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October 12, 1990 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-12
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The Change'll Do You Good!
Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith.Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick-Off Customers! If you placed your
Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty.
Why Change Your Kick-Off Order?
Zenith Data Systems announces new lower prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX
microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick-Off
Sale, you'll be billed at the new lower price. If you ordered any other configuration, you can still take advantage of Zenith Data
Systems' new reduced prices ... perhaps, saving hundreds of dollars ... by just changing your order!
How Do I Change My Order?
Fill out the form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and
Campus Services office in the basement of the L. S. & A. Building before October 18th at 5:00 pm. You can mail it or hand deliver it,
but it must be received by the 18th at 5:00 pm to be entered for you.

The Zenith Data Systems
Z-386/25 Personal Computer
Put the computing power you want on your desk now
terrific value offered by Zenith Data Systems' "
Solution" and the Z-386/25. With 25 Megahertz:
speed, Zero Wait-State performance, fast ESDIh
interface and average access times of 18 millisec
Z-386/25 delivers! Zenith Data Systems loads yourc
with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to m
work of your advanced Graphical User Interface ap
software. Your "Seamless Solution" bundle comes
with Windows 3.0, Microsoft Mouse and Asymetrix T
The Z-386/25 is available in either 70MB or 150MB
hard di
Z-386/25, Model 70; Cut ove
Item Z4 Kick-Off Price ;
I-Z-386k25, Model 150
t* Item Z5 Kick-Off Price

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" _ .~

with the
hard disk
onds, the
ake short
sk drives.
r $1,0001
$ 3,677


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Please, Change My Kick-Off Order
I wish to take advantage of the new lower prices offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I
understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped
exactly as described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan.
School ID#:
Mailing Address:
Daytime Phone:
Signature X
Change my order to the configuration Initialed Below:
(please put your Initials on the line next to the item you'd like substituted for your original order)
Item Z3 Z-386SX Model 40, with 40MB hard disk, 2MB RAM....... $2,391
ZCM-1492, 14" Flat Technology color monitor; complete software
bundle including Asymetrix' ToolBook and Microsoft Mouse
Item Z4 Z-386/25 Model 70, with 70MB hard disk, 4MB RAM.......$3,677
ZCM-1492, 14" Flat Technology color monitor; complete software
bundle including Assymetrix ToolBook and Microsoft Mouse
Item Z5 Z-386/25 Model 150, with 150MB hard disk, 4MB RAM..... $4,475
ZCM-1492, 14" Flat Technology color monitor; complete software
bundle including Asymetrix ToolBook and Microsoft Mouse
Change Request Must be Received at Photo and Campus Service Office by October 18th at 5:00pm! No Exceptions!
Not Valid for Placing New Orders. Your Computer Kick-Off Order must have been placed by September 27th.

- ------
z-.3B5 sx
Z-386 5X
The quick, expandable and powerful Z-386SX is now even
more affordable. You'll still receive the award-winning Flat
Technology Monitor, the ZCM-1492, as well as the speed,
expandability, and industry-standard compatibility for which
Zenith Data Systems is known. You also have our
commitment to deliver the quality and value you expect from
one of this country's leading microcomputer manufacturers.
And with our "Seamless Solution"(tm) you'll also be receiving
Microsoft Windows 3.0(tm), and Microsoft Mouse, as well as
Asymetrix ToolBook(tm), the software construction set for
Z-386SX, Model 40; Almost $300 Lower!
Item Z3 Kick-Off Price $2,391
data systems :6:
Groupe Bull

Fill out, clip and mail or deliver the'
coupon to:

University of Michigan
Photo & Campus Services
B542 L. S. & A. Building
Ann Arbor, MI. 48109

Apple is a registered trademark of the Apple Computer Corporation.; IBM is a registered trademari of International Business Machines, Inc.; Windows X.0, and MicrosoftMouse are registered
trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation; ToolBook is a registered trademark of the Asymetrix Corporation;
"Seamless Solution,", Z-386SX, Z-386/25, and ZCM-1492 are all registered trademarks of Zenith Data Systems Corporation, Inc., a Groupe Bull Company.


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