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October 16, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-16

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. ..
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C r 5 " Y' R
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cert will be a two-piano recital by Mr. PROF. (CURTITS CALLED WVEST
ET and Mrs. Josef Lhevinne. I>BY FA I ?TTLEWS SUIENHEATH
glDVcncerTOarOavElabEXTtRAe ofice Prof. Ralph Hamnilton Curtiss, ofth
C O N E R T S [of t h u e S c h o o l o f M u s ic .a s r n y d e rt n , h a b e n c l d
. Sou a ', Band, nder the direction or' MIC IAND ME his father, Mr. Hamilton Buxrton Cur-
" '- iLieut.-Coinxnlander John Philip Sousa,' TO MEET TONIGHT! tiss. M~r. Curtiss had b~een ill but a
swill toffer the first concert of the Ex-.- short time. Although hie was 81 years
t Modayeve! Mihign Dmes an rgaizaionold, the news of his death was quite
I, unexpected as resent letters reported
,nine. The. progr'am will feature four composed of the wives of graduate his improvedI health. Arrangements
'ie first amendment. If solois ts, aside from the numbers by and undergraduate students, wil meet, have been made for Professor Curtiss'
for the consitution as a thle entire hand; Miss Nora Fauchxaldjat 7:30 o'clock tonight at H-elen New-1 classes to meet as usual.

Ste.I li ee ccacdotistoard I

~I rvv ~sFn oy whole, ]: should not speak at all. And soprano, Mass ILachel Senior, violinist,
"' En oy i I. d notrespect the constitution as Air. John Dolan, cornetist, and Mr.
To London iOWVfla whole, I am unfit to speakt in he- George Carey , xylophonist.
half of any part of it," Three of the compositions of Mr-I
- ----Sousa appear on the program, while
others will be offered for encores. AnI
interesting number it is expected will
IN S [ 1 [ I be offered in "The Victory Ball," by
I ~Ernest 'Schelling. It will be remem-
Mgy 1[ C~gn be red that Mr. Schelling appeared at
I the May Festival last May.
1 .Three other concerts of the Ex1.tra

berry residence. Mrs. Carl Rufus;
will speak on her experiences and oh-
servations in Korea, where she spent
seven years.
The local group is part of a national
organization comprising nine chapters
of which the leading ones are at the
IUniversities of Chicago, Illinois and
Iowa. Its aimns are social and educa-
tional, while an attempt is made to
help members who are new in Ann.,
Arbor to get acquainted. Wives of

Mr. Curtiss was a visitor in Ann
[Arbor several times, but not recently.
He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Emily.
Wheeler Cu-:,toss, and two sons, Prof.
1 Ralph Hamilton Curtiss, of Ann 'Ar-
bor, and Prof. D. R. Curtiss, of North-
western university..
Rain Water Shampoos
Expert Marcel Waving
Artistic Hair Goods
I' Manicuring
707 N. University Ave.
Phone 2652

La td I' ine TIodaiy!

ttit on f tie: ~nrtcl .t~at- ae Vu~i-concert series will be offered by the! terested are requested to call Mrs. I
tuti tctk ;'aied Si"rs e hi a iQ of Vra~s i i argai r] i Detroit Symphony orchestra, with ad-. Curtis LeFever, the president, for fur-.b
'aid rSIiplahaiN orF ii andiid 4ath ditional soloists, while the final con- ther information. - - .
<r^ i' WiesUiW riversliy A eiues
"The hostbeds, the uosv rndezvouiS -----3'---_____
olawl essnIess, (of c(y na-al Oe ianee to .,.. CITY CUla TOCO!SI-E
the Eigltc '.nth 2i en~ir meli nt,' 11e o aN ATO (M i l ~ ~ 4 V
clared, ''re £amoICng those fIl 1 lli O.O . oejal{{,,F3 r -__'Ti
stnig flgep'Lel nc(SS .It has been suggested to the Ann After the'
anInth -lhe hms ~Oti A rbor council lltet he names of cr- I
their patr'ona , , heir pr )logtion, a cotnmstreets bordering onnthe Inlnvers I ,ne
their examnplt, the bootlegr~ger would li- caulpus be change"y d. It is pro-
be easily within the control oftilhed I psdthttiswud'lm
la.T.'e'st n i ak- 001I a hswudeiiates fthe .1/oi-
law, l°ht rd<#ts in Ii;3 (1l~ly.confusion wichi generally arises with, M ve
lgtdroc- o roud hitorly vl aeni etree streton sr~ ramed "Uniuvesitay"
otable anId denounces 1 pr liov hos * hesgestionoetht*hasbeenmad thtD ance-
othe consi itution 7pla(ced hewe to pro- .: the stret hrtr called North Uni-
teot proprerty. thle ' wit' sits in is E-:'-veisity 1)e called Wal ateaw Ave. Asass
rrl l ihc oon) about.his rh1-I North hnivei t v is only an eecn)ni
ly lade n tabC le, au( d< teh ES Or dfIlenounc ' of - a shten i l B iE C I N '1 Gt o alte p o i i n o ~ b U Ii i n i l 1 W; a p o r ae navr en uthe , t he an
edR there in the belie-f 41, woul prote:t1 ;9bu' Hays Hlammnnd South University a).venue be called
the home. I -Ali ol avenue, and Iltatine s reet l
"Th Ila~2 f t'cTii'~yr o CA24, £> Onemore Johil Igays Hammond, PO
_Te a (f( now O oura,~known as ast Univer,ty bi'
deeply conc-erned in p)1escririg respectI millionaire irning engineer, is mlen- namined simply l1iver7sity.u ciu
for Infor that is;hi5 pr otctioto i{tiolied for anl illprtant 'diplomratic I The matter hars been rfrred to the Lunc
lroperty. Do not they assum1Ie a sin- post. is umotr' ath1 it that he will sue;-. 1 03 ianeco COmrni tte.G who harve tIhe u c
ister ha23a(1rd jlel:ofnlig a. ,I 'sm C.dirnt: -iCa'.Cl. George Harvey as anmlassa5t- power to draft the orinanl~tce and
any prt oftill consitutin: t lodl; 1 )h1c it befCore council, which body T
anythiparint o t,csrni i . a rt. Ioflong to 1I.irdCoa when Ilarve iresigns nmay carry tis sugg etion into effect______
the great chart riount nyt axn. 1. au it has been annoullced ho It is probable that this (u stloil willI
at this ameondmient beat at the whle( will. iariirionil has rendlered valuable 1)be decided at the next mieeting of t he I
structure of a goverlnment eo, lwwhen ;acssistauc~e to the Republican adminiis- I(ciy(coliuni r.nhih will b o Nvel-A
yordsoeyii anati.Tis pro-tration inl various capacities.., er 5.I
vision of the c oumtilttioll is inl the con-'-- -- - - tic___
stitution by thle .cameu authoritye, cal'- At another juncture lie remarked: N. M. Macek, '23 was (elected pre ?i
risthe same force and tsanc~ity as the I"Parohm~itionist, or anti-rhlion-(etadAN.Rn,'4sceayof. '
Fifth amnendment, whicb h C1rc xj the ,is, sober or drunk, we ought as ct- 'thleHindustan club t itsmeting held I I 703 N. UNItV."
protecting shelter of [he i;hole gov- I hzens be loyii to our common country I Sunday in Lane hall.
erment ,around life and prio arty. The and be wilinrg to support the law so--
spirit of lawlessnless wh ic:i aunderin- 1long as it is thne law." It's true efficiency to use Dail 1;1 Y
es the one will, in tume, destroy the( All 'Vial to Freedon C1"-X.sifieds. .Adv. _ - -SY
other. I ith the observation that "the .ai-- ----III-
Munst Suipport Conrsiti itioii ,=antees; of the constitution are the mostI!IlIi '--lIlIIllIIIIIIIlI~III~I,~laJluIII
"Those men have da perfect right to! sacred guai'anees in behalf of civil lib-,;
change the constitution, or anry-part f erty ever placed in any instrument of ^
it, in i tche wayby whichncags a r aae goernment," Se'nator Borah declared_101
pemte. bys ln s s n was of the opinion that if any onle
there, it is x'ntilieotbi-i C<,.si h-nSt and 1provision of the constitution could be'='
" corsc,,emr ons Su'i nrt. You cannot 7e arded as mre vital to the cauise ' M w r "
heyorioetotoport.yo'0'fedom) than any other, it would .be .. -'
1:Ofcl'ty 1o- life, the tumugrcs, which you the first amendmnent, wit ich guna-r- -~~
)siz j~and,]dee ply' c harll,;i oucon-- es srep1eech, afe rssadtegg'~ JtI~~tU~.
tinmze to teach di sreg-ard fog tine tings I ight to worship Clod acerting to the ~" -',~ / f_
which challenge your- opuo ption. What - ictates of one's conscieric-e" _______________
one citizen mnay hue- anoter may dis-. ( "But such are the effects of war . -" -
lilte, and weshall soon witness a gen-;Iupon the constitution," he continuedl= ;Oil NOWV PLAYIN 7:O( _
oral assult upon the whiole stracture." "such are the 'effects of war in hbrced 1I -}:~TL~S 3
Declaring; that 1e t-oibitieon ig hate and intolerance, that men amre
of e d e ti tl t r c.b o n p i o o ay a d h v e nf r sxW the cons iitutuin," Sn t r oah years in abslute i violation of the fund U i er alIead o t e9'
cc l!'Cinied: anental principles of the first amiend UieslowDl H Z herIn t
D cY at :te
It is 7infthe consteitution aftrers melnt to the onstitution, there not for camipus---lws
of agitation ,and discus.- o aft e a violence, nlot for assaults upon lift or Ac"-° 7)on'it Miss It?
tates had 'already adoptels'-v d property, but for the expression of For'
prohlibidon law~s, a fter olopeaesi their political views. But what 1,
thee ircgres a e.# r c (-on ,)rlb-(even more startling, they are there -
the state lex ri+,irtu'e 7, nate.. i without any legal evidence upon which
(C I ion by 36 { e 0:,et a i ii' C' li':-to hld them,. o ,~1a~(
no) Oemac?ncandidly ao h att s "I7 would count nmyslf a xxiling -,. i?~'
arliedmn 'it is ill tlime (73t~iO hy pvllpro;rte to ('0mb here to instit upon1-011
U'l.:ent or a a res altof 1)11olthe enforcement ofthe Ii' 'l ne1- " > --/
h9,ste." I meant and rema1in silent upon the udoI c '
~ ~- -~.Has it ever occurred to
{ CET 4I1.ER,-_Iwhite linens, the samne
I i .> ,of I gali. or ixore -'pael of every cdescrip
P ~~ 3 0visit a modern hospital.WHT.e3 g
A/GNE CIDER MILL sYou can, for inor!1
., ,ar U )t,. (< A~~ 'l of 1Im0vriie Specialty Companyi of washing and ironnin
1112N.)RIN STRIEET 2 Joseph M.SchncKt- >> same expert care.
__________________ "Why be content wt
B -e'-oprng'and Printing o Phone Today a.
-~) ~ArnatuerI hiic l zz
' "" IAdto Directed by ~'
-hIN-ae -2076
C9 : ~ rt utsi de G'roups "'THE TAIA)Ri" Diicy was a dumb-bell. She but- .,;AD

a ~ ted into everything, everywhere- 2077
AND Ei't1'ICSNO'geven into her husband's business, =1 2
I~ -wh,re she gummned the game and
"Duil NDnaly"rineght~.And that :"THE LAUNDRY V
goec for' the star as well as the e
- - ~ - ------ --
7FNe~lvri~ I-.IIeat mriig RICHLARD I) 1) ZAZA"




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-, - '''..,-.. ,



Your Washing

you that you may have the same snowy
immaculate cleanliness in wearing ap-
Lion that so impresses" you when you
dern lau-dry we use the same methods
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less when you can have HOSPIA~
cleanliness for your own washing.
Lnd Have a Representative Call


--- s


.. ... _ ..
mmxrnwwnenemwumn gwxwm A _.

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