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May 09, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-09

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Latest Deadline ini the State





Willow Run Council'

OperiS tars, Long







To Perform

As Other

Telephone Unions Stay Idle;

Stright Calls Allegrations 'A n Attempt
To Cover Up Apathy of Villagers'
Countering charges of having surpassed his authority in setting
into motion the mechanics of the recent Willow Run Council election,
William Stright, temporary president of the young Council, declared
last night that such assertions are "an attempt to cover up a com-
plete apathy" on the part of Villagers in regard to Village government.
His remarks came in response to a report sent to the Council Wed-
nesday by six members of the Village Government Planning Com-;
_ mittee, of which Stright had been

Mssa Solemnis A t
T K11To Be Presented A uma lnD fae
Four Metropolitan Opera starsttm tT Kilru a PanD f te

May Accused
Of GivingDraft
Is Charged Also with
Accepting War Bribes
The government spranga court-
room surprise today with testi-
mony that ex-congressman An-
drew J. May tried to get wartime
draft deferments and military
service favors for an acrobat and
some 40 other friends and relatives
of munitions-makers. .
Col. Clarence J. Hauck, Jr., army
liaison officer with the House I
Military Committee when May
headed it as chairman, was the
witness. He said that May "balled
me out for my apparent lack of
sympathy" on May's deferment re-
quest to prevent a "hardshipin
breaking up the acrobat's troupe of
Hauck's testimony topped the
day's developments at the trial of
May and three others on war
bribe charges. Murray and Henry
Garsson, heads of a $78,000,000
arms-manufacturing empire, and
Joseph F. Freeman, Washington
agent for the Garsson brothers,
are charged with paying the for-
mer Kentucky house member more
than $50,000 for officials favors.
Before Hauck took the stand the
prosecution traced two $1,000
checks to the 72-year-old May de-
spite his earlier threat to take the
stand and tell "the whole story"
about Democratic contributions to
the 1944 presidential campaign if
prosecutors brought up the matter.
Hauck said May interceded to
help arrange a transfer for Free-
man's son, Army Sgt. Albert Free-
man, from the Pacific fighting
zone back to the United States.
On another' occasion, Hauck
said, May asked him to intervene
in pending court-martial proceed-
ings in Europe against Murray
Garsson's son, Capt. Joseph Gars-
In all, the witness recalled, Mur-
ray Garsson and Freeman spoke
to him about 15 or 20 times in be-
half of the army service of 40 or
45 individuals, with former Rep.
May attending most of the meet-
The acrobat in the case was
identified only as "Lee."
13 Nlominated
To Union Posts
The Union's nominating com-
mittee selected 13 students yester-
day as candidates for the Union
vice-presidents election from
among those who presented state-
ments of qualifications.
Other students desiring to run
in the election next Wednesday
can do so by presenting a petition
containing 200 signatures of men
from their own school, a 50 word
statement of qualifications and an
eligibility card to the student of-
ficesdof the Union before 5 p.m.
Candidates nominated from the
literary college are Richard Cort-
right, Louis LaPierre, Phillip
Mooney andTom Walsh; Medical
School: Ross Hume; Dental
School: Robert Laidlow; Law
School: Robert MacRitchie; engi-
neering and architectural schools:
Howard DeMallie and C. Wm. Nis-
seler; the combined schools:

Charles Hills, Jerry Comer,
Charles Kerner and Al Warner.
Summer Engineers Must
T .., Cl . , , .

'Manipulated Publicity'
The report declared that Stright
had undertaken to handle candi-
dates' petitions, register voters,
care for the ballot boxes and count
the votes without consulting the
committee members. Included in
the report, too, was ,~charge that
Stright had manipulated public-
ity of the election so as to keep the
West Lodge dormitory area from
being represented.
Stright, inthis statement to The
Daily, said that the work of the
committee had become, in effect,
a one-man job not because of his
usurpation, but, rather, because
of the lack of interest and absence
of cooperation on the part of the
committee members.
Saw Job Through
"I was out to see the Council
formed and functioning," he con-
tinued, "and I saw the job through
despite an appalling indifference
on the part of the committee and
the residents."
Challenging the assertion that
he handled the election petitions
himself, Stright declared that a
committee member, Walter Greg-
ory, had assisted him and that the
reason for non-participation of
the remaining members was their
(The report had asserted that
Stright seldom gave ample noti-
fication to the committee of the
time or place of meeting, nor had
he kept them aware of his activi-
ties in regard to the committee.
Such notice as was given, accord-
ing to the group's report, had been
in the form of notices in the "Wil-
low RunAround," weekly news let-
ter edited by Stright.)
Claims Economic Duress
As for the group's statement
that Stright had restrained news
of the impending election in the
West Lodge dormitory area,
Stright said that economic duress
kept him from full publication or
full circulation of the Run Around
at election time, and there was no
intent of keeping the dormitory
students from votir g.
This economic c uress, caused
largely by the work he had put into
the affairs of the Village, had
compelled him to ta.e a position
and a place to live in Detroit. Thus,
"and for no other reason," he
would bow out of the Village and
Village affairs at the end of the
No Extra Credit
To Reservists-VA
Army and Navy Reser re per-
sonnel will not be grante addi-
tional credit for G.L. schoohng for
the time spent in 15-day tra'ining
periods, the Veterans Admiistra-
tion has announced.
The VA has ruled that these
training periods do not constitute
active duty for entitlement to in-
creased educational benefits under
the G.I. Bill.
This ruling, however, would not
apply if the call to duty were for
an indefinte period and the vet-
eran served for 30 days or more,
the VA said.
Weather Halts Picnic
The picnic scheduled for today
by the student chapter of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers has been cancelled due
to inclement weather.

and the University Choral Union,
under the direction of Thor John-T
son, will present Beethoven's Missa
Solemnis in D in the second May
Festival concert at 8:30 p.m. today iIl\ R eferral
in Hill Auditorium.
Regina Resnick, soprano, Anna
Kaskas, contralto, Frederick Jagel, Now Pending
tenor and John Gurney, bass, will
accompanied by the-Philadelphia Lim iting Notions
Symphony Orchestra.
US Trained Rejected Twice
Born in New York City, Miss
Resnick received her training in WASHINGTON, May 8-Hsd-d
the United States, and joined the The House batted down, 127 to 37,
Metropolitan through the audi- today an attempt to kill Presi-
tions of the air, of which she was dent Truman's $400,000,000 pro-
the sole woman winner in 1944. gram to aid Grece and Turkey,
Anna Kaskas, born Bridge-and likewise defeated two moves
d to give the United Nations a great-
port, Conn., studied inItalytand er voice in it.
Lithuania as well as the United In hot and heavy fighting late
States. In 1936, after returning in the day, Rep. Bender (Rep.,
from study abroad, Miss KaskasJ
won the right to sing in the Met- 0.) moved to strike out the "en-
ropolitan acting clause" of the bill, which
' . "already has passed the Senate.
The only one of the four singers Accepts Challenge
who has appeared before in Ann
----------- - ---- Rep. Eaton (Rep., N.J.), chair-
Pictures on Page 2 man of the House Foreign Af-
fairs Committee who is piloting
Arbor, Frederick Jagel, was en- the bill in the House, quickly ac-
gaged bythe Metropolitanas a re- cepted the challenge.
sult of his successes in Holland in "If you want to kill it, let's get
the role of Radames in "Aida." is over with," he told the chamber.
Former Athlete A voice vote was then taken and
A former college athlete at Bender's motion was swamped.
Oberlin College, John Gurney, New Test Ahead
bass, turned to music only after he Ahead lay a new test for the bill,
posed by a motion of Rep. Law-
had begun training at Harvard rence Smith (Rep., Wis.) to with-
University Business School. After hold aid to Greece and Turkey un-
experience with the American til the United States has referred
Opera Company, the Russian "the question of communist ag-
Opera Company and other groups, gression" to the U.N. and given
Gurney was put under contract by it 60 days to act.
the Metropolitan. The house recessed until tomor-
Thor Johnson, who will direct row without voting on Smith's
the performance, is conductor- amendment.
elect of the Cincinnati Symphony Two earlier moves to send the
Orchestra. Conductor of the Uni- matter to the U. N. were defeated
versity Musical Society from 1939 by voice votes.
to 1942, Johnson returned to Ann Javits' Proposal
Arbor this month to direct the One, by Rep. Javits (Rep., N.Y.),
Choral Union in the Festival. would have instructed the admin-
istration to lay the problems of
Greece and Turkey before the U.N.
Gl t n * e but permitted the American as-
sistance program to proceed in the
, meantime.
To H elp Roll The other, by Rep. Helen Gaha-
* gan Douglas (Dem., Calif.), would
R 1R I~hav6e ohel sup Ameican action fo
C allin rropeto act.
The lack of sufficient clothing Mrs. Doug1as offered this
and shoes makes school attendance amendment afteraan earlier one by
in Europe impossible during bad her to insert a specific ban
weather, Ada Davis said yesterday against sending any atomic weap-
in urging students to contribute to ons to Greece or Turkey had been
the clothing drive being conducted defeated on a voice vote.
this week by the University Fam-
ine Committee.
Dr. Howard E. Kershner, who Litte T o
recently made an extensive inves- To & v
tigation abroad for the Save the Pe
Children Federation, under whose
direction the clothing will be dis- r
tributed, reported that 45 per cent A discussion of the implications
of the children of Amsterdam do of the atomic age on religion, by
not attend school during bad Dr. Franklin H. Littell, director of
weather. Tubercular children in the Student Religious Association,
some institutions in Belgium are will be an added topic on the
still without sheets and pillow Spring Parley agenda, the parley
cases and sleep under very old committee announced yesterday.
ragged blankets, he said. The panels on government, edu-
The Federation has informed the cation, science and foreign rela-
chairman here that all types of tions will be held at 8 p.m. May
wearable clothing, especially shoes, 16, and the panels on religion, eco-
are needed. They have requested nomics, and a combined panel on
that the clothing contributed be social relations and civil liberties
'clean and in fair repair, although at 3 p.m. May 17.
a workroom is maintained in New At the final session of the parley
York in which the clothes are pre- at 8 p.m. May 17, panels will make
pared for overseas shipment. reports on their discussions, an-
Students may take their con- swer final questions and formulat
tributions to the main desks of the resolutions if they wish. All ses-
residence halls or the collection sions will be held in the Union with
'booths which will be set up Friday the exception of the first, to b
and Saturday in the League, the held at 4 p.m. May 16 in Rackham
Union and Lane Hall. Lecture Hall.

U.S. Press Accused of
Reports from Stassen-Stalin Meeting
Declared Inaccurate by Moscow Radio


AUTW To Honor Pickets,
Delay In Full Service Seen
Agreement's Terms Grant Wage Increase
Ranging Between Two and Four Dollars
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 8 - The strike of 20,000 long distance tele-
phone workers throughout the country officially ends at 6 a.m., local
time tomorrow, but resumption of full service faces delay wherever
picket lines are maintained by 250,000 other telephone union mem-
bers still on strike.
The executive board of the American Union of Telephone Work-
ers, which represents the long distance workers, tonight ratified an
agreement reached in Washington early today between negotiators
for the union and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

BERLIN. May 8-0P)-Current
developments in the Soviet press,
radio and stage were widely inter-

:G G
Scott, 35-year-old former ma-
rine, was held for questioning in
the shooting 'on the floor of the
Oklahoma state senate, of Sen.
Tom Anglin of Oklahoma City.
Scott Pleads
'Not Guilty of
Intent To Kill
--State Rep. Jimie Scott plead-
ed innocent at his arraignment to-
day on a charge of assault with
'intent to kill State Sen. Tom Ang-
lin on the floor of the legislature.
Anglin, 64, a fellow townsman of
the 35-year-old freshman repre-
sentative, suffered a bullet wound
in the hip.
Scottsaid he had fired after the
elder man had "threatened to kill
me if I didn't stay out of his
way." Anglin said he believed the
shooting stemmed from a divorce
obtained by Scott's wife and han-
dled by Anglin's law firm. Anglin's
condition was not considered se-
Scott stonily avoided his former
wife, who has resumed use of her
maiden name of Irene Tucker, as
Justice of the Peace Evert Cris-
more remanded him to jail in de-
fault of $5,000 band and set pre-
liminary hearing for May 23.
The shooting occurred in the
Senate chamber just before that
body convened yesterday. Eyewit-
nesses varied in their accounts but
all said that at least two shots were
fired. Both Scott and Anglin were
r Conc-entration
Talls Continue
, The chemistry department will
sponsor a concentration advise-
ment meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in
e Rm. 231, Angell Hall.
The conference is the sixth in a
two-week series of meetings de-
e signed to assist sophomores and
freshmen in the literary college in
choosing a field of concentration.
Speakers at the chemistry con-
ference will include Prof. Ray-
mond"Keller, who will discuss pro-
fessional and vocational oppor-
tunities in chemistry, and Prof.
Byron Soule, who will speak on
chemistry as a field of concentra-
The complete schedule of con-
centration conferences to be held
next week will be announced Sun-
day in The Daily.
1 r 'i, rojrdI Y[lv rfis

preted here today as evidence that1
an organized campaign has beent
launched in Moscow against the1
press of the western nations.-
The campaign, marked today by
a Soviet broadcast accusing thee
American press of deliberately dis-
torting an interview between
Prime Minister Stalin and former
governor Harold Stassen of Min-
nesota, started during the Foreign
Ministers' Conference in Moscow.
Newspapers Protest
Scarcely a day goes by without
the Moscow voices of the news-
papers Pravda and Izvestia roar-
ing against the journalists or
newspapers of the West. The
Soviet radio broadcasts these
throughout the world and Soviet
or Communist-controlled organs
outside the Soviet Union echo
them repetitiously.
The Moscow radio broadcast a
Tass Agency dispatch asserting
that "a number ofadeliberate al-
terations and unprecise points"
appeared in the text of the recent
conversation of Stalin and Stassen
in Moscow. as issued by Stassen,
and published by the American
Praises Press
(Stassen, commenting in South
St. Paul, Minn., on the Tass
charge, said that "the American
press as a whole deserves high
commendation for its fair and
thorough manner" in handling the
story of the interview.)
The Soviet radio broadcast a
lengthy comparison of the texts
published by Tass and the English
language translation, but the chief
differences appeared to be in
translations *of words.
NSO Petitions
Dune Monday
Delegates To Attend
Nominating petitions for the
election of three delegates and
three alternates to the National
Student Organization's constitu-
tional convention will be due at 5
p.m. Monday.
Candidates may submit peitions,
requiring 200 students signatures,
eligibility cards and 50 word state-
ments of qualification from 3 to 5
p.m. today and Monday in the
Union Student Offices.
The delegates, who will be chos-
en in a campus-wide election Wed-
nesday, will join with three Stu-
dent Legislature delegates to rep-
resent the student body in voting
in the NSO's proposed constitution
and affiliation with the Interna-
tional Union of Students.
They will alsodworkswith the
Legislature's student organizations
committee next fall in carrying
out NSO projects on the campus.
Delegates' expenses for the con-
vention, to be held next fall at the
University of Wisconsin, will be
paid by the Legislature.
Residences or campus groups de-
siring speakers on the functions
and program of the NSO, a non-
partisan student group, may con-
tact Tom Walsh, chairman of the
student organizations committee.

But John J. Mornpeident
of the union, said the AUTW
washpledged to honor picket
lines set up by other striking
unions affiliated with the Na-
tional Federation of Telephone
Workers even though the board
ordered the long lines strike
officially ended at 6 a.m. to-
Moran said the back-to-work
movement "may not result in a
substantial return as long as other
disputes exist in the industry."
However, the long lines strike
has been a key part of the na-
tionwide walkout and it was
believed that its settlement
might set the pattern for a
speedy end to other phases of
the telephone tie-up.
Moran said the AUTW member-
ship must ratify the board's ac-
tion "but that can come at any
time later, as the executive board
is empowered to call oi the
Meanwhile, Frank P. Law-
rence, vice-president in charge
of- the long lines division of
A. T. & T., said in a statement
that "with the termination of
the strike we will endeaver to
restore our services to normal
as soon as possible.
He did not comment on the ef-
fect of the operators' pledge to
respect other picket lines.
The settlement terms give the
AUTW members wage increases
generally ranging from $2 to $4
a week.
In New York City itself, four
unions still are negotiating.
More than half of the 340,000
telephone workers involved at the
peak of the 31-day strike still were
off the job.
Total of 2,910
Will Graduate
Approximately 2,910 students
will receive degrees at the Univer-
sity's 103rd commencement to be
held at 6 p.m. June 14 at Ferry
The Honorable Paul Joseph
Martin, Canadian&Minister of Na-
tional Health and Welfare, will de-
liver the commencement address.
The tentative list of 2,910 grad-
uates will set a new University
record, accordingsto Secretary
Herbert G. Watkins. There were
1,407 diplomas awarded at the
1946 comineficement. The previ-
ous record was set in 1940 when
2,268 received diplomas.
The literary college heads the
tentative list with 1,021 graduates,
followed by the graduate school,
688; engineering, 393; business
administration, 233; music, 107;
forestry, 106; nursing, 86; edu-
cation, 78; law, 77; public health,
65; architecture, 41; and phar-
macy, 15.

Senate Passes
A mend ment
To Labor Bill

Eight Vote Margin
Backs Taft's Stand

WASHINGTON, May 8 -i -
With the Republican ,leadership
back in the saddle, the Senate
wrote a toughening amendment
into its labor bill today, 48 to 40.
The amendment has three pro-
visions. It would outlaw: health
and welfare funds financed by
employers- and controlled by un-
ions; what Senator Taft (Rep.-
Ohio) described as attempts by
Union representatives to "shake
down" employers or extort money
from then ; and the involuntary
checkoff, by which unions prevail
on companies to deduct union
dues from all workers' pay enve-
lopes regardless of the wishes of
individual workers.
Tables Turned
Led by Senator Taft (Rep.-
Ohio), proponents of the amend-
ment turned the tables on Sen-
ator Ives (Rep.-N,Y,) and Morse
(Rep.-Ore.), who yesterday played
a big part in killing a Taft-sup-
ported proposal to curb industry-
wide collective bargaining.
Both Ives and Morse assailed
the ban on health and welfare
funds administered s o 1 e l y by
unions. Taft defended it, saying
that such funds could become
14 GOP Votes Against
Fourteen Republicans - seven
of t h e m freshman Senators -
joined 26 Deinocrats in voting
against the amendment. For i.
were 33 GOP senators and 15
Southern Democrats.
Taft told the Senate the amend-
ment stems from the efforts of
John L. Lewis last year to levy
a 10-cent a ton tax on soft coal
producers to set up a welfare fund
which Lewis wanted the United
Mine Workers to administer alone.
'U' Vet Reports
From Capitol

Special To The Daily
dent veterans from several states
testified today before the sub-com-
mittee on veterans' affairs of the
Senate Committee on Labor and
Public Welfare.
Students from Texas, Florida,
Illinois, New England and the
northeastern states, as well as
Michigan, spent the morning be-
fore the committee asking for in-
creased subsistence, and in the
afternoon met with their repre-
sentatives and senators.
George Antonofsky, Michigan
student, after testifying before
the Senate committee, saw Sen.
Robert Taft who said that "even
though we are committed to econ-
omy" he would give due consider-
ationto the bill. Antonofsky also
talked to .Rep. Edith Nor'se Rogers,
sponsor of the bill, and Sen. Jo-
seph Ball.
Booklet Orders
WillBe Accepted

'Blood Money' To Back Br

in West Quadrangle.
n Using surplus Army radio equip-
ment, they have set up shop as a
corporation, chartered by the
N State.
H .

New Pain Reliever Revealed
For Arthritis, Polio Sufferers

If amateur radio fans in the
West Quadrangle are a little pale
around the gills this week, it's all
to the credit of the West Quad
Rnai (1,,s

around the country last nighti
inaugural broadcasts as statio
Guest Artists
Dean Emeritus Edward I

BUFFALO, N. Y., May 8-(IP)-
Striking relief from pain in many
cases of arthritis, infantile paraly-
sis, fractures and other injuries
through procaine (novocain) was
reported today to the New York

phael W. Robertrazzi and Milton
C. Peterson of the Reconstruction
Hospital Unit, New York Post-
Graduate Medical School and Hos-
Another effective new use, he
as a ,. -4,ini r m in fanri in -.

n,. I

I Q4--4-A r __-A

I F.,rvv ." tt p.vt rin"(11 v Hil s

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