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May 09, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-09

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L^tiDAY, MAY 9, 1948

..... ............ ... ---U-------- .......Y............M A Y . .. .. .. .......... ........ ..1........4........

Coaching Post
Question Still
Clouds over the 'Michigan
coaching scene failed to clear up
definitely as basketball coach
Ozzie Cowles and Charlie Hoyt, in
line for the head track position,
claimed that they were still "un-
Cowles, who returned from
Minnesota late Friday night,
said that he had approximately
a week to make up his mind.
"The Minnesota regents meet
Friday, so I have until Thurs-
day to let Frank McCormick
McCormick, athletic director at
the Gopher school, will probably
submit Cowles' name to the
Board. If the Michigan mentor
does deside to return to his home
Mtate to take over the cage reins,
the announcement will be re-
leased from Minneapolis.
In the meantime, Cowles
plans to confer with Michigan
athletic director, Fritz Crisler,
tomorrow morning.
Hoyt talked to Crisler yester-
day afternoon before watching
the track team work out. Because
of certain business affairs, the
present "gentleman farmer" was
in no hurry to give an answer to
the track coach question.

Win; etters Down Illinois, 8-1
-1 -b*I TUI 7WM N




Ivortihwestern LinIksmen
Are Edged,14% to01212

Elliott Win

on Eighteenth
To Meet Ohio

Decides r
State To


Michigan's golfers, one down at
the dinner bell, came out fighting
in the afternoon to edge North-
western 141/2 to 12/2 in a wind-
swept match over the University
Course yesterday.
It was Dave Barclay who
brought home the bacon, but Pete
Elliott was the man who put it in
the pan and fried it.
After the best ball match in the
morning, that began - with the
thermometer at 35 and the course
still soggy after the rain, Michigan
was at the long end of a 5-4 count.
Barclay Shoots 74
Barclay kept the Wolverines in
the afternoon fight by posting a
74 and playing the kind of game
that brought him the NCAA Title
last year.
It was a great comeback for a
man who was four down after the
first five holes to rear back taking
the next four then going on to
earn a hefty 21/2 points while his
opponent, Fred Fassnacht was
getting /2.
However, it was the Elliott-Ab-
rahams tussle that the whole meet
pivoted on.
When the two boys reached the

INational Cage
League Shaky
As Teams Bolt
CHICAGO, May 8--(A)-The 10-
year - old National Basketball
League today appeared in danger
of collapse. This followed disclos-
ure that three key members will
jump to the rival Basketball As-
sociation of America and Commis-
sioner Ward (Piggy) Lambert will
quit his $15,000-A year job.
The Indianapolis Kautskys,
Minneapolis Lakers and Fort
Wayne Zoliners are expected to
announce their switch at a league
meeting here Monday when Lam-
bert also is scheduled to submit
his resignation.
The BAA, only two seasons old
but firmly entrenched in large
cities, and the NBL were booked
to meet jointly here Tuesday for
a bi-lateral player draft meeting.
The National blowup was con-
firmed today by a spokesman of
the Indianapolis Kautskys, who
said the three jumping clubs con-
sidered the BAA "a tougher
league" with bigger crowd poten-
The break-up still would leave
eight National League clubs-An-
derson Packers, Tri-Cities Black-
hawks, Syracuse Nationals, Osh-
kosh All Stars, Toledo Jeeps, She-
boygan Redskins, Flint Dow A.C.
and the Rochester Royals-but
some observors believe that the
powerfulsRochestereentry also
might hop to the BAA.
The BAA's present membership
includes Washington, New York,
Boston, Providence, Chicago, St.
Louis, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Paton, Otto Star as I
SinglesMatches; De
Michigan's netters got their
first taste of Western Conference
tennis competition yesterday and
they almost licked the platter
The Wolverines were red-hot
despite the weather as they made
a clean sweep of singles play to
outclass a shivering Illinois squad,
The Illini who had won six in
a row before falling to Michigan
State, 6-2, on Friday were rated
on a par with Michigan and the
one-sided triumph came as a
pleasant surprise to Coach Bob
Dixon and Co.
Paton Wins
No. 1 man, Andy (Ace) Paton
started the Wolverines off on the
victory trail with a 6-3, 6-3 vic-
tory over bespectacled Les Steers.
Steers had some trouble getting
his serve working and frequently
double-faulted in the first set, a
factor which contributed much to
his downfall.
The smooth - volleying Paton
thus took his fourth win in five
starts and further increased his
stature as a leading contender for
the Big Nine singles champion-
Bill Mikulich dumped Dave
Brown in the No. 2 singles, 2-6.
6-2, 6-2 in a well-played game
which featured a strong wind thatI
delighted in making easy shots
No. 4 man Jack Hersh came

Wolverine I-acqneleers
Shine in Big Nine Debut

Maize and Blue Sweeps
troit Here Tomorrow

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... sinks winning putt
18th hole they were all even, and,
with most of the pairs in and the
rest decided Elliott realized that
he had to half the hole to give the
Wolverines a tie, or win the hole
to clinch the victory.
Two Good Tee Shots
Both men got off good tee shots.
Abrahams socked his approach
onto the green about 30 feet past
the pin. Elliott got hold of one
that faded to the left and landed
in the flanking trap.
With the pressure on, Elliott
blasted outhbeautifully with a shot
that rolled to a stop about four
feet from the cup.
Abrahams' first putt stopped
about six feet short leaving him
another good one to try. His sec-
ond didn't quite get there, howev-
er, and Abrahams had to take a
bogey five. Elliott stepped up and
rammed home his four-footer for
a par four and the match.
Team Shoots Good Golf
Michigan's golfers shot excel-
lent golf in the afternoon with
Rog Kessler and Dave Barclay
literally taking the Course apart
with 74's.
Elliott got in with a 76, Doug
Beath turned in a 77, Ed Schalon
took an 80 and Ken Berke came
home with 83.
The Wildcats found the tricky
course a little rough on their par
golf but they all got in the high
seventies and low eighties.
Jim Lamb paced their attack
with a 77. Bill Stricklen and Bob
Abrahams took 79's,Jim Bassett
shot an 80, Fred Fassnacht a 81
and Chuck Lingren a 82.
Face OSU Tomorrow
The Wolverines don't get much
of a chance to breath for tomor-
row they take on OSU in what
should prove as interesting and
exciting* as the Northwestern
Down in Columbus Michigan
eked through to a one point vic-
tory in a unique match that util-
ized ten man teams.
The experiment which proved so
successful in their recent engage-
ment will be tried again over the
rolling Michigan layout.
M'Gal Golfers
Garner Math
]~oi the fir st time since the
war began, the University of
Michigan girls golf team teed off
in an intercollegiate match, and
made an auspicious return by de-
feating Michigan State and Mich-
igan Normal in 3 point Nassau
match play.
The Michigan quartet com-
posed of Janet Brown, Barb
Dewey, Ellen Van Wagoner, and
Mary Ann Courtright, young
sister of former Wolverine golf-
er Corky Courtright, gained a
two point decision over the
Spartan gals and a plus six
points over the Ypsilanti con-
Shirley Spork, a little red-head
with a mighty game, blasted the
tough University course with a
low medal 79. Ranked third among
the top woman golfers in the
state, Miss Spork carried the
brunt of the Michigan Normal
team, but it wasn't enough. The
Wolverine femmes were strong all
the way down the line and had
little trouble.
Scoring followed the varsity
plan of allotting one point for
winning each nine plus an addi-
tional for the entire eighteen:.

The Philadelphia Athletics pulled
the first triple play of the young
1948 major league baseball sea-
son today and retained their slim
first place lead by walloping the
Chicago White Sox, 16-1.
The triple started in the sev-
enth inning when second base-
man Pete Suder snared a liner off
the bat of Chicago's Taffy Wright,
flipped it to shortstop Eddie Joost
who caught Luke Appling off the
sack. Joost's throw to Ferris Fain
nabbed Tony Lupien.
WASHINGTON, May 8--(A')-
Larry Doby, Cleveland's Negro
outfielder smashed a 450 foot
homer today in the eighth in-
ning to help his team score a 6
to 1 win over Washington.
Gene Bearden, a rookie left
hander, making his big league de-
but, held the Senators to three
Doby's drive was the most pow-
erful smash hit here since Babe
Ruth sent the ball over the center
field wall in 1922.
The home run climaxed a five
run outburst off Sid Hudson.
yc ,: A

A crowd of 11,535 spectators
had hardly settled in their seats
when the Giants exploded for five
runs on six hits at the expense
of lefty Vic Lombardi, an old
nemesis when he pitched for
With Kirby Higbe, another ex-
Dodger on the mound, the Giants
added three more runs in the
second on home runs by Billly
Rigney and Bobby Thomson and
doubles by Johnny Mize and
Buddy Kerr.
BOSTON, May 8-(/P)-The St.
Louis Browns, consigned by near-
ly everyone but themselves to the
American League cellar, up and
socked Boston's highly regarded
Red Sox 9-4 today before 11,662
windswept customers.
Errors by the Sox didn't help
Sox starter lefthander Mickey
Harris who needed all the assist-
ance he could get.
* .,
CHICAGO,hMay 8 - (A)
Johnny Schmitz, who had
dropped three straight decisions
for the Chicago Cubs this season,
pitched his first triumph, a 6-0
victory over the Brooklyn Dodg-
ers today.
The southpaw curver allowed
only five hits and was in trouble
in only two innings, the fourth
and ninth. A two-out single by
Billy Cox followed by Ed (Duke)
Snider's double put men on sec-
ond and third. Eddie Miksis, how-
ever, looked at a third strike to
end the game.


... wins slugfest
back to lick Mel Randoll after
losing the first game in a wild
slugfest 2-6, 6-1, 6-2, but it re-
mained for the third singles to
provide the top drama of the day.
Otto Rallies
It 'was there that the ailing
Fred Otto, after being down 4-0
in the final set against Joey
Weiss came back to tie up the
match at 4-4 and after twice fall-
ing behind again, rallied to win
the match 0-6, &~-2, 8-6.
Gordie Naugle won his No. 5
singles match against Chuck'
Schunk 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 and the
rapidly improving Don McKay
made it a perfect slate for the
Wolverines by defeating Bud
Little in the sixth singles 7-9, 6-1,
Illini Win One
Paton and Mikulich made it 7-
0 for Michigan by defeating
Steers and Randoll 6-3, 7-5 in the
first doubles, but Brown and
Weiss teamed up in the No. 2
doubles to give the Illini their
only win of the day defeating
Hersh and Otto 10-8, 2-6, 6-2.
Naugle and MacKay wound up
the day by making short work of
Ben Fisher and Warren Alcock
in the third doubles 6-0, 7-5, de-
spite Fisher's loud cries of an-
guish made to no one in partic-
The Wolverines will play their
next match here Monday against
Detroit and then journey to Evan-
ston where they will take on the
power-laden Northwestern Wild-
cats, Friday.
Big Six.

l4i ~IO/

C 'f1




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