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May 09, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-09

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Inside Story' of 16 Poles



" 1

- .-


Edited.and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin .
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Editorial Stafff
. . . . Managing Editor
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. . . Associate Business Mgr.

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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Biased Repo-rting
THE POWER of the press over the American
public is a weapon the potency of which is
not often realized by that public. By selective
reporting, wrong emphasis in headlines, and
subtle connections, it may be possible for the
nation's newspapers to mold the public sentiment
in an entirely undemocratic way. This is occas-
ionally being evidenced in newspaper coverage
of the San Francisco Conference.
An example of this was furnished Saturday
by a Chicago paper. On its front page ap-
peared a colored picture of American Marines
hoisting Old Glory over a Pacific island. Below
the picture was a patriotic mesage, containing
nothing which any American did not learn in
grade school. Above it, the caption said, "Don't
let Stettinius and Stassen pull it down."
The connection was plain, and to many read-
ers it would fulfill its intention of instilling dis-
trust in the United States delegates to the San
Francisco Conference.
This is but one of the many ways in which
the press can influence the ideas of the Amer-
ican public. This power carries with it a heavy
responsibility. Editorializing is fine in its place,
and is one of the important functions of a news-
paper. But a far more important function is
fair, unbiased reporting of the facts of world
and national events. It is time that some
newspapers realized that the privilege of a free
press is also a responsibility.
-Frances Paine

SAN FRANCISCO - Here's what happened be-
hind the scenes when Molotov dropped his
bombshell regarding the mysterious disappear-
ance of 16 Polish leaders in Russia.
Ever since mid-April. both the British and
American embassies in Moscow had been trying
to learn what had happened to the Polish mis-
sion. When Molotov arrived here two weeks
ago, Secretary of State Stettinius and Anthony
Eden immediately asked him what happened to
the Poles. Molotov said he didn't know. The
Anglo-Americans kept up the pressure and fin-
ally at an informal dinner of the Big Four,
Stettinius spoke up and asked Molotov if he'd
found out yet about the missing Poles.
"Oh, yes," replied Molotov, "I forgot to tell
you. They were arrested by the Red Army."
"What for?" asked Eden.
"We call it diversionist efforts against the
Red Army," replied the Soviet Foreign Min-
"But what are the real charges?" asked
"Oh, those-they'll come out at the trials,"
answered Molotov calmly, continuing to eat.
"You mean you're going to try them all?"
asked Stettinius, perturbed.
"No," answered Molotov, "only the guilty
At this point, Stettinius told the Russian of-
ficial he planned to make a formal statement
about the matter to the press. Molotov said he
had no objection, and the announcement was
made by both Stettinius and Eden the next day.
Inside Polish Story ...
T HE FULL STORY of the mysterious 16 Poles,
as pieced together from diplomatic sources,
Actually, these 16 Poles had never been out-
side Poland since the war started in 1939.
Some people have gained the impression that
they were emissaries sent from the Polish
government in London. However, they had
been working underground in Poland, and in
March sent word to the Russian commander
that they would like to discuss the question of
cooperation between the Lublin and London
Polish governments.
The Russian commander suggested that they
talk to the Lublin government, but they replied
that they only wanted to talk to Molotov or
Stalin. They asked for a guarantee of safe con-
duct which, according to the London Poles, was
They were then put in a truck and sent to
Moscow. After arriving in Moscow they were
treated very well at first, and U. S. Ambassador
Averell Harriman sent a cable to the State De-
partment that Stalin planned to place eight of
these Polish leaders in the revamped Lublin
government in conformity with the pledge he
made to Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta.
Then something happened-nobody knows
exactly what. Suddenly the Polish leaders dis-
appeared. Suddenly also, Stalin changed his
Ambassador Harriman has been unable to
give Secretary Stettinius any explanation for
what happened, except to say that sometimes
after Stalin has made a pledge, he gets back
to Moscow and the politburo argues him out
of it, Harriman has told friends that he has
the highest regard for Stalin and considers him
one of the few men who can be trusted. How-
ever, the Ambassador pulls no punches in ex-
pressing his opinions about some other Rus-
Unofficial Russian explanation is that the
leader of the 16 Poles is General Okulicki who,
during the Russian advance across Poland to
Germany, operated radio stations in the rear of
the Red Army and sabotaged the Russian ad-
vance. From this diplomats deduce that the
politburo, confronting Stalin with this evidence,
persuaded him to change his mind and not
place any of the 16 in the Lublin government.
In meetings of the American delegation, Sec-
retary Stettinius leans heavily for advice on Leo
Pasvolsky, former secretary of the pre-Soviet
Russian embassy and former editor of White

By Ray Dixon
HIS WEEK will be remembered as the week
when V-E Days finally came.

Russian journals.

Brazilians Irked...
MICHIGAN'S vivacious Senator Arthur Van-
denberg slipped word out to San Francisco
newsmen (with some pride) that President Tru-
man called him frequently from Washington.
Incidentally, Stettinius calls Truman up at least
once a day, hardly makes a move without con-
sulting him-though apparently he didn't consult
him regarding the immediate admission of Ar-
gentina, instead of waiting four days as requested
by the Russians. . . . The Brazilians don't like
the new leadership assumed a San Francisco
by Chile and Mexico. What the Brazilians need
is the dynamic leadership of their former foreign
minister, Oswaldo Aranha, the most towering
figure in Latin America
After the Greek foreign minister voted with
Russia to delay seating Argentina for at least
four days, Greek Ambassador Diamantopoulos
scuttled around to the American delegation to
explain that the vote against Argentina was
not his doing. . . . Though it was blamed
on Latin-American nations, actually, Assistant
Secretary Nelson Rockefeller had begun long
ago laying the groundwork for admitting Ar-
gentina to the United Nations. The British also
were strong for bringing in their old friends
from the River Platte.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
German Future
WILL NOT write the usual ceremonial piece
about Germany's final disintegration; I dislike
ceremonial essays, because they are either poetry
or they are bunk, and they are not often poetry.
Let us get on to what comes next, what happens
It is clear that German fascism combined the
last battle of the war with the first battle of
the peace. The Nazis killed thousands of men
during the final weeks in order to make a
political point. They used deaths to illustrate
an argument, as other men might use figures.
Their argument was that they were trying to
stop Russian Bolshevism, and were being mali-
ciously hindered by Britain and America. They
let 100,000 of their own men die hopelessly in
Berlin in order to put this point across. Those
deaths are political deaths, as much so as any
deaths in a concentration camp.
The Nazis tried to make the point clearer by
having Himmler offer to surrender to Britain
and America only, continuing the fight against
Russia. When Himmler was turned down, the
Nazis attempted to obtain the same effect by
having their armies in the west surrender piece-
meal to American and British commanders in
the field. They wanted a day, even if only one
clear day, of fighting Russia without fighting
us, as a kind of bloody animated cartoon to
illustrate their coming peace-time political
After the last war, German militarism raised
the cry that the German armies had been "stab-
bed in the back" by liberals and democrats on the
home front. The "stab in the back" argu-
ment now becomes planetary in scope. The
German surrender of Denmark and Holland,
on Friday afternoon, was a German way of
saying plaintively that Germany had no in-
terest in fighting the west; if only the west had
let Germany go on, fighting Russia, the world
could have been saved from Bolshevism. At
the moment, one is not so disturbed by the pos-
sible political effectiveness of this ridiculous
line, as by the depths of fanaticism revealed
in it.
What kind of people are these,. who can even
debase the death of their own country, and
make a kind of global wisecrack of the final
agony of their land?
The new German propaganda line can be
made good only if there is a break between
Russia and the west at some future time.
Should that happen, there would then be a
certain kind of poolroom plausibility to the
argument that it was the anti-fascist leaders
of America and Britain who let Russia grow
great, who "saved Stalin."
And suddenly we can see that it is the future
of Germany which is really being debated at
San Francisco. For if we and the Russians
can stick together, then German militarism is
dead as a mackerel; but if we can't, it will find

its rebirth; it will come back, crying out as it
did after the last war, that it was stabbed in
the back while it still had important unfinished
work to do. These are the stakes for which
the Nazis have played in the concluding
moments. They have been making a point for
two years hence, five years hence, sending sig-
nals across the waters to potential partners,
methodically and mercilessly killing thousands
of our men, and Russian men, and their own
men, to present the issue in unforgettable form
for later recall.
Their effort seems ridiculous. But it will
not seem ridiculous to ridiculous people, and
there are ridiculous people. One reason why
it is hard to write a ceremonial article on the
end of the war may be just this nagging sense
of how the Nazis transformed the last battle
of the war into the first battle of the peace,
offering a fantastic continuity of resistance,
instead of the clean end our hearts desire.
(Copyright. 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Naturally this irkes Rus-

At The Michigan.. .
NICK and Nora Charles and Asta
are back after an extended ab-
sence. While the Michigan's "The
Thin Man Goes Home" never sug-
gests the sophisticated brilliance of
the 1934 original, it is light, pleas,'
ant entertainment.
This deductive jaunt has Nick, Wil-
liam Powell per usual, going home for
a vacation and becoming involved in
ant espionage plot revolving around a
painting of a windmill. Nick solvesj
the case with his customary suave-
ness, aided and abetted by such sun-
dry individuals as Helen Vinson, Har-
ry Davenport and Gloria deHaven.
William Powell makes the most of
the occasionally skimpy material.
Myrna Loy, as Nora, is more fortu-
nate than her co-star, and comes up
with an amusing scene in which she
starts a rousing pool-hall brawl and
another in which she becomes involv-
ed in a bone-breaking jitterbug con-
At The State . .
THE CURRENT revival of 1943's
"For Whom the Bell Tolls," based
on the famous Hemingway study of
an action in the Spanish Civil War,
reminds us, on second view, that here
is a major triumph ofbrilliant movie-
Opinion varies, I realize, on how
successfully the political questions
of the conflict are presented, but
there can be no doubt that the film
ranks as a penetrating study of the
principles which moved Robert Jor-
dan to join the guerilla band and to
eventually sacrifice his life.
From a technical viewpoint, "For
Whom the Bell Tolls" is an out-stand-
ing example of Hollywood craftsman-
ship. The Frankenstein-like creation
of technicolor has been used with re-
straint, and, although the action is set
in mountain terrain, the film ad-
mirably avoids any of those gaudy
panorama shots designed to elicit
"oohs" from the audience.
The color is particularly effective
as used in presenting the character
of Pilar. The magnificent, ugly gypsy
woman is presented as a forceful
leader of men and for this purpose
she is dressed only in drably colored

VOL. LV, No. 142
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon, May 9, from 3 to 5
Choral Union Members will please
return all copies of Festival music,
and receive their book deposit re-
funds of $2.50 today between the
hours of 9 and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
After Wednesday no refunds will be
All Students interested in partici-
pating in the three-act student writ-
ten English Department comedy are
asked to be on hand Thursday and
Friday afternoons at 2 o'clock (CWT)
fourth floor Angell Hall.
Junior Play Committee: Junior
Play Central Committee will have a
picture taken in the League, Thurs-
day at 6 p.m. (CWT). Be prompt!
The Annual French Play: The pic-
ture of the cast is exhibited in the
lobby of the Romance Language
Building. Please place your order at
once with the Secretary of the De-
partment, Rm. 112.
Representatives from the Michigan
Bell Telephone Company will be in
our office Thursday, May 10, to in-
terview seniors interested in their
company. Those interested should
call Bureau of Appointments, Uni-
versity Ext. 371, for appointment.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncements for the following exam-
inations have been received in our
office. Chemistry Aid, $2,149 to $2,-

Letters to the EditorI


348 per year, Junior. Publicist, $2,-
760 a year, Intermediate Publicist,
$3,450, Junior Social Economist, $2,-
484 to $2,760, Intermediate Social
Economist, $3,164 to $3,450, Junior
City Planner, $2,415 to $2,760, and
Intermediate City Planner, $3,036 to
$3,450. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Advanced or Graduate Students in
mathematics interested in summer
work with The Jam Handy Organi-
zation, contact the Bureau of Ap-
poiatments, 201 Mason Hall.
Students interested in factory work
for the summer with The Carborun-
dum Company in Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
2Xpply at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
University Lecture: Mr. R. H. Mark-
ham, member of the staff of the
Christian Science Monitor and for-
mer Deputy Director of the Office
of War Information, will lecture on
the subject "Post-War Prospects in
the Balkans" at 7 p.m., Thursday,
May 10, in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter, under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Sociology. The piublic is cor-
dially invited.
Academic Notices
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exami-
nation in the subject in which they
expect to teach. This examination
will he held on Saturday, May 12, at
7:30 a.m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University High
School. The examinatioi will con-
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
ness is therefore essential.
Eng. 107, Sec. 2: The remaining
mid-Semester bluebooks can be ob-
tained from Mrs. Welsch in the Eng-
lish Office.
Eng. 2, Sections 4 and 32: Those
students who have not yet received
their research papers can get them
in the envelope on the office floor of
3220 A.H.
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
Twenty-Second Annual Exhibition
by the Artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity: In the Mezzanine Exhibition
Rooms of the Rackham Building
daily, except Sunday, 2 to 5 and 7
to ,10 p.m. The public is cordially
Events Today
Political Science 184: This class
will not meet today.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
today in Rm. 1139, Natural Science
Building, at 3 p.m.
Professor William Randolph Tay-
or will discuss "The Algal Flora of
he Galapagos Islands." All who are
nterested are invited to attend.
Inter-Guild Seminar: There will
e a seminar on Inter-Guild Mem-
oership Standards held this after-
noon at 3 CWT at Lane Hall. All
wuild members are welcome.
The Graduate Outing Club will
iold a meeting today in the Outing
Room of the Rackham Building at
3:30 p.m. for the purpose of organiz-
ing outdoor activities. All Graduate
Students who are interested in join-
ing are urged to attend this meeting.

Inter-Racial Association will have
i business meeting today, 6:30 p.m.,
Jnion. Important committee re-
)orts. All members and friends are
urged to attend.
Music Hour: The regular Associa-
tion Music Hour will again be held
n Lane Hall at 6:30 CWT this eve-
:ing. The group will be led by Les
Sigma Xi Members: The Annual
Initiation will be held at 7 p.m. CWT
in the Rackham Amphitheater today.
'frofessor A. J. Carlson will speak on
'Food and Health".
Senior Society formal initiation to-
night, 8:30 to 10 p.m. House directors
may give late permission. All mem-
bers unable to attend call Cornelia
Groefsema, 22591. Please bring robes,
collars and pins.
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 3-4:30 p.m. Faculty,
foreign students, and their American
friends are cordially invited.
Inter-Guild Inventory: Thursday
afternoon the Inter-Guild Inventory



Indian Students

INDIA IS PLANNING for her future. Next fall
200 to 300 advanced students from Indian
universities will be placed in graduate schools
throughout the United States.
They will be sent at government expense for
the purpose of preparing them to assist in India's
post-war reconstruction program. This is the
largest group of government-financed students
to come here, and the project proposes a peace-
time number of 1,500.
India students were formerly sent to Oxford,
Cambridge or London universities, but Wvp
brings many changes, and the Indian govern-
ment decided to send specially qualified students
to complete their studies in this country.
"The war and its practical relationships," said
Professor M. S. Sundaram, Educational Liason
Officer to the Indian government, "have con-
vinced Indians that they have much to learn
from American methods of training."
Perhaps, in this indirect way, we can help
India build her tomorrow. Perhaps she can
also help us with a little building we're going
to do ourselves.
-Bettyann Larsen
Seeing Eye Dogs
THE FIFTH annual drive for membership in
the Seeing Eye organization is now being
conducted in Detroit. Realizing the value that
these dogs can be to returning servicemen who
have been blinded while fighting for their
nnfkr r s nni rVX7 nq"CfnA iACT t'A

It appears to me that there are
essentially three possible master plans
available for the treatment of Ger-
many during the next few decades:
1. Imposition of a Carthaginian
peace. The German people in totoj
to be held responsible for their gov-
ernment's cruelty and world-wide
wholesale slaughter. Punishment:
Complete permanent prostration of
the nation without any means of
economic or industrial recovery-
fundamentally the Morgenthau
2. Partially divorcing the Nazi
government's guilt from the people's
conscience and taking into consider-
ation the causative factors that gave
rise to that government, such as mass
German unemployment, partially due
to external factors. Make allow-
ances for the old controversy be-
tween the "have" nations (primar-
ily Britain andtthe United States) and
the "have nots" (Germaniy, in this
case, though there are many others
who have used that excuse), preclud-
ing the right to moralization of the
part of the "haves." Forget the
prominent part played by the officer
caste in the Nazis' rise to power, and
assist partially in rebuilding the
country. Re-admit Germany to the
community of nations but continue
to bear sufficient grudge to prevent
development of real prosperity and
deprive a truly democratic govern-
ment of the means of proving itself
competent. This is essentially what
-with appropriate change in ter-
minology-took place after the last
3. Consider the past 12 years
as an unfortunate "incident," and
immediately treat Germany as an
innocent equal who should be pro-
vided with all possible means to
health and prosperity.
I shall briefly consider these three
plans only in terms of their effect on
future world peace. All considera-
tion of purely German preferences
will be dispensed with-as will also
the various other motives that have
entered, and are again entering, into
people's rationalizations (such as the
desire of some industrialists in the
Allied nations to work with German
monopolists, even to the detriment of
their own nations; or the desire of
Russophobes to leave a militarily

powerful Germany to be turned
against the Soviet Union-the real
basis of the Polish controversy.)
Plan 1 will leave the Germans dis-
satisfied and may give rise to another
fascist government. Since the lat-
ter would be without the economic or
industrial tools to wage another war,
this will be of relatively little concern
to the peace of the world. I do not
believe that, with the modern tech-
nique of production at our com-
mand, German industry is essen-
tial to the welfare of Europe. Plan
2 will keep Germany sufficiently poor
to give rise to a new dictatorship,
after any democratic government has
demonstrated its inability to provide
prosperity under conditions of lack
of co-operation from abroad. The
democratic government, the peace
treaty and the foreign powers will
be blamed, inducing the necessary
mental state for aggression and of
martyrdom prerequisite to further
wars. The means for re-armament
and economic pressures via the bar-
tering system, are left available tc
Germany. Result: World War III.
(One factor in the relative success of
the fascist governments has been the
willingness of foreign capital to back
them and their own indigenous indu-
strialists, who supported the Nazis,
as a bulwark against "communism"-
a term indiscriminately applied to any
progressive mass movement. Plan 2
leaves the path particularly cleai
to this kind of selectively supported
Plan 3 may result in a good-neigh-
bor Germany, provided her imperial-
ists do not prevail.
My major purpose in sending this
communication is to emphasize the
perils of Plan 2-now showing signs
of revival-which would leave Ger-
many the tools for another war to-
gether with a motivating grudge.
Either plan 1 or 3 is the only pos-
sibility-any compromise will be
fatal. I do not profess to know the
answer as to whether Plan 1 or
3 is preferable, but incline to 1
since 3 is too dependent on the ab-
sence of imperialistic designs on
the part of the industrialist and'
army officer-groups who have
been instrumental in repeated Ger-
man aggression. They were usually
supported by the German people,
except when they were losing a
war! Even so, it is much less
dangerous than Plan 2 since the
population would be sufficiently
prosperous without the necessity of
engaging in a slaughter -- and
would not suffer from the inseur-


After bashin' the Axis, the
bashful and refused to admit
hours what everyone knew to
** * *

Allies became
for almost 24
be the truth.

This is a new wrinkle in the age-old game
of fighting wars. Now if the nations of the
world will become as reticent about declaring
war as they were about admitting victory a good
portion of the road to a permanent peace will
have been paved.
In a sense, only one-third of the war has
been won. Japan is one enemy and the possi-
bility of another war is another. The one can
be defeated in the Pacific theatre-the other
may be defeated at San Francisco.

The whole thing is merely an

By Crockett Johnson
- - . new developments in the

'll explain how the firm's books
ii--------I---------J~ ~ I

They'll kid me about it,)

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