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October 20, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-20

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 20, 2003 - 3A

w .

Signing on the dotted line

Airport to get new
passenger terminal

Eight arrested,
five ejected from
football game
Eight people were arrested during
Saturday's football game at Michigan
Stadium, Department of Public Safety
records indicate. Four of the arrests
were for minors in possession of alco-
hol and one was wanted on a warrant
from another jurisdiction.
Police officers also handed out six
citations at the game, including five for
alcohol in the stadium and one for pub-
lic urination. Five people were ejected
- four were trying to enter the stadi-
um with other people's IDs and one
was ejected for disorderly conduct.
Huron Valley Ambulance treated 24
people during the game. One person
was transported to the hospital for a
pre-existing condition.
Three juveniles
rob can collector
at golf course
The football game also played host
to the arrest of three juveniles for
strong-arm robbery. The juveniles
reportedly struck a man with a small
bat while he was collecting cans and
bottles off the University golf course.
After hitting the man, the juve-
niles stole his money. They were
apprehended and released to their
parents until DPS takes further
incident prompts
call to DPS
DPS records show a caller from the
Diag reported being assaulted by sub-
jects throwing eggs at midnight on Sat-
urday. Officers checked the area but
found no suspects.
Suspects set fire
to library, North
Hall garbage cans
Three subjects set fire to garbage
cans outside the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library early Friday morn-
ing, DPS logs indicate. The records
also show that a dumpster outside
North Hall was set ablaze. Officers
took reports of the incidents.
Reportedly stolen
cart found intact
DPS records indicate a report
from the Kellogg Eye Center
Wednesday afternoon that a cart
holding a television and dual VCRs
had been taken. The initial report
stated that an employee who was
gone for the day might have had
some information. DPS reports now
indicate the report was unfounded
and the cart was not missing.
Hockey spectator
hit by errant puck
A personal injury report was filed
With DPS from Yost Ice Arena dur-
ing Friday night's hockey game. A
spectator was struck by a hockey
puck while watching the game. DPS
records show no serious injuries sus-
tained in the incident.
West Quad thieves
quench thirst with
pilfered juice
A woman calling DPS reported

seeing several male subjects were
trying to steal juice from the West
Quad Residence Hall cafeteria Satur-
day morning. DPS is investigating
the incident.
Residence hall
wall vandalized by
* fleeing subject
A caller from Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall early Sunday morning
reported that a subject had ripped
something, possibly a board, off a
dormitory wall and then ran from
the scene. DPS reports do not show
any estimation of damage incurred
by the incident.
" University employee
reports harassing
note on car door
DPS records show that a caller
from Green Road reported that a
University employee had discovered
a suspicious and harassing note taped
to her car door Thursday. DPS has no

ROMULUS (AP) - Detroit Met-
ropolitan Airport plans to replace
its decaying Smith and Berry termi-
nals with a passenger terminal that
could attract discount carriers and
more international flights to the
Middle East.
"We can now compete with any-
one in the Midwest for new carriers
and new international routes," said
Wayne Doran, chairman of the
Wayne County Airport Authority,
which operates the airport.
Airport executives already are
negotiating with two foreign carri-
ers and two discount domestic air-
lines about adding service, The
Detroit News reported yesterday.
Airport officials recently began
circulating renderings of the $425
million North Terminal. The new
29- to 35-gate terminal, to be com-
pleted in 2006, will be built on the
site of the former Davey Terminal,

"We can now
compete with anyone
in the Midwest for
new carriers and new
international routes:'
- Wayne Doran
Wayne County Airport Authority
vacated last year when Northwest
Airlines moved to its new Midfield
No taxpayer money will be used
to build the new terminal.
Last month, the airport authority
approved plans to sell bonds,
financed by landing fees collected
from airlines, to build the North
Terminal, Doran said.

Business School junior Scott Hartlieb watches Bo Schembechler sign a copy of his new book,
"Tradition," Friday at the Michigan Union Bookstore.

Continued from Page IA
But students buying songs from
stores like iTunes can still create
their own mixes as if they were
downloading songs for free, LSA
junior Chelsea Homan said.
"You're paying the same price,
but you're still making your own
CDs," she said.
She added that she is concerned
by the string of lawsuits regarding
illegal downloads and would use
iTunes if it were the only way to
access music online.
Engineering senior Edward
Baskerville, who interned with
Apple last year, said he believes
most college students continue to
download songs for free because
many illegal sites still exist and
software can be bought to protect
the profile of users who download
But eventually, students will
switch to buying songs from stores
like iTunes, Baskerville said. He
added that online stores will grow
in popularity because of their con-
venience, and not because students

fear being sued by the RIAA.
"This technology is going to
make a huge change" in how stu-
dents access music, he said.
LSA freshman Elizabeth Hunt,
who owns an iPod and has down-
loaded several songs from iTunes,
said the music store is well organized
and easy to browse for songs. Files
can also be downloaded from iTunes
faster than from Kazaa, she said.
"Once you have an account set
up, it's really easy to download
songs," she said.
Hunt said many of her friends
have purchased songs from iTunes
because of the store's convenience.
She predicted that students with
Windows-based computers would
buy songs from iTunes "if they got
familiar with the program and saw
how easy it is to use."
Baskerville said that a primary
objection to iTunes is that even
though the store can be accessed
from all computers, the songs can
only be stored and played on
iPods. Other MP3 players, such as
those manufactured by Rio or
MPIO, are compatible with both
Macs and PCs.

Airport security finds loaded gun
in Detroit police chief luggage

DETROIT (AP) - The Transporta-
tion Security Administration confiscated
a gun belonging to Detroit's police chief
after the weapon was found in baggage
the chief had checked for a flight.
Police Chief Jerry Oliver "didn't
declare the gun to the airlines and hadn't
filed the necessary forms," said Detroit
Metropolitan Airport spokesman Mike
Continued from Page 1A
Beres added that a water truck was
called in to douse the field with 9,000
gallons of water before the game.
Though most Mudbowl partici-
pants had no problem with the mud,
some neighbors of the SAE proper-
ty did not share the same senti-
"It smelled really bad. You could
smell it just walking down the
street, it was like playing a game
next to a port-a-potty. It was some
weird-smelling mud," LSA fresh-
man Brian Perrymen said.
- Daily Staff Reporter Evan
McGarvey contributed to this report.

Conway said the loaded .25 caliber
Colt semiautomatic weapon was discov-
ered by TSA officials while the luggage
was being screened.
Oliver told Detroit's WDIV-TV that
he wasn't aware of the regulations for
declaring the gun in checked baggage
and that he follows the necessary proce-
dures when carrying his weapon
onboard the flight.

Airport police were called in and
Oliver, who was aboard a Northwest
flight, was contacted but was not asked
to leave the plane.
Federal regulations require guns
stowed in checked luggage to be
unloaded and that officials be notified
and specific forms be filled out.
Failure to follow those steps could
result in a $1,000 fine.

Joseph Massad is a professor at Columbia University and Abu Khalil is a
professor at California State University. This was incorrectly reported on page
IA of Friday's Daily.

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