The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 11, 1990 - Page 7
Continued from page 5
the '30s, Price shows us the people 'EVE YDA
behind the issues which complicate
Smodemn relationships. P IE
Richard says he chose this play
* ~ for its "beautiful poetic dialogue."
The play is sensual, appealing to 0MUI k
>~sight and hearing as well as "the oS ET HN:9416
~' sense of touch, of looking, of seeing SCOL3 9TR E
one another; the sense of time, theII
sense of being in one place but HELH BAT ISNET IBRE' OK
dreaming of other places." Audiences
should come prepared to feel with PHOTIDEELOINOP : ITOO
the characters and to leave
reevaluating their own feelings and VRD I
4relationships. D U L
AUGUST SNOW will be performed P ) IO
Tusa thog Saudy R N October 11-13, 18-20 at 8 p.m. andItDP OLCD RNTFMC4POES
on Sunday October 14 and 21st at 2
~ .~ :# ~ *.~. ~ ~ 'p.m, in the Trueblood Theater. A
special preview and discussion with BAU CH: Oi
the director will be presented today h ihgnUinsPnltnS N IIEEE
room at 12:15 free of charge. Tick-
in he ichganUnonsPenletn
4'.. etsare available at the League
.~ , \.~Ticket Office for $9, $S for students'
with ID.
~ Auditions for the University of
Michigan's Children's TheaterIl
production of the Fabulous Fable
* Factory will be next Monday and
Tuesday evening. For more
information and to sign up for B L A D
1 1
times, please check the board in the+( r
Taw Avery, played by Christine Feno, waits for her husband, Avery, in the FeeBidn re om(is
poetic August Snow by Reynolds Price. The University Players' floor.) Call Ilana Trachtman at 761-
performance opens tonight at 8 p.m. at the Trueblood Theater. 9936 or Blake Robinson at 468-L
8639 if ou have questions. ' , <'
TWIN PEAKS ~ ,4. %.'~ .4
Continued from page 5LAAPME MM
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that . . . . . . . . . . ..h. . . ..son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ust isn't..' that.4'.'..4,.44.4 .
good. Where Vvid had catch
hooks, Time's Up is overly
bombastic.4N\There are.,:a few44excep.
th'e problemnwith thesareris .. the4444$~N4. TheRepaceen.
thatwoth e rn ing g jHu st isn't:d that a. 4, N4NNN.2. 4JR~ J
bomb s tic. Th re aran' f e we xo ep- .. . 4I14;:xl
hooks, iT" Aimes v pisCooverly. toN4.,4::.4~~'4'~N\K 'K'\N 4
the ' .soph.. .. ..more4'44slump44:4:victi.m 444.,list~%
tio ssuc a th Msng e MTy elibtr 4.. 'N
ab m 4N . ''444N.
they're not enough to ave the ~ .. .**r Kep a ce n ~ I~~4.
one ondring u,~ ~ ~ AM C>
N.'s si p.e.4Its4fast
I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..II~'4"4 . . . . .~'> 44~ ...444N.444444>4
It's,'4.4..conve........nient. 4> 4
""4Avoid4 long computer lab.4, lines NFL Y6000443 44\.
NEW L 444.4 R44...444.
I 3 ?4~4 A 444.4444444444444444444444444444% 4.44444...4.444 Ufi>ll4
El PRICES~...44
,4.444444.44 '4, p4 43/'44..
Michigan Union444.4.44444444Bookstore.:4~44.
Week MonthNI Univrsity4of Michiga
1 Smeser 53 Soth tret, nn4rbo 4
><t App~l om uer.Iclet is, ' >' a444''*44>44444444444.'> ' ""
$5 on any rental4.N-.trademark444of4Apple44Computer444In.JANE'S 4.ADDICTION4
t y Based on semester r>ental..,,of Macintosh4
Plus. VISA/Mastercard.. required>for Ten >44i44RITUAL44DE.LO4HABITUAL
N vvI v
Expires 10/19/90