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May 09, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE MTV SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE K ~1VV A'AAJLV W JL V i,:1 Gish Stars in Drama Season Opening Play WJR To Broadcast Rubinstein, Thebom, Baum Talks A tape recording of an interview at the last May Festival program May 22 program are the interviews between Walter Poole, commenta- will be broadcast over WJR from Poole held with Blanche Thehom tor of the Sunday Symphony, and 1 to 2 p...…

May 09, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 1AY 9, 1951 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. MAY 9, 1954 11 THE CHRISTIAN STUDENT FOUNDATION of Michigan State College presents A SLEEP OF PRISONERS by Christopher Fry FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, Ann Arbor sponsored by Wesleyan Guild SUNDAY, MAY 9th 7:00 P.M. The public is invited, no charge UNION ACTIVITIES: Schedule Concert, Trip Hille I SRA Jazz Concert... The Union Ballroom at 8:30 p.m. Friday...…

May 09, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 153) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN SUNDAY, MAY 9, 19M THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN _. 'U' Glee Club To Conduct TAG DAY SATURDAY: Annual Drive To Open Evening Gowns Voca I Tryouts <t -- Musical Organization To Interview Students For Fall Membership Tryouts for all undergraduate and graduate men who are inter- ested in belonging to the Michigan Glee Club will be held Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3G of the Mi...…

May 09, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 9. 1951 PAGE ETOITT TIlE MICHiGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 U' Hospital Exhibits Set In recognition of National Hos- pital Day, the University Hospital will hold an open house from 3 to 6 p.m. today. Thirty-seven hospital depart- ments have prepared exhibits for the open house which will be held in the Out Patient Building. No guided tours of the building are planned, but it will be possible for ...…

May 09, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… CONGRESSAND THE PRESS See Page 2 I.I Latest Deadline in the State Daitt D ; :.. ; Y I. + 1 g f Y~ ( k CLOUDY, MILD VOL. LXIII, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1953 FOUR PAGES I S * * 0 * * * * * * I Seaway Project Favored by Ike St. Lawrence Proposal Seen 'Highly R Desirable' by Cabinet at Meeting 'M' Baseball Team Romps Over MSC Corbett Credited With 9-1Victory By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Eisenh...…

May 09, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

… AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1953 I I =MA" Congress and The Press ATTEMPTS BOTH to threaten and to strengthen freedom of the press were made in Congress this week. The threat came when Senator Joseph McCarthy turned his abounding energy for investigation to the newspaper industry, concentrating his efforts on secret interro- gations of James A. Wechsler, editor of the New York Post. For several reasons these closed comitte...…

May 09, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Netters Trounce Wildcats, 7-2 4>) Win Raises Tennis Record To Five straight Triumphs I Wolverine Last Day of Football Drills Nine Dumps Features Intra-squad Battle 1 By TED KAUFMAN in the second set seemed to catch Michigan won its fifth straight the Wolverines off guard at first,' tennis match this spring as it but the Maize and Blue rallied whipped Northwestern, 7-2, at from...…

May 09, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…z t PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN D ATLY RATiTRDAT - MAV 4. 1 45.2 THE+a. Ta T iii A L 1AT.V .--.- a.'a.. aa. ATTf1 I*V01 J3tY uiUrvtXv IVIAX ul IZPDJ 5 PRESS CONFERENCE: High School Journalists Hear Guy Nunn By HAROLD HORWITZ High school students from all over the State heard an address by Guy Nunn, Detroit radio news analyst, and saw the presentation of the Donal Hamilton Haines Memorial Award here yesterday at the 26th Annual Michigan In...…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…iA SEN. KEFAUVER See Page 4 Lfrt uan A6F :43 a t t - E R_. I + e Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXII, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952 SIX PAGES No Agreement in Oil Controversy Union Leader Declares Intention To Intensify Oil Worker's Walkout By The Associated Press President Truman said yesterday he was working hard to settle a week-old strike of oil workers, but a CIO Union leader in Denver declared ...…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IAY, MAY 9, 1952 JOCAL EXPERTS REVIEW PROBLEM: Truman Renews Demand for Flood Control CLASSIFIEDS Find your name in the Classified Ads. * * * # * .* , * * * * * * * * By HARRY LUNN After viewing the flood damage ni the water-logged Missouri Val- ey recently, President Truman re- newed his demands on Congress o approve flood control recom- nendations made in his January udget request. Altogether, the President's re...…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…FRMAY, MAY 9, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, MAY 9,1952 PAGE THREE '1' Meets Spartan Nine To dy BENNY EXPERIMENTS: Four Vie for Deserted Tailback Slot * * * Yirkosky Slated To Oppose Quayle on Lansing Diamond Wolverines Seek To Regain Hitting Power; Tomorrow's Twin Bill Concludes Series Net ters Face Wisconsin Today,Illini Tomorrow The Michigan State diamond squad will attempt to wreck Michi- gan's pennant hopes when it ...…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 9, 195Z ________________________________________________________________________ U I PREXY CANDIDATES: Sen. Kefauver Has Popular Appeal; Lack A COONSKIN cap out of Tennessee, otf first a joke to professional Democratic politicians, has assumed a political symbol- ism which may sweep Estes Kefauver into the position of the Democratic Party's stand- ard bearer in the coming presidential elec- tions....…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE F --r F Glee Club To Hold Concert 4, , * s Men's Group Will Feature Song Variety MEN'S GROUP At its annual spring concert which will be held at 8:30 p. m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium, the Men's Glee Club will feature some of the arrangements of their di- rector, Philip A. Duey. Duey came to the University as a professor of vocal music in 1947, after a career as a professional singer. * * * A VETERAN of 5,000 rad...…

May 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952 CHOLASTIC RECOGNITION: Students Honored at East Quad Dinner '1 U- I E N El ,S * *. * * * * A genial atmosphere, distin- guished guests, and an address by Prof. Paul B. Kauper of the Law School highlighted last night's East Quad honors dinner. The candle-light dinner was giv- en in honor of 108 East Quad stu- dents who received a 3.5 average or better and 22 men who made a perfect 4.0 last sem...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…TRANSPORTATION STRIKE See Page 4, Y L Latest Deadline in the State a iir 4,, CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LXI, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. MAY 9. 1951 o SIX PA( ,. 1 . . SI P Mae's Plans Mean War A -Marshallf WarnasRussian J WASHINGTON - (A') -- Secre- tary of Defense Marshall gravely A~warned yesterday that Russia might enter the Korean war with- out notice but he declared this threat would be far greater if the nation follows...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

… TWO 'T HE MICHIGAN D AILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1951 DE A GOES 'BACK TO JOE'S': Seniors To Chisel Class Table at Union * . * * * * .meh airme n goabu te abo arvng p eir casst tbe Roted dee inUiesiyta Var~ou Pat-TmeJobs A vailable to U'Students THE IDEA came about, so the story goes, when Joe ref urnished hsestalihent with new oa aism k t ,les. Several students, medita- ting over their refreshments, de- cided to improve their table's de-...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY olverine IE MORNING LINI By TED PAPES Daily Sports Editor 1 IN BASEBALL it doesn't take much to change a winning complex. Just one year ago Michigan was riding high atop the Western Conference diamond standings with five victories in six games. Today the Wolverines are mired in the cellar, winless after six attempts. Thi Big Ten's three I's are responsible for the local nine's early demise, Illi...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

… TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1951 .., -.-' Transportation Strike DETROIT DSR strike which has rown during the last 18 days into ra- serious proportions poses one of labor- gement's most knotty problems because >ublic interest in utility operations is :losely interknit. riginally, the DSR union drivers and esentatives of the city (the transit is owned by the city of Detroit) were ,rated by approximately three cents hour between ,...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ruthven Home Will Be Open For Final Tea President To Retire; All Students Invited To LastOpen House The final Ruthven tea of the academic year will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. this afternoon in the Ruthven home. The _tea this afternoon will be the last opportunity for students on campus to meet President and Mrs. Ruthven in their home at the regular League sponsored teas. President Ruthven will begi...…

May 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 151) • Page Image 6

… sLr THE MICHIGAN DA ILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1951 AL RUN SOON: Load Shows Will Give b'ikado' Group Polish in the Gilbert and Sullivan e~a ro~n. mahna in ty bits the Pattengill Audi- m stage next week with their iction of "The Mikado," II be brimming with exPeri- that doesn't come from or- .y rehearsals. get that bit of extra work ti makes for a polished pro- .on, the cast is performing show before the Hillsdale riber of Commerce Friday, in...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

… COMMUNIST PARTY AND DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY See Page 4 w Latest Deadline in the State aitl MUGGY VOL. LX, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1950 SIX PAGES HST Labels Isolationists AsRed Aids Cites Farm Plan As Step to Peace By The Associated Press President Truman accused iso- lationists yesterday of "helping Russia" and offered the Brannan farm plan as a step toward world peace and prosperity. Defending the record of the Democrat...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, M&I0 ELL' 15UMILES AWAY: Stunt or Indians Name Nearby Town ' "I've been to Hell and back again." Lee Gordon, '52, has just return- ed from Hell-, Michigan, a town approximately 15 miles from Ann Arbor. * * * THERE ARE two stock stories concerning the origin of the town's name which circulate around the area. One story gives the credit to some mischievous boys who played a stunt on Halloween. It seems the town's o...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Evans' 66 Paces M' Golf ictory i / i Wolverines LeadBig Nine Baseball At Half Way Mark Major League Standings Michigan Linksmen Score 1712-9/2 Win Over Illinois AMERICAN LEAGUE By HAROLD TANNER l Rated a darkhorse contender at the beginning of the campaign, the Michigan baseball team enters the second half of the Big Nine season one full game ahead of the pack and as the team to be reck- oned with down the home s...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THOMAS 1. STOKES: Lie's Mission WASHINGTON - A man in a hurry is , Trygve Lie, for haste is needed. A man, too, of courage and faith. Mr. Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations, is off this week on a mission to Moscow to try to open the way for Rus- sia's return to a full, active and working partnership in the UN. He believes that only through the UN can the cold war be ended and a hot war, the third World War, averte...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…~HE MICHIGAN DAILY Shoe Apparel Through Ages S hoes Trend Toward Comfort Elizabethan Footwear Featured 'DuCkbilI'; Torrid Twenties Brought Scanty San dles By JANICE JAMES High and handsome to low and luxurious--this has been the trend of fashion footwear throughout the ages! Tight shoes played havoc with the human foot during the middle ages when cobblers placed all em- phasis on decoration and unusual effects in designing fancy foot- wear. ...…

May 09, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r HILL TOMORROW: IFC Sing, 'U' Tradition, Began in 1935 Truman Leaves on Tour By PETER THORPE /lore than 3,500 students jam- the steps of the General Li- y and immediate vicinity last t and sang traditional Michi- songs; the occasion was the all-campus sing." his brief lead from the now swing pages of the May 9, 1935, y marked the birth of a new higan tradition, the Interfra- ity Council Sing. The 1950 Doint of . eax agr...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…REVERSING ROLL See fage 4 A6F A6F A46b r Ift Ak .Ak.Abo A Ammh :43 Zt t t, WARMER, RAIN Latest Deadline in the State --- - - - --------- VOL. LVIII, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ___I_ _ _ _r ..._ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ Purdue, 'M' Split Pair of Ball Games Wolverines Hit by kfirst Big 9 Loss By B. S. BROWN The weather turned chilly yes- terday but it was no colder than the frigid-playing of the Mich...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…4. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1948 ... . ..... . ............. 'ENINSULA TROTTERS: Concert Band Comes Home For Annual Spring Program The University's peninsula- trotting concert band will mark time in Ann Arbor long enough to present their annual spring con- cert at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. The concert bandsmen, who have been responsible for rolling up 3,000 miles on University bus speedometers during 30 engage- App...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…1948 'T' IE MICHIGAN DAILY" PAGE THE MTCfTTGAN rfATTV nor, Op. 108 by Brahms. The pub- Elm" l rrr rr rrw Wr Ir r4MY1 //IrIMIryMl1m rMMIIMIMIIM!IU _I II WI w llrlllrllre ®r lr"I I ... ' F 1 -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistantgto the President, Room *1021 A...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…FOUS TILE ICHIGAN AILY m . SUINDAY, Reversing Roll ONCE UPON A TIME cooperation was the by-word of our legislators. It used to be, or so our Political Science I book said, that when a Congressman wanted to put through a piece of legislation for the folks back home, he enlisted the aid of some Congressmen from other states. Then, when they wanted to push through bills for their home states, he reciproca ted with the proper ayes. This was cal...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 5

…TlEMICHIGANDAILY PAGE FlVU Coeds To Parade On Lantern Night Women To Take Part in Song Contest, Dr. Bell To Award Participation Cup Around the campus square Michigan coeds will march five thousand strong behind the lead- ers in women's activities and the Michigan marching band, May 17 in the traditional Lantern Night ceremonies. The freshman, sophomores and juniors bedecked in their respec- tive green, red and yellow hair bows and the senio...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…six THE MICHIGAN DAILY L^tiDAY, MAY 9, 1948 ..... ............ ... ---U-------- .......Y............M A Y . .. .. .. .......... ........ ..1........4........ Golfer Coaching Post Question Still Unanswered Clouds over the 'Michigan coaching scene failed to clear up definitely as basketball coach Ozzie Cowles and Charlie Hoyt, in line for the head track position, claimed that they were still "un- decided." Cowles, who returned from Minnesot...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…___________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nine Takes Opener Easily, 4-0o Jayvee Golfers TrounCe Grand Rapids J.C., i5-3 By DAVE MILLER Led by.the steady playing of Keith LeClaire, Michigan's num- ber'two man, and newcomer Dick Preston, Coach Bill Ludolph's jay- vee golfers soundly trounced the favored Grand Rapids Junior Col- lege squad, 45-3, yesterday morn- ing at the University course. The victory, third of the sea- son for the Wolverines, broug...…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…TIlE MICIIGAN DAILY ~~JNiAY, MAY ~. t~.ig Hopefu for Ai(; ('Careers Run Into Snag Experience Needed For Overseas Jobs Most June graduates who plan on starting their new careers working for the American Mili- tary Government overseas, will run into the long-existent snag- "experience necessary." Some graduates, however, with training in certain technical fields, or in clerical or secretarial work, will be eligible for over- seas work immedia...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… ]UNITED JEWISH APPEAL See Page 4 Li L Latest Deadline ini the State DaiI CONTINUED COLT VOL. LVII, No. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Willow Run Council' OperiS tars, Long Distance Operators End Strike President Election Counters Charges To Perform As Other Telephone Unions Stay Idle; Stright Calls Allegrations 'A n Attempt To Cover Up Apathy of Villagers' By BEN ZWERLING Countering charges of ...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…iii M. c G7__ _ _ __ (X I 7 1 i I i j { 3 , t Campis Briefs Ru sian movies . . "People of the USSR" and "The Soviet School Child" are the titles of two movies to be shown at 7:30 p.m. today in the International Cenuter. l Esleyau H ayride ... Members of the Wesleyan Guild will go on a hayride at 8:30 p.m. today. Reservations should be made ly calling 6881 before 6 p.m. Guild Party Today ... The Lutheran Student Associa- tion and the Evangeli...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

… ._FRUDAY, -MAY A -1947 THE- MICHII3AN AILY SPORTSCRIBBLES By ARCHIE PARSONS QUESTION which has been traipsing around in the minds of many of us finally came out into the open last Wednesday night when Jim Brieske, as a member of the Student Legislature and not as Coach "Fritz" Crisler's point-after-touchdown specialist, gave a re- port on "Alleged Discrimination on Athletic Teams at the University of Michigan." For some time now, a lot of ...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MA' United Jewish Appeal THUE UNITED JEWISH APPEAL campus drive, sponsored by the Hillel Founda- tion, has set their goal at $6,500. With the dissolution of the United Na- tions Relief and Rehabilitation Organiza- tion imminent, the 250,000 displaced per- sons in Europe will be left with no outside aid until the new International Refugee Or- ganization can take over. During the interim period, the U.J.A. plans to...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

…__I MiciGAN W*AILY ' ownsend's Bond To Play at Olympic Bali Today in League Royal Couple WiI I Be Chosen To Rule Semi-formal Dance Coed Houses Mount Olympus To Inspire Setting Olympic Ball, all-campus semi- formal sponsored by the men's and wcmen's physical education clubs. will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the League Ballroom. The traditional theme of ancientI Greece will be carried out in the decorations. A huge figure of ...…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…VA G I IB THE ICHIGCAN DATI-y CELL SECRETION- Dr. Baker Receives Henry Russel Award for Research Dr. Burton L. Baker, assistant professor of anatomy at the Medi- cal School, has received the an- nual Henry Russel Award for his research on cell secretion. The award, which is given to a faculty member with the rank of assistant professor or instructor, was presented by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven in a brief cere- mony held in the Regents...…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…BARNABY See Page 4 Y 41, 410 dAL us-Ijamp 411 IqLmwllw t ANN I t t 1%6vw "qm"OO ~A6tA FAIR AND COOLER . ...... . .............. ... . ......... . .. . ..... VOL. LVI, No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAAN, 'IlIitSAr1j~ ,l4 PRICE FIVE CENTS ......_ _ PRICE FIVE CENTS i 1 i i i 1 I 1 1 i I i i I 1 c i f Grain Ceiling Prices Jumped in Attempt To Solve Food Problem Sir John Orr Calls for Five-Year Plan For Alleviation of International Famine B...…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE fMICHIGAN DAILY _________________________________________________________________________________________ I Secretary Of War Asks For Extension Of Draft Patterson Declares World Peace Hinges On Maintaining Strength of Armed Force DETROIT, May 8-0P)-Secretary of War Patterson declared tonight in an urgent plea for extension of the draft that world peace hinged on keeping up the American Army's strength. He told the Detroit Bar...…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…TINURSDAY, MAY 9, 194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Nine Overwhelms Titan Squad, Four Moundsmen Limit Detroit to Three Safeties Swanson Continues in Role of Team Slugger By Driving Home Three of Michigan's Tallies Spartans Upset Michigan Linksmen By WALT KLE: After scoring nine times in the fourth inning, the Michigan baseball team coasted the rest of the way as it overwhelmed the University of Detroit by a 10-0 score at the U. of D....…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, A^. 9, 1916 II IT SO HAPPENS...' * This Is A Tough Racket Life Since 1929 Dept. THIS COLUMN has been waiting for reper- cussions for months. Semi-frontal assaults on half the sacred cows in America had appar- ently spent themselves in what seemed to be a vacuum. Then suddenly burst upon us a number of Grade A cap pistol reports which can only be described as legion. First on the list is from the cit...…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

…T~IfSAY, MX 9, , 16 i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA019IVE TT1lE MICI L Z¢NCT 11TLl 1'Y.1'J 1 jr- l1VL' rATr 31 ictivity Positions Will Be fnnounced Instailtion ight All Women Urged To Attend Traditional Event; Honor Societies Will Tap; Reception Honoring New Officers To Follow In League Installation Night, an annual event which climaxes a year of women's extra-curricular activities, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Th...…

May 09, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…PACE err TII1E ICIAN DAIY TT-J SD AV, MAY 9 11MW Phonie Union Sees S"ik MedicalkSehool Will Give Prickri~ ,o Stifr4 ri wiland UI:phi aliO is hti' atifliiS'iOtl, Ileal e i1or,; Atlen ipt Allihet C. I i rst tilbei, of the Mcd (i- 0PrCntSwil ca] cho,,advised pre-medical stu- Hle reported that. the Medical 14o Pr(t'Ve11t Walk-ut dent81;, .in the literarey college yesterday School has received 1,600 applications r) tobe 't,.o pa;rticuilar a...…

May 09, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…Men on Okinawa 'Celebrate' V-E Day; Keep O n Fightin g laps (The following dispatch, by Gordon Cobbledick, former sports writer and now war correspondent for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, tells of Okinawa on V-E Day.) By GORDON COBBLEDICK OKINAWA, May 8-(Via Navy Radio)-(P)-We stood in the rain this morning and heard the voice from San Francisco, only half believing. There had been so many false reports. But this seemed to be the McCoy. "Confi...…

May 09, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNtSDA1~, ~AY 9, 194~ Church Services End YEDay Observances Knowledge That War Is Half Won Dampens Joy5... + 4 Michigan Cities Have Quiet Demonstrations;: 'Brown-Out' Lifted Across Entire Country CHINESE EDUCATOR: Dr. ChiangMonlin Notes Un ivers ity Sim ilarities 4, With religious services, in most communities, Michigan Tuesday night brought to a close a sporadic, though somewhat prolonged, obser- vance ha...…

May 09, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…, MAY 9, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Bronco Netters Take Beating From Michigan Good Showing Given By Wolverines; Best Western Michigan, 9-0 Michigan's undefeated tennis squad chalked up its fourth win of the season with a decisive 9-0 victory over an underdog Western Michigan team at Ann Arbor yesterday. The Wolverines waltzed through the match without encountering :danger at any time. Coach Leroy Weir was quite pleased with his team due...…

May 09, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 194 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Inside Story' of 16 Poles <J A " 1 - .- ii Edited.and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin . Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee Editorial Stafff . . . . ...…

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