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October 17, 1990 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-17

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Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 17, 1990

Blue golf
by Andy De Korte
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan women's golf
team got a head start on their winter
break, as its tournament at Ferris
State was cancelled due to lack of
interest among competing schools.
At the midway break in the sea-
son, it is a good time to evaluate the
team's play.
"I was pleased with the fall sea-
son. I think they did well," Wolver-
ine coach Sue LeClair said. "Our
season highlight was probably our
comeback win at home. The strong
last round at Wisconsin may be
more important because it will boost
our confidence in the Big Ten
Championships because we play it
on the same course.
Sophomore Wendy Bigler led in
the under-80 category with seven
rounds. However, much of the credit
for the team's play goes to Becky
Hayes and Erica Zonder.
"Most of our team improved, but
the way Hayes and Zonder improved
really gave us a boost," LeClair said.
Neither Hayes' nor Zonder's con-
tributions went unnoticed, as they
shared the Michigan Athletic De-
partment's September Female Ath-
lete of the Month award.
Zonder's improvement, 83.4
strokes per round to 80.6, did not
surprise her. "I really worked hard
this summer," she said. "I switched
coaches for the first time in about
six years. And my dad really helped
me too."
LeClair has some goals in mind
for the spring. She wants the team's
high round to be 325, and then work
down from there. The key to reduc-
ing the score is the first round. The
whole season, aside from the Spartan
Invitational, the team fell deep into
the hole on the first day of the
If the team conquers the inconsis-
tency problem, they will be able to
achieve their main goal -- winning
the Big Ten Championship and qual-
ifying for nationals.

Sturm a student first

Michigan middle blocker Julia Sturm, the sole senior on the squad,
displays her hitting prowess in a home game earlier this season.
Women's spikers
playing for pride
by Matthew Dodge

by Albert Lin
Daily Sports Writer
In this day and age of college ath-
letics, many people forget school is
supposed to come first at a
But not senior volleyball player
Julia Sturm.
If you ask this mechanical engi-
neering senior why she chose to at-
tend Michigan, she'll tell you
bluntly, "Academic reasons. That
was my main priority."
How did she decide on engineer-
ing? A mechanically inclined father,
and a lifelong preference for science
over English helped. Besides, "I like
to work with things rather than with
people," she said.
As an all-state volleyball player
from Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port
(Mich.) High, you would expect that
she would have placed a premium on
a school's athletic program.
But judging by the lack of suc-
cess the Michigan women's volley-
ball team has enjoyed, and the fact
that Sturm is still a Wolverine, vic-
tories are obviously not a factor.
"I am here for academic reasons,
and I feel Michigan is one of the
finest schools in the country," she
said. "And then volleyball comes
second. So I would never transfer
just because of volleyball."
In addition to volleyball, Sturm
was all-conference in track and all-
state in basketball while in high
school. Why isn't she playing bas-
ketball in college? "I wasn't inter-
ested in it at all. All I wanted to do
was play volleyball," she said.
As the only senior on Michigan's
squad, Sturm is counted on for big
plays and leadership. And she has de-
livered, leading the team in kills and
digs, two statistics which do not
even involve her greatest strength.
"She's a tremendous blocker,"
head coach Peggy Bradley-Doppes
said. "She's been playing the right
side (hitter) for years, and although
she's done well, I think middle-
blocking better suits her playing
level. She's doing a good job and
running a quick attack as well."
For a middle-blocker (whose first
responsibility is blocking) to lead
her team in kills, she is either an
outstanding performer or her team is

lacking. Both apply in Sturm's case.
Bradley-Doppes explained that
Sturm is a good hitter, but she also
has more opportunities because of
her overall play.
"We may have a good game by
somebody, but very seldom are we
getting a good match out of a
player," Bradley-Doppes said.
"Julia's one of the few players that
we are getting a good match out of,
so she's playing a lot more than
anyone else.
"(Sturm) certainly has been
through the Big Ten competitive
season more often than any other
player," Bradley-Doppes said. "Her
experience and her performance on
the court have certainly been benefi-
cial to us."
Although not always vocal,
Sturm, who acts as floor captain,
does her best to set a good example.
"I don't feel it's entirely my re-
sponsibility (to be a leader)," Sturm
contends. "I feel like if I do see
somebody down, I'll try to get them
fired up a little bit more, but I also

would hope that if I may not notice
it, and somebody does, that they
would do the same thing."
Unfortunately for Sturm, her ca-
reer has been marked with more lows
than highs. The highlights have
been the Wolverines' upsets of the
first-place team in the Big Ten the
last two years. "But that was only
one game a season," Sturm said.
"We haven't had anything outstand
ing come about from our seasons."
With a current record of 1-15,
this year has been no different.
"We don't have to win the rest of
the games for me to be happy, I just
want us to become better with every
match that we play," she said.
"If we had three more Julia
Sturms, I think it would be a con9
pletely different program," Bradley-
Doppes said. "I think we'd show a
lot more stability, a lot more matu-
rity. She's doing all she can, we just
have to get the other players to
complement her."

Ivaiy sports writer~

Tonight's women's volleyball
match between Michigan and Michi-
gan State in East Lansing appears to
be meaningless.
It's meaningless to the Big Ten
standings - except to determine
which team will end up in the con-
ference basement. But that famous 'r'
word always permeates this game.
Whenever Michigan takes on MSU,
the catchphrase is rivalry.
Neither squad is happy with its
season, and with good reason. The
Wolverines are 1-15 overall, 0-7 in
the Big Ten; the Spartans are 6-12
overall, and 2-6 in the conference.
Michigan is looking to break two
long losing streaks tonight. It has
lost nine straight matches this sea-
son, and has not beaten Michigan
State in over two years.
"If we don't beat Michigan, then
it's not a good season," Spartan

coach Ginger Mayson said. "It
doesn't matter what the records are."
Said Michigan assistant coach
Jim Smoot: "This rivalry is built-in
at Michigan. As far as the past cou-
ple years, we haven't discussed it.
We just want to win tomorrow."
The Spartans' strength lies with
Becky Ballinger, an All-Big Ten
candidate at offensive hitter. "We feel
our hitting is our strength," Mayson
"We've heard that she likes to hit
in certain areas," Smoot said, "and
we've been adjusting our defense
This game appears to be a good
opportunity for the Wolverines to
finally win a conference game.
"There are other teams we could
have beaten, but we didn't," Wolver-
ine middle blocker Julia Sturm said.
"MSU is definitely one of those
teams that we can beat."

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