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October 06, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-10-06

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2A - Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

(Te Ifidht-an Dat-11
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
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734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-418-4115 ext. 1241
steinberg@michigandaily.com zyancer@michigandaily.com

I went
ated col
for a fe-w
tional po
a legal qu
school in
Ph.D. pr
Ph.D. di,
office th
of intern
U.S. gove
few year
and som
at differe

Promoting passion for policies
brought you to Michigan? able to find a job. I loved the commu- to go out and make those pos
to law school after I gradu- nity at Michigan and the University, ferences is somethingI would
lege, and I practiced law so it was an easy decision when I was for any job in the world.
vyears. While I was in Asia offered a job here. What do you hope stude
human rights law, I became How did your experiences per- take away from having y
gly interested in interna- suade you to teach? professor?
Alitics and saw it wasn't just I taught undergraduates when I I think it shtould be a rule t
uestion, but it was also about myself was a graduate student in Eng- ate a positive community. I
Then I went to graduate land, which was partly why I wanted as faculty, we can help people
1 the U.K. and enrolled in a to come teach. I love doing research particular issues or topics t
ogram. Until I finished my on international politics and interna- and want to learn more abou
ssertation, I worked in the tional law, and this is a great research can focus their passion on spe
at covers the international university. The opportunity to be concrete policy issues. We h
y funds and other aspects in a place where there are so many students will work together a
ational development in the bright people in different fields doing bine all of their talents, pass
ernment. Then I did a post- research is, to me, immensely fulfill- energies to make a difference
fellowship at Stanford for a ing. As far as teaching is concerned, I we can help them develop th
s where I worked on a book loveteachingpeople who want toleave skill sets so that they are eve
* other research projects. I this university and go make a positive prepared to make positive c
around the country looking difference. Having the privilege of tions.
.nt schools where I might be getting to help empower those people - SYDNEYI

itive dif-
n't trade
nts will
you as a
to gener-
ope that
they can
t so they
cific and
ope that
nd com-
ions and
e. I hope
e proper
'en better
John Ciorciari is an assistant professor in
BERGER the Ford School of Public Policy.

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Careless crash Skate escape Talk by NBC Octubafest

WHERE: 1600 East
Medical Center Dr.
WHEN: Tuesday at about
11:35 a.m.
WHAT: A hospital security
member reported an acci-
dent involving two vehicles,
University Police reported.
There were no injuries fol-
lowing the collision, and the
damage is unknown.

WHERE: Kelsey Museum
of Archaeology
WHEN: Tuesday at about
5:05 p.m.
WHAT: Two people were
skateboarding in front
of the Kelsey Museum of
Archaeology, University
police reported. When an
officer arrived at the scene,
the skaters had left.
Bike and tree
WHERE: 1500 block of
Washington Heights
WHEN: Tuesday at about
11:05 a.m.
WHAT: A bicycle locked to
a tree was stolen, University
Police reported. The bicycle,
which belonged to a
student, had been locked to
the tree since Sept. 15.

WHAT: Chief Foreign
Affairs Correspondent for
NBC News Andrea Mitchell
will discuss her views on
recent events in Washing-
ton D.C.
WHO: Gerald R. Ford
Presidential Library
WHEN: Tonight from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Gerald Ford
WHAT: A screening of
Robert Adanto's "Pearls on
the Ocean Floor," focuses on
Iranian female artists.
WHO: Center for Middle
Eastern & North African
WHEN: Tonight at 6:30
WHERE: Chrysler Center
Chesebrough Auditorium

WHAT: Euphonium and
tuba students of Prof. Fritz
Kaenzig will give solo
WHO: School of Music,
Theathre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building,
Britton Recital Hall
Student play
WHAT: Students will
perform the play "Suddenly,
Last Summer," written
by playwright Tenessee
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 7:30
WHERE: Walgreen Drama
* Please report any
error in the Daily to

A severed goat head was
found on the porch of Phi
Gamma Delta fraterni-
ty's house at the University of
New Mexico, The Huffington
Post reported. The incident
is currently under investiga-
tion and no arrests have been
Learn about the art of
public speaking with
the University's chap-
ter of Toastmasters. The club
of orators meets to improve
each other's speech-making
Biologists claim arma-
dillos from Texas are
moving northward
toward Washington D.C, The
Washington Post reported.
Climate change is cited as
the reason for the recent

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the Universityof Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2.nSubscriptions for
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The MihiganDaily s amember ofnhe AssocitediPressandTh Aoiate Collegieress.t

WHERE: University
WHEN: Tuesday at about
7:20 p.m.
WHAT: A female staff
member reported that her
iPhone was stolen from the
sixth floor of the hospital
between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.,
University Police reported.
Th,- - - n -n-rt

Hundreds of e-mails spam
students on 'U' listserv

Initial e-mail asks
students to sign
petition for Jay-Z,
Kanye West concert
Students repeatedly hit the
delete button in their inboxes last
night, as an e-mail advocating to
sign a petition for Kanye West
and Jay-Z to play at the Big House
turned into a hodgepodge of pro-
fane replies and pleas for an end to
the spamming.
LSA senior Joe Linden sent the
initial e-mail at about 10 p.m. last
night to the W11StudentULWR
listserv, with a link to the petition
that calls for rap artists West and
Jay-Z to perform at halftime of
the Michigan-Ohio State football
game on Nov. 26 - the same day
the pair is scheduled to perform
a concert at the Palace of Auburn

The listserv includes all stu-
dents who took courses that ful-
filled the Upper-Level writing
requirement in the College of Lit-
erature, Science and Arts.
The original e-mail multiplied
into hundreds of e-mails as many
students replied all and directly
to Linden, causing every student
on the listserv to receive the
In an interview at about 1:10
a.m., Linden said he received
mixed responses from students.
He said some thanked him for
the entertainment, while others
threatened him. Still, he said he
was surprised that the situation
accelerated so quickly.
"I was astonished, very aston-
ished," Linden said.
Linden is the co-president of
New Beat Happening - a group
in the University's Division of
Student Affairs that puts on con-
certs in the University Unions. He
said he is advocating for West and
Jay-Z to come to campus in part
because he has experience bring-
ingtour groups to campus.
The listserv was shutdown at

about 12:45 a.m. A representative
of the University's Information
and Technology Services declined
to comment about the situation
when contacted by The Michigan
Daily early this morning.
But not all of the e-mails sent
in response to Linden's initial
message were from angry and
annoyed students. Some students
took advantage of the opportu-
nity to promote social causes and
connect with friends. One student
even asked others on the listserv if
they wanted to go to Rick's Amer-
ican Caf.
Engineering junior Trent Hib-
bard wrote in an e-mail interview
that he was not angry about the
spamming and thought it was a
nice surprise.
"It was a fun accident that led
to thousands of students engag-
ing in meaningless conversation
with each other," Hibbard wrote.
"I don't see it as a bad thing at all."
LSA senior Peter Feng wrote in
an e-mail interview that he also
found the incident entertaining
and "a great way to procrasti-

Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on June 7, 2010. Jobs passed away
yesterday at age 56.
Apple co-founder eve
Jobs dies at age 56

Republicans request change
in state electoral vote system

Changes likely
to hurt Obama's
re-election chances
Republicans in Pennsylvania and
Nebraska want to change the way
their states award Electoral Col-
legevotes, moves thatcould hinder
President Barack Obama's re-elec-
tion chances.
Lawmakers in the Democratic-
leaning battleground of Pennsyl-
vania are weighing whether to
give the presidential nominees one
electoral vote for each congressio-
nal district they win, rather than

giving all its votes to the candidate
who wins the state's popular vote,
like Obama did in 2008.
In GOP-tilting Nebraska, law-
makers want to go to a winner-
take-all system four years after
Obama won the 2nd Congressional
District and its single electoral col-
lege vote.
It takes 270 Electoral College
votes to win the presidency out of
538 up for grabs. Every vote mat-
ters in a close election and every
sign points to a competitive 2012
race as an incumbent Demo-
cratic president who most people
still personally like tries to win a
second term in tough economic

"Any electoral vote is important
in these elections," said Michael
Mezey, a professor of political
science at DePaul University in
Chicago. "When you start dealing
with large states, it can make a dif-
ference. And also you're not just
dealing with Pennsylvania; other
states may follow suit."
The changes Republicans in
Pennsylvania and Nebraska are
trying to make likely would give
the eventual GOP nominee an
advantage by shifting the voting
power from more liberal, predomi-
nantly Democratic cities in both
states, to more conservative rural
and suburban areas that tend to
favor Republicans.

world of technology
CUPERTINO, California (AP)
- Steve Jobs, the Apple founder
and former CEO who invented
and masterfully marketed ever-
sleeker gadgets that transformed
everyday technology, from the
personal computer to the iPod
and ighone, died yesterday. He
was 56.
Apple announced his death
without giving a specific cause.
He died peacefully, according to
a statement from family mem-
bers who said they were present.
"Steve's brilliance, passion and
energy were the source of count-
less innovations that enrich and
improve all of our lives," Apple's
board said in a statement. "The
world is immeasurably better
because of Steve"
Jobs had battled cancer in
2004 and underwent a liver
transplant in 2009 after taking a
leave of absence for unspecified
health problems. He took another
leave of absence in January - his
third since his health problems

began - and officially resigned
in August. He took another leave
of absence in January - his third
since his health problems began
- before resigning as CEO six
weeks ago. Jobs became Apple's
chairman and handed the CEO
job over to his hand-picked suc-
cessor, Tim Cook.
Outside Apple's Cupertino
headquarters, three flags - an
American flag, a California state
flag and an Apple flag - were fly-
ing at half-staff late yesterday.
"Those of us viho have been
fortunate enough to know and
work with Steve have lost a dear
friend and an inspiring men-
tor." Cook wrote in an email to
Apple's employees. "Steve leaves
behind a company that only he
could have built, and his spirit
will forever be the foundation of
The news Apple fans and
shareholders had been dread-
ing came the day after Apple
unveiled its latest version of the
Phone, just one in a procession
of devices that shaped technol-
ogy and society while Jobs was
running the company.
Jobs started Apple with a high
school friend in a Silicon Valley

garage in 1976, was forced out a
decade later and returned in 1997
to rescue the company. During
his second stint, it grew into the
most valuable technology com-
pany in the world with a mar-
ket value of $351 billion. Almost
all that wealth has been created
since Jobs' return.
Cultivating Apple's counter-
cultural sensibility and a mini-
malist design ethic, Jobs rolled
out one sensational product after
another, even in the face of the
late-2000s recession and his own
failing health.
He helped change computers
from a geeky hobbyist's obses-
sion to a necessity of modern
life at work and home, and in
the process he upended not just
personal technology but the cell-
phone and music industries.
For transformation of Ameri-
can industry, he has few rivals
He has long been linked to his
personal computer-age contem-
porary, Bill Gates, and has drawn
comparisons to other creative
geniuses such as Walt Disney.
Jobs died as Walt Disney Co.'s
largest shareholder, a by-product
of his decision to sell computer
animation studio Pixar in 2006.


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