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October 14, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-14

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m 1 hntlk <t~ .re disappearing from
..- ~Last year a similar case arose. Then OAC MPSTPIIO
OFFICIAL N{EWSPAPER OF THlE the ambition seemed to he to collect rI
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIQAN cuspidors, the gigantic brass cuspi- T gtI,
drthtgcetemnconrof jWE'RE SO ULIEAGUE.QL'ESTION NOT
Published every morning except Monday dsth trc h ayconr fHAS POLITICALI
during the University yearby the Boar din teinterior of the building. It is .Con-
Control of Saidept publications.; ceivable why students should wish to To brhe Editor:
Members of Wtr ~ * ~ ;a allow themselves to be led astray for T REwsagynfrtofU Mnymebr ofte Tnvri3
Associaion. thE. :F of a brass cuspidlor. There whose girl didn't understand the game.I
Assoiaton.were surprised to hear that a lectureI
Th soite hs is Lmehing fascifnating ab~out the In addition,. there were a lot of ,lads on the League of Nations had beenI
titled to the use for reyrl~io'im" all newsSliy brass surface and the bold bra- around who knew all about the game. barred from the campus as a zinure
dispatches credited t t iiv~Gie'wis5eva !(,ng texita
credited in this paper7co b ~ news pub- ao rUngabetexita portly Very authoritative chaps they were,! atvt fpat oiis
fished therein,.____ gaY,;: racing a corner of any stu- aciitofoatypliis
Entered at the postoiice at Ann Arbor, de, i'i(an. But in this case it is dif- The League of Nations is not a local
Michigan, as second ~a -~ matter. ferent. Who in the world could in- h u hs ildd' su fti ain ti neitn
Subscription by. fair er; $3.50; by snail,,
$4.00. vent a Ipossib~le use for a thermostatic what it was all about would say: "He! political Institution as definite as the
Offces: Ann Arbo~r :ress Building, Mfay- thermometer. didn't touch the ball-He didn't wantBithEmreoteSwsRpulc
nard Street. rts mieo h ws eulc
Phones: Editorial,.4,1 and t76-M; Busi- And in answer there comes the age too-It's dangerous to catch 'em when A nomtoa etr ntesrc
-e- 6. __- old story of lack of realization inth
Signe c~mnuriatios, nt ~'ceedig 30 themattr. Fw ofthe suet h opposing tacklers are right on top ture and functions of the League must
ncd. wiN o pbictosh i, t I. ceedig 300the m ter elb h t de t h
the discreto of the sEditor. .pon lrequet, willfully pull a thermometer fromj of you like that. More accidents hap- e of interest to all students of af-
the identity of cornmunic& will be re-,. .., fairs across the water, whatever may a
ginaded as confidential. they wares odther v nthionubrealizef that pen itha t way tha n ay oherway.'rt-be theirpesnloionfthat-
theyaredeprvin ther cub o ex An the th wis las wold rit tude which the United States should
EDITORIAL S1. Ixy actlry $32.18. They are, expensive,! icie the days: "Nth interference-no Itae
2414these little gasartake. ad!htefr'e' tal.Seta
Telephones, 244 nd 1"7 -Ils arneets ninefrne'a l. e htguy No doubt the question of adherence
if ,a realization of what it all 'meant! come around from the other end" and't h egei oiia usin
MANAGI~tG EDITOR cudb ruh oet h tdns e i? and a highly controversial one, but it
HOWARD A. DONAH1UE there is little doubt but that the thiev- i Anid then the enthusiastic ones, those1 can hardly be called partizan. No
- kery would come to a stop, loyal forever to the Maize and Blue, i political party has as yet defined the
'ews Lditor .. ....... .......Julian , E. Mack And again there is the matter of would say when a Vanderbilt man! oiinwihi iltk ntecm
City Editor....... ...........h-arry II',eypoionwchtwllakinheo-
Editorial Board Chairniaii.. . .R. C. Moriarty wanton, destruction of ones own pro- was knocked., on the crust and was Incapigorantdooutl
Night Ed.tors .pery. h no ehnst h t-wating for his head to clear; "Come the national conventions meet and
E, H-. Arles 1. 3. Connable dns ti hi lb n hnI on there, you aren't in Iiixie now, boy. a)dopt tbeir platforrn z, Tn1_9"' .,.-
R. A. Biliing*on T. t. Fiske is in operation it is for them. They !You don't have to' rest." A ud I11(;1 <t.H ei pC.lClark . G.,i.'rlingou, I U(' ,":
T. , Wagner, are privileged to use it, and ev% ia guiy a few seats down, jpc i in-gh 11h( '0 ~ i -S1,I ; j
S acts Editor..,.........<:4h N. B~yers cenit that is shown as profit at the ~bilac fti ed ol elw ~ :~ iu.0 UL vnt~.
T legraph Editor,...............R. B. Tarr of theyear is turned directly back ftc, up ith Youeeo n ths ea sunys clidef, l+ic .>, iyLgrea er hn th clii-
Su:nday Magazine Editor .... ..~. L. Tilden
Music Editor....... .. Ruth A 11owell ward giv'ng them -more advantages Dixie now,' boy.' ference between the parties. IPresi-
Assistanit City Editor...Kci:ocitl C. Kellar and better services in their 'own club But for our part, we just sat as still dent Wilson, Demiocrat, may have fav-.
Editorial BoardI A few thoughtless acts in the way ofI as a mouse and cheered and cheered ored the League which Senator Lodlge,
Paul Einstein b-rt lRam ay property= destruction can -do much to-( and cheered for Mich-i-gan.Reulcnopsd;btfr rA-
Andrew Propprwr aigti rftfrsalr. ***tReyblineralpWoershbt amepuAt-c
Assistants wr akthhs rt isanilner e OPICRItoricneyalsoefaoriedhLaguepinuo-
B. G,; Baet(' tanitned b, PICJRMEMicnalo aori heLageinsp
Maio . -R . S .M1;ii :cu
k N. B~erkman E. C Aai mid a literary droughtpoiontSearRedDmca.
Heln 11, e -res toI ?; t k f . Ni1h novel optic rines I thought I If "party politics" be made to in-
BernadetteCote Regina Rich a:'
G, W. Da-i S.S inihVWitilo -I clil:li v in;;,., n.t''r - Id ,i~ia!.the writer's decalogue Ielude every osbeqeto ffr
Rarrld Vhvich W. I.Stcnc:1 yposbl. ustono f
Il 1[. RSt: ;vtaim privilege to cusure his students And be a new poetic rogue. I znplc and even all information

mail la


V CF r
fi l

At Gr' h


Read Th1e 1Daily
Central Time .v '[ilp-)
LaeChamber of Cm mecec
6:45 a. rn. 6:45 a. in.
12:45 p. M. 6:45 p. m.
4:45 p. rte.
JAS. 13. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phonie ga64' A Irian, Mich.

- ~ ~ ~ ~ S r jek;ihiii wLi



O'i ''c',~r c i ~z


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617 P_ AA RD ST!~~, ; - ~ P~


Joseph KrugSr .PB. 'c1
Elizabeth ,iebecrinan WV. J. Waliuir I
R. R. McGregor, Jr.
Telephone 960
M Avertising...... .....E. Tr. Dunne
Advertising ...........'..Perry .hfayden
Advertising.......... ........ .C. Purdy
Advertising........... , .1 Roesser
Advertising .... ...X. .K., -Sherer
Accounts.................C. XW..Christie
Circulation............... .. . Hu. askins
P~ublc tion................ Lawrence Pierce

if they happen to fall asleep during-j
the progress of a class session, there
are some instances where the profes-
sor is wholly unjustified in such ac-
tion. The atmosphere of every class
room should be such as to permit the I
wide awake studen~t to remain -In the
same state of alertness throughout
the en:li' hor.
Such is + ie case however. While l
the heati~, x---'m of all University l
buildings :a,. men the subject of
much concern, and many of the new-
er structures have perfect equipment
for accurate regulation of * tempera- I
ture and free circulation of air, therej
is one building in particular where
studi: greatly inhib i d by the pre-
r<;:t- circuimstances. The Econom-
°r ,miing, with in abtunrdance of

Bennie Caplan
John Conlin
Allin L'. Crouch
Louis N. .Dexter
l oscjIh . Fi',n

Harold A a'L~s
Byron I'ki
;1. I1 1. ' i-

The old time rime would .,ui' li
But. this a new design doth bear,
Appealing to the eye instead
If silently the lines we read.
Free versifiers leave behind,
And toss their poems to the wind.
I use this style with greater ease
If I supply some mental grease.
Now 'blue' sounds just the same as
But 'Sue' won't sew, or rime with!
And if you're sure a plow's a
Why isn't then a cow a cough?
And 'so' seems just the same ae'y
But 'ho' is not a whit like hew.
It surely makes my brain to ache
To find of optic. rimes a cache..
Nwreader, take your pen~ and try
Your subtle arts of mimicry,.
And- spend a little of your time
To help along this new regime.
-G C D headline.
Can't think of anything to 4 say
about this one, but it's pretty good.-

1- \ *;hu xtmi tuitbelearned 2 a r
Ah'w vd tot ' (11the Michigan
Very truly yours,
Preston Slosson.
Vanderbilt put up a good. fight not
only on the football field but in the 1
cheering stands as well. Even if1
their numbers didn't quite total eight i
hundred, they made enough noise for
that number and they all stuxck until}
the end too.I
The Student council has achieved a
worthwhile improvement in the cheer-'
ing squad as shown by the amount of
sound, extracted from the spectators
during the game yesterday.

. .;0
- - ---5---A----12111;
C i - i O + M ~ e Y~a a w ~ . w a ~ f e . ..(k a)
E Fd~c'I
11 tchtj uu~-- h~ ~ -l'~lvds~m

the Table

es tlii so desira ble.

Itt (inc labIa, I-u
Ii in-; tti'P~tCd (10 .1 1-
en III .:tl ;~~4d-,m
single jm-ei i' or v ~- -.

I a of;' a ili! :221otif. The Iloveliness
ii 9' ;Jo u' .- lo~(i ni 11l erfect taste when
p &ciidr n omen demnd and buy
1 P- ;, Vtt'~ Sii, ji tL(Vnevor chips, dents,
-~~ ~ ~~ e- ,v i 21dr mteu to wansh; retains its
Ii 1-- 1,V ~old. A W0oman who Use~s
1:;10K:-. :2~"A ilil sklies a comiplete set.


;g of Beauty

f. L.11414 'S . ., l .K.
Edw. 1. l1; (,cnaker winlijo-,s-as .a i-tle is fat above the
- -- -- ------ temp ofa~~ ~ other sess'on halls.
. -Gm-on, < ;du room has maintained a
'7 .. ,.-- - -- -cos~nm Kuuierature of~ 84 degees ev-
S)UN.X () 1 tit t i, 41923 9Pt e rooms were first heated
sevv~i 'eiI, s ago. In spite of the
Nig t r~ro-4A-RRY C. CLAIRK
Night ~fact that three of thme five windows are
RULE AN THIR NTEPIW alwy kept open, the room is never
RULESAND HEM NTERR'T cool0 enough to permit. the alertness
TION a-.. which comes with a moderately warms
In refusing the use of H11ll auditor-I temperature.
IIn the 'winter time, the Economics
inm for a discussion of League of building is invariably too cool but that
Nations :problit b1- Al-. ticE,' W. is uo reason that it should be made so
Wicksrsham, who wia; o lx- poken hot now, that it is, impossible to
there under the a ,al(t ,lofih local thinly.
branch of theLegeo non Non--_ ___
Partisan associationi. ~litdof Re- on;-of M\ichigan's upperclassmnen
gents have acted it a -odance with m.Ll a great point of disciplining the
a custom which, upon casual consid-' fretlmin. Are they the same ones,
eration, would seEii, to have some bas- who 1l+.,,e not yet learned of the dis-
is in reason. -The, argument which courtesy they show and the,' annoy-,
they=,hm e onsi.-eumt1 pu. forward in ance they cause when thqy, leave thle
suh. )ort of .tt uipss that If po- football games, duringtelsqar
litic'4 sp, akev's are given the. use of ter.
Ualversify h 'uildings, they would have,
no valid c_-cuse for refus~ing use of
the buildings to any p jlitical crank
who might wish ani a it ,cof Twenty-Five Years
As a matter of fa et, tee i i istice of - t1 C 2'
such reazoning, is vetry oi arent. For A o tY c#ia
could it not apply to speeches on non--
political; as wEihi apolitical top if'-,? Fromthe fils ofthe I. f M. Dally
Would it not be a4 reasonable to for- comie teQ, 8S.o e1
bid a serious discus sion of, evolutionOcor2,-
-on the grounds that ;here would be ono - The followving, football .schedule has
way of preventTingc~ William Jennings
Blryan froat(5n nu here and airing been arranged, and includes sixj
his vie,, if he wtt to? If the games in all, three of which willJ be,
R.P~P~ntq w n tm~iiAthei mel-of played in Ann Arbor. Oct. 22. Notrei

It isi. still too early in the year toI
do any predicting but presidential j
figures for the. comning campaign are!,
looming' on the horizon. President
Coolidge has a strong chance for nom-
ination since other action would be
a repudiation of the G.O.P. and the
present administration. Gov. Al. SmithI
of New York is being talked of as a!
De~mocrain ihihliii .vadri-r

Up-itlw-\v ieJ. d4
4NUAAIY. I' 1" .---'1 Sr-. NEAR MAIN4 QUALITY.
r Ed20 "0


: 1



One of the organizations in thli1 current in regard to the political am-
country that we consider useless is bitions of IHenry Ford. Senator Ro- I
the D.A.R., meaning, in full, the bert M. LaFollette, Wisconsin pro-a
Daughters of the American Revolu- gressive and radical Republican who
-tion. It is full of ladies whose grand- has been ,a potential thirdl party lead-1
mothers married people whose grand-' er for years may head a 'new ticlket
fathers held George, Washington's this -year. Sen. Oscar Underwood, of C

1Lt e ''LU " )1pursueL ekir w-' IiL
reasoning to its logic.,I conclusion,
they would have to forbid-i all speeches,
regardless of their nature!
But cve'i though they hold to their
Srule, it would appear tlai ulucy have
misapjldif"'n the ca.- i qnstion.
For in uo- light may Mr. W--hai's
speechi be considered puPIL-aIl It is
to' be a d'i:;cussion of a ul'e of in-
ternatio?,,i-al Pmortance, have, Aulv
nif-canc---hmAx ncnp tsu ol
tics at m sn.f°ue, 'by ar
who hsellcuaeiv1 nggdi
On7e o: F( IY' imp)i ' i'-uti2 i
of a Universit- should be to pro!:o te
s6.rious, intell'gent discussion of im-
-ortant problems in our present-day

Dame, Oct. 29, University Altmoi ,
Nov. 5, Northwestern at Evansi on,
Nov. 12, Illinois at Detroit, Nov. ifs,
Beloit, and Thanksgiving, Chicago at
Quite a large crowd was out to
watch the practice, yesterday but it
lacked gem:2,'?'. Ther w-: (0v'1ir-
2i.auragclnenL z~.-the spectaors.
The S.C.A. will manifest increased
act'vity this year, having the usual'
features of Sund: -j meetings, general

horse while he blew his nose at, Val-
ley Forge. It is forever holding meet-
ings, appointing committees, and in
genmeral acting like Congress and the
Student Council. It has a national
committee, for instance, on the use
of the bag. Gosh!
Among the brigh~t plans for comple-
tion of the Union Swimming Pool
that we now hear around the office
-was this:; If they want to fill the
pool right away, why not give a mis-
cellaneous shower?
'A gentlemtan we kncokN w,: < t u'i-uix
talking about church supps,, K il
the whole business very neatly: YAlist
of people that don't want to put on a
church supper put one on, just so a
lot of people that don't want to go
can go. Precisely.
The number of politically ambitious
freshmnen who called the Daily office
11 4 otlher night for the results of the
rimuunations was astounding. All the
birdts that were nominated for trneas-
urer' called up and asked a <-- ';uallx-
as they could who the fro-. , t 'nmi.
ees for president were, and the fWo
ed (down the list to treasurer, t
they would all be positively screw:n-
ing and having tremors in their voice.
by the time they got as far as secre-
tarry. An(J then some of them would

Alabamna and Sen. Samuel Ralston, of
Indiana, are figures to be taken into
consideration, and of course there is
more or less of a Hiram Johnson boom
in California.
The list is by no means complete
but it serves to illustrate our point.
All these men represent groups. One
means a. G. 0. P. administration, an-
other would mean a Democratic ad-
ministration, while a third stands for
a progressive administration as spon-
sod byv the r911iW hine h&-2d 1n
a-' inclined to exercise a j
more or less rigid control over' himt.
In, other words, we elect not only a
president but a party. Voters should
ask themselves this question. Which
is more important, that the govern-
ment of the United States be well ad-
ministered, or that it be administered
by one set of men or another? Much
depends on the answer.
,la r}P -#JBAGD ',
1~~fori; --tablishmento
n1~obifle r .,efront Haifa us !k
7a t; completion according to the Ai
,.he Persian desert are rapidly near-
est reports. The new line will make'
it possible to journey from New York
to Bagdad in fifteen days. The routo
wh'ch already has been laid out runs
from Haifa to Damascus, thence
straight east across the desert to Bag-
dad. It opens the famous Mespotamia

ir i- !eb g.e.it Olerco at V'alise In Ike
Ciy - T osR nLN E O wre
A nd20 - -s
-~ Alf:--Y-
Sack. Rt
-- f.



lfe. LVj officially frowning upon- the prayer meeting on Wednesday, even-
discussion of 'a problem xvin a in gs, anmd special meetings for the
measure, concerns the welfare of the fre~shmen on Monday evenings, and,





e'tire world, the Regents have ex-
hibited a narrowness of view which is
greatly to be deplored.

for den-l
Tucsd ",- or

aind medical students, on
;n ilg, It is announced

that Pry . .u ngell will deliver the
first i'm - 'o~rning address. For
those folloiap.irs Prof. R. M. Wenley.

say thanks in a joyous squeak, andI
some of them would simply sob andI
hang up.
The editor of Chimes was boosting,

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