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October 20, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-20

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 20, 2003
Officia l suggest
44mobilizing Iraq's._
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BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Deadly
ambush teams struck U.S. Army tar-
gets from west to north in the arc of
resistance around Baghdad, and the
interim Iraqi leader called yesterday
for an immediate mobilization of the
old Iraqi army to help the harried
The United States would "speed the
process of relieving the burden on its
troops" by recalling the disbanded Iraqi
military, said Iyad Allawi, current pres-
ident of the Iraqi Governing Council.
The idea got a cool reception, however,
from Baghdad's U.S.-led occupation
Attackers killed
two U.S. soldiers Attackers k
in a clash outside T *
the northern city U.S. soldier
of Kirkuk late Sat- outside the
urday, and others .h
blasted a broken- city of Kirk
down convoy in Sauday.
the western flash- SatUr
point city of Fallu-
jah, setting off
spectacular explosions from an ammu-
nition truck.
After the Fallujah ambush, Ameri-
can troops opened fire as they sped
away, killing one civilian and wound-
ing at least four others, witnesses and
hospital officials said.
In the attack near Kirkuk, 160 miles
north of Baghdad, an American
mounted patrol was ambushed by
,rocket-propelled grenades and small-
arms fire at 10:45 p.m. Saturday, said
Maj. Josslyn Aberle, 4th Infantry
Division spokeswoman. The patrol
returned fire, but no additional enemy
contact followed, she said.
In addition to the two killed, a third
American was wounded, Aberle
Early yesterday, about 30 miles west
of that attack, U.S. troops were hit
with grenades and small arms fire
near Hawija, and killed three Iraqis


when they returned fire, the 4th
Infantry Division reported. Still far-
ther west, near Beiji, American forces
detained five attackers after a brief
firefight, the division said.
On the eastern edge of Fallujah, 35
miles west of Baghdad, a U.S. Army
ammunition truck, part of a convoy,
broke down on the main road late yes-
terday morning and came under attack,,
the U.S. command said in Baghdad.
The truck and possibly two other vehi-
cles apparently were hit by rocket-pro-
pelled grenades.
"Shells were flying everywhere, like
fireworks," shopkeeper Khalil al-
Qubaisi, 45, said
illed two of the exploding
a mm u nit io0n
s in a clash truck. Dozens of
northern Iraqi youths
danced and
k late cheered as the
vehicles went up
in flames.
Witnesses said
U.S. troops try-
ing to approach the site pulled back
after coming under grenade attack,
and opened fire around themselves as
they left.
"I was fixing my car on the other
side of the street, and Americans fired
in a circular motion as they tried to
leave," said Thaer Ibrahim, 30, who
was wounded in the shoulder by the
American fire. Four other civilians
were hit, and one later died, said Dr.
Rafae al-Issawi, director of Fallujah
General Hospital. In Baghdad, the U.S.
command said there were no Ameri-
can casualties.
The deaths in Kirkuk brought to 103
the number of Americans killed by
hostile fire since President Bush
declared an end to major combat on
May 1.
A total of 338 Americans have died
since the invasion of Iraq in March,
217 of them in combat.

Ceremony moves nun toward sainthood
More than a quarter-million people - rich and poor, royal and regular -
flooded St. Peter's Square yesterday for the beatification of Mother Teresa, honor-
ing the nun who built shelters, orphanages and clinics around the world to care
for those forsaken by everyone else.
Pope John Paul II presided over the open-air Mass but, for the first time in a
major Vatican ceremony, was unable to utter a word of his homily, leaving other
prelates to do so. In the few prayers he did say, his words were so slurred and
shaky they could barely be understood.
John Paul did declare Mother Teresa "blessed," moving the woman many called
a living saint for her work in the slums of Calcutta one step closer to official
sainthood - and bestowing the honor during his 25th anniversary celebrations.
It has been a particularly grueling week for the ailing, 83-year-old pope, cele-
brating his anniversary Mass on Thursday and gearing up for another lengthy cer-
emony Tuesday to install 30 new cardinals.
The Vatican estimated yesterday's crowd at 300,000 - one of its largest ever
- and the ceremony was a colorful mix of Indian dance and sitar music with tra-
ditional Catholic hymns, reflecting the cultures in which Mother Teresa lived and

Gunmen kill 3 Israeli soldiers in ambush i


President Bush and first lady Laura Bush walk along the base of
Phra Siratana Chedi, yesterday in Bangkok, Thailand.
Nations look to curb
tension over N. Korea

Palestinian gunmen ambushed an Israeli army patrol in a West Bank town at
sundown yesterday, killing three soldiers, Israeli security sources and rescue serv-
ices said.
The deadly attack came a few hours after Palestinians in Gaza fired rockets at
Israeli towns, and Israeli forces wound up a phase of a wide-ranging operation in a
Palestinian refugee camp on the Egyptian border.
Security sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Palestinians
ambushed an Israeli army foot patrol in the Palestinian village of Ein Yabrud, east
of the West Bank town of Ramallah. Three soldiers were killed and another was
seriously wounded, they said.
A spokesman for the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, loosely linked to Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, told The Associated Press its members
carried out the ambush.
"A group of our fighters attacked an Israeli patrol in Ein Yabrud, killing and
injuring many soldiers," he said by telephone, speaking on condition of anonymity.

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Pres-
ident Bush said yesterday for the first
time that the United States, China and
other nations may try to defuse a crisis
with North Korea by offering
Pyongyang written security assurances
in exchange for a commitment to scrap
its nuclear weapons program.
Bush rejected North Korea's demand
for a formal no-invasion treaty, saying,
"That's off the table." But he left the
door open for a security pledge, agreed
to by several countries, that would fall
short of an actual treaty.
Nuclear tensions hung over today's
opening of a 21-nation summit of
Asian-Pacific leaders, along with dis-
putes over trade and the U.S. occupa-
tion of postwar Iraq. On the economic

front, China refused to give ground in
a currency argument with Washington.
Bush was meeting over breakfast
today with South Korean President
Roh Moo-hyun to explore how to end
the North Korea impasse. It was at the
top of the agenda yesterday when Bush
met with Chinese President Hu Jintao,
who pledged to encourage North
Korea to return to multiparty nuclear
talks soon.
With at least two nuclear weapons in
its arsenal, North Korea startled the
world last year when it admitted to
running a secret weapons program. In
August, talks between the United
States, China, Russia, Japan and the
two Koreas in Beijing ended without
agreement on a next round.

i For all those who think a "good job" means 90-hour work weeks and pin-stripe suits... I|

Poll reflects growing
health care concerns
The public's growing unease with the
current health care system has built
support for a new approach that would
mean care for all Americans and
changes in laws governing prescription
drugs, a poll suggests.
A sizable majority, 70 percent, said it
should be legal for Americans to buy pre-
scription drugs outside the United States,
according to the ABC News-Washington
Post poll. One in eight respondents said
they or someone in their home has done
just that. Such purchases can save money
but they violate the law.
The poll released yesterday found
that more than half of Americans, 54
percent, are dissatisfied with the overall
quality of health care in the United
States while 44 percent are satisfied.
That dissatisfaction is 10 percentage
points higher than in 2000 and higher
than it has been in the past decade
when compared with earlier surveys.
LA PAZ, Bolivia
New leader hastens
to form government
Bolivia's new president scrambled to
assemble a Cabinet just hours before the
ministers were to be sworn in yesterday,
while Bolivians recovered from weeks
of deadly street protests that brought
down the previous government.

Carlos Mesa took office Friday after
protests forced former President Gonzalo
Sanchez de Lozada to flee to the United
States. Mesa has promised a new Cabi-
net, independent of political parties, to
confront the nation's crippling social
Sanchez de Lozada was forced out
after 65 people died in rioting sparked by
his unpopular plan to export natural gas
abroad. Labor leaders and Indian groups
used the clashes to express their frustra-
tions that the government has failed to
improve living conditions.

Lights blamed for
Chicago's deadly fire E


The fire that killed six people in a
35-story government office building
may have been started by malfunction-
ing light fixtures, investigators said
An electrical engineer was hired to
test the fixtures, wires and switches in
the 12th floor storage room where the
fire began Friday. The results may not
be available for up to two weeks, said
Tom Ahern, spokesman for the federal
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives.
Although a cause has not been deter-
mined, officials have said they do not
believe the fire was arson. Employees of
the secretary of state's office said they
first spotted flames near the ceiling.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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