood, Scheiffler,
}I 'Irv t and Gilmore, are a fine group

%E, T2n f nr7 f.,.. T nr. . nnb ,:, . .

"Batted 10ifor (ulinoinII eigth inn-
"*Ran for Hoffmnan in eighth inn-
Ba~fkttedl for Witt! in eighth inning.
:k ?*Ean fr~r Bash in eighth inning.
Bate for Ryan in ninth inning.

R, vs. Power-Unseold, 111411; Hodge-'
man-King, 2129J, vs. Reall-Prall,
632M; Shaw-Ossenhruggen, 1482M, vs.
Garber-Hlicks, 1324J. The other mnen
w~ho won their matches in the first
round have been given temporary

of the Wolverines on the occasions !
when the Commodores seemed to be
on the way to a touchhdown.
Ends Faulty
Thle Vanderbilt battle brought ot
I'more clearly Michigan's predicament


Score by ininings :
yanklees ........10 00 00 0 50-
G ianlts ..........1 001 11 0 00-


Three base hit--Frisch.
lie ruin -Ruth, Snyder.
Struck ot-13y Nelhf 3; by Pennock
6); by Ryan 1.
IBase on balls--Off Nchif 3; off Ryan
Double play-Nehif to Ban croft to
Intramural Items
F'olloc in u isth e uee lballIschedule
for this aftorilooni: 3 :15 o'clock,
Alpha. Sigmna Phi vs. Zeta Beta 'Tau;
cetav -'i v.. Delta Kappla Epsilon ; 4:30
o'clock, Alpha Chi Rho vs. Delt Sig-
Ina Phi; Dleta Phi vs. Phi Kappa

byes. I'Those anfected should watc N
Intramural column each dayias pres -
ent conditions warrant the changing I i
of the schedule daily, that is not ther
pairings that have been announced, f
but any man who has received a bye
may be called to play whenever an-
opponent can be secured for him. K
Less than half of the original en- C
tries survived the original entry list
in the all-camp~us tennis singles; toiur-
nament. The playing was up to year-1i
ly standards, but so far not very I't
mlany pronmising freshmen have beenI
revealed, although most- of those on l
the entry sheet survrived for the pros-t
ent round. Following is the schedule
for the second round, the dealine of
which has been set at 5 o'clock, Thai's-- I
day afternoon : T-Iibsliman, 997IM
vs. O'Connell, 2420W; Watts, 709Th ,vs.
Birks, 1166; Nichols, 1984J, vs. OlianI,E
2482W; Prall, 632M, v r. Woolteniremi,;
913 East Huiron; Onelia, 2420 V, v,.

ond. Kelly 'struck oc. ne ru , -°o I na5J. d. J. 1,crr'1 I U Iiu lei lt'~UUI) I) 1~ ' s" -- "" " -. . . . .';,
lows:3:15o'clckuhiSgma eltaGingrzich; Garber, 1324 s iret
its, no errors. lw :5ocok l iilDla
vs. Theta Ciii; Sigmna Chi vs. P11 16401; Hicks, 332 Maynard, vs. N.
Sev'enth imnulziig Delta Tbet(a; 4:30 o'clock, Nu Sigma Frieling, 981W; Nagle 4363, vs.j
Yankees: Huth fanned. Groliu5;kishaz 06Bs
tool, NMeusel's grounder ,and got -hnim Nu vs. Delta Tan Upsilon; Acacia vs. Crane, 2451;BtaDeta Wshngo s . .Ma tin2006 East
at first. Bancroft' tos sed wnt i'pp, When one of the three courts which Flowers, 1166, vs. Slingerland, 16801R;
rto rus ohtn ros the Intramural department has on Bre13, vs. Lyman, 7M Coyne,
Giants: Nehf vias pitch'ngasu nerb south Ferry Field for playing speedl 2420W, vs. Register, 1809; M1'urphy, {
;gamie. His curves wtie Eblrc wstae aahi ashstl d-1040.J, vs. Mildner, 1366 ; Finklenian,
sharply with a bewlii ernj- change of f cided that the fraternities, would run .1668W, vs. 'Brein, 2320W; Klein, 981
pace. Snyder seat a liner into lefWts.Esen 85:Soink,92
filldfr in e;Nhf.trz -ar oftheir gamies on the elii nation ser- Wv.Esen'2W:Soisi 3M
fieldfora single.rN ohu truck on 1. plan. However, that decision has vs. Dreyfuss, 751W; R. U. 'Martin,
-, I' Vminoh'sbeen reversed and the gamnes will go 180511 vs. 'Unseold, 2437J.
er hatbouced~(JO -ahead as they were first announced, on'
glovedthand to 'ars.Sd, r w mnt atheleguplan with thfe whiners fight- Many of the men now training for
quick throw o first. Snder went toing it out for the championship on the the cross-cutymet hsfl o
seod rhwn utSott P.elimination plan. port that they are training for their
No runs, one lit, no errors. fgti h l-anusme.Ti
Eight Iit'1.~The speedball tournament for the announcement means that those out-
Yankees: ;Ward'.s fly into, Kelly's j
mit3imrgsetahiBlletfr ass teams will be started sometime ered for the fraternity meet are not
mit, haz srt'a it ~a lft eld after Novembor 1, as the present training. Under the rules of the In-I
sinle Scott hg it ngto trigtd. u schedule for the fraternities has been tramural department any man whnoI
raan sinthed Shaf o'in totirdI~. l,:,-zi made out so as to cover the balance has not been training four weeks pro-
walked anmd the b)ases were f;lfl of the month of October. vious to the meet is barred from par-
HansrnfrHfmn uhbte1-The following men have been slow ticipation. Fraternity at hletic mlanl-
Haies an or 1 ori 1. ushl (c1in getting in the results of their first aigers should see that their men re-
for Witt. Bush aled and Scal ng round tennis matches in the doublesI port for patc ime ily
scored. Nehf was takeIn from the boxt. IptoanBrinte Bemer-dieaee120
Jono.a o in.Ra eti I East University,. vs. Epstein-Kaufman, Adelph! to Meet Tonirht
to the box for th-e Qian,s. Dugan i325W ; Shapiro-ifshetz, 25631, vs. Adelphi H~ouse of Representatives 1
warerndSot S -,1 Te stad. ino-a 2956J; Grotlaus-Levi- will hold its regular weekly meeting
Haines and Jol'inern scored on seon, 2282J, vs. Martin-Martin, 180511;l at 7:30 tonight in the Adelphi room
1 Burke--McCabe, 131, vs. Schlacck-Mc- I on the fourth floor of University hall.
se'ssi: , o a'dDuanscr-Knighit, 120; Stegmier-Marmior, i he subject for debate tis evening is
ed whn , Cuuni:inan thnre-wr wildly to 2437 s Folnd-rtshe 2863J; "eovd That the United States
the grand stand, M eusel going to third. Harrison-Seitz, 179, vs. Klein-Frieling, take definite action to stamp out the
Fsithre w iso ut Pippr. Fv us 981W; Benhiam-Goellner,, 3486M, vs. Ku Klux Klan." Visitors, especially
Giant: Hanes wnt ito c NIymni-lartner, 27411; Hoffman-part- freshmen, are invited to attend.
field for the Yankees andl Jones went ____ _______ ____________________
into the box: W ard took Frisch's holt -.................... .....:. ' '..." ...........> "......,.."...
smash and threw hulm out. Young~ .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
singled thr'ough the box. ". eusel fore-7
edYoung, Wardl to scott. Stenigel Developed Biy Experts
batted for Cunningham. Stengel sent
a high fly to Dugan. No runs, one [
lift gir~,;.These ,are Basic Reasons. Why
Yankees: Stengel went into center- I= AT\XATF.R KENT 1

wvith regard to the end positions, I I1HN ASS1ONFEI SSEPA1?ATE
Plainly the ideal comlbination I(I0Iy . -t i)R IAL
has not yet been found. Cur-
ran's game at right end was satis- { In ordoer that the various candidates
factory, except for Reece's 18-yard i may receive more individual attention.
lash "late in the game. On punts,i Edwin J. Mather, Varsity basketball
"Louie" was down the field with de-,I coach, has arranged the piractice: se -
spateh, and nailed the Commodore! sions so that the forwards aiid cemit-r~s'
with the ball consistently. In fact,!wilpatcTusysndhrdyi
C>urran and Muirhead made a major- while the guards will receive their
ity of the tackles on Michigan punts. i bit of attention on M1on~days and Fri-
Tlarion, playing the opposite flank had daso h rset opatcs
an off day, and failed to put up more willaby helor the eek-nds.atie
than a very mediocre game. Although:-
"Dutch" is capable of better work than -1't ns far the players have beecn
lie showed Saturday, unless he returns haddclshncs'~ ih lo
to form for the Buckeye tilt, N eisch or work for the most part but fromn nowI
Witherspoon will probably cover left: on the practices will no doubt become
end. stiffer. The finer points of the ganme
The interference against Vandly was will be stressed amid a lot of instruction
not of the first order, which was re- iithe sotigartllof pshdivoting, ouhassin gD a~nd
sponsible for most of the losses suffer- shoigwlaedse u yMte
ed by Wolverine backs. Wakefield, the Scrimmnages wvill be in.d ulged in hat-
siellar right epd onl the Southern elev- Or on.
en seemed to find the Maize and BSlue; Although there are more than u6
interference much to his liking. Wake- men out, pirospects for a winmning tear)
field is a high step~ping end, but there this season still appear dark. As soon
is no1 excuse for one man's smearing! as football season is ended the basket-
as many plays as Wakefield broke up. . ball squad will be augmented iby se'-
AeralAttckFai Iora l good men. Harry Kipke, wbho
Another br'anch of the game which ipljmyed a good game at running -guardl
will deniand brushing up before the last season will report as will Doyle
Ohio game is the Wolverines' aerial at- and Palmer of last year's freshin
tack. Trhe results obtained Saturday i qud-
through the use of the forward pass
were fairly satisfactory, but not en-
tirely so. The Yostmnen completed six Retd. the- X carit /Ads
passes oto 16 attemjpts. This is a;
fair averag,_e, but conipared to last
:1. J2 5
, '-
The Trail Leads to
for those men who apPreciatie values
and realize that quality makes the price right

the quarterbacki could rsafely call to go to cal pn
gej t th1ose few yard'," Now when it
doubt Siythle's policy 1would sCeem 1to I ".ii~iit (liw poIfme ts
0e "~Give it to Tilly." hnABco,'-,ma-gnchir
It waisfitting thabt 'inry Hewitt, th2e o l hiecampu)Ls opinio~1n niaga-
l)l lbe, playing lIla first game ( of footb all ci1'.,hs onrlnncedtwo azldittdls to
for 'West Point, shouldl h)ieneCCthe ^ i1he dito-'al staff. They are: Albert
l:orier of scoring the fir'st taLlly of the IAriz.ni s, '26,8(i sd 3loreno'-e L. Probt,
ysrfor Cazptin l Alulligell's acn'Il. 'i

1' 1 , s. -N CO
zO N~
w'A iQ '. 14 u; -ij - rI O
If r - \ _
f d {i " / i
,.I \ I~\4
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ti '.. ~


" . -9o 14

s --
5 J_ -


At Cclege, It's htforr
:authoritative in style and proportioned to fit all types

They are
of men.


Particularly with heavy wivol hose,

I t l-I . vr. vn e n t.nv zZ acc 7nrJ n-r a ynn 4r fn rptnin ttip;r ctx7l;ch

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