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May 09, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-09

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THURSDAY, A^. 9, 1916


* This Is A Tough Racket

Life Since 1929 Dept.
THIS COLUMN has been waiting for reper-
cussions for months. Semi-frontal assaults
on half the sacred cows in America had appar-
ently spent themselves in what seemed to be a
vacuum. Then suddenly burst upon us a number
of Grade A cap pistol reports which can only
be described as legion.
First on the list is from the city of the over-
sized sport shirts, Hollywood, California. Taking
mild and conciliatory exception to the surmise
that the advertising manager for David O. Selz-
nick productions was a graduate of Pasadena
Junior High, the publicity man in question
points out that he graduated from the University
of Michigan in 1929, and hopes that in the in-
terests of accuracy we'll so inform our readers.
Had he stopped there, we would have contented-
ly held our peace-a skill highly developed during
four years at war.
But the man is apparently unable to recog-
nize frank, outright hostility when it draws a
.45, and consequently carries on for three
pages in a letter whose inanity is equalled only
by its length. The following passage is typical,
"Please pretend you are I for a moment and
try to understand what it is like to have lost
touch with your campus for 17 pack-jammed
years." We don't like the use of I' in this
column, our imagination is not up to making a
Selznick salary, and if jampacked was good
enough for my father it's not too good for the
Selznck lot.
The rest of the letter is pack-jammed with
references to a movie (which shall hencefor-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Educators Must
Meet Challenge
DEAN KENISTON told the Michigan College
Association Monday that students must be
encouraged to enter denominational schools,
junior colleges, and other comparatively small
institutions because the state's three large col-
leges, the University, Michigan State College, and
Wayne University, are already filled to capacity.
The dean's statement has been paralleled re-
cently in similar meetings aross the nation.
Educators estimate that approximately 500,000
veterans will seek admission to colleges in 1946,
and that total college applications for the coun-
try will reach 2 million by 1950. Pre-war enroll-
ment figures show that 1,500,000 was the top
number of students registered in the nation's
colleges at any one time. Even if we assume that
our educational facilities have not yet been fully
expanded, we can still expect to find a few hun-
dred thousand prospective collegians shopping
around next semester for a school which will
take them.
The gravest danger resulting from this un-
fortunate shopping spree will be the growth
of hastily set-up colleges offering an Inade-
quate curriculum dispensed by incompetent
instructors. Dr. Thomas N. Barrows, national
director of the American Council of Educa-
tion's accreditation committee told Kansas and
Missouri officials last week that the problem
was nation-wide in scope. These schools, he
said, might profit from the fact that veterans
would overflow the classroom capacities of
the legitimate colleges, thus niaking many easy
prey for speed-up courses and so-called
refresher courses.
Although the Association has taken a com-
mendable step in discussing the redistribution
of students, it should soon draw up some con-
crete plan to find places in accredited colleges
for those seeking higher education and safeguard
the veteran from a fleecing in education by sat-
isfactorily meeting the competition from these
fly-by-night schools.
-Aniette Shenker
Ku Kiuxers

N A NATION which has castigated such organ-
izations as the Storm Troopers of Nazi Ger-
many and the police organizations of Japan, it
seems impossible that the Klu Klux Klan has
managed to exist as long as it has. It is another
example of ignoring trouble in your own back
yard to look for trouble in another.
The United States government has done noth-
ing to interfere with KKK functions, and as a
result it is again operating. There are still dis-
tricts in the South where inquiries are made
to discover the religion of a new resident, and
where the new resident dares not admit he is a
Catholic. There are still regions where a flaming
cross can be seen burning at night.
AT PRESENT New York state, fearing the
KKK which has recently shown signs of
emerging from- its 'underground hide-out, has
taken definite steps to do away with the society.
An order has been obtained by Attorney Gen-
eral Nathaniel L. Goldstein from the Supreme
Court which permits him to start action to va-
cate the Klan's certificate of incorporation and
annul the corporate existence of the organization.
Because it will probably be impossible for him
to find a person upon whom he can serve sum-
vti oInn"Ina o ~iv nfin b Tnbliaon andri

ward go unnamed in these columns) and this
playful character's memories of the Michigan
of '29. Noting with what we think a remarkably
original touch that times have changed since
he was here our friend recalls, "Back in the
days when I was an undergraduate there, my
fraternity had a ruling (quite silly, I think)"-
that's our boy talking, not us-"that none of the
member brothers should go out with coeds ..
And now the boys and girls play soft-ball to-
gether right out in the open. I tell you, it's really
wonderful!-but really."
Then to talk about an old buddy of his at
Michigan who's pounding out smashes for, of all
people, the Selznicks. One of said buddy's chief
smashes is Tender Comrade, voted by PT Boat
342, the hammiest picture of the Southern
Pacific year.
Don't hold it against him, the kid has a good
heart-he wishes us well in our campaign against
publicity mongers. The whole thing sounds very
impossible to us-like the Czar asking Lenin to
step in for a drink some evening.
* '* * *
Indirect Information
SECOND on our lengthless list is another show-
man and a wired broadside from Chicago.
This one is a topnotch Broadway producer whose
show is still running despite what's happened
to every other theater in the Loop as Chicago's
brownout gets browner.
Afraid that our fearless readers might hesi-
tate in the face of John L. -Lewis and lack of a
portable power unit, he wants us to know at
press rates that intrepid travellers may still see
his musical comedy. .
We give the good word to you in mysterious,
non-commercial fashion, adding only that our
onceover of the show in question indicated that
the brownout wouldn't hurt it very much.
* * * *
You Said It, Son
quests too. A quixotic Engineering student
indicates disapproval of our kitchen cynicism
as it pertains to the Lawyers' Club, and uses
poetry and Tin Pan Alley to chide us.
Dear Sir:
Are deserving targets for mud so scarce that
"we" must aim at 77 cent dinners under the
auspices of the "monastic four hundred" of
the Lawyers' Club (you might, at least, have
gotten the name right).
Honestly, Sir, don't you think "we" could
acquire some understanding with our wisdom-
and, perhaps, even more wisdom ? -Surely
"we" haven't forgotten that Patrick Henry,
Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln, dedi-
cated part of their existence to Blackstone.
Remarks such as yours do not make friends,
nor do they accomplish anything worthwhile-
Editorial Columns might offer wisdom, not
sophomoric smartness-"
We might remember that "Life is not easy
as we know it on the earth," and, to the words
of an old song, "Try a little tenderness"-
-Franklyn Thomas

Curious Hunger
IHAVE JUST DRIVEN about 400 miles, from
Manteo, North Carolina, to New York; and
roadside America, stretched out endwise in the
sun, appears much as it did before the war.
There are few servicemen, and these few no
longer seem to expect lifts; they have become
people beside the road.
There is a good deal of roadbuilding; and
many seaside cottages and other such flimsies
are going up; but almost no houses are being
built for people who merely want to stay in their
own towns and live. It seems much easier to ob-
tain facilities for a holiday than for routine life.
Shortages are sporadic and inconsequential.
The Cape Charles-to-Norfolk ferry steamer has
no sugar on the way down, and no butter on
the way back; but it has bacon and eggs and
Smithfield ham and roast beef and milk. It also
has fat for frying potatoes. The shortages at
some roadside stops make no sense except on a
profit basis, somewhere back down the line;
there will be white, uncolored margarine in-
stead of butter, and no cream, but there will be
plenty of ice cream. The ice cream pipeline
seems full on the American roadside. So is the
fresh meat pipeline; a girl at a sandwich joint
trims the fat from steaks for sandwiches, and
the red, juicy pile on the table mounts above
her elbows as she works. But suddenly the place
runs out of charcoal, for cooking the meat.
The effects of price control can be felt, but
these, too, are spotty. In some establishments,
drug stores, and filling stations the prices of
common, small articles are about what they
were before the war, and it is as if the war had
not been. A fine, pleasant room at the Hotel
Wicomio, in Salisbury, Maryland, comes to
$2.50. But, later on, one finds oneself paying
almost two-thirds of that amount for a good
breakfast, and this ratio of breakfast price
to room price seems curious, and wrong. But
salesmanship is on the way up, and roadside
coquetries have begun again, and men and
women try to sell rabbitts, live for playing with,
or dressed for eating; and peaches, and holly,
and eggs, and oak-leaf mold.
THERE IS A NOTE of crankiness in roadside
and other casual conversations. Some of the
talk is about jobs; it seems there is a shortage
of good help for poor jobs, and of good jobs
for good help. It is a distorted situation, almost
as if there are more people ready to invest money
in opening restaurants, than are willing to work
in them as waiters or waitresses. At onerather
good place two waitresses dance together to the
juke box, while the patrons smile and wait; in
a drug store a girl pulls sodas in a low-cut party
dress, announcing to all present that her date
is waiting. These are like the last fillips of the
war-time extravangza; brave little repeats of
a. wild song already ended.
And the road unwinds, and the route markers
gleam, and it is as if the people were settled down
beside the highway for a kind of wait. One can
almost feel the attention of America retreating
from the far places, and concentrating again on
the local half-acre; and it is will you buy my
oak-leaf mold, sir?; and men are meeting in
Paris on grave questions but this has become
again a job for specialists, as remote from the
highway stand as is the quartering moon. Last
year this time there was a touch of the mirac-
ulous in the air, of full employment and a magi-
cal reconversion; but now it is, as I say, a kind
of wait; a period in our affairs that is strangely
fat, yet wears a curiously hungry look.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

20o f/lw6Iditor

Arab Viewpoint
To the Editor:L
IT WAS with great surprise that weC
read Prof. Preston Slosson's viewsV
regarding the question of "More JewsF
to Palestine" in the Michigan Daily
of May 4. It was our sincere hopea
that the article was an unfortunate
misinterpretation of Prof. Slosson'sp
opinions, and we looked forward to 1
find a contradiction of that report by
Prof.aSlosson himself. As Mr. Slos-s
son, does not seem to have made any
move to reject these views, we find
it incumbent upon us to express our
astonishment that a history pro-
fessor of his caliber should allow such
irresponsible judgments and unscien-
tific conclusions to be attributed to
himself. In particular do we wish
to refer to the contentions that: "Al-
though Arab prosperity has multi-_
plied considerably since the firstA
Jewish entry into the state, Mohame-s
dan fanaticism and Arabian chau-a
vinism sets the Arabs against fur-t
ther Jewish immigration."
With regard to this statement weA
beg to ask Prof. Slosson what ex-a
actly he means by "Mohamedan fa-
naticism and Arab chauvinism," and
what scientific and historical criter-
ia he has for so naming the Arab
attitude of resenting any further im-
migration of Jews or any other peo-h
ples into his own homeland. Would t
the professor also describe the Amer-i
ican attitude of limiting Jewish orh
any other immigration to the U.S.n
as a form of chauvinism and fanatic-V
ism, especially when America is theo
richest country in the world while
Palestine is, in the Prof.'s own words,
"a country barely the size of Ver-t
mont and equally as rocky"; and es- F
pecially when American prosperity inc
both industry and commerce has in-C
creased so many times since the ad-
vent of the few million Jews into
it? Or does the professor mean bya
Arab chauvinism that the Jews haved
been maltreated by the Arabs soc-r
ially and politically, previous to thisi
new immigration of European Jewse
since the Balfour declaration? If so,v
we beg to remind the professor that8
the Arabs were almost the only peo-a
ple in the world who treated "the
wondering Jew" on an equality basis,s
while America, for example, the sup-n
posedly most liberal country, for-
bids the Jews from joining many so
many of their important institutions.
Furthermore, it is extremely unfort-
unate that our professor of historyn
should contend that "the Arabs mustA
be brought to reason," if they con-r
sider their homeland as belonging1
to themselves and not to Hitler orc
England or America.q
-Monir Kashmiry fort
The Arabian students of U. of M.-
* * *t
Football Tickets
To the Editor:
I BEG to differ with Mr. Crisler
on his statement that an increaseA
of 7,000 students means a loss ofs
$100,000 for the coming football sea-.
son. At most the loss can be only2
$28,000. I believe that $28,000 is a7
maximum figure for I am assuming
a $4.00 fee for the Army game and
also that all eligible students will
make use of 'their athletic privileges.e
Army vs. Michigan will probablyt
be the only contest which will play
to a capacity crowd and where 7,-t
000 tickets could be sold to outsid-
ers. For all the other contests I am
almost certain that there will be at
least 7,000 seats available in our
huge stadium and the tickets held
by the student body would there-s
fore not force the management to
turn people away.t
If you desire a price increase, Mr.
Crisler, go ahead and do it, but
don't blame it on the students; we
have enough trouble already. On the
other hand, we must always keep in
mind that the games are played by
students and for students primarily.
-Donald F, Walker

From A Purist
To the Editor:
out of order in my reaction to
the glory of this year's May Festival.
But I wonder if the spirits of Bach
and Beethoven are not a bit piqued
at not having been called on at all
to enter into our joy. Do these
mighty souls have contact with our
mortal music? If so, are they capable
of feeling a slight?
On second thought, however, I feel
confident their jealousy has not been
aroused. If they are aware of what
we do here, they would have noticed
too the girl sitting near me who knit-
ted through the entire Brahms con-
cert. And who knows - probably
there was someone with a vest-pocket
radio' keeping in touch somewhat
with the Tigers' game?
-Clarence Boersma


(Continued from Page 2)

Margaret W. Andersen, Home Service
Director, Michigan Consolidated Gas
Company. 2 p.m. Conference Room, t
West Lodge.I
Friday, May 10: Leadership: Dr.C
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff
"How to get democratic group action.
and Parliamentary Procedures." 8E
p.m. Conference Room. West Lodge.E
Friday, May 10: May Dance, 8:30- t
11:30. Auditorium, West Lodge. f
Saturday, May 11: Dancing Clas- t
ses: Beginners, couples, 7 p.m.; Ad-
vanced, couples, 8 p.m., Auditorium,g
West Lodge.c
Sunday, May 12: Classical Music, {
records, 3 p.m. Office. E
The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr.
Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor ofI
Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus-1
sel Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro-t
anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer-
tain Eye Movements." at 4:15 p.m.,
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.c
Announcement of the Henry Russel1
Award for this year will also be made1
at this time. *
Academic Notices
Doctoral Preliminary Examinationst
in Education: Anyone desiring tot
take the Doctoral Preliminary Exam-
inations in Education, which will be
held on June 6, 7, and 8, shouldc
notify the office of Dr. Clifford
Woody, 4000 University High School,
of their desires before May 15.
Mathematics Orientation and His-
tory Seminar, today at 3:00 p.m.,
Rm. 3001 AH. Mr. Keeler will con-,
clude his discussion of Geometric
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exam-,
[nation in the subject in which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, May 11, at
8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University High1
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
ness is therefore essential.
Student Recital: The Wind Instru-
ments Department of the School of
Music will present a program in Har-
ris Hall at 1:00 p.m., Friday, Mayt
10. It will consist of bassoon, clarinet,
cornet, and oboe solos, a woodwind
quintet, and a brass choir. Under
the direction of Professor Revelli,
the recital will be open to students in,
the University.-
The 23rd Annual Exhibition for
Artists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity,
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation. The Rackham Galleries,
daily except Sundays, through May
23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
The public is cordially invited.
Michigan Historical Collections.
"Public Schools in Michigan," special
exhibit for the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters Club. Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30
to 4:30 Monday through Friday; 8:00
to 12:00 Saturday
Events Today
All School of Music composition
students will meet in Rm. 506 Burton
Tower today from 10-12 a.m., instead
of the usual time on Friday. They
will be excused from all conflicting
classes in the School of Music for
this special meeting. Guest speakers
will be Howard Hanson, Roy Harris,
and Quincy Porter. Theory majors
are invited to attend. Composition
students will be permitted to bring
one guest each.
Attention men chemists and chem-

ical engineers: Prof. H. B. Lewis will
give an illustrated talk on "Hor-
mones" at the spring Chem Club
meeting, today in Rm. 303 Chem.
Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments.
The Undergraduate Education Club
will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in the
Elementary School Library.
Mr. Donald Edwards will lead a
round-table discussion on the Eng-
fish School-system. All students who

are interested in education are invit-
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Rm. 3231 Angell
Hall. Professor Abel will lead the dis-
cussion on Gerard Manley Hopkins.
International Center: All inter-
ested students. American and For-
eign, are cordially invited to attend
the informal tea in the International
Center today at 4:30 p.m. The Egyp-
tian students enrolled in the Univer-
sity will be guests and a talk will be
given by Mr. Abdellatif Ahmed Aly
n theidisplay of Ancient Egypt and
Christian era relics. Mr. Aly is an
expert on Egyptian Papyri.
Coming Events
The Research Club will meet Wed-
nesday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. There will
be the annual election of officers.
The following papers will be present-
ed: "The Development of the Use
of Capital in France, 1815-48," by
Professor A. L. Dunham, and "Some
Physiological Aspects of the Resis-
tance of the Respiratory Tract to In-
fectious Disease," by Professor W. J.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Si. Bldg.
on Friday, May 10, at 12:15 p.m..
Program: John Bayless will discuss
"Conference on aining in geology,
G.S.A." All int ested are cordially
invited to attend.
University of Michigan Section of
the American Chemical Society will
meet Friday, May 10, at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 151 Chem. Building. Dr.
W. Conard Fernelius. professor of
chemistry at Purdue University, will
speak on "The Structure of Coordin-
ation Compounds." The public is
cordially invited.
Members of the AIEE: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Branch of the AIEE
will hold a field trip to Sparks With-
ington Co., Jackson, Michigan, May
10, for members only. Those plan-
ning to attend should be in front of
the Union on Friday at 12:30. The
bus will leave at this time.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning an afternoon of outdoor sports
on Sunday, May 12. Those interested
should pay the supper fee at the
checkroom desk in the Rackham
Building before noon Saturday and
should meet at 2:30 Sunday in the
Outing Club rooms in the Rackham
Building. Use northwest entrance.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to visitors on Friday, May 10,
from 8:30 to 10:30, if the sky is clear,
to observe the Moon and Jupiter. If
the sky is cloudy or nearly cloudy, the
Observatory will not be open. Child-
ren must be accompanied by adults.
Wesleyan Guild and Westminister
Guild will have a Box Social Friday
night from 8:30 to 12:00 in the Guild
Lounge of the Methodist Church.
Boxes should contain food for two.
There will be dancing later in the
evening. Further information may be
obtained by calling 6881.
Insight Picnic: If you worked on
Insight and have not made your res-
ervation for the picnic Saturday, May
11, call Lane hall at once. The group
will leave Lane Hall at 2:30 prompt-
ly. Those on the SRA council are
also invited to attend.
International Center: All persons
intending to attend the International
Center's picnic Saturday, May 11,
please sign up on the Center's Bullet-
in Board. The picnic will start
promptly at 2:00 p.m. from the Cent-
er. All students, Foreign and Amer-
ican, are cordially invited to attend.
Further details may be obtained in
the Center.

International Center: The Puerto
Ricans, their friends, and all inter-
ested American students are cordial-
ly invited to attend the "Puerto
Rican Night", Sunday, May 12. The
program will begin in Rooms 316-320
of the Michigan Union promptly at
7:30. Prof. Dow Baxter of the Forest
Pathology Dept., will illustrate - his
lecture with movies taken in Puerto
Rico during his last visit to that
country. The program will be con-
cluded with refreshments and a
Sing in the Center.


(Items appearing in this column are written
members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
the Editorial Director.)


Senators' Go
Congress for many years is done by those
two spokesmen of tfie so-called cotton bloc, Sena-
tors John Bankhead of Alabama and Elmer
Thomas of Oklahoma, who, while vigorously
opposing curbs on cotton, have been trading,
either personally or through their families, on
the cotton market.
Senator Thomas' cotton trading has- been
through Robert Harriss of Harriss and Vose,
60 Beaver Street, New York, with the account
carried in the name of the senator's wife, Edith.
Bob Harriss is an old and intimate friend of the
senator's and of other senators in the cotton
bloc. At one time, Harriss handled the cotton
trading of Senator Bankhead of Alabama, and
was also extremely close to the late Senator
"Cotton Ed" Smith of South Carolina.
however, are especially interesting and ap-
pear to be closely related to his speeches on the
Senate floor.
Mr. Harriss, who handles the Harriss family's
cotton-trading account, is in and out of the sen-
ator's office every week or so. They are very
warm friends. The Thomas purchases never go
more than 5,000 bales, which is the legal limit
for cotton, and usually the Thomas trading is
through pools which generally run up to 20,000
Investigation shows that the Harriss and Vose
firm was trading in cotton-and very heavily-
between the dates of March 4 and 7, between
March 20 and April 4 and between April 8 and 12.
Harriss and Vose trading at this time was largely
for its customers and the firm was careful to
break no market regulations.
If you compare the dates of the Harriss and

Vose' cotton-trading and the dates of speeches
made by Senator Thomas, Senator Bankhead
plus other members of the cotton bloc in Wash-
ington, the similarity is significant.
Heavy operations by Harriss and Vose were
between March 29 and April 4. On March 28,
cotton futures were selling for about 27.40 cents,
at which time, according to the Wall Street
Journal, "cotton futures rose $1.35 to $1.85 a bale
on a late rush of buying orders stimulated by the
possibility that the Pace Bill would be adopted
by the Senate. The rally was touched off by the
plea of Senator Thomas (Dem., Okla.) for high-
er farm prices in supporting tacking on of the
Pace measure to the Minimum Wage Bill. All
futures made 22-year highs."
The next Harriss and Vose operation was be-
tween April 8 and 12. The date April 8 is signifi-
cant, because, next day, Congressman Stephen
Pace pressed for early action on his bill in the
House of Representatives. The cotton market
soared. Then on April 12, Congressman Pace
announced that he would not attach his amend-
ment to other legislation but that it must stand
on its own merit. This meant, of course, that it
would not pass; so the cotton market dropped.
Simultaneously the Harriss and Vose operators
got out of the market.
While it is not illegal for a senator or his
family to speculate on the cotton market or for
him to give tips to his friends, it seems only fair
that the public should have the right to know
about his operations and be able to form its own
judgment for or against price control or on any
other subject. That is why Secretary of Agricul-
ture Clinton P. Anderson is being urged to
investigate the cotton futures market.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc,)

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.

Can the police read an invisible letter, Mr.
O'Malley? Written by an Invisible Leprechaun?

Soitoinly. I climb in the ice box. The
inside light goes out. Time passes. The
, ,, - . , ... .

By Crockett Johnson
A formidable array of facts. But
wait-Cushlamochree! Forget the
. , , . . ,, s

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp .
Pat Cameron .,
Clark. Baker
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz ..
Dona Guimaracs

Editorial Staff
. . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
..-. . . . . . . . . . City Editor
.. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
.. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . WSports Editor
.. . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . .. . Women's Editor
. ~A 'l _lc Women's Editor


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