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October 23, 1986 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-23
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r 4

" " " "

AND WIN $3000.
The 1987 Honeywell Futurist Awards Competition
Here's your chance to stop us in our tracks: Power-up your imagination and make a 25-year leap into
the future. Turn your visions into two short essays, and you could win one of ten $3000 prizes plus a
Honeywell summer internship. Call toll-free 800-328-5111 (ext. 1581) for an entry form and
complete rules. Or write: Honeywell Futurist Awards Competition, MN12-4164 Honeywell
Plaza, Minneapolis MN 55408. We'll even send you a pair of future socks for
practice. But don't drag your feet-you must request your entry form before
December 31,1986; and mail your entry by January 31,1987
t Together, we can find the answers.
( I,)ftj

movie so they'd come to watch
S avag e themselves when I showed it,"
he explains. "Most kids out of
school send out videotapes. I
creen P o wanted a realscreening of a
real film."
It worked like a charm. The
faces in Holland's crowd scene
A self-styled scam artist were some of the biggest off-
makes it in the movies camera names in movies, and
they all came to the screening
to see themselves. "The re-
sponse was tremendous," he a
S avage Steve" Holland didn't have to says. "Everybody was talking H
inundate Hollywood with resumes, about me for a couple of weeks." Hustle: H
spools of Super-8 film and pleading His script "Better Off Dead"
phone calls to get his first job directing sold, and he got to direct it. "One Crazy
movies. Instead, admits the writer and di- Summer" followed, and though neither
rector of "Better Off Dead" and "One Crazy film was exactly a critical or financial tri-
Summer," he relied on "cheating, lying and umph, Holland is now busy on a third film
deception."And Hollywoodloved himfor it. as well as a television sitcom.
The relationship started while Holland, He suspects the nickname he has used
now26,wasastudent atCaliforniaInstitute since the eighth grade may be hurting his
fortheArts, working parttime ontheschool credibility with the critics. "Reviewers are
switchboard. "People would call Cal Arts mad," he says, "especially at me, probably
looking for cheap talent, a stupid kid they because I use my nickname." But he stub-
could pay almost nothing," he recalls. Rath- bornly clings to it. It was earned with char-
er than referring callers to teachers and acteristic chutzpah: "I heard about a gang
counselors, he would "play different roles" called the Savage Skulls," he explains.
and, of course, "always recommend myself "They were just guys who beat up other
forthejobs. Itotallyscammedthem. Noone guys. They were having a big party and
evercaughton." wearing their gang colors. So, I made
He worked on commercials, animated an exact duplicate that said, 'Savage
titles for a soft-core porno mov-
ie and illustrated children's
books, saving $800-enough
to produce "My 11-Year-Old k
Birthday Party," which won'
best-short-film honors at the
1982 Seattle Film Festival. I
When he graduated he re-
vealed his switchboard scam
at a meeting of the school's;
trustees, one of whom was
Paramount Pictures president
Michael Eisner. "He liked
myshort film andthoughtIwas
a guy who could get things%
done," Holland recalls. "He
asked me what I wanted to do.
I said, 'Direct,' and he said,
'Who doesn't?'"
Inspired tricks: The studio ex-
ecutive set Holland up with
the producers of Paramount's
"Entertainment Tonight," who
"paid me a decent amount of
money to draw cartoons for the
show. That paid my rent so I
could write scripts." One scriptM
netted $20,000, enough for Hol-
land to make the half-hour film
"Buster's First Date" and carry
out still another inspired scam.
He had learned at Para-
mount that "all movie execu-
tives would love to be actors. So, WARNER BROS.
I invited them all to be in my Grins: 'One Crazy Summer's' Bobcat Goldthwait

Steve.' I went to the party, got
in and snuck out, and every-
body thought that was so cool
they called me Savage Steve."
Now Holland's on a roll, do-
ingwhat he likes, and though he
doesn't recommend that others
copy his sly antics, which prob-
ably wouldn't work a second
time anyway, he strongly urges
would-be filmmakers to perse-
vere against any odds: "I kept
pushingand nevergave up, and
7AWNill BROS.that is what it's all about. You
iland have to do whatever it takes."
LEE G OLDBERG in Los A-ngeles
Job Bytes
omputerized career counseling is all
the rage at many of the larger campus
career centers, where students can
simply call up job information at any avail-
able terminal. But what about less wealthy
schools? The software and hardware that
most full-service packages require are ex-
pensive. And if the school doesn't provide
such programs, students certainly can't
buy them. Now there is Jobfinder (Compit-
Job Software, Inc., Taylor, Mich.), a (near-
ly) affordable package of career-hunt pro-
grams that run on the IBM PC, Apple
Macintosh and Apple II series of personal
Written by a job-search counselor, the
Jobfinder's series of programs takes the
sting out of preparing a resume and search-
ing for employment. Part one interviews
the user, collecting a personal history that
resum6 and cover letter. The second pack-
age acts as a career counselor, helping ar-
rive at potential career fields by bringing
out the user's likes and dislikes and
strengths and weaknesses. The program
then compares the results with its own list
ofprofessions, selectingthemost promising
alternatives. Section three puts the user
through a battery of mock job interviews to
get used to the kinds of questions that pro-
spective employers ask, while the fourth
module, a mail-merge program, helps
transforms it into a stack of "personalized"
resum6 packages. If you get the job, it even
helps write the acceptance letter.
Jobfinder is a bit pricey for students,
though the individual modules can be
bought separately. The resume helper
costs $79.95, and the other parts of the
package run $59.95 each; the whole pack-
age can be had for $240. The program is
economical for a small campus career cen-
ter, or a group of job-hungry students could
put in together for it.

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