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October 29, 1985 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-29

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 29, 1985 - Page 5
Fire at Kappa house causes little damage

An electrical fire last night on the
first floor of Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority located at 1204Hill St. caused
little damage, fire officials said.
The fire started when the heat from
a water pipe wore away the insulation
from electrical wires and caused
them to short, said Bob Harris, an in-

spector for the Ann Arbor Fire Depar-
The fire was discovered at 7:13 p.m.
by the house chairman, Ann Curtiss.
Fire department captain Dean
Kapp said the electrical shortage
started in the back of a wall
The wall was then opened up with
an axe to see if the fire had .spread to
other areas.

"There were no flames, there was
just smoke seeping in through the
floor," Curtiss said.
"The fire department was here
within five minutes. I think the
damage is minimal because we
caught it in time," Curtiss added.
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Harry
Jinkerson confirmed that there was
little damage caused by the fire.
There weren't any flames and the

fire department didn't have to pump
any water, he said.
LSA sophomore Jennie Campbell
expressed concern for her sorority
house during the fire before she knew
the actual extent of the damage.
"We're kind of worried. They're
chopping down the walls. We know it's
serious if they're chopping down the
walls," she said.

Activists appeal to Council


Word Processing 101.

(Continued from Page 1)
clearly informed of the disturbance
they were creating prior to their
arrest, she said.
More protesters spoke after Green,
each giving examples of alleged
harassment by the police. Thea Lee, a
graduate student in economics, was
at the Diag for the Today Show with
fellow economics graduate student
Dean Baker. She claimed that they
were not allowed to return to their
seats in the Diag with a political sign
they were carrying. She said the
police officiers "physically dragged
and pushed us to the edge of the en-
closure where campus security of-
ficers grabbed my ankles and pulled
me the rest of the way out of the en-
closed seating."
Lee added: "There were no laws
violated as far as I could see unless
there's a law in the Ann Arbor city
code about walking and holding
LSA SENIOR Chris Faber summed
up the presentation in a speech en-
titled "The Use of the Ann Arbor
Police 'as an Instrument of Political
He accused the police of helping the

University "maintain and project a
particular political image to the
"Their actions clearly demonstrate
that they are interested in protecting
the University's interests even at the
expense of an individual's First
Amendment right of free speech," he
An Ann Arbor community group,
Citizens for Handgun Control, also
spoke to the council, presenting a
proposal for the banning of handguns
within Ann Arbor city limits.
Donald Duquette, chairman of the
organization and a law professor at
the University, hopes the proposed
ordinance would become a law in time
for Christmas.
Larry Hahn, (R-Fourth Ward)
doubted that the ordinance would
pass. "I don't think there's a problem
severe enough that it would require an
ordinance," Hahn said.
However, Doris Preston (D-Fifth
Ward) was more optimistic. She said
she was "very supportive of the con-
cept," and she believed that the
proposal would get the necessary six
votes from the councilmembers for

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Gunman captured Associated Press
Polk County Deputy Sergeant Jim Madden, dressed as an Emergency
Medical Technician, apprehends Hoyt Grace yesterday after Grace
killed a man and held his ex-wife hostage. The Graces had been recently
divorced and relatives believe it caused the situation. Joan Grace, shot
during the event, is in critical condition.


Three colleges form artificial intelligence lab

A new laboratory at the University
will bring together workers in many
fields for the study of artificial in-
telligence, machine vision, and other
related fields in the area of cognitive
The Cognitive Science and Machine
Intelligence Laboratory (CSMIL),
which was established just a few
weeks ago, brings together experts
from LSA, the College of Engineering,
and the School of Business Ad-
CSMIL will conduct research into
the interaction of such fields as robot
design, human thought, neuro-
psychology and electrical
engineering. All of these disciplines
are encompassed by cognitive scien-
ce, the study of human thought
Psychology Prof. Gary Olson, the
newly appointed director of the
laboratory, said the scope of CSMIL's
activities will depend on the resources
that are available to it.
The laboratory is a collaboration
among the three colleges within the
University, Olson said. "They in turn
have contributed resources into get-
ting it launched.
"We also have money from the vice-
president (for research)," Olson said.
CSMIL WILL be engaged in many
area of research, not all of which has
been determined yet. Olson and an
executive board of six - two
representatives from each of the
colleges involved - are currently
meeting to determine the exact areas
into which the laboratory will dwell.
Though all the details have yet to be
worked out, Olson said there are some
specific projects in mind.

"Our mission obviously is to
stimulate intellectual activity in the
areas of cognitive science and
machine intelligence," Olson said,
"things that have to do with thinking
and cognition, both in humans and
"WE'RE VERY interested in ar-
tificial intelligence and cognitive
psychology. Principally some aspects
of philosophy and linguistics and
robotics and all kinds of other fields
we might get into as well," Olson said.
A chief aim of the CSMIL will be to
bring together experts in the various
fields to help each other understand
areas outside their own specialties
which might be helpful in their work.
"Our main mission is not just to
help psychologists do their work or to
help computer scientists do their
work, but to have psychologists and
computer scientists say, 'Hey, we're
interested in the same problem, let's
work together on this," Olson said.
EXAMPLES OF that are already in
progress Olson said - "For example,
computer vision," - in which com-
puter scientists and visual
psychologists work together to build
machines that can receive and under-
stand visual information.
"The idea is to bring those people
together," Olson said.
Olson said that the intent of CSMIL
was not to create machines capable of
original thought.
"IT'S QUITE unlikely, at least in
the forseeable future, that human
thought is going to be replaced by
computing," Olson said, "but com-
puting can really help human
CSMIL will be aided by a new Xerox
STAR computer system. An $819,000

grant from the Xerox Corporation
grant to the three colleges involved in
CSMIL paid for the new computer
system, which Olson said should be
installed in about a week and a half.
"That equipment is going to be used
in large part to help some research in
the areas of developing computer

tools for people who are doing very
hard tasks," Olson said.
The grant will also provide a state-
of-the-art office system for the CSMIL
staff and artificial intelligence sof-
tware that will aid in developing ad-
vanced word-processing software and
computer-based engineering design

- - - - - - - - - -

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