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October 12, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 28) • Page Image 11

…0 0 0 0 milI om The Change'll Do You Good! Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith.Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September…

… Arbor, MI. 48109 Apple is a registered trademark of the Apple Computer Corporation.; IBM is a registered trademari of International Business Machines, Inc.; Windows X.0, and MicrosoftMouse are registered…

… 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and…

… 80386SX microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick-Off Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any…

… form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and Campus Services office in the basement of the L. S. & A. Building before October 18th…

… at 5:00 pm. You can mail it or hand deliver it, but it must be received by the 18th at 5:00 pm to be entered for you. The Zenith Data Systems Z-386/25 Personal Computer Put the computing power you…

…-Off Price - . . I M " _ .~ with the Seamless processor hard disk onds, the computer ake short pplication complete ToolBook. capacity sk drives. r $1,0001 $ 3,677 $4,475 I r I'' . \ c , 3 .r…

…. ! ., _ _ _ . - -' Please, Change My Kick-Off Order I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without…

… penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name: School ID#: Mailing Address…

… Service Office by October 18th at 5:00pm! No Exceptions! Not Valid for Placing New Orders. Your Computer Kick-Off Order must have been placed by September 27th. - ------ z-.3B5 sx Z-386 5X The quick…

October 05, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 22) • Page Image 13

…0 0 0 The Change'll Do You Good. Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th…

Apple Computer Corporation.; IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.; Windows 3.0, and Microsoft Mouse are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation; ToolBook is a…

… deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX…

… microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick-Off Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any other configuration…

… fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and Campus Services office in the basement of the L. S. & A. Building before October 18th at 5:00 pm…

…. You can mail it or hand deliver it, but it must be received by the 18th at 5:00 pm to be entered for you. The Zenith Data Systems Z-386/25 Personal Computer Put the computing power you want on your…

… average access times of 18 milliseconds, the Z-386/25 delivers! Zenith Data Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface…

… Kick-Off Order I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also…

… understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name: School ID#: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone…

…:00pm! No Exceptions! Not Valid for Placing New Orders. Your Computer Kick-Off Order must have been placed by September 27th. Z-385 SX The quick, expandable and powerful Z-386SX is now even more…

October 11, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 9) • Page Image 9

… Maci tosh computer available at special low student prices, but now it includes a student software set available only from Apple. For a limited time, buy a select Power Macintosh and you get software…

… tools. It all comes with Power Macintosh - the computer that grows with you from college to the professional world. And now, with an Apple Computer Loan, it's easier than ever to own one. Its the power…

… every student needs. The power to be your best.' Apple S i B, a . °.'r. …

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 1, 1987 Apple challenges 'U' By RYAN TUTAK Apple Computers has chosen the University as one of only a handful of campuses to participate in a pair of…

…. Each member of the winning team will be awarded $2,000 of Apple products and a summer internship at the company. The school of the winning team will receive five Macintosh computers, a Laser…

… up with something that (Apple) has not designed in the lab already," Saunders said. Reynolds said Apple does not expect students to build a new computer. "The contest is very intangible," she said. "We…

…, coordinator of the Residential College Computer Program. Students at 28 universities will participate in the other contest to design a system of software consistent with Apple's research goals in education. A…

… contests to design the personal computers of the future. One contest, open to twelve universities, challenges students in teams of no more than five to envision the technology of computers by the year 2000…

…Writer printer and an AppleTalk network. Laura Reynolds, Apple's coordinator of the contest, said the University was selected to participate in the contest because it "is on the leading edge of Macintosh…

… want this to be an intellectual exercise that is fun. We want to students to think about the possibilities that will exist in computing in the 21st century." LSA Senior Haran Rashes has started to…

… students design a computer which is smaller than the current Macintosh, has artificial intelligence and responds to verbal commands. "I'm always interested in improving the Macintosh," said Rashes…

October 16, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 30) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 16, 1990 .r==1111 -1 XINITH data systems Groupe Bull The Change'll Do You Goodl Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems(tm) Computer

… Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces…

… new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the…

Computer Kick-Off Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any other configuration, you can still take advantage of Zenith Data Systems' new reduced prices ... perhaps, saving hundreds…

… of dollars ... by just changing your order! How Do I Change My Order? Fill out the form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and…

… 40; Almost $300 Lower! Item Z3 Kick-Off Price $2,391 t .. . .N/ 0 -- --- t ''- Put the computing power you want on your desk now with the terrific value offered by Zenith Data Systems' "Seamless…

… Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface application software. Your "Seamless Solution" bundle comes complete with…

… Arbor, MI. 48109 /w m. w. fiUm Please, Change My Kick-Off Order I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I…

… can change my order without penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name…

October 10, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 25) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, October 10, 1990 r ZENITH1 data systems Groupe Bull The Change'll Do You Good! 0 Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick…

…-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces new lower…

… prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick…

… ... by just changing your order! How Do I Change My Order? Fill out the form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and Campus Services…

… Lower! Item Z3 Kick-Off Price $2,391 ff _ .. _ i. . ._ .r «.h 11 ', . l' \ :i j I 'I -.. 4- .-- ~ ~ _ -. Put the computing power you want on your desk now with the terrific value offered by Zenith…

…/25 delivers! Zenith Data Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface application software. Your "Seamless Solution" bundle…

… offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as…

… described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name: School ID#: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone: Signature X Change my order to the configuration Initialed Below: (please…

October 08, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 23) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 8, 1990 -r-| |||||||||||||||||| ZENITH data systems mn Groupe Bull The Change'll Do You Good! Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems…

…(tm) Computer Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems…

… announces new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the…

Computer Kick-Off Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any other configuration, you can still take advantage of Zenith Data Systems' new reduced prices ... perhaps, saving hundreds…

… of dollars ... by just changing your order! How Do I Change My Order? Fill out the form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and…

… Lower! Item Z3 Kick-Off Price $2,391 . y AIp II -i ,, ~ --7 S tt~i+r.'~rt ..._. as,^^"" "'- . Put the computing power you want on your desk now with the terrific value offered by Zenith Data Systems…

… Data Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface application software. Your "Seamless Solution" bundle comes complete…

…. Building Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 lk okvh i m o i a .Tk..U. An At LI bu m Please, Change My Kick-Off Order I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer

… Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published…

October 22, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 35) • Page Image 30

… COMPANY PREFERRED BY 1 Ernst & Young 19.43% 2 Google 17.82% 3 PricewaterhouseCoopers 15.41% 4 Deloitte 15.26% 5 Goldman Sachs 13.59% 6 Walt Disney 13.37% 7 KPMG 12.66% 8 Apple Computer 10.43% 9 JPMorgan 10…

… 1 NASA 21.51% 2 Lockheed Martin Corporation 16.56% 3 Boeing 16.04% 4 Google 15.04% 5 General Electric 11.94% 6 Apple Computer 9.09% 7 Microsoft 8.69% 8 BMW 8.48% 9 Intel 7.82% 10 Walt Disney 7.53% 1…

October 18, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 32) • Page Image 10

… Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate Delivery of Selected Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers Macintosh Classic 2/40 $1,257 Apple's replacement for the Macintosh SE Macintosh ilsi…

… Pig Liberty " S. Univ. s! 208 S. FIRST 996-8555 19 and over please From England - Robyn Hitchcock APPEARING TONIGHT: Happy Hour-Vudu Hippies 9:30 pm-2 am-SPECIAL CONCERT: now I is Apple

… 2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh Hsi 5/80 $3,381 Entry levellci, high performance, Y es! The University of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow KickOff '90 purchasers to change their…

…, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available to SE/30 and Ilci purchasers just by changing your order. Change Order Form packets were mailed to all…

… KickOff '90 Macintosh purchasers on October 12th. Watch your mailbox! Additional forms are also available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. F Act now! I-'I " See the new systems at the…

Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - You must fill out a Change Order Form and drop it off at the Computer Showcase…

October 09, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

… seriously? Do you think you may spend your entire career without getting a chance to prove what you can really do? Think again. At Apple Computer, you're given all the responsibility you can handle. And then…

… program. We'll be on campus soon: October 23, 1986. Contact your Placement Office for details. If you're interested in joining us at Apple, send your resum6 directly to: APPLE COMPUTER, INC., College…

… receive an MBA, EE, CS or a degree in Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Engineer. ing, or Management Information Systems? Then, come learn about opportunities at Apple, includ- ing our summer internship…

October 05, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

Apple, Tele- Commodore Computers to share their time and information with you! Free hands-on demonstrations have been scheduled! 0 5appkz compubir oTeleVide6 CS commodore COMPUTER EVERY DAY MONDAY…

… TUESDAY WEDNESDAY -What Computers Can Do For You' one hour presentation at 4 p m Commodore highlighting their new 64 throughout the day Apple's'Word Processing'one hour presentation at noon. 5 and 6 p m…

Apple's Electronic Filing System one hour presentations at noon. 5 and 6 p.M Apple s Accounting" one hour presentations at noon and i p m TeleVideo's 'Word Processing' demonstrations from 4-Z p m Tele…

…Videos "Electronic Financial Spread Sheet' demonstra- tions from noon io 2 p.m Apple's 'Telecommunications" one hour presentations at 5 and 6 p m Commodore's Word Processing demonstrations throughout the day until 5 p…

… m Apple's "Financial Planning. Budgeting and Forecasting" one hour presentations at noon, 5 and 6 p m 0 THURSDAY Look over our " Solution Centers Training Centers * Repair Center " Set Up Center…

… " Magazine and Book Selection " Computer Furniture Selection FRIDAY Training Center Classes begin October r1. Come in for more information and registration. " Creative Computing for Home and Office…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

… "Computer Kickoff '87" sale in September, the University sold Apple, Zenith, and IBM computers to students and faculty at 50 percent off retail prices. Those computers were Pedraza-Baily said Limon will be…

… Rackham graduate student, work at the University Computer Kickoff at the Sports Coliseum which sold more than 2400 computers this weekend. 'U' distributes 3000 computers By STEPHEN GREGORY Yesterday…

… weekend, the Univer- sity conducted its second major computer sale, delivering 3,000 computers to students, faculty, and staff, and making the event the largest on-campus sale in the country. During its…

… University of Texas to conduct research at the Stanford Center for the Humanities. distributed at the Coliseum Friday and Saturday. With 1,400 sales, Apple beat out the others in volume, but IBM attracted the…

… most attention with its new model that can display up to 256 different colors on the screen at a time. The University invited local computer stores to sell software merchandise and peripherals at the…

… pick-up. The invitations were an effort by the University to quiet complaints that its sale was taking an unfair chunk out of local computer business. Jeff Inwood, president of ComputerLand in Ann Arbor…

October 29, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

… ______________________________________________________ I COMPUTER PREPARATION PROGRAMS for the GRETM GMAT LSATTM SATTM ACTM available on AppleM IBM,TM Commodore," Atari,TM and TRS-80,TM computers at savings from list prices WWU T - K I'"T T TM - ^1 01…

… snmrter, quicker and more creatively The good news is. with NIacintosh you dont have to know anything about computers to nse one. The better news don t 0 have to know anything about white out. either…

…, shot during the event, is in critical condition. COMPUTERS Three colleges form artificial intelligence lab By ROB EARLE A new laboratory at the University will bring together workers in many fields…

… psychologists do their work or to help computer scientists do their work, but to have psychologists and computer scientists say, 'Hey, we're interested in the same problem, let's work together on this," Olson…

… said. EXAMPLES OF that are already in progress Olson said - "For example, computer vision," - in which com- puter scientists and visual psychologists work together to build machines that can receive and…

…, at least in the forseeable future, that human thought is going to be replaced by computing," Olson said, "but com- puting can really help human thought." CSMIL will be aided by a new Xerox STAR…

computer system. An $819,000 grant from the Xerox Corporation grant to the three colleges involved in CSMIL paid for the new computer system, which Olson said should be installed in about a week and a half…

…. "That equipment is going to be used in large part to help some research in the areas of developing computer tools for people who are doing very hard tasks," Olson said. The grant will also provide a…

… state- of-the-art office system for the CSMIL staff and artificial intelligence sof- tware that will aid in developing ad- vanced word-processing software and computer-based engineering design tools…

… University of Michigan Medical Center -77e Soure of Ewtlenc,- DriI~a fur EIIAvunsa I i C= I = ! -- = ! = ! ---A I ! ! = I i = ! E ! - -1 IF I I~f OWNEVE WWI 71 The Leading Edge Model"D" PersonalComputer

October 16, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Wj Get the Pact Dail Apple Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate Delivery of Selected Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers Macintosh Classic 2140 $1,257 Apple

… version of his recent Off-Broadway one-man show, Bo- gosian portrays 11 characters who represent the moral and physical de- spair of a rapidly rotting Big Apple. Bogosian's characterizations are precise and…

…'s replacement for the Macintosh SE Macintosh Wsi2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh Wsi5/80 $3,381 Entry level lci. hgh Performance, Yes! The University of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow Kick…

… your original Macintosh SE order, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available to SE/30 and Ici purchasers just by changing your order. Change Order…

… Form packets were mailed to all KickOff '90 Macintosh purchasers on October 12th. Watch your mailbox! Additional forms are also available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. rruorurr Act…

… now! - See the new systems at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. * You must fill out a Change Order Form and…

… drop it off at the Computer Showcase I …

October 14, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

… programs, hundreds of computer 'users groups' across the nation are finding their own solutions to software defects-solutions which the information giants themselves seem unable or un- willing to devise. *IN…

… customers of the defects. *John School, an Apple Com- puter owner, was misled by an advertisement and bought a sof- tware program called "FIG FACTORY" that turned out to require expensive special equip- ment…

…. He warned other Apple owners through his user group newsletter. Group efforts to get Apple to return his money have failed, but fewer Apple owners are now making School's mistake. "Owners of the Kaypro…

… II por- table computer in Santa Cruz, Calif., had trouble linking their word-processing program to their printers, so they organized a users group. The group not only pressured the two companies in…

…- = mvl to amc l rpnl,a .fnnfhl am have fewer than 100 members, some are quite large, up to 2,000 strong. Their networks often surpass computer manufacturers and retail stores in providing the information…

computer owners need to operate effectively. "The person who belongs to a users group, at the end of 10 mon- ths, will have 10 times more knowledge than the guy who sits- at home and reads the manual by…

October 06, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully marketed ever- sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and ighone, died yesterday. He was 56. Apple

… incident entertaining and "a great way to procrasti- nate." PAUL SAKUMA/AP Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs passed away yesterday at…

… age 56. Apple co-founder eve Jobs dies at age 56 Republicans request change in state electoral vote system Changes likely to hurt Obama's re-election chances HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Republicans in…

… Democratic cities in both states, to more conservative rural and suburban areas that tend to favor Republicans. Innovator revolutionized world of technology CUPERTINO, California (AP) - Steve Jobs, the Apple

… count- less innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives," Apple's board said in a statement. "The world is immeasurably better because of Steve" Jobs had battled cancer in 2004 and underwent a…

… in August. He took another leave of absence in January - his third since his health problems began - before resigning as CEO six weeks ago. Jobs became Apple's chairman and handed the CEO job over to…

… his hand-picked suc- cessor, Tim Cook. Outside Apple's Cupertino headquarters, three flags - an American flag, a California state flag and an Apple flag - were fly- ing at half-staff late yesterday…

…. "Those of us viho have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring men- tor." Cook wrote in an email to Apple's employees. "Steve leaves behind a company that…

… only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." The news Apple fans and shareholders had been dread- ing came the day after Apple unveiled its latest version of the…

… Phone, just one in a procession of devices that shaped technol- ogy and society while Jobs was running the company. Jobs started Apple with a high school friend in a Silicon Valley garage in 1976, was…

October 26, 2009 (vol. 120, iss. 33) • Page Image 9

… properties. WANT TO WRITE FOR DAILY NEWS? E-mail to get started. Halloween Treats! Treat yourself to newer, lower prices on select Apple products, while suppies last. Price drops…

… on select MacBook Pros and all previous generation iPods October 20 - October 30. MacBook Pro 13"w/ 3yr AppleCare (two roodes to choose from) $1,182 and $1,400 MacBook Pro 15", 2.53 processor w/ 3yr…

…) $124 Two UM Computer Showcase Locations to serve you: Michigan Union and Pierpont Commons Store Hours: 9-6, M-F at both locations. …

October 17, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 31) • Page Image 10

Apple Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate Delivery of Selected - Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers 0 Macintosh Classic 2/40 $1,257 Apple's replacement for the Macintosh SE…

… Macintosh Hsi 2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh lsi5/80 $3,381 Entry level Ilci, high petformance, Ye! The University of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow KickOff '90 purchasers to change…

… order, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available to SE/30 and IIci purchasers just by changing your order. Change Order Form packets were mailed…

… to all KickOff '90 Macintosh purchasers on October 12th. Watch your mailbox! Additional forms are also available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. o u \II Act now! 16 " See the new…

… systems at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. * You must fill out a Change Order Form and drop it off at the Computer

October 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 29) • Page Image 16

…. -Use Your Study Time More Effectively -Achieve Your Maximum Potential Score. EE L 996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 South University 0 Apple Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate…

… Delivery of Selected Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers Macintosh Classic 2/40 $1,257 Apple's replacement for the Macintosh SE Macintosh Wi2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh Wi 5/80 $3,381 Yes! The University…

… of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow KickOff '90 purchasers to change their orders to either the Macintosh Classic or the Ilsi. All Macintosh SE 2/40 orders have automatically…

… been changed to the new Macintosh Classic 2/40. If you prefer to keep your original Macintosh SE order, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available…

… available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Act now! 0 - See the new systems at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9…

… a.m. - 6 p.m. " You must fill out a Change Order Form and dron it off at the Computer Showcase I …

October 11, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 27) • Page Image 7

… rental4.N-.trademark444of4Apple44Computer444In.JANE'S 4.ADDICTION4 t y Based on semester r>ental..,,of Macintosh4 Plus. VISA/Mastercard.. required>for Ten >44i44RITUAL44DE.LO4HABITUAL N vvI v Expires 10/19/90 …

…>4 It's,'4.4..conve........nient. 4> 4 ""4Avoid4 long computer lab.4, lines NFL Y6000443 44\. NEW L 444.4 R44...444. I 3 ?4~4 A 444.4444444444444444444444444444% 4.44444...4.444 Ufi>ll4 El PRICES~...44 ,4…

….444444.44 '4, p4 43/'44.. Michigan Union444.4.44444444Bookstore.:4~44. Week MonthNI Univrsity4of Michiga 1 Smeser 53 Soth tret, nn4rbo 4 ><t App~l om uer.Iclet is, ' >' a444''*44>44444444444.'> ' "" $5 on any…

October 05, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 20) • Page Image 19

…0 - W3- -is - - 16 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense SEPTEMBER 1988 SEPTEMBER 1988 Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPA Weaver, Hardball clash in battle of computer

… games By Marc Weinberg Daily Bruin U. of California, Los Angeles Computer sports games are, by and large, a waste of time. Either they are strategy-oriented and feature poor graphics, or it's the exact…

… Shorthorno U. of Texas, Arlington When Apple Corp. stated in a_ brochure that "thousands of people= have gotten more than they bar- gained for from their Apple compu- ters," it wasn't referring to scrambled…

… data, inability to print and frequent system crashes. a But that's exactly what they got. Some Macintosh Computer users are being stumped by computer viruses. "They can cause the whole system to crash…

…, preventing you from acces-P sing any information on the hard disk," said Beth Riblet, an Arlingtond Computer virus: A. rog- a Make back-ups for hard and computer store manager.ram that resides, unknown to…

… floppy disks. The viruses initially breezed unde- the computer user, on his or her tected through a network connecting hard or floppy disks either Whenever obtaining anew teced hrogh newor conecing…

… damaging or destroying prog- program, write-protect the disk computers by telephone. Computer rams, files and data. Damaging immediately and make a copy. users who have downloaded software, and destroying…

…, invisible programs -m rybanks.hVyrufe pert vatcall to help protect a disk believed to have originated on the diciiae;thyaft pr vcie r p'etve o West Coast - spread from program sonal computers as well as com…

October 30, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 41) • Page Image 15

… independent filmmakers guaranteed to give you chills on Halloween night I LAURA SHLECTER/Daily LAURA SHLECTER/Daily aramel apples are among the many perks of visiting Wiard's Orchards ... and so are…

… it's the comforting and mouth-watering taste of apple cider and doughnuts that attracts droves of people to places like Wiard's Orchards in Ypsilanti, or maybe it really is just a favorite hobby of…

…, the property, which covers nearly 200 acres, will be closing its gates for the season. Those who miss out on sinking their teeth into a juicy hand-selected apple will have to wait until June. The…

… tempting fare spans beyond the basic, but still delicious, doughnuts and cider. For the more adventurous sweet tooth, homemade caramel apples back- on visitors with their promise of sugary indulgence. Hot…

… chocolate and popcorn also complement the menu. While time is quickly running out before the orchards are closed to the public, Wiard's proffers the community with activities galore, including apple and…

…] the unsettled stomach (the Night Terrors website instructs visitors to wear a diaper). Just what type of bloodcurdling attractions can an apple orchard boast? Timbers deems these sites, which last…

…. ~ You can't send infected attachments. Complete your protection by installing the free antivirus software (VirusScan and Virex) available to all University members.* Protecting you against computer

October 07, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 7) • Page Image 9

… professional world. And now, with an Apple Computer Loan, it's easier than ever to own one. It's the power every student needs. The power to be your best I ' . ;t …

… and we'll throw in all this software to help you power through college) Not only is the world's fastest Macintosh" computer available at special low student prices, but now it includes a student…

… software set available only from Apple. For a limited time, buy a select Power Macintosh" and you get software that helps you through every aspect of writing papers, a personal organizer/calendar created for…

… more. Buy a select Power Mac'with CD-ROM, and you'll also get a multimedia library of essential reference tools. It all comes with Power Macintosh - the computer that grows with you from college to the…

October 05, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

… Michigan Union started rent- ing Apple MacIntosh Plus and MacIntosh SE-equivalent personal computers Aug. 20. Computers can rented by phone with a VISA or MasterCard by the week, month or semester.' Rented…

… to uy a computer and are tired of fight- ing lines at the computing center now have a new option. Campus Computer Rentals, a Boston-based business operating out of the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in the…

… for an SE equivalent. Along with computers, dot ma- trix printers, WriteNow word pro- cessing software, 800K floppy drives, and 20 megabyte external hard drives are also available. The software costs…

… $39 and the printer $119 per semester. "You don't have to spend big bucks on buying and students can split costs with roommates," said Paul Martecchini, president and co- founder of Campus Computer

… Rentals. "Apple is discontinuing the MacIntosh Plus and a new low-cost Mac with higher capability is due out (on the market) in January. A lot (of people) are renting now and buy- ing in the spring." 'You…

…L Thiese, a sophomore majoring in political science, is one of the first 25 renters on campus. He raved about the MacPlus he's renting until the Oct. 23 delivery of his $4,700 computer package pur- chased at…

… the University's Kick-Off Computer Sale. Over the years, especially as I have worked with women tobuild alliances across the barriers of race, class,and culture, my Jewish identity,as well as my Pagan…

….......s .. .. wwwwww ~~~ :w' '=w' President, Campus When his dot matrix printer Computer Rentals didn't work right he called the toll- froe number and got a replacement a The Union Bookstore has a small few days later…

…'s computer cluster convenient. However, dorm rules can irritate some individuals. First-year engi- neering student Doug Schubert said that "quiet hours are annoying. When your R.A. comes into your room at 12…

October 20, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

… what system I may get." it The Apple Computer exhibit, fo- t'cusing on advances in portable com- "uters, integrative options, and aca- a' "The reason we're here is that we're selling this product to the…

…, ending a week of Computer and information tech- .nology demonstrations and seminars. "It's really our way of saying =thank you," said Kathy Schaible, fEDUCOM manager of corporate re- lations, who organized…

… tennis building. Students flocked to the exhibits. "I was just thinking of getting a computer," said Patrick Chan, a se- Chior in the school of pharmacology -tat the NeXT display. "I'm just here -to see…

… ,other universities," said Julie Laund- bardt, employee at the Computer -Research Institute at Brown Univer- R EHNQUIST -Continued from page 1 cal force behind the impeachment ''1riall had succeeded in…

… gather around a computer display at EDUCOM which wE ended yesterday. Over 1200 people visited the exhibit which featured compu demonstrations and seminars. sity, who was demonstrating the in- stitute…

October 04, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 25) • Page Image 9

… Pope John Paul II a guitar, a "Big Apple" T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a rising, roaring welcome yesterday at a youth celebration that was a combination rock concert and basketball pep rally. They…

… when one of the youth- ful donors handed over the blue jeans that had been bought in Macy's basement and unfurled the T-shirt that proclaimed "The Big Apple Welcomes Pope John Paul II." On the reverse…

… provided for 'U' computer 'bugging (continued from Page3 ) such information, and even if such an incident did occur." According to Galler, some programs, such as IBM programs, are copyrighted, and therefore…

… unethical, but not illegal. Because of widespread concern over illegal and improper computer use, an ethics subcommittee to the University Computer Policy Committee convened in the spring of this year…

…. According to Arch Naylor, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the com- mittee meetings were "a fantastically glorious waste of time." The subcommittee has not yet taken any action on specific…

… cases of unethical or improper use of the computer system, said Gordon Norby, subcom- mittee chairman and professor of Biological Chemistry. He explained they meet at irregular times and "welcome input…

October 05, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… stalemate with Hamas radicals who control part of the Palestinian government. SAN JOSE, Calif. Jobs apologizes for Apple's stock practices Apple Computer Inc. CEO Steve Jobs apologized yesterday for the…

… support showed signs of cracking yesterday as Republicans fled an election-year scandal spawned by steamy computer messages from disgraced Rep. Mark Foley to teenage male pages. At the same time, a…

… company's past stock-option practices after a three-month investigation raised "serious con- cerns" in connection with the accounting, recording and reporting of grants. The iPod and Macintosh computer

… maker also announced the resignation of for- mer Chief Financial Officer Fred Anderson from the company's board of directors. "I apologize to Apple's shareholders and employees for these problems, which…

October 20, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

… Students who want to buy individual songs online instead of downloading them illegally can now access songs from the same store, no matter what type of computer they use. Apple launched a new version of its…

… "South U 40," where contestants chug a 40- ounce beer and then race four laps around the block. Apple releases PC-compatible website for iPods By Tomislav Ladika press release states. experience…

…." according to the Apple news release. But many Daily Staff Reporter "Apple and AOL are making it easy for AOL's Despite the potential benefits of the alliance, college students continue to illegally download…

…. 25 million U.S. members to legally buy music online," Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs said in a written statement. "With just More than 400 one click, AOL members JV~ will be able to legally…

… be downloade preview, purchase and download music from the iTunes Mu the iTunes Music Store's catalog of more than 400,000 songs." 0 Ad us: Apple will now have to compete with online companies such…

… as Rhapsody Digital Music Ser- vice and 000 ~n SCan to sell songs to people 00 songs can using Windows-based legally from computers. But tracks from the 4c Store. other online companies…

October 07, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…4 6- Friday, October 7, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Steve Jobs remembered in tributes around the world Flowers, candles left outside Apple stores in rememberance Steve Jobs was…

… grieved around the world yesterday through the very devices he conceived: People held up pictures of candles on their iPads, reviewed his life on Macintosh computers and tapped out tributes on iPhones. One…

… day after his death, two days after Apple introduced the latest incarnation of a touch- screen phone that touched pop culture, sadness and admiration poured out - not for a rock star, not for a…

… as their Elvis Presley or John Lennon. Perhaps even their Thomas Edison. "It's like the end of the innova- tors," said Scott Robbins, 34, who described himself as an Apple fan of 20 years and who…

… rushed to an Apple Store in San Francisco when he heard the news. Apple announced Jobs' death Wednesday night and remem- bered him as a "visionary and creative genius." The company announced no cause of…

… death, but Jobs had been diagnosed with a rare pancreatic cancer seven years ago and had a liver trans- plant in 2009. He was 56. Yesterday, the Apple website, which usually features slick pre- sentations…

… of multicolored iPods and ever-thinner MacBook lap- top computers, simply displayed a black-and-white photo of Jobs, thumb and finger to his beard as if in contemplation. Around the world, tributes…

… of flickeringcandles. At an Apple Store in Hong Kong, old and new means of grief came together: People scribbled "RIP" and "We miss Steve" and longer notes of condolence on Post-It notes, and stuck…

… them to an iPad display. And at the 24-hour Apple Store inmidtown Manhattan, the remembrances were more tradi- tional. Passersby left flowers and candles, actual ones. Even there, people snapped pictures…

… of the memorial with their iPhones. "I was so saddened. For me it was like MichaelJacksonorPrin- cess Diana - that magnitude," Stephen Jarjoura said at the Apple Store in Sydney. His said Jobs left a…

October 17, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 30) • Page Image 16

…'t the ease with which Dorsey speaks that's surpris- ing. It isn't the "Game of Thrones" theme song that plays before his remarks - a perfect fit for the North Campus computer science crowd. It's the…

… University's Bloustein School of Planning and Pub- lic Policy. But for those with computer science skills, the job mar- ket is strong, flushed with cash and only getting better. "The need for software is…

… already excited about the weekend of programming he's organized. With the advent of the Apple, Android and Blackberry app marketplaces, it's now become possible to write a com- mercially viable piece of…

computer lab are dim as approximately 60 hackers - a handful of them women - drift in before the 6 p.m. kick off. "Here's plates; who needs plates?" Towers of pizza boxes are quickly demolished as students…

… are here to impress. Back at the Hackathon, students split into project teams. Freshmen nervously standing on the outer edges of the computer lab are chided by Solloway to reach out and meet new people…

October 15, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

… CHRIS GRASSO The University may soon expand its sales of computer software, a move that has upset some local retailers. Since January 1984, the University has offered Apple and Zenith com- puters, plus…

… educational discount in buying computers and its tax-exempt status as unfair advantages. When Apple Macintosh sales first began, prospective buyers could also purchase their computers through the Inacomp…

…. Three years ago, the department began to receive temporary funding from LSA and other units within the University to bring more writers to campus for day or week-long visits. COMPUTERS 'IT'may e3 By…

… limited software for these machines, to students, faculty, and staff at discounts of up to 50 percent off the retail price. IBM computers were added to the list just this past September. "All we're trying…

Computer Center in Ann Ar- bor. The practice has since been discontinued, Marks said. Negotiations between retailers and the University over the local in- volvement are continuing at this time, but no…

… a safe haven elsewhere. (Continued from Page 1) COMPUTERS will also control the building's temperature as well as fire, electricity, and security systems. It is the first hospital to have a com…

… requirements to: Editorial Positions Mr. K. Bratton, Personnel GALE RESEARCH CO. Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Jointly Operated by the Computing Center and the School of…

October 23, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

… -evaluation. Also available in software editions for the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers. GRE Subject Test Practice Books Published in 10 separate sulbjcts- biology, chemistry, computer science, economics…

… instructions, explanations of the answers for more than 500 test ques- tions, a comprehensive math review. and important test-taking strategies. Also available in software editions for the IBM PC and Apple 11…

computers. A Guide to the NTE Core Battery 'ests The first officialguide totheNTEtests ~ offers information on test content, scoring, and rep~orting as well as an actual previously administered test .: with…

October 26, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

… television and the undeniable convenience of online streaming, Google's and Apple's crazy new schemes remind us that it's not all about the comput- er screen anymore. TV is trying to makea comeback. This whole…

…. Yes, the Internet is making its way osnto your TV screen and has been for a while, though with little success. In 2007, Apple released Apple TV. It wasn't cute and tiny and couldn't be controlled with a…

… touch-screen or dial, which probably explains why I don't know anyone who owns one, but a second-genera- tion version was released earlier this month (in true Apple fashion, it's smaller and with more…

… Gigs). This little device lets you access the Apple store, YouTube, Netflix and Flickr directly from your TV, which is nice for those who don't have a magical HDMI cable. There's speculation that this re…

…-release of Apple TV is due in part to Google's latest foray into the television industry with Google TV. The project was announced back in May and will essentially let you surf the web with your remote. You…

…. The only new advantage is not having to balance my computer on my lap while watching TV. Nevermind the fact that keyboards and mice are way easier to use than a remote. Though Google has a Midas touch…

October 25, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

… exercise of their human rights. Alar ban may cause dearth of certain apple varieties YAKIMA, Wash. - Consumers soon may find Macintosh computers easier to buy than red McIntosh apples, thanks to the chemical…

… scare that led growers to stop using the growth-regulator Alar. Consumers will have to learn not to judge an apple by its color, industry experts say, because without Alar it will be difficult to achieve…

… the ripe reds of the past. This is the first year that Alar, labeled a possible carcinogen by a consumer group in February, was not widely used on the nation's apple crop. Michigan supplies about 7…

… percent of the nation's apples, and growers there aren't expecting much effect from the loss of Alar because they haven't used it in recent years. The situation is more troubling for Washington growers…

…, particularly in warm areas like the Columbia River basin. Alar was needed keep apples on the trees longer in order to develop a deeper red color. Flint ordinance requires registration of weapons FLINT…

October 11, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…." The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 11, 1994 -3 at'1 Science Foundation give grants to 'U' trating on the earth and space sci- ences. Commercial sponsors including IBM, Apple Computer and…

… Administration and the Advanced Research Projects Agency: $4 million. IBM, Apple Computer, and Encyclopaedia Britannica: $4.5 million W.J. Kellogg Foundation: $4.3 million Mellon Foundation: $700,000 A CLASS ACT…

… provide users with the ability to research an entire report from a computer terminal. The main advantage is the ability to scan through many different articles and references, said Daniel Atkinsdean of the…

…, director of infor- mation technology for the Computer Aided Engineering Network. Over the next five years, students will begin to feel the effects of digiti- zation. "Instead of putting things on re- serve…

… or buying all those coursepacks, students can just call those things up on the computer. It'll be much sim- pler," Atkins said. Asjournals and references are digi- tized, the future libraries will be…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

… 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. OOB1010 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. 71B1009 APPLE WRITER…

… order sent t: Pen an Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. 10F1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW SORORITY ON CAM- PUS OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES IN…

… & water incl. $340. call 663-3050. 23B1017 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USEDtTIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup…

… II-Word Processing Program for Apple II's. Still in unopened package. Retail $135.00 will take $75.00. Chris M. 761-5960. 04B1011 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get…

October 09, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… order sent to: Pen and Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. O1F1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW SORORITY ON CAM- PUS OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES…

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 9, 1984 A FORSA.LE. DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES…

… Theater, because you have just won two free tickets to their Midnight movies! Drop by the Daily offices to pick them up. dB1009 APPLE WRITER Ii-Word Processing Program for Apple II's. Still in unopened…

… SLINGERLAND Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550. 663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. OOB1010 IS IT TRUE you can buyjeeps…

October 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

…/ Michigan I University 1 530 South m 995-8877 Union Bookstore of Michigan Street, Ann Arbor TM Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computer, Inc. Apple® is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. *Based…

…'s simple. It's fast. It's convenient. " Avoid long computer lab lines " Toll-free phone support SSave money: It' s as low as $62 per month* NEW LOER PRICES Don't Let A Spartan Steal Your Seat! U-M vs…

October 23, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

Apple employees for failing to properly set up the demo computer. The camera circles around the two characters, and we see the fear on the other employees’ faces and sense the dread instilled by Jobs…

… made by students at the seventh annual UMMA Late Night on Thursday. UMM A L ATE NIGHT FOLLOW US ON T WIT TE R Sorkin studies myth of Apple’s Jobs By JAMIE BIRCOLL Senior Arts Editor I proudly…

… admit that most of the technology I own was made by Apple. I can’t thank Steve Jobs and Apple enough for them: they’re elegant yet simple enough for my technologically challenged brain to comprehend…

… himself in the character and balances the forcefulness of the character with subtlety, but no less drive, in his quieter, more earnest scenes. And Jeff Daniels (HBO’s “The Newsroom”) as former Apple

… CEO John Sculley demonstrates incredible charisma, representing a formidable opponent to Fassbender. The climactic, tense confrontation between the two after Jobs’ dismissal from Apple proves…

… diametrically opposed in their desires — Jobs demands control over Wozniak and his ingenuity, where Wozniak yearns for some kind of recognition for his success and role in transforming computing, if not from…

…” was Apple’s slogan back in 1997, and, at the very least, “Steve Jobs” does. FILM @MICHIGANDAILY Lerner, chair of the College Democrats. “Despite some technical difficulties, it all worked out…

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

computer into your room. Get CompuServe® IntroPakT-a $40 value-Free! A Sportster 1200 bps modem connects your Apple, IBM-compatible or almost any computer to the world. So instead of going to the university…

computer center during regular hours, you can access the mainframe computer anytime. Right from your room. You can write or revise your term papers. Communicate with bulletin board services. Access libraries…

October 11, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

… group's rise from one-computer band to indie stardom By Chloe Stachiowak I Daily Arts Writer' The imperfect legacy ofJobs Don't be fooled by their baby faces and short history together -' from…

… playing MP3 backingtracks alone." It didn't take long for Condon to form a band with six of his friends, who used their humble, comput- er-based origins as a launching pointto perform in public. "We were…

…. His effect on the world of home computing is double- edged. On one hand, he led the wave of home computing innova- tion with affordable, stylish and user-friendly technology. On the other, he built the…

… to the Apple Store, the brand and relentless planned obsolescence. I'm not going to pore over the gray areas of Jobs's career, which Mike Daisey's op-ed piece in New York Times last week effectively…

… handled. One need only look up Foxconn to tarnish some of the saintly fluorescent glow Apple commands. I'm not going to expound on his quiet love of LSD, his sober acceptance of death or the devastation of…

… pancreatic cancer. I'm focused, as ever, on the musical side of things. And when it comes to the world of music, Jobs is more Alexander the Great than Mother Teresa. Apple's monopolization of theMP3 and the…

… machines we used than the music we con- sumed with them. The innovations that Apple and Jobs made in the world of recorded music remain acces- sories to the music. They remain, however stylish and pervasive…

… some burned disc we gave our ex (who we never even loved), the playlist we craft to keep us from realizing we are too tired to keep running ... for so many people, Apple became the music itself. Recorded…

October 22, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 22, 1985 -Page 3 COMPUTERS Plan to increase MTS access By PHILIP CHIDEL Installation of work stations in campus residence halls will soon give students better…

… access to the Michigan terminal system, University officials said last night. Douglas Van Houweling, the University's vice provost for information technology, talked about plans for in- creased computer

… accessibility at the public forum, "Students and Computers at The University of Michigan." VAN HOUWELING sasid that the objective of the plan was not only to respect the value of student time, but also to…

… maintain the University's reputation as a leader. The plan is also meant to improve education and to obtain the greatest value per dollar spent. Staring next week, Apple Laser printers, Macintoshes and…

… Zenith computers will be installed in the East Quad, Bursley, Couzens, and West Quad libraries. If that is suc- cessful, more will be installed in other residence halls, ac- cording to Jeff Ogden…

…, associate director of the computing center. In Fletcher, Vera Baits, Couzens, Stockwell, and Oxford Housings, small Macintosh clusters of two to four stations are to be installed. Larger clusters - (12…

…-February. IN ADDITION to the new computers, the present facilities around campus are being renovated. The Un- dergraduate Library now has 25 new Macintoshes on the fourth floor. The Ontel terminals have been…

… are expected to be available to students. WITH THE increased number of work stations, there will be virtually no need for a student to purchase his own personal computer Van Houweling said. For those…

… studen- ts who already have their own computers, he said that they "would come out best in the whole deal." Van Houweling said these students would be able to en- joy the same advantages of other students…

… yet to reach a decision. Now available are student request accounts which give students "free" computing time on MTS. The accounts are open to all students and can be used for any academic purpose…

October 03, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

… where there is cut-throat competition. IBM and the other companies desperately need a smooth Christ- mas season. Surely, IBM cannot afford to lose the University for its pesonal computers. Neither Apple

… California, Berkeley instituted a boycott of IBM per- sonal computers because of that company's operations in Africa. According to a- representative at the Investor Responsibility Research Center, this will…

…-tech development is not automatically salutory. South Africa's pass-book system operates with the use of IBM mainframe computers. True, IBM no longer sells directly to the apartheid government, but the fact remains…

computer use. Students cannot simply abandon their tools to protest corporate in- volvement in South Africa. Never- theless, they are able to hit IBM at its most vulnerable spot. Recent months have seen IBM…

… cancel production of the PCjr; Ap- ple lay off a fifth of its workers and close half its plants; Wang shut its factories for two weeks and all the personal computer companies face a disappointing market…

… or Zenith, which are sold through the University, operate in South Africa. Indeed, Michigan-based Zenith's personal computer is IBM compatible and less expensive than IBM'S. The University has also…

computers will do nothing to salve anyone's conscience since so many American companies do the same or worse as IBM. Rather the boycott of IBM is a temporary and opportunist measure to hasten apartheid…

October 20, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

… Schembechler sign a copy of his new book, "Tradition," Friday at the Michigan Union Bookstore. APPLE Continued from Page IA But students buying songs from stores like iTunes can still create their own mixes as…

… lawsuits regarding illegal downloads and would use iTunes if it were the only way to access music online. Engineering senior Edward Baskerville, who interned with Apple last year, said he believes most…

… said. Hunt said many of her friends have purchased songs from iTunes because of the store's convenience. She predicted that students with Windows-based computers would buy songs from iTunes "if they got…

… familiar with the program and saw how easy it is to use." Baskerville said that a primary objection to iTunes is that even though the store can be accessed from all computers, the songs can only be stored…

October 19, 2022 (vol. 132, iss. 96) • Page Image 7

… to know exactly how the so-called “Tracking Industry ‘’ came to be — especially because it might be on its way out. In April of 2021, Apple introduced a pop-up window to their products in which…

… between computers at Pentagon-funded research labs. Access to the ARPANET grew in 1981 when the National Science Foundation funded network access for University computer scientists. At this point…

… in time, what the NSF coined the ‘Computer Science Network’ was still intended primarily for communication among remote computers. By 1990, partnerships with corporations such as IBM and AT…

…&T began the transition of ARPANET technology into the private sector. Eventually, what was initially a technology intended for secure communication between computers at different locations…

… ballooned into one of the most ubiquitous tools in human history: the internet. In 1994, Lou Montulli created a way for websites to place a small file on every computer that visited the site, tracking…

October 27, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…/ Daily) Students see double with new monitors in com uting sites a ,f '6 New Macs feature faster processing, twice the desktop space By Michael Kan Daily Staff Reporter Touted by Apple as the world…

…'s fastest personal computer, the Power Mac G5 is now available for student use at Univer- sity computer sites. The new machines' most noticeable advantage over their predecessors is a second monitor that…

… G5s for student use. The School of Education's media center has 2ao dde~d 19Qof themn to its colle~c- with computer technology, said Boof Jones, the Fishbowl's computing site manager. "G5s are very…

… fast computers, a top-of-the line machine," Jones said He added that the computer comes with better hardware that can operate the newest software. When first using the Power Mac G5s in Angell Hall, LSA…

… junior Chris Corne lio said, "I noticed that the computers were much faster." He also noticed that each one in the Fishbowl had two mom- tors rather than one. The Power Mac G5s in the School of Education…

October 21, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…. Tomorrow's student may well stop at Radio Shack before hitting Ulrich's. The wave of the future? A computer for every student. This week Carnegie-Mellon Univer- sity announced that in three years (one year…

… after 1984), all students will be required to buy their own computers, just like every student now buys tex- tbooks. If that's not enough to satiate any electronic craving, Carnegie-Mellon hopes to have…

… even more than one computer terminal per student in the year 1990. Carnegie-Mellon's plan surely will spread throughout the country. Our own engineering Dean James Duder- stadt predicts that, although it…

… probably won't be mandatory for another decade or so, all engineering students will soon have their own ter- minals. The logic behind being swamped with computers is just as accurate and rational as any…

computer's calculation. The computer has become an indispensible tool. It's an advance that will revolutionize both teaching and learning. But it's tempting to turn one's back to progress. Somehow, these…

… class. Will students have to bring back-up diodes and memory chips to midterms? Think of how easy it is now to write off a lousy grade to a professor's bad mood. Rationalizing a "D" given by an Apple

October 03, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… that could change what you do with your life, after school. Apple Computer has a corporate commitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we welcome applications from all individuals. Women…

… team will appeal to corporations for donations and keep the group's bookwork. The team is broken into smaller groups which specialize in con- structing blades and test stands, computer modeling and…

… joined at the end of last year," LSA junior Jim Handel said. "I've done research on past human-pow- ered vehicle- done some computer work and - I 1 on body design. It's a lot but it's going to take a lot…

….m. -3 a.m. at the Angell Hall Computing Center or call 763-4246. Northwalk, North Campus safety walking service. Sun-Thur 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. and Fri. and Sat. 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley or call…

… 763- WALK U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 7-8. U-M Swim Club, Tuesday workout. IM Pool, 6:30-8:30. ECB Peer Writing Tutors. An- gell/Mason Computing Center, 7-11. Women…

October 04, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

… Kickoff Prices!" Even though it's past deadline, you can still take advantage of the Computer Kickoff '88 prices on a Macintosh if you order before October 5. No 7IT77 Prices are Going UP! Apple Computer

…, Inc. announced product price increases which will affect certain CPUs, peripherals and upgrade kits. U of M's Computer Kickoff '88 is your opportunity to purchase a Macintosh BEFORE prices are increased…

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