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October 14, 1923 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-14

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On Books and Reality Messrs. Shubert
(Continued from Page One) table-leg, in order to bring her within
Thought: Thought is inimical to; the bounds of common decency bupre m u ]ga7Ss
life. Life, in itself,is a not unhappy At any rate,-neither represents lifeu
affair; man never thought, until he as it is. ORLANDO BEEDE
had become conscious of his misery. Let us have done with this eternal
. . Who, tell me, ever pauses to shouting for living in life, as opposed! The arrangers of this would-be mus- Through the tremendous buzz of a
appraise his happiness? The firt to living in books. Our civilization is ical comedy were evidently unaware strikingly unintelligent audience one
book must have beeen the work of such, that it turns the attention of of the fact that Franz Shubert's music could lfaintly hearc the overture whih
someone who felt his misery so Ieen- some znen toward literature to the ex- is not a bit suitable to make a good, sd t r
ly that he wished to preserve a recor cis'on of alt else; wtsiteothse men snappy show. The mob at lathe, at consesd o. a sedh of ti great coo-
of it-perhaps as a warnmg. a acquire a violent antipathy toward the ' final performance in Detroit, ser's oi od whtha Shubet
M. France's resentment aganst verything that savors of books and thought it not so bad; but one member si race ot, of eemrythng Stbert
books is therefore based on very rea- too-learning. Tie fortsnate mncc, of the audience was heard to say that eh rI, aitnsemetng snatches,
s<1e groecunds.. I supteose, are these who are able to in her estimation it was not nearly wee rhythmecal'y ssostrted snatches.
,Te more sery, the more books .attain a happy medium between the as cute as 'Irene'.' Yes, this woman t s
tee m i .s, t'e ls life. ,boists and the practical. But I know was quite rigtht. "Blossom ie Is te e tals ginoelee se the
ill) Onst l r tenw1 B 0zac! of no formula for tie production of not a paotoh on " rene." asse tire r ct- rett girls.al sngnsg. It.eutily
s ts ret' t happy mediums. A sane civilization ero of ur moern muscarmod es p r+^;l is tynes, dnceng iu a
t tc e mgeht doemuch in this respect; but were undoubssnty dtssre. at tsees sw si.rel te
1 sirs a bllyfu of fod, ar asubh a vilization would be too mod- thought o. listing suet a conc xt on u slo '5o inaenirel nto
t toresemble life, which is sense 5 'ltsstees Tie" nsier the tet e iand all scream-
foodue 5in05rr nutal. o a muessical comedy. It woU d tpr- tee' tet's cp', sit-
I soking at the matter frome another teatfs r ohrrtis-eent r' A e tie opening
our ce - sccn angle, I observe that there is a great snnansacgere, 5sus if so tetllabrua s isgs. The
dore. teal of bosh current about the prar- msa c0'od thata yyis t 1nby Z e ha nett, a very
Ths s cefet ', ees tical man--the man of the world, who d, it old oring actress having mny quali-
n se toere er- lst one. ".cc"st .c ceie secygsei
sIt tisn eiteto e ccisa-11 despises the life, of the bookish, and t .tisf tpcal, dashing Hungarian
Isse g-'d eretee less-c' Ig h n who gains his own knowledge from But Shubert-poor, pour Mr, Shu tIle. ereis a case where the beauty
tbrnnting. and writing have led hmn at experience. Some day, when I am bert. How utterly distressed ande mr-
lest to test admnrable concluson o, calm. I shall manufacture an antho- tfied he would have been had he secieenes see' thef teratr. ffset
l ltaier e "In aut cultiver son ad', ogy of all the ponderous misinforma-. known of this crime that has been ci ii actet end cxaggoraed thoir
why does he not at epee say wo. tion which I have gained by convers- comnitted with the sacred product irlh rolesv ery -ell indeed, but
Withs tlhi I sould he unable to nd lug with practical men, and publish of his soul. The serious listener takes bey sng them terribly. Of Mitzi
the sligetest fauit. it for all the world to see. not lng in arriving at the conincion n be said the sae Ihing excep that
Butobviouesly he does not mea hensy a logithat Shubert's heavenly sons are car- d
anything of the sor. On thec os- If there ceree not so nmany prartial tailubr'levoySneaecr ccelandSictertsuccedd in prodee-
anythig of he sot. On ne ca- . .rigid off by the ravisher, Sigmund Rom '' hc
tracy, when le says "life" he rtfor sen among our citizens, we should btedofthegcaviner muilu cl cpathos at frequent times whic
to thoa e experiences which he trees- then see a builder of air-castles elect- berg. thus causing i Ih suthenca 1as enclined to move the audience
tcre host. ex hans selecte etaes el to thse pres idoncy. world noticing less than eshat the rapce sumewhat. tlitzi wills her childish lit-
of the Sabine women was to Rome. te heart, and the great, naive Shu-
elements .of our civilized existence, For this ie the nark y which you
and has labelled them "life;" and he may reasgnize the practical man: a 'rance. Tere ay posbly be oe ct-they stood fore ot in the per-
has decided that books do not belong full stock of convictions, each one of fh inThes. BtyIpotiblythatsomey ermacce. Edith Thayer and Bertram
to life. which, before it is accepted, must be truth in ts. Bet I noice tht eery peacock are to be credited in teir
The more books, the less life-that proved to have nothing to do swithnow and then some writer who c, presentations of the two leading roles.
noted for his erudition laments the
is also my idea; but that is not the reason. fact that the vision of the hoekis Then, this operetta is cursed with
whole story. I must say further;-the I have often-wondered why the prac- man is blurred through constant - too many humorists. The only char-
more civilization, the morehooks; and i cal man has accepted so tamely te tention to the printed page, and ad- actrs in the whole cast who are not
finally, of course: the more civiliza- theory regarding the sum of two plusteintthe pinted pendmad- meant to be funny are Franz Shubert,
tion, the less life. two. . . and Mrs. Coberg, his house keeper,
his time in the market-place' forget-.th as
And I am logical enough to wish From a casual glance at the rest ting altogether to mention that teelwho appears for a moment in the last
civilization at the devil, in its en- of his beliefs, I conclude that he has t hiact to say but a few words. All are
market-place is crowded with pra- .br
tirety-works and pomps, tripes and done so under the impression that markeple is cre setherar- laughing and joking and bringing poor
bowels. the resultant "four" has been arrived l o ae Franz to grief.' The impression is that
(If M. France had not written as he at by some. emotional process. part, more blinded and bewildered by of unjust humour. It all seems a tra-
did, I should not now be writing as I Nat otherwise, I am convinced,:. gedy; and yet, everyone roars at the
am writing; I should have had no cx- would he have given it credence. ts given, top of his lungs. Papa Kranz is sup-
cuse. . .';:Thus does sin perpetuate "But all that you see in books, you MURRAY N. GOODWIN, posed to be the funniest. William
itself!) see wrongly, and sadly," says M. Detroit, Mich. (Continued on Page Three)
If we are to make civilization a suc-
cess, we must forget life. Life is not
possible under civilized conditions.
Life has been hymned by a noble
chorus. In literature, the sentiment- I s
alism of the Victorians ha s been
damned as the very antithesis of life.
It is not; it is merely a more absurd
perversion of life than that which has
been touted as the embodiment of
life-the robust outpouring of the
The pretty Lucy of Dickens is fur-
ther removed from life than the brusk
Rosalind of Shakespeare. The for-
mer was perhaps drawn from the con-
sumptive daughter of a clergyma'i;*
the latter from a bar-maid without an These are virtues one seldom finds com -
enemyin -the world. But while it may * *
have beenanecessary to animate the bined in one garment. But here you will find
first with a hypodermic, the second t
had,very likely to be subdued with a these cardinal virtues have been carefully look
ed after, and your satisfaction faithfully cared
F. L. Tilden.............Editor for.
Donald E. L. Snyder...... Books
Robert Bartron.......... Drama
Normand Lockwood .......Music
Robert Locke........... Scogan
Contributing Staff:Ta
Lisle Rose, Halsey Davidson, This week some vry smart Frocks have been received in Canton Crepe,
Newell Bebout, Samuel Moore, Charmeen and Satin Lyons, which are just the thing for afternoon and even-
Jr. Siing functions, which are not strictly formal. They must be seen to be fully
The Sunday magazine solicits f
manuscripts from all persons af- 1 ' appreciated. The prices are unusual, this lot being specially priced at
filiated with the University. Man-
uscripts 'Bust be typewritten,
triple spaced and written on one -
side only. agzne ak$25o$29.50 $35 $39.50
I The Sunday Magazine acknowla

edges The American Secular Un-
ion review service for "The Un-
official Observer" department. *
_____ THiE M LL Co .-\IPI'I
Iti' the policy of ti sa gazin eto
pf bl'.zl crsiele of aiias . by' bth The Shop of Sati faction
students and faculty members if, in
thse judgent'e ofthe editor, thaserti-1 V YAIN S R E
deostee Ca| ''t eerit 118 M AIN ST REET
Iles are of intrinaic value and itteret.
This does not mnean that ianuscripts
solicited or voluntarily offered are
necessarilyin accord with editorial
opinion either in principle or form.

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