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December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Hall of Fame Bowl '88 !age 19 Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 11, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily i Michigan flushes Peay at Crisler By ADAM SCHEFTER Michigan basketball players, like the rest of the students at this university, are in the process of un- dergoing final examinations. Last night, they managed to take some time off from learning their ABCs to play s...…

December 10, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…Jr iiuuBailA Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 64 Aides describe summit as 'productive' Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 10, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Student arraigned WASHINGTON (AP)- Presi- dent Reagan and Soviet leader Mik- hail Gorbachev grappled with differ- ences over Afghanistan and cutbacks in strategic nuclear arms yesterday in a two-hour meeting that ended "on a very optimistic note....…

December 09, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 63 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 9, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily "v . .. Superpowers sign agreement Treaty bans some missiles; talks to WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- dent Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed a treaty yesterday morning banning interme- diate-range nuclear missiles and be- gan talks to curb more threatening long-range strategic wea...…

December 08, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…i-etaftanedo Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVII, No 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, December 8, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily f v.... Women evicted for slush fund By DAVID SCHWARTZ housing office at the Student Activities Three West Quad residents will be evicted Building to protest. "A few people are getting from their rooms for organizing and blamed for the action of the whole hall," said contributing to a...…

December 07, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, December 7, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily City okays warrants for protester Student faces assault charges from officers --~--- -Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON Nearly a quarter of a million marchers protesting Soviet treatment of Jewish refuseniks filled the mall between the United States Capitol and the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. yest...…

December 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…eThe Rele InWeekenMagazine: The List vancy of Religion 9 John Logie 9 Interview: Rosemary Reuther 1E t:t~:I;1nt:.I Cyrht18,Mcga Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 4, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Cubans vote to terminate prison siege Inmates to sign pact that a s! fi l9..Could free 19 hostages. A room with a view Doily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER Shielding themselves und...…

December 03, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 3, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Wolverines win a snoozer over BG, 91-72 By JEFF RUSH Michigan won. The other team lost. Gary Grant and Glen Rice scored. Grant dished out assists. And Rice and Terry Mills rebounded. Ho-hum. The Pope's also Catholic, the sun will rise tomorrow (at least outside of Ann Arbor), and Bill Frieder will alwa...…

December 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 58 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 2, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Grant to- a.sians take support 0 0 "t inriysuicideIill engineers beoe{rb By STEVEN TUCH A state grant worth more than $100,000 will allow the College of M nde 'K ra iln Engineering to expand the scope of Man dies; airline its work in minority recruitment and retention, engineering officials said ..mys...…

December 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan -.Tuesday, December 1, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Term papej By MARTHA SEVETSON College students expect to shell out big bucks for tuition, room, board, and books, but how many budget money for their assignments? At $7 a page, mass- produced research papers aren't cheap - and the students who buy them risk paying a much higher price. The student found ...…

November 30, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial/freedom 4w tit! Vol. XCVIII, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 30, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Pirat By RYAN TUTAK Like most engineering students, Jeff (not his real name) needs the computers in the CAEN labratories to do his homework. The computer programs enable him to draw graphs, paint pictures, solve complex problems, and even play games. Because he liked tfiese programs, Jeff w...…

November 25, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 25, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Arms negotiators reach agreement g 3|||'U' profs.: Arms deal I ' Leaders to sign pact at talks next month sets a good precedent GENEVA (AP) - The United States and the Soviet Union agreed Tuesday to the first superpower treaty to eliminate an entire category of nuclear weapons, and they will s...…

November 24, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…In It I WVIafl Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 24, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily U.s. to deal with Cuban captors WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States offered yesterday to impose a moratorium on the return of Cubans who came here illegally during the 1980 boatlift if Cuban inmates end their rioting at two federal prisons and free all hostages. Attorney General Edwin M...…

November 23, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 53 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 23, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily OSU hands Bruce final win over M' Buckeyes rally to upset Blue, 23-20, on Frantz's field goal By SCOTT G. MILLER The regular season ended much the way it began for Michigan as Wolverine miscues led to a 23-20 loss to Ohio State. After a game of exciting plays and great moments, the Buckeyes carri...…

November 20, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…I Weeken Magazine: " Basketball Tip-Off " John Logie . The List . Interview: Sean Higgins Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 20, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily North hindered Contra probes WASHINGTON (AP) - National Security aides John Poindexter and Oliver North inter- fered with seven criminal investiga- tions when the probes threatened to expose the Reagan admini...…

November 19, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 19, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Shapiro says he By MARTHA SEVETSON University President Harold Shapiro will not propose a code of non-academic conduct to the Univer- sity's Board of Regents before he assumes the presidency at Princeton University in January. The regents, however, have final authority to pass a code. Shapiro s...…

November 18, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCViII, No. 50 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 18, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Resigned AD spoke 'with 'U' committee By JEFF RUSH Former Ohio State Athletic Di- rector Rick Bay said yesterday he has been in contact with members of the University of Michigan's athletic director search committee in the past two days. He said he will likely speak with someone from that committee ...…

November 17, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…a Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 49 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 17, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily i Council approves 'passing up' ban By STEVE KNOPPER Starting next year, any Michigan football spectator who "passes up" another crowd member will be subject to arrest by Ann Arbor police. The Ann Arbor City Council unanimously passed an ordinance last night that will forbid fans "passing up," ...…

November 16, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 48 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 16, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily More than 19 die in Denver jet crash DENVER (AP) - A Continental Airlines jet with 81 people aboard flipped on its back while taking off from Denver's airport in a snow- storm yesterday and skidded along the runway, killing at least 19 people and injuring 54 more, .authorities said. "We counted 18 dead ...…

November 13, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…In W eekenM gin :.How a regent becomes a regent " 'Less Than Zero' Ma 00Kela28(8ie1 .-Interview: Jeanne Simon " Trihn T .nori " T InrlPRcncoii J 111111 LV 161%./ W livilbal Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 13,1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Forum to discuss protester rights By EVE BECKER The University's Civil Liberties Board will try to get reactions to its propose...…

November 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 12, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Reagan nominates new judge to Court -Associated Press Remembering Vietnam veteran Tim Groff of Lancaster, Pa. weeps as he stands before the statute of three soldiers at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. yesterday. See story Page 5. Officials look into phys. ed. class By The Associ...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…; t t rn tU, Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, November 11, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Search looked Bennett at Sec. Press aide says 'U' reps. mentioned presidency Abandoned Doily Photo by SCOTT ITUCHY A walk through Old Main Hospital-which was replaced by the new University Hospital nearly two years ago-reveals dust, desolation, and 60 years of medical history slow...…

November 10, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCViII, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, November 10, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Jerigan vetoes gun store proposal By STEVE KNOPPER An ordinance to severely restrict firearm stores in Ann Arbor was vetoed yesterday evening by Republican Mayor Gerald Jernigan. The ordinance was passed by the City Council last week. Jernigan vetoed the law because, according to a written message to Ci...…

November 09, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVil', No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 9, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily M' looks Golden in 30-20 victory By ADAM OCHLIS Special to the Daily MINNEAPOLIS - While records were shattered and bones were broken, in the end it was the breaks that Michigan finally got that enabled it to out-fight Minnesota Saturday, 30-20, before 55,481 rambunctious fans at the Metrodome. The Wol...…

November 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…In WeekendMagazine: " The RC celebrates its 20th year .Interview: Amir Baraka * The List . John Logie Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 42 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 6, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Funds lag behind growing grad. By ROSE MARY WUMMEL An unexpectedly high enrollment increase in the Rackham Graduate School this term has some department administrators in the school worried abo...…

November 05, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 5, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily . .. . Engneers discuss road rally Debate charges By STEVEN TUCH The Engineering Council met with representatives of the Michigan Student Assembly last night to discuss a scavenger hunt last winter that many called racist. MSA President Ken Weine and Vice President Wendy Sharp participated in an...…

November 04, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editoriafreedom Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Vol. XCVIII, No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 4, 1987 Cprgt18,TeMcia ol Shapiro to take action on wJJx incident soon By MARTHA SEVETSON University President Harold Shapiro is expected to unilaterally "take action" within the next two weeks against the students responsible for airing racist jokes last March over WJJX campus radio. Vice President for ...…

November 03, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…1£ Crt8Mianpy Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 39 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 3, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily x . .~..Sources expect _sexWeinberger to resign shortly WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger intends to resign this week and will be re- placed by President Reagan's na- tional security adviser, Frank Car- lucci, sources said last night. The sources, who spoke on con- dit...…

November 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 2, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Dily gp xt " k 4G itisbu rg s M: A1 Z; // > ehics are 1..;:5 * 5K questioned Judge had stake in . ccase he handuled WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg had almost $140,000 invested in a cable television corporation when he "personally handled" a Justice Department effort to have the court...…

October 30, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…1 In ~VeekendNagazine: Our society's obsession with thinness a Tnterview Prexton Neshitt J7 e The List ohn Logie MW1 AW X T X%/U V . fV " Z X XA .V A . ..L- ~W ~ . al rrrn Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom 4&, Vol. XCVIII, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 30, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Detroit radio DJ taken off - airwaves By STEPHEN GREGORY WWJ AM radio talk show host Mark Scott - who last week sai...…

October 29, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVll, No. 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 29, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily State, By STEVE BLOND A bill which would allow the Unive its public safety officers, possibly pen carry guns and make arrests, is expec state Senate today. If both houses pass the bill, the Ur of Regents would have the final say o the deputization. Rhett Johnston, an administrative a Sen. Jerome Ha...…

October 28, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom *&to Vol. XCVIII, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 28, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Dily Injured thumb : hiinders Brown e QB doubtful for game By DARREN JASEY Schembechler said that Brown hit his A lost season for the Michigan football thumb on the helmet of a Hoosier defender team has taken a turn for the worse. Add while completing a first quarter pass to tl quarterback Demetrius ...…

October 27, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday; October 27, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Weine to fill MSA Dow slide Jones average VP post tonight By ANDREW MILLS Michigan Student Assembly President Ken Weine will nominate LSA Senior Wendy Sharp tonight to fill the assembly's number two post, following last week's resignation of Vice President Rebecca Felton. Sharp was recommended esp...…

October 26, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 26, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Worker: 'U' behind racist incident By STEPHEN GREGORY Last Thursday night an unknown vandal or group of vandals scrawled racist graffitti on a mirror and stop- ped up toilets with human defecation and toilet paper in a fourth-floor East Engineering building bathroom. Mary Clark, a Black University mai...…

October 23, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…InWeekendMagazine: 0 Winter 1987 Fashion 0 John Logie . Interview: Ark Manager Dave Siglin . The List Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 23, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Blue set for front- running Indiana By DARREN JASEY Notre Dame, Michigan State, Iowa, and Ohio State - those teams usually receive top billing from Michigan. It's hard to fathom, but this week the Wo...…

October 22, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…ii: igta1cyrgt 98,Th icignDal Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October 22, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Assembly forms health committee By LISA POLLAK The Michigan Student Assembly has formed a health i ss ue s committee that will give students an opportunity to improve their health care and insurance on campus. The student health issues select committee, approved by MSA on T...…

October 21, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…It r ur Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom IUIt Vol. XCVIII, No. 30 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, October 21, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily sA 3 8 ,.Easthope to resign post t( By MARTHA SEVETSON Thomas Easthope, after 18 years as the University's associate vice president for Student Services, is re- signing today to follow a "very lu- crative business opportunity." Easthope said he will put his res- ignation letter on Vice ...…

October 20, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…1£ rE uu 4&J Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 20, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily U.S. warships destroy Iranian oil platforms ran vows war in response MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - U.S. warships destroyed two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf yesterday, and Navy commandos raided a third. Iran said the Americans had begun a "full-fledged war" to which it promised...…

October 19, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 28 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 19, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily M' Frys Hawkeyes in 37-10 feasting Brown throws for three TDs By RICK KAPLAN Demetrius Brown's stock was lower than the Dow Jones after last week's seven-interception outing in a 17-11 loss to Michigan State. But the Wolverine quarterback rallied against Iowa Saturday. At the closing bell, the redsh...…

October 16, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…eCampus Drinking Habits *The List *John Logie In0 Veeen MagaZine: eThe Jesus and Mary Chain no The Princess Bride' *Interview: David Tibbals i I Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVII-- No. 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, October 16, 1987 Copyright 1987,' The Michigan Daily Michigan prepared ito take Iowa test By RICK KAPLAN As midterms approach on campus, students prepare for one of the most important tests of the s...…

October 15, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…altttsnlei Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVIII - No. 26 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October 15, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily sJ Princeton profs check By MARTHA SEVETSON Some Princeton University faculty members fear their university's anti-classified research stance will be diluted when University President Harold Shapiro takes the helm in January. Top University research officials and anti-military research a...…

October 14, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Voum XVII ' o.5dopriht197,Th Mchga Dil Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom /olume XCVII I - No. 25 Ann Arbor Michigan - Wednesday, October 14, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily MSA settles funding for PIRGIM By ANDREW MILLS The Michigan Student Assembly hammered out the details of a contract between the assembly and PIRGIM, an environmental lobbying group on campus. The contract, which passed with amendments by a 20 to 3 vote, puts...…

October 13, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVIII - No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, October 13, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily 4linesota mauls M Tigers for pennant, 9-5 DETROIT (AP) - The Minnesota Twins won their first American League pennant since 1965 yesterday, defeating the Detroit Tigers 9-5 to take the playoff series four games to one. The Twins open the World Series x at, home Saturday night against the National Leag...…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVIII - No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, October 12, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Michigan tosses game to MSU Seven interceptions lead to downfall By ADAM OCHLIS Special to the Daily EAST LANSING - Since spring practice, Michigan football head coach Bo Schembechler has worried about his defense, while saying his offense would be just fine. For the second time in five weeks, th...…

October 09, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…a W Don Canham " The Ramones IM agazine:Interview: Arthur Miller * John Logie .The List Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVII- No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 9, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Top baseball award goes Senate i 1S to Abbott likely to defeat Bork BY ADAM SCHRAGER Michigan baseball star-pitcher Jim Abbott, who received international acclaim on the United States baseball team at the Pan ...…

October 08, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVIII - No. 21 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October 8, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Twins' beatsl rally igers, Effectiveness of racism 8-5, in opener bill debated MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Don Baylor singled to break an eighth inning tie and Gary Gaetti homered in his first two playoff at-bats as the Minnesota Twins drew on both youth and experience to beat the Detroit Tigers, 8-5, la...…

October 07, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…ItIUn ,Ut Cprgt18,h Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVIII - No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, October 7, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Y y Y :'k Committee ~a P o. _01 U' 4 IME, ) yu !!! rejection WASHINGTON (AP) - Judge He conceded, "It's tough. There's no Robert Bork's embattled nomination doubt about it." to the Supreme Court suffered its The committee vote fell roughly worst setback yet as the Senate along part...…

October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…InfIt IganBil Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVIII - No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, October 6, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Senators line up against Bork WASHINGTON (AP) - Robert Bork's Supreme Court hopes suffered major additional setbacks yesterday as Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, a conservative Democratic senator, and two liberal Republicans declared opposition to his confirmation. Byrd, previously...…

October 05, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Volume XCVIII - No. 18 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, October 5, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Hart details U.S.problems By HAMPTON DELLINGER Former presidential candidate Gary Hart spoke to a small but lively crowd at the Power Center last night about the problems facing this coun- try and how he thinks he could solve them. The speech could have been used in his now-defunct campaign. He avoided...…

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Weekend Magazine: " Campus Cinema . John Logie . Interview: Jacob Holdt The List . Zydeco music Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVIII - No, 17Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, October 2, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Volum XCVII- o, 1 State Rep. ( alls in for changes rape statutes Swinging sticks Daily Photo by Xylophonist Gregg Koyle, a music school graduate student, leads members of the Percussion Ensemble as ...…

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom nom c -n- .n- 187 Te MAirinnnDail .,..1...,,.e YC'V!1! ,,, Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, October , 1 8 %.vpyn * l* 170i , 1 U * U <.lUUU ul l i volume A%,"vniE.- no~IU S e R g S I e x x _. , : a :: w ti. - I '1 11' 1 t '4 h' 21/ { ' 1 I I I ; . - ,: Reagan says Bork is not defeated By ELIZABETH ATKINS Over 150 University community members gathered yesterday on the Diag to rally against rap...…

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