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October 14, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-14

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 19

ANN ARBOR, _IICHICA ,,\,.2N A Y , O", , ; , , 11. 1E92





Art Display In Architecture
Corridor Shows Excellent Work

Frequently during the year, exhibi-
tions of drawings appearing in the
corridor of the Architecture school are
announced. Just no wthere is an, ex-
hibition on display of about eighteen
drawings, several water colors and the
rest etchings, which is well worth see-
ing. With one exception the drawings
are architectural in subject but they
are treated with a feeling that is sel-
dom found in an architectural draw-
ing. There is in them a fine balance, a
perfect subordination of useless de-'
tail and a grouping that shows an ex-
cellent appreciation of the subject.
The technique of the etchings shows

Library Establiv1Oed In Effort To
Away Itah International
A l'ejudices


«A' scientist has his laboratory for
e discovery of facts," said Dr. Ran-
dolph, custodian of the Clements Li-
brary, in an interview yesterday, "and
the scientific scholar of American His-
tory has the Clements library for the
same purpose. When a scientist is ac-
tuated by the desire to prove a theory
he is apt to overlook the facts. That
is what has been done in historical
fields until the last 10 years. The at-:
titude of historical scholars is now}
changing to that of the scientist who
regards the gleaning of facts as morer
important than the use to which they
.re to be put afterwards."
In each chemical laboratory there
is one person to do the analytical
work and one to do the synthetic. The
former corresponds to the possibilities
offered by the Clements Library to
historical investigators, a place where
one can ascertain for himself the di-
rect facts of history. The latter is a
field of its own not directly concerned
with the precincts of the library. The
subject has been believed to be simple
and easy of knowledge, when in real-
ity the facts are 'neither. The con-E
ception of the historical scholar is
that anything unknown is a fit sub-(
ject for investigation, and in histori-r
cal circles the realm of the unknownI
is appallingly great.1
(Continued on Page Ten)

The University has received through
Regent Hubbard a specimen of native
float copper which bears a distinct
resemblance to the face of an Indian
chieftian. The specimen was struck
yby a plow as it lay concealed in a field
'in Hloughton County, Michigan, and
was dug up. The mineralogy depart-,
ment obtained the slab as an example
,of float copper, and it was not until
;photographs were made that the face
'was observed.
The slab is 42 inches long by 32
in width and weighs about 483 pounds.
Its upper surface is striated by glac-
ial action, and some portions of the
edge have been rounded off by arti-
ficial means.
Dr. E. H. Kraus, Professor of Min-
eralogy and Crystallography express-
ed a belief that the copper had broken
away from the rock in which it had
been formed, thus becoming "float"
copper, and that it had been subse-
quently glaciated. Dean Kraus sug-
gests that the slab was later found byf
an Indian who recognized the facial
resemblance, and, with a stone ham-
mer, moulded the features more per-
fectly, and probably set it up as a
totem or idol. Later, in some manner,
the slab fell from its support and was
fn~tfn annn i pm r n nip

a variation that affords an excellent
opportunity for study in different
methods. Some exhibit an exquisite
delicacy of line, others an admirable
handling of broad masses. A few of
them are tinted in a way that more
fully reveals the character of the sub-
These drawings were mostly select-
ed from a collection brought to this
country by a Czecho-Slovakian artist.
The selections made by the University
are, it is interesting to note, practical-
ly the same as were made from the
same collection for exhibition in De-
Exhibitions of drawings are given
frequently in the Architectural School
and the interest in them is not nearly
so popular as it should be considering
the quality of the work exhibited. The
School of Architecture is gradually
acquiring a collection that will stand
comparison with many of the best in
the country. It is planned to place all
the pictures acquired on permanent ex-
hibition when the completion of the
New Engineering Building will afford
adequate space and facilities for so
T. H. D.
Noted Geologist Demonstrates Fallacy
Of Molten Earth Center
Professor William H. Hobbs, head.
of the geology department, in deliver-
ing the opening address at the Pan-
Pacific Science Congress at Sydney,
Australia, set forth and amply sub-'
stantiated the theory of the solid na-
ture of the earth's core.
Using two eggs, one raw and one
hard boiled, Professor Hobbs showed
that th solidPo wonld s in ea il,,

Hurrying to classes, to meals, to so- LU~L~,i~L1U L~IZi0 ~ *(. '~L~b '"~4~'
Hurin oclse, omeltos-forgotten, becoming once more a piece LLU 10:vi gg pui 4 l11e:1y, j
eau e n u mm, flat nner. while the raw specimen would hardly1
duties of college life, speed seems to The specimen will be on exhibition spin at all. This demonstration, said
be the watchword of Michigan stu- next week in room M-222, Natural Sel- Professor Hobbs, was a substantiation
dents. The bustling activity on the ence building. of Lord Kelvin's theory in regard to
the cnstny of the cete of the
campus walks during class hours iste consistancy of e center ofte
more like the noisy rush of a city ,learth. Lord Kelvin, perhaps the great.
street than the quiet scholarly atmo- II est physicist of modern times, showed
sphere usually associated with a col. that if the earth were not more rigid
lege town. than a ball of glass it would be pulled
It rarely occurs to a student to FIout of shape every six hours by the
saunter to a class. The majoritya attraction of the moon, and there
either plod steadily down the diagonal would be a tide in the earth's crust
or hastily run along it. At 10 minutes The practicability of changing non- as high as that of the ocean. The
after the hour classes are assembled standard fire hose couplings to con- actual tide of the earth is so minute
and frequently the professor is the form with the national standard was that very delicate instruments are
last to arrive. demonstrated at a recent meeting of needed to measure it.
Many Michigan students have found j the national Fire Waste Council in The mistaken idea which supposesI
walking too slow and Ann Arbor Washington by Major J. H. Howland, the earth to have a molten core was
streets resound with the noisy fuss Engineer of the National Board of originally accepted due to the fame1
and clatter of innumerable Fords. Fire Underwriters. It was shown that of the man who originated it. The
Since the first of the year several stu- the regular couplings of Syracuse, N. great scientist, Laplace, while not at
dent automobile owners who were try- Y., New York, Baltimore, and Wash- all convinced'of its veracity, advanced
ing to get places in a hurry have fall- ington no two of which are inter- the notion that the interior of the
en into the relentless clutches of the changeable, could be made completely earth was liquid. This theory was at
law and have found that the Ann Ar- interchangeable, by the simple opera- once taken up, and for many years
bor police force frown on a desire for tion of rethreading with standard stood unquestioned. The statement
quick action when it exceeds a pace! threading tools. Millions of dollars that the molten lava which flows from
of 25 miles an hour. worth of property have been destroyed volcanic craters proves the Laplace
Walking, talking, eating, sleeping, by fires that could have been saved theory was disproven by Professor
the student of today never kills time. had the threads on the fire equipment (Continued on Page Ten)
Apparently the tradition of leisurely; been, standardized, and many towns
scholasticism has been displosed by and cities throughout the country are
colleges that reflect tle "rushing" still exposed to this danger in case of
spirit of American life. Gone is the fire ever gets too big for the local ap- TH E Ad TERS
dreamy-eyed student of MedicratHorSparatus to handle. About one fourth
ictorian days and in his place there of all the towns in the United States j
i a hurrying, bustling creature with are now using the standard coupling,m
a breathless desire to get somewhere which was chosen as being the one Majestic1
-a perfect example of the twentieth to which changes could be most easily Pola Negri's second American made
century spirit of speed. made. { Paramount picture, "The Cheat," with
'Jack Holt featured as leading man and
S-*----iCharles de Roche in support, opens a
five day run at the Majestic Theatre to-"
--Today In Thne Churches --- da
ThThe picture casts Miss Negri as a
-__'modern bewitching woman of fashion,
('a Latin American beauty, who elopes
Method t o'clock and will be followed by a talk with an American. As a result of this
iv b C -------- Fi ldi---- N. Vh,,-. onI 11 no t onn -1.n .t. s . l , i -


State'iman Favors lughies' Proposed
Reparations investigation

1 ±
1 ,

tr David Lloyd George, former
I Premier of Great Britain, accompan-
ed by his wife and daughter, arrived
in New York October 5 to begin a
speaking tour in Canada and parts of
-*Ithe United States. This is his first
c,=visit to this country.
I The former premier was escorted
- from the Battery, where he landed,
through an almost unbroken lane of
people, to the City Hall, where he
was officially welcomed by the acting
-'a.. I mayor. Responding to the welcome
in his first sneech on American soil,
he thanked America for her part in
the World War, spoke feelingly upon
"e.. the chaos in Europe, and said that his
first duty and principal message was
* h- .for Canada. He expresses a desire
to see this "great country."
Speaking to the delegation of re
Glimpses of Noted elshumn Taken Sice Iis Arrival Iii America j porters that met him while the Maure-
A rugged man, alert, wthh a twin le 1 in hi:; eyes and with white hair touching his coat collar, Americans find taia was still in the Bay, he expressed
David Lloyd George as he i ours the n itel t11ales to letti'e. 11e arries no.bitterness in his heart because of his a desire to see Mr. Woodrow Wilson,
defeat in politics. lie tak(s it in a spirit of s portsnmanship. Among his messages is one that the common problem with whom he worked so closely at
of the old world and new is peace, the Versailles Peace Conference. At
this time he defended the peace treaty,
A_______ ____attacking the way in which it is be-
ing carried out. In response toques-
. ( °1:1A II d ENUS ETRAYll ftiUUons about the.Leage, he sid It
TKMPORARY il INSANITYuccess without the participation of
PeSED, 1P OE IIthe United States is doubtful. He is
OP 61 106116E New Yrk, ct. 13-(,hy A..) 1 [HL strongly in favor of Secretary Hughes.
rIruS B o BY USS ITION Detailed photographic studies of proposal for a commission to investi-
lIIITS ANKER$' ASSOCIATION toe mitions of human beings, DR. A. LEROY JOHNSON WILL gate Germany's ability to pay as a so-
CAMPAIGN TO CANCEL made possible through the in- INSTRUCT DENTAL lution for the reparations problem.
W E vntion of an apparatus called STUDENTSedtoDthSIn his first set speech delivered in
the scale cage, have led to the Canada, given Monday in Montreal,
Washington, Oct. 13-(By A.P.)--- I conclusion that absent minded Dr. A. Leroy Johnson who has just Mr. Lloyd George spoke mainly of
persons temporarily indulge in I the important part played by Canada
President Coolidge is still strongly op- motions similar to the motion arrived here from Boston, has accept- in the War and the important place
posed to cancellation of the deb j behavior of imbeciles, accordinga n s n professorship in orthodontia,sp
b which makes hrim a valuable addition thtCnd smkn o tefi n
owed to the United States by foreign to the Engineering Foundation Iwohe mtkes h Deal Clgedof ternational affairs.
countries, it was officially stated at the of this city. The foundation o the University. Ills work deals with Born in 1863, Mr. Lloyd George,
White House Friday. says also that gat waste re- malocclusion of the teeth and the a- while still an infant, was adopted by
sults, in some manual occupa- his uncle upon the death of his father,
He wil continue to mintainhons,from -directed tionons associated with those ig a schoolmaster. The religious nature
li wl otnet ananti in.fo l-ietdmto. ularities.
position, it was stated, until congress Many persons occasionally are of this uncle, a Welsh shoemaker and
modifies the existing debt funding law, iabsenilt minded and, while their IDr. Johnson has been a frequent lay preacher, left a deep impression
passed during the Iast session.wits ark wool gathering, the - conti-itor of articles in the subject of upon the spirit of the boy,
iions of their bodies, as recorded etiology, of malocclusion and correc- Ie studied law and n 188
I Iter ~der
This reiteration of ltie presidei3's byphotogiphy, are strikingly tions. With the increased facilitiesmitted to the bar. lie soonbegan to
attitude was brought torwrd by te assiilar to those of the weak- for study and research, it is probable devote less time to law than
announcement that offieials' of the minded and subnormal. cat many of the problems involveds,
thatmanyof te Prblem invlve in which he had been interested for
American bankers' association were will be solved either partially or whol-
about to start a campaign for the can- -ly within the next few years. va!1stime. A radic whensconser
eellvatism wastthedpolicy of most of the
I~~~~~ cettinofteeet
The administrati~m it was ex It is only during the last few years laders, hr. Lloyd George neverthe-
p dminimion, itenas that much has been known about this less was elected to the House of Com-
laied has no immediate itentiou branch of dentistry. The appointment, mons, and in 1905 was made President
opressing he debtor nai y 'therefore, of Dr. Johnson enables the of the Board of Trade, which post he
their obligations hut it xviii ne ver ('oil- flfl~flCollege of Dental Suigery to take the
tent , unless Congress wills otherwise, Cll egeDetlopmetotath held for three years. Rising through
r IcLtVt. leadin the evelopmnt of tis branh I theofficesofNChanellor o the Ex
toi the canseOf Chancofltreodebte.Rxt
t---of dentistry which promises to be chequer and, the then newly-created
stands ready at anyl time to enter inttoR. 'ANFiEL) AND WAGNER of such material aid in the preveta- post of Minister of Mun ns, Lod
neoitoswt o e slos t S .NII)N)WGE,1ps fMnse fMntos ly
ndgtir ds on t te OS COURSS IN tive program that is being carried on George became Secretary of State for
which the British loan wats funded. V I'Y throughout all courses of instruction. War and head of the government upon
he preident oid__t__tiie.In the Dental College he will con- the resignation of H1ierbert H. Asquith,
r Commercial coursesIin Spanish and duct classes for graduates and for un- in 1916, at that time Prime Minister.
terms are exeedig y i ae~ral, ore a (degraduates. lie will have a limited After carryin i
a cold maithemat ical p1roposition th t risnch would not be worth while, ac prvate practice, wih his office in his policy at the head of a corou ma-
amount forgiven by theiiitedi to Pf. Arthur G. Canfield home on Cambridge Road. The in- istry, Mr. Lloyd George urne is at
ceeds the princil anslrudiP 1rof'. Clarles P. Wager, both struction to the undergraduates will tentions to peace problems upon the
The debt funding oum-tsion, ud_- 1the Romanse langluages department, Ilbe with a view to the development of (igning of the armistice in November,
ed by Secretary of the Treasury Mel- w'irin int'rveied on the advisability a knowledge of this subject which will 1918. Wih ex-President Wilson he
Ion, created y aongress prinary to of otlri 50u cours i te Uni enlle practicing dentists to recognie I pushed the Versailles Treaty and the
Fnd cretedbtosresstpimarilyof~su cas early as possible tendencies toward jLeague of Nations.
fund the 1-ritish Idebt, is still psatiently versity. Spanish development has malocclusion and to reconimmen4 such Undaunted by the numerous troubles
'waiting for overtures from other n- tb'ee ailong cultural lines and so, un- cure, either by physician or the dent- confronting him, le umed touthe
The rospectthat rss llllermntheresnosuchthgist as will bring about a normal con- light to restore normal conditions. Op-
authorize of the o ieniic aish.Commercialdition of the face, teeth, and air pas- posed by Lord Northcliffe's powerful
Ci(Citoi dls I ~ii.(imrilSages.( string- of newspapers, le continued his
these nations appears to be vary re- pns is exactly the same Spanris iaes rn, fnwppr, ecniie
mthe, atious the as of veryc- ta ti is (acg t r theamTe S sr, .In the graduate department he will disharteninig struggle. At last, con-
tmot in soug instances are euaofll tr it is t obnecesstty to have a.roab e- give mstruction i all details i what fronted by overwhelming odds he re-
tioninomeiansyi ry t v a tch- is known about the correction of mal-~i signed, October 19, 1922.
ofn. n i tzl io. t::uar' hut seaCh a vab~u- 'occlusion with a view to the produc- I~~. ly erei e o~
----- -y adnzial r. for -tcy branh o"" Ips n derou Mr. Lloyd George is yet a you g
Si T o ry b hen of skilled persons in this field man as British political leaders go,
lb i, ties'i', ' \ter vocbulay used in theg,
atomobile industiy, for example, is who may go into practice. I and his desire to return to office even
POW EX1011i ! nken shea-It is probable that there will be a in a subordinate position may prove
r unlikue that neede i a slce fac- demand for lectures on this important an important factor in bringing him
j j fishD I coul n in comdmerycildupan branch of preventative dentistry. Un- back to power.
It wold besimpl a comer a il the courses in undergraduatean
--- IILII~i IIUH~fI lL ot iould be simly acommeercial graduate instruction are better or- Senior Photos Due December 15
Oct. 14--(By Radio)-Radio con- xcia l(ei, and Elementary e, ing, ganized, it will not be possible for Di. Seniors are again asked to get their
munications with the acill polar conicd1n1 anis .1nta could, to be tJohnson t dveimuchi alo ethha ne pictures taken as early as possible
har, teah the Student a few techni- .t on h . i . for this year's Michiganensian. De-
expedition state that the party has sue th these w eci- ' will accept! a limited number of invita- cermber 1 is the last day for making
c d J~ra 850 budt these wouldl be of ab-'tion s to present what is known about
reached a point elen degrees fromn solely nio valie tJ him without a this important branch of dentistry be- appointments and signing up at the
the North pole and that the ship is ihoroau hi knowledge of the language. isr varousa grups dI 'Ensian office in the Press building.
frozen in for the winter. When he lhas acuiiredil the ability to r___ariousgrups. All photographs must be in by De-
The communiestions also relate of r d and wr ite Spanish well, he can - cenber 15.
iveryItickly pick up t tcePhnhcal vo- Photographer's receipts and record
the incredulity of the Esguimasux eon- ' ary of his e of bsiniss from VI LL blanks can be secured from 2 to 5
cerning the radio. They cannot be iahle-s and books published ex- E, every afternoon except Sunday at .the
brought to believe thct the voices pIessly for such purposes. I[[0O 'Ensian office. The cost of the receipts
which issue from the ado come trom N i:her Professor C1nrild nor Pro- is threedollars.

anywhere else than in the nchine it- fessor Wagner could put too much The plan for the year, as last year is
self. The entire crew ri ert the voy- trts on the idea that a thorough New Orleans is to be the meeting to have the seniors secure their re-
age of 'xptortion 1uch less ion toh- owh'g of the fundamentals of the place of the first conference dealing ceipts through the 'Ensian office, then
ous than has hitherto been the case Icguge must ('11 before any corn- with the reclaiming and settling of have their photography done by any
and that when they are able to kQep miarial co se cas lbe taken to advant- lands outside that is going on in the stio they desire. The record blanks
in comnlunication with the outlside a e. P>rofsuar Wag'nor said that our Western sections of the United States. are to be tilled out by the students and
world they do not feel so isolated. tudents find great dificulty in getting Mr. George H. Maxwell.executive di- checked over by the 'Ensian.


"The Task of Religion" will be the ! gie ocv"' -rx
subject of Rev. A. W. Stalker's sermon "Mow to Get the Most out of College."
during the morning worship which This talk is scheduled for 6:15 o'clock.
will be held at 10:30 o'clock in the Presbyterian
First Methodist church. The usual Morning worship wil The held at
Bible classes will be given at noon '10:30 o'clock this morning in the Pres-
in Wesley hall, and there will be an byterian church. "Loyalties" will be
open house for all Methodist meibers the subject of the sermon. Student
and students from 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock Sunday school will be given at 12:00
in Wesley hall. Supper will be served o'clock. There will be a hospital sing
at 5:30 o'clock. Mr. Beryl Wright and at 2:45 this afternoon. Those desir-;
a deputation team will have charge of mg to participate are requested to;
the Wesleyan Guild devotional meet- meet in Lane hall before this time.
ing at 6:30 o'clock this evening. There Social hour for all students will be at
will be no evening service in the '5:30 o'clock. Thomas Dasef, '25, will
church this evening because of the lead the discussion at the Young Peo-
University service in Hill auditorium. 'le's meeting and open forum at 6:30

iscapade she is disinherited by her
father and is conserantly forced to
live in the modest little fiat her hus-
band is able to provide. Financial
difficulties of one kind and another
lead her to accept the aid of a bogus
East Indian Prince who is madly in
love with her. ComplexitAw-arise at
the time of payment.
The selecting of Miss Negri's trous-
tseau, affords opportunity for a pag-j
.ant of fashion,-superb, daring, un-
conventional gowns.
"High ,ife," a mermaid comedy, and
Bartram and Saxton, the popular com-
edian songsters who delighted Ann Ar-
bor audiences last week, singing new
songs, will conclude the program.
Corrine Griffith in "Received Pay-
ment" comes Friday and Saturday of
this week. The program includes a
special comedy, "Dance or Die," Kilo-
grams, and Bartramn and Saxton in at

Mr. Herbert A. Jump, of the Congre-
gational church will give a sermon at
the morning worship see'vice at 10:451
'clock.this morning. His topic for

this evening. The subject for discus-
sion will be,. "Why I Have Chosen'My
Profession. It's Scope for Christian
St. Andrew's hEpiseopal Church
holy Communion will be given at

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