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October 14, 1923 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-14

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R 14, 1929


........ ... .......THE....C...GA..DAILY.

r.c.i . ,a. r v s; tv

MadePerm nentcapable of taking an active part in
HUNDEDS YDID TAXthe programs may enter as associate
S. C. . Sec etarymembers. Membership fee of $1.50
jTentitles the student to the privilege
PRNM NT N DITR!t of attending all the concerts spon-
Taxevaionon he artof undedswhich the student league is a subsidi-
a; ax vason n te prt f rundedsary The first of these concerts will
of taxpayers in the First District of tib the Cathrwn Browne concert
s r x v Michigan has been brought to light byj Wednesday, Oct.'17, at the Union .
j ~a recent investigation of the income !'pickets may be secured next Monday
v ; returns for 1920, 1921, and 1922, ac- and Tuesday at the book stores an~d
cording to Collector Fred L. Wood- Wednesday at 2:30 before the concert
worth, who instituted a rigid probe of at the Union.
the situation several weeks ago. Students who wish to join this musi-
Hjr These evasions involved failure on cal organization may (10 so by buying
the part of the taxpayers to includle concert ticket and exchanging it for
in hei reurn te pofis mdein a membership ticket from Matinee
'the transfer of real estate. A careful Musicale__headquarters.
investigation will be made of all the I
files of real estate transfers to deter-
j ~mine whether or" not the sales in-C
volved have been included in the in- 1~
-come tax returns. G bllector Wood-
H~arold C. c(IIan Fl w(rth suggested that all persons who l
Mr. Coffman has for several years failed to include the profit realized
been active' in I'. M. C. A. affairs. [from real estate sales, call at his' of- I
Wh ncleehewspeie t ice, or file amended returns, no p~en-1 Ilsvewo
Z' t ncleeh a rsdn f1the student Y. M, C. A. at the Univer- [alty for evasion being enacted if the Spceially 4vritten by the Preside~
sity of Kansas..; This summer he at-! taxpayer voluntarily discloses the (1is-colleCges in the United States,
tended a nuniber of conferences toE crepancy and includes it in his re- writeAAt all of their lessons' and
further traill/him for college Y. M. C. turn. gineerinig, Chemistry, Dentistr3
A. work. " It is my belief," stated Collector* slhortlhand. .Entire ceurse in ti
i Wodwoth, tha thefaiure f mny orresp~ondence. . Can be thoroul
tapyesto include real estate profits praice witoutyablerf$3 twthe
sW onlhy" atth<filreo12ny, ctc awiyotbnle ithn e
He* C O UF FMAIN TO HflVLU hintherretrn wastde tonoerronx Moiiney back guaranteed if not s:
eosinepretation fteicm tax free upon request. Atddress
flflltTnuIlaws, and to misleading publicity that Gar'vin institute, 4109 Woidwari
was given out prior to the ruling of
PEHMANENT P I IU N tha ntedSt ans eremeCtabldi-
ithantedstc as upreeCtold i-
S. C. A. WORKER WYILL ACT AS PFA 't cr rmIY come under the revenue laws."
PEP"NJ~I ~F''iIt was further stated that in cases
~JP RKNZTIKwhere the taxpayer fails to disclose STUDENTS' S.
his ommission, full penalties- will -be S
The Student Christian Association exacted on all gains not included in 1111 SOUTH UI'I
is uider a different, organization this tereurs
year. The chief change is that Mr. __________
Harold C. Coffman will act as perma- t
nent executive Secretary. "M~ATINEEMUS ALEnier'adA
Mr. Coffman has been the rmain- PROGRA MS PL ANN , lQa iners" nanPAr
sprin~g in the nlumerous activities thus alnrFutllP
far carried on by the Association.: aea n
Better known as "Hal" Coffman Further pla.ns ~for the programs ofCaesan
aogthe students of the S. C. A., lie'teM ine usclSutlage Candies, Laundry E
'is a graduate' of Kansas State NormalI; were made Wednesday afternoon when
and the University of Kansas at Law-I the group leaders met at Martha Cook
rence. There he was captain of the: building. It was decided to have' a
soccer and cross country teams, whilet general meeting and program of all E GN E S&C E IT
also prominent in deblating. : I the groups in November, January, E GN E S C E IT
At Lawrence, 'Cot man, was presi-1 March, and May. The individual groups The new 90-character Corona is the
dent of the Student Young Men'sI of which there are three, vocal, piano, greatest typewriter yet tiff'ered ' to
Christian Association and after gratd-J and violin, may meet as often as each{ engineers, 'chemnists' and "people. doing r
ation, he proceeded. to Iowa where hie group decides. The piano group will E mathematical work.' First shipment~
took up Y. M. C. A. work. FollowingI have its first program Wednesday, Oct. 'we received was sold on theda of
this he Silent a, vear, o elowhin f 4 Iat t~ho ib A of-NTPK . T r- (,,q !vl.AnthrAlin ,.n T _ __ ,


of discussion at this time. A Friend- o'clock this morning in the Church of I
lu-Mmy unui q f phin Mnat fnr ntt +h cftrZnr n z:rill Ian ! l ... t T I-- I cxrr

, J UIl ii III L J I i i v I~ ~ diiet alt e stLudents w il be .Christ, Lane hlal. "Honesty an d? n- be held in the church parlors at 5:30s
held from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock this tegrity" will be the subject of the ser- o'clock, The sermon at 7:30 o'clock
AN fUB ~fC revening. Milton Staub will be in moon for the Morning Service at 10:30 will bie on the subject "Turning A
charge of the Devotional meeting and o'clock. The Men's' service club will, World, Which is DonSd Up
____Freshman Debut at 6:30 o'clock this! meet at noon and the Christian 1,1-!I Upside Down." All the gervices will
evening. deavor will hold their meeting at 6:30 ; ei in English.
(erChofhngifrom Pate nt wil Inl(irz o'clock. The student classes at noon Trinity ILutheran
geih fteEgis~datetwl Church school will be held at 9:45 will be held ini the reading rooms of! rv,; ysc llnluin hesudn
spako, te eigono aPet" o'clock this morning in the Unitarian' Lane Hall., lseswl eheda zhi onn
Bats ~ 'I church. At the Morning Service at: Zioni Lutheran ell the Trinity Lutheran ichu1rc:b.
Mr. R. E. Sayles' will speak on "The 110:30 o'clock, the subject of the ser- "Only One Master, All Others 1 t- Crs' s 'Wa eHv" wl
Symbol of Our Age" during the 1Mforn-i mon dill be "What is Unitarianism?" ren" is the title of the sermon to be, be the subject of the sermon at the
ing Worship at 10:30 o'clock thisj The class in social problems today un- 'delivered at the 'morning service at service at 10:30 o'clock.
morning. The church Sunday school' der the direction of Professor A. E.
will be held at noon, and the student's Wood will be given at 10: 30 o'clock. ' ,
class' willI be' given at the same time The young people's supper will be'
in the Guild' house. "The Ideals and from 5:45 to 6:30 o'clock. This will
Program of Jesus" will be the topic Jbe followved. by a discussion on, "Whiy
I1s a"Unitarian?" This discussion will
coein time for the University Ser-I
viein Hill auditorium.
WI 11 FlI /tR\.H[1!Fhi I ChurchofCrs r, l


College Students
ent of onie of the lirges
,to -enable college st
lectures on Law, 31e
y, Phiarmiacy, Classica
en easy lessons taugih
lglly nmastered )witli o f
Tith other studies.. E
erollmnent and $1 eat
satis fied. . Full partieni
I A'ie. Det
.hitects' Materials
ens, Loose'. Leaf Boo
Ai Stpplies
A\gency, Tobaccos

sIt bus1iness
tudents ,to
divinie, En-,
d" etc., in

few weeks' Cream of Green Peas'
;ntire cost Wafers .eer
ch lesson. Clr
ars mailedrI! Prime Rib Roast Beef au jus
I Roast Leg of Veal with Jelly
roit Mici. IRoast Young Chicken
I with dressing
Creamed Corn
RlsMashed Potatoes
)R "i RisSalad
} Home Made' Apple or Mince Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream
I Tea Coffee Milk
12 to 2 p. m. Price $100
Aks Ivi x
Phone 173 31.5 . State St.

1 i

Bible School will be held at 9:30



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In- lots of 1 gal. or more
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vaw. aa aNca 4Cryz i L I y1'il
work at the University of Chicago,
Where he was associated with Pro-I
fessor J. M. Artman, of the Young'
Men's Christian Association College.
The greater part of his time while
he was at Chicago was spent in coun-
try school work-and the surveying
of various phases of boys' work con-
ducted in the different departments of
the Chicago' Association.
When the United States entered the
World War, , Coffman interested him-
Itiley, Kansas but Caftewr six mots
in this department enlisted as a pri-
v~ate in the 'army, later securing a
commission. in the heavy artillery
school at Fort Monroe, Virginia.
In order to obtain wider knowledge
of the work to be carried on in the
position of executive secretary of a'I
college Y. M. C. A., Mr. Coffman at-
tended a number of Y. M. C. A. con-
ferences, being at camps in Colorado
and also Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,
this summer.
This year, he has been advisor to
the Student committees that had F
charge of the Freshman reception,
the Freshman banquets, the fellow-1
ship conference, and the first Univer-'
sity service of the year at which Dr.
A. P. Fitch spoke. Mr. Coffman, ful-
filling the requirements of this new-1
ly formed office, is now aiding the
Cabinet committee of the S. C. A. in
fotmulating plans for the departments
" fwhich the members of the Cabinet
are heading..
Bethlehem EvangelicalI
Sunday. school and' Bible classes
will be held at 9 o'clock this morning.
.English services will be held at 10:00
o'clock and the German services will
be given at 11 o'clock.

I a~u smeorlv I..LeeU Case, 91 1"11v"- IU~eruue soon1. Let u
IMary St. Dates for the other groupsi book your orders now.
Fwill be announced later. 0. ID. IMORI:L
Women on the campus are urged to' 17 AN1*M~'s WMAeade
identify themselves with this organi- t' A"o
zation. Membership is not limited to .-1Dealer: Corona and L. C. SnIlth..
students of music; those who feel in-... .. ......yp i e .

Telephone 13




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PHONES 174-175M



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The Simoke-A-Dor provides a handsome, commpact, convenient and com-
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cigarettes, another matches, and the third is a tightly-closed ash
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by the rasing o~ the compartment lid, the matches likewise. Come in
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W I - "__ --- --- - ----_-__- -- -= - -
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Neill*A(New) W ILL TmT
1111111 - Ln1
N1A ~ S i e _____________________' 111111
D (Sute) U. S.FIEL
'mill 111*
* * *nn crwddinothyal tHwipsfonane.Lharcipsfoehedytee.ad obeoeiom**111
* N1* *IILLSua' msi iPLAYsINwHLeseLAysDInviorIgUiefanl ois-BY CUS"VNT
tnilm CA ES~n heflty o lasapaigt he ihrw u emt i ui nhs "LLE§AD111,
** > "* b en onSoutetinstinlen esin Am rianlie.F IET OFDm
*111*1'11 -*H11 IIII
ai NIN "TESASADSUASBadDe AehnRnMsicTa oOhrOaniain oMte TE TUND ERR" III1l
NNN Ever k Written) l.Chicago Tribune..1
Ii M U S I I''11
III " T T H O V E " . ..1111
* * cointherhaltinopefrnesConcercits fWill Bewee Gi- o e ven
h;i V'ICOiT-ONducor"wL eslloi s withv eprdo hetherDETROITmJAN.e22-AthU mriSaT epetCkenondAmrcn '111
r n .HG SYMHONYORandcheSultRAenderlwys GaRiLOnilgetesoos ithERITSYMPHON
DEC, * 4-RICHARDisbd nitef rloein nefeBt.Hi 1o8n-msianhiMRs JsueF HEanNd us
lisooist withi thelmt"h a efrhmefh d enDE ROIf san pani swill g ellrecitoftwopannumes , 11
mil "W A HI G T N tp
I I O S T m at ri a . S o s a ' o w n c o m o sit o n s a r e e st n e d f o r o n g l if e Il s b a d h s f o m a y y e r s A I R E T O T H
""s* * en n fth ies nlune n mrca ie
INNN Dothe Ameican pople2apreciateand$enoy0te$5**.1111
(Marh of the evilqualty f ths strdy tuff? Whnl!I.
$17,'00Q FoesINGLo oe c oneRTS WotiLLprpBe:,itloNksrahaEifONhANdidAFTERNINIL
111111 Evr rttn C iag1Tiun.LO N
flII1 11'1
11111N "1 I.

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A rcade


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