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December 09, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Reviews of Latest Jewish Books THE JEWISH NEWS On Page 4 A Weekly Review of Jewish Events VOLUME 16—No. 13 708-10 David Stott Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, December 9, 1949 a Challenge to Exaggerated Public Relations Programs Read Commentator's Column on Page 2 7 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Israel Gains Ground in Fight garnst Internationalization BULLETIN A final vote on the Jerusalem issue is due at Lake Succe...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Technion Presents Dr. Urey Nobel Prize Winner to Speak At Annual Dinner on• Jan. 14 Dr. Harold C. Urey, world has written numerous articles famous scientist, Nobel Prize for the society's publications. As discoverer of heavy water, winner in chemistry in 1934, will be the guest speaker at the an- used in certain types of chain reaction piles for the release of atomic energy, and as one of the leaders in the Manhattan District Project, the fi...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Abdullah Seeking Peace Continued from Page 1 this statute. Notably lacking from this compromise effort, however, is the stipulation against the establishment of Jerusalem as the national capi- tal of any state. Pressing for Consideration of his amendment the Cuban dele- gate declared: "We Catholics are not interested in temporal powers," and emphasized "effec- tive internationalization" which should not be a "masquerade" but a plan that can ...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 4

…As the Editor N'iews the News . • Resurgent Nazism Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief U. S. Army prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crimes trials, has admitted that the pro- gram of denazification in Germany has fail- ed. In his report to the Secretary of the Army that "an alarming resurgence of authoritarianism" is in evidence in Germany is a warning that German war criminals may escape punishment for their brutalities. While it is encouraging t...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH NEWS-5 Friday, December 9, 1949 'Why Did My Daddy Die?' Larry Goldstein's Plea Rouses Nationwide Thought on PrejudicE By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copywright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Washington is puzzled by the answers of the national veterans organizations to the now-famous question of Larry Goldstein, II, of Lynn, Mass. Larry asked, "Why did my daddy have to die ?" Larry's father was killed in action in Worl...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 6

…0 4 After 33 Years . We Give Up A third of a century of service ends with this sale! A bonafide honest- to-goodness going out of business event that brings you mighty savings on the finest clothing and the best-known brands! Society and Ambas- sador Clothes . . . Stetson Hats . . Van Husen and Marbor shirts . . Paris, Hickok, Swank, Reis . . . the best of everything at way, way less than regular. Come and save! Open Every Night • Sundays 1...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH NEWS-7 Frisch Charges Anti-Zionists Seek `Regimentation, Not Americanism' NEW YORK — Daniel Frisch, president of the Zionist Organ- ization of America, charged anti-Zionists with advocating "regimentation rather than Americanism" in their attempt to undermine the eforts for the economic reconstruction of Is- rael and for Jewish cultural re- naissance in the United States. In an open letter to Miss Dorothy ThOmpson, he charac- teri...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Hachug Haivri Stages Neshef Hanukah for All Hebrew Speakers Young Adult Community Penny An Inch Dance Dec. 1 1 . Wayne IZFA Hosts Regional ,Seminar A Neshef Hanukah (Hanukah program) will we staged by Hachug Haivri Saturday evening Dec. 17, at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg., before the Kvutzah Ivrith and the entire Hebrew-speaking community of Detroit. The Neshef, which will fea- ture pageantry, songs and dra- matic readings, is under the d...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 9

…• Venezuelan Dictator Handles Jewish Problem by Exiling 300 to Swamps By MILTON FRIEDMAN a r e respected by Venezuela's WASHINGTON — C a r i bbean military. junta. - In turn, the cruises may prove interesting for • State Department supports the Jewish tourists—especially if the regime. Our State Department voices' itinerary. includes Venezuela and strong support of the doctrine - Cuba. of human rights and religious An American' businessman r...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Jacobs To Address Beth 10—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 9, 1949 Aaron Parent's Brunch Congregational Activities Morris Jacobs, president of the Michigan Zionist region, will speak at the parents' brunch of Aaron Sunday School, this Dr. Mayerberg Lectures Beth Sunday, Dec. 11. In Temple Beth El Series Sponsor of this second brunch will be the Men's Club. Refresh- Dr. Samuel S. Mayerberg, who ments will be served by Mes- dames S. Schneider,...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS-11 Temple Beth El Women Friday, December 9, 1949 Meet in Social Hall Adult Education Young Israel Lists Institute Classes The Young Israel Institute for Jewish Studies enters its fourth week of the current term, with a few curriculum revisions : On Tuesday evenings, Jewish his- tory and Jewish laws and cere- monies at 8 pm.; elementary Hebrew, 9 p.m. On Wednsday evenings, con- rersational Hebrew and selec- tions from the T...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 12

…In-Service Institute Planned by Pa That professional staff mem- bers of Jewish Welfare Federa- tion agencies may better under- ture, program and philosophy of organized community service, the executive directors of these agencies plan an In-Service Training Institute, beginning next year. Harold Silver, chairman of the Institute, announced that opening sessions will be held Jan. 14 and 15 at the Jewish Community Center. Subsequent meetings wi...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 13

…13—Jewish News Decetalker 0, 1.046 We CI sed A Store and A Warehouse! Everything has to be Moved to our Dexter &lore and there is NO place to Put If! •This - is an Emergency! We're OverstockecP Ow' warehouse was heavily loaded for the Christmas rush„ and WE HAD TO CLOSE . IT • UP before we were able to reduce our inventory. Everything had to be moved to our Dexter store and now We' re overloaded . ..So we've priced everything for ACTI(•14- ...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14--Jewish News December 9, 1919 $1 0 0 , 0 0 0. 0 0 ty We Just Closed a Si Very fine sheer NINON ruffle cur- tains. Pecot edges, French heading, 6 inch ruffle. Ex- WE'RE OVERSTOCKED . . . This is an emergency! Our warehouse was ceptionally well- made, in regular heavily stocked for the Christmas rush, and WE HAD TO CLOSE IT UP or extra-large before we were able to reduce our inventory. Everything had to be moved sizes. 50" Wid...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 15

…News December 9, 1949 n—Jewish ock 2Qducin • Ge G nuin e C ela n ese Ninon Panel urfains re and a Warehouse! 4.2"x 8•, 49 Now . . . There Is Pair ONLY ONE Regularly $4.98 BenfPupko Store Side Hems Doubl e St itched Select f from . WHITE HITE - EGGSHEL . . L - RO SE -GREY 5" 11551 Dexter Blvd. 42"x90" Panels,Reg. $5.98 [Excellent for Christmas GIFTS! On Sale $3.98 pr. tion Everything Must Go! DAN RIVER—DREAM HOUSE FINE R...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Ben Pupko Beautify Your Home Today 1 At This Low Price DRAPERY FABRICS Cotton and Rayon Cplanese Taffeta Curtains • Custom-Made, Regular, or Traverse FLORAL • a • • DAMASK • • • Pinch Pleats *5-in. Hems s Custom-Made Taffeta I Luxurious Draw, Curteains beautifully tail- ored up to 81" long at this tow • price. 90" lengths - $8.95, cfouble and triple widths"' proportionately priced. $el- I ect from White, Grey, • Eggshell, Dusty ...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 17

…• oinen, GEORGE GERSHWIN CHAP- TER, BANI BRITH WOMEN will hold a Hanukah membership meeting at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.- 14, at the Jewish Fraternal Club, Linwood at Lawrence. The dramatic group will put on a va- riety show. Mrs. Louis Manning will be guest speaker. * * Mrs. Harry L. Blitz, president of the WOMEN'S LEAGUE OF YOUNG ISRAEL, announces that an open meeting will be held in the Young Israel Youth Center, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 18

…Hanukah, Henrietta Szold Anniversary To Be Marked at fladassah Festivities Celebration of Henrietta Szold's birthday will be combined with Hanukah festivities at the group meetings. of Detroit chap- Tickets Still Available For Welfare Luncheon Last-minute reservations are Mrs. Joseph Jackier is executive still being accepted for the 19th annual donor luncheon of the chairman. North Woodward Branch of the The same film will be seen by Univer...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH NEWS - 19 AdiviiieJ in Society Mrs. Harry Shifman and daughter, Marilyn, of Gladstone Ave., will leave Dec. 18 for a vacation in Tucson and Los Angeles. Mrs. Harold J. Marks of Los Angeles was the guest of her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Batchko of Oakman Blvd. After spending Thanksgiving weekend with their children in Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gordon and son, Milton, have returned to the city. Mr. a...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Infants Service Group Nazism Is Used Observes 15th Year As US.- Russian Pawn in Cold War JNF Ladies Name Donor Committeemen; List Contributions 20—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 9, 1949 09etyry Recent Bride O n de .A, Additional committee chair- Heralding its 15th year of men for- the donor event of the This Week's Radio Programs NEW YORK — The warning service, Infants Service Group, Of Jewish Interest announces that plans for its a...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 21

…THE JEWISH NEWS-21 ctiviiieJ in Society Elizabeth Apple Fainman of Chicago Blvd. is spending the winter at Daytona Beach and Miami Beach. Beverly Goldfine, executive secretary of the Young Adult Guild, recently returned from Philadelphia and New York City, where she introduced Larry Corona, young Detroit tenor. Mrs. Philip S. Weisman of Covington Dr. recently returned from an extended visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Sa...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 22

…22—THE JEWISH NEWS People Make News Friday, December 9, 1949 E. N. arueskin of Sioux City, DAVID. JACOB, son of Mrs. Ia., who has been president of Saul Jacob of 19721 Monte Vista, the Sioux City has been elected to Tau Sigma Jewish Federa- Delta honor society of archi- tion for nine Lecture the allied arts. years, will serve Jacob is in his fourth year at as national Syracuse University School of chairman f o r Architecture. * * * regions ...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 23

…THE JEWISH NEWS-23 Friday, December 9, 1949 News Brevities Benjamin Levinson, president of the MICHIGAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, announces the expansion of its offices in the National Bank Bldg. Michigan Mortgage moved to the National Bank Bldg. in July 1949. No- vember ended the fiscal year, one of the largest and most suc- cessful years in the five years the company has been in busi- ness, Levinson said. * * * BREZNER AID SOCIETY has set Sun...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 24

…%PO 24=-TH E JEWISH N EWS Friday, December 9, 1949 On the Record By NATHAN ZIPRIN (Copyright, 1949, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Inc.) From Many Corners LONDON (JTA)—The larg- est bequest ever made to the Jewish National Fund any- where in the world was dis- closed by its offices here. The bequest, representing the bulk of the estate of the late Isi- dor Michaelson, and totaling more than 100,000 pounds ($280,000), was originally left ...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 25

…- L 2M10110018011181118118818111118881111111110011181189111110118110.11101M111111801111111100881011008001108r, THE JEWISH NEWS - 25 Friday, December 9, 1949 Danny Raskin's 0 LISTENING T S Publisher Seeking Investors for New Tourist Industry Yehuda Mozes of Tel Aviv, publisher of the Hebrew after- noon daily newspaper Yediot- Achronot (Late News) in the major city in Israel, was in De- troit last week to mobilize sup- port for his $1...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 26

…1 Obituaries JOSEPH GREEN, 3037 Mon- terey, died Nov. 29. Services were Kaufman Chapel, with Rabbi Morris Adler, Rabbi A.M. _Hershman and Cantor Jacob Sonenklar officiating. He is sur- vived by his wife, Toby; four .sons, Albert, Sam, Manning S., and Dr. Lewis; one daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Mandell; one sister, Mrs. G. Greenstone of Montreal. Interment, Clover Hill Park Cemetery. * * * ROSE LEVINE, 3260 Sturte- vant, died Dec. 1. Services we...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 27

…THE JEWISH NEWS-27 Friday, December 9, 1949 Dreyfus Affair, Birth Of Israel Among Great Treasures of Reporting In the preface to "A Treasury of Great Reporting", edited by Professors Louis L. Snyder and Richard B. Morris (published by Simon and Schuster, 1230 6th Ave., New York 20) Herbert Bayard Swope pays tribute to the prize element of good jour- nalism - accuracy is a priestly mission. It has dignity. I com- mend this book to its devote...…

December 09, 1949 • Page Image 28

…28 Ilistadrut Day' Proclaimed For Drive Opener . Sunday — THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 9, 1949 Mrs. Roosevelt Lauds DP Artist Women Complete Survey of Kosher Meat Markets At a ceremony at Detroit City Hall, Mayor Eugene I. Van Antwerp, officially proclaimed Sunday, Dec. 11, as "Histadrut Day.". This event coincides with the. formal Louis Rosenzweig, chairman of launching of the 1950. Israel Histadrut Campaign for $300,- the Communit...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Poems by Dr. N. E. Aronstam and _ Abraham Caplan li F WISH NEWS HE A j 1E1 . On Editorial Page VOLUME l 5—No. 26 2114 Penobscot Bldg. of Jewish Events PhOne WO.. 5-1 155 . Detroit 26, Michigan, September 9 ,, — Revived Nazi Threat in Germany Read Commentator's Column on "rage 2 and Editorial on Page 4 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c 19197 Irgunists Threaten Reprisals to Jerusalem's Internationalization Direct JTA Teletype Wir...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 2

…UJA Survey Report Shows 600,000 Jewish Refugees Resettled in Decade NEW YORK, (JTA)The re- settlement of 600,000 European Jewish refugees was among the far-reaching accomplishments of the agencies of the United Jew- ish Appeal in the decade since the outbreak of World War II, it. was reported by Henry Mor- genthau, Jr., general chairman of the UJA, in a survey of the Appeal's wartime and: - . postwar relief, reconstruction and re- settlement ...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Israel Urges UN Palestine Debate; Clapp Sees Truman Continued from Page 1 that at a meeting of the mixed Israel-Egyptian armistice com- mission Arab delegates announc- ed the Egyptian government would soon deliver to Israel re- plies to a number of inquiries put by the Jewish state in re- ference to the matter'. The Is- rael spokesman pointed out that although Lebanon had shown a desire to implement the proposal to reunite Arab families in I...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 4

…As the Editor Views the News Boyle Heights Novel Another Meeting — More Problems 'Joei-Very Human Story Education Month David Lord's new novel, "Joey," (published by E. P. Dutton Co., 300 Fourth Ave., New York 10) deals with a Jewish boy in the Boyle Heights (Jewish) section in his native city of Los An- geles. It is an engrossing novel about an Ameri- can lad who is disturbed by the injustices that strike mankind, his family, the girl of...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Service Group Begins Work Early • - To Avoid Community Complacency Response to a letter sent to all trade and professional workers in the 1949 Allied Jewish Cam- paign has revealed that there is general feeling that "the conn- ing year will bring greater, prob- lems to our Jewish community and to the infant democracy of Israel, which will require the best possible leadership we can muster," according to Irving W. Blumberg, president of the De...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 6

…6—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 9, 1949 - Brevities National Newspaper Week Next Month; Truman Lauds Slogan !7. . ....• A new SENIOR YOUNG JU- DAEA group is being organized • List New Passenger Ship- Service to Israel mo, Gibralter, Naples and Pi- raeus planned during the 15 - day trip. There will be a sailing Feb. 21 Details of a new passenger service to Israel were received this week from the Ameeri ex- port line by Rhea Cash...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Lachover'&Hebrew Children's Legends Gain Popularity in Michigan Schools State-wide interest is being displayed in the new children's Bible book, "Hebrew Legends and Sabbath Stories for Chil- dren," by Abraham J. Lachover, ABRAHAM J. LACHOYER book—the first in a series of similar volumes planned for early publication by Mr. Lach- over. A number of Michigan schools already have ordered large quantities of the first vol- ume which is being dis...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Congregational Activities Dr. Abba Hillel Silver will speak at the opening of the Men's Club of Cong. Shaarey Zedek at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14. His topic will be Bnai Moshe Religious School, Dexter at Lawrence, will open Sunday morning, Sept. 11. The curriculum, which has always emphasized history, literature, holidays and ceremonies will in- troduce the reading of Hebrew this year to students in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grad...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 9

…-111 .1111111MPUIIIIIIIIIIIIIINPIPPIPPIIII-- - Parallel Services 40 Teachers to Greet At Shaarey Zedek Children at Beth El All preparations have been completed, under the chairman- ship of Ben S. Sidlow, for paral- lel High Holy Day services in the main auditorium and social hall at Shaarey Zedek. Dr. Moshe Da- vis, dean of the Teacher's Insti- tute and Semin- ary College of Jewish Studies at the Jewish Theologic al Seminary of America, wil...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 10

…- - Hadassah's National President To Address Honor Roll Opening Beth Aaron Ticket Sale Deadline Set ; Services Arranged >I 0—THE, J EW I SH NEWS Sept. 12 has been set as the deadline for ticket and seating arrangements for High Holiday services at Beth Aaron Syna- gogue. Members are advised to contact the ticket committee by that date. Max Kaminsky will serve the congregation as Baal Shachris for the holiday services. Rabbi Pinchos Katz wi...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 11

…diville3 in oci4 Sisterhood Members To Model Fashions At Bnai Moshe Monday •-•• Jewish Center •• Activities (The Jewish Community Center, 8904 Woodward, is a Red Feather Agency.) Sunday, Sept. 11, at 2 p.m., the 1.2TH STREET COUNCIL CEN- TER, 12th St. and Blaine, will officially open its 1949-50 CLUB SEASON with a reunion of old members and a reception for new and prospective members. All neighborhood persons in- terested in joining a gro...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 12

…72—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 9, 1949 Now, with New Emph Women of Detroit, wise in _tile appraisal of g and true quality in Imam/ furs, have shown of ST. CLAIR FURS newly emphasized, highly reminiscent of 10 years ago! The appreciative women have spread our fc, furs are esteemed. They have wiclaimed over ST. CLAIR FURS' steeped in Parisian artistry. With good .judg stamped ST. CLAIR'S prices phenomenal an limitless selections of tlie...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 13

…THE JEWISH NEWS-13 Friday, September 9, 1949 of the world's finest furs is on Value . . . Dramatic Low Prices ' e value recognition latic low prices ... therever precious gance of style ... they have CLAIR'S most Tv! at has rocked and astounded the ng the fur markets with Jr buyers selected the best .. even buying the designs in barrel-head made possible chose only the superbly best i lI advantage of the changed to bring you the "Worl...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 14

…W omen:i eta& The WOMEN'S AUXILIARY, JEWISH HOME FOR AGED, opened its board meetings at the home of Mrs. Meyer Silver- man, 2625 Fleet, Sept. 8. Mrs. Meyer Silverinan, service group chairman, was commended for her committee's work..Mrs. Sam- uel Zeldes, president of the Aux- iliary. who is vacationing in Florida, has turned the meetings over to Mrs. Ben Arkin, vice president. * * Mrs. Sam Gold, president of PISGAH CHAPTER, BNAI BRITH WOMEN, ...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 15

…ActivitieJ ,in Society ME JEWISH NEWS SZ Sisterhood Season Will Open on Monday With Buffet Luncheon — 1 5 Friday, September 9, 1949 eir t hi Mizrachi Group Maps Aug. 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Mrs. Louis Tatken, president ard R. Levin (Sylvia Green- Officers' Installation Nancy Wolfner has returned from England where she spent of Shaary Zedek Sisterhood, an- spon), a son, Robert Ira. the summer attending the University of London. * * * Th...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Bar Mitzva hs Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Kra- mer of 2908 Calvert announce the . Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joel Marvin, at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Shaarey Zedek Synagogue. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fried- man of Los Angeles, formerly of Detroit, announce the Bar Mitz- vah of their son, Nathaniel Jay, Saturday, Sept. 10, at Sinai Temple. A reception in honor of the Bar Mitzvah will be held at their home Sunday evening, Sept. 11. * * * Mr. a...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 17

…Nazi-Desecrated Scrolls Received in Jerusalem People Make News MRS. SAMUEL GREEN, presi- dent of the Michigan Council of the American Jewish Congress urged all members of the organ- ization to vote against the Loyal- ty Charter Amendment in the local primaries, Sept. 13. * * * CHAPLAIN SAMUEL ROSEN of Brooklyn, regular Air Force Jewish chaplain, left on a miss- ion to Hawaii, where he partici- pated in the dedication of a national memorial c...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 18

…1 8 Try and Stop Me By BENNETT CERF HEN Vice-President Alben Barkley of Kentucky was tour- W ing the country in that amazing, seemingly hopeless cam- paign that brought victory to the Democrats and confusion to the false prophets, he did not hesitate to , rifle the old joke books for anecdotes to brighten his speeches. At every whistle stop and ham- let he would. introduce some appropriate wheeze that not only won him a big laugh but sent ...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 19

…Folk Schools Transport Children o Classes THE JEWISH NEWS-19 Friday, September 9, 1949 President to Preview Masada Year Sept. 20 JEWISH FOLK SCHOOLS BUS PROVIDES TRANSPORTATION Letter from Vienna U.S. Jews' View of DP Status Too Optimistic, Detroit Couple Reports By MARGUERITE KOZENN and JULIUS CHAJES Personal observations of the predicament of the JeWs now re- maining in Europe are reported in a letter from Vienna by Mar- guerite Koze...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Claudette Candies Flourishes; Experiment With New Sweets 20—THE JEWISH NEWS Lehman Runs for Senate By AVRUM SCHUtZ I NGER .Colorama and Intermezzo are two of the colorful labels for products of Claudette Chocolates of Detroit. Arthur Klein, owner of the company went through a glossary of colorful terms and interesting proCesses used in the - Friday, September 9, 1949 Claudette firm in Detroit and from the original factory-store with sev...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 21

…14811811111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111 811 11 11111 11 8181 11 11111 11 111111 11 111111 1 11111 111 11111 11 11111 111 11111 11 1181 111 11111 1M i Danny Raskin's P O i S LISTENING T • ;71181111111111111111111118111111111 111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111 BACK IN 1932, Louis Gross Was convicted of a murder that had been committed in Detroit's Syrian co...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 22

…Monument Unveilings Family of the late Louis Chud announces the unveiling of a monument in his memory at 12 noon, Sunday, Sept. 11, at-Work- men's Circle Cemetery. Rabbi Jacob Segal will officiate. Friends and relatives are invited to at- tend. * * • * Children of the late Minnie Mina Pollack announce the un- veiling of a monument in her memory at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 18, at Beth Moses Ceme- tery. Rabbi David Golden will officiate. Friend...…

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