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November 18, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-18

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCViII, No. 50 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 18, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

AD spoke
'with 'U'
Former Ohio State Athletic Di-
rector Rick Bay said yesterday he has
been in contact with members of the
University of Michigan's athletic
director search committee in the past
two days. He said he will likely
speak with someone from that
committee again this weekend while
in Ann Arbor.
Bay, who resigned Monday to
protest the firing of Ohio State
football coach Earle Bruce, refused to
say which committee member he
spoke with over the phone, and de-
scribed the call as "friendly."
He said, "If they make an offer, I
will lit down and talk with them."
Bay added, however, "I have not
been offered the job, I've never been
interviewed for the job, and I've
never made an application for the
Bay said he will attend the
Michigan-Ohio State football game,
and that he will meet with someone
from the search committee "if the
opportunity presents itself."
The search committee is in the
process of finding a successor for
current Michigan Athletic Director
Don Canham, who is retiring next
summer. Two search committee
members contacted yesterday, chair
Robben Fleming and Gwen Cruzat,
both refused to discuss who is being
considered for the job.
Fleming said, however, "The ac-
tions (Monday) at Ohio State will
have no bearing" on Michigan's
Bay, 45, is a 1965 Michigan
graduate who wrestled while at the
University and then returned to coach
the team from 1969 to 1974. He be-
came Ohio State's athletic director in
July 1984.

A. 1.ome i
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Daily Poto by SCOTT UTUCHrY-
Homeless vigil
Ann Arbor residents Chuck Smead, Kath Lenk, and Paul Carmouche light candles yesterday in a vigil held for
the poor and homeless during a national poverty awareness day. See Story, Page 3.
Assembly elections to focus on

The University has agreed to pro-
vide an attorney for two women - a
student and a sexual assault coun-
selor - after a visiting professor
accused last month of sexual assault
by the student filed a slander suit
against them.
The woman student has charged
Thomas Rosenboom, a Dutch author
and writer-in-residence at the
University, with fourth-degree crim-
inal sexual conduct stemming from
an incident September 12. He will
stand trial December 21.
John Ketelhut, the University at-
torney who decided to hire legal
counsel for the women, said the
University's decision results from a
campaign sponsored by the Affirma-
tive Action Office to "Tell Some-
one" about sexual harassment.
This marks the first time the
University has paid for the legal
representation of students in an as-
sault case, said Ketelhut.
"We stand behind the policy and
want to make sure people come for-
ward to report sexual harassment.
We want to cleanse the workplace of
this type of problem," he said.
Ketelhut said Detroit attorney
Robert Vercruysse, who handles the
University's labor -itigation, will
represent the women.
Julie Steiner, director of the Sex-
ual Assault Prevention and Aware-
ness Center, said the agreement
"makes a kind of statement that the
University really stands behind peo-

ple who report these incidences."
In a counter civil suit, Rosent
boom is charging the student and
Kata Issari, a full-time counselor
the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, with slander.
According to court records, the
defendants made two telephone cal
to Alan Kyes, chair of the Germania
Languages Department and Rosen
boom's employer, to report his all
leged criminal sexual conduct.
Steiner said that as a sexual as
sault counselor, Issari's job entails
speaking with faculty members who
may have harassed ner clients
"There's no basis for these charges.
(Issari) was only doing her job,"
Steiner said.
In the suit, Rosenboom is seek'
ing' more than $10,000 to compen-
sate for the emotional distress he
said thatdhe suffered and for any
damage done to his personal rand
professional reputation.
When Rosenboom filed the case
earlier this month, his attorney,
Leslie Seeligson, said "the womeid
made allegations against someone
presumed to be innocent. They car-
ried these out in a very negligent
matter in an attempt to hdri
(Rosenboom) personally."
Seeligson said the case was not
filed as an intimidation tactic against
the student. "It's highly probable
that if the women hadn't contacted
(Kyes), the suit would not have been
filed," he said.



mission, not on issues

Daily News Analysis
The Michigan Student Assembly's elections will
not only test a new electoral system, but also test
students' attitudes towards the assembly's mission.
The election, for the first time since MSA reformed
its method of holding elections last year, will decide
half the assembly's seats. The other seats, as well as
the president and vice president spots, will be up for
election next spring. Previously, all were voted upon at
one election in the spring.
This election will be held today and tomorrow.

Candidates in March debated subjects like the demands
of the United Coalition Against Racism, but there are
no significant issues of contention this time.
-All the parties stand opposed to the code,
-All oppose the deputization of campus safety
-All are in favor of increased education about the
problems of racism and sexism, and
-All see a need for increased communication between
the assembly and the student body.
See MSA, Page 2

Student works to raise

In more ways than one, Ann Arbor is a long
way from LSA junior Adoleena Gonzalez's
hometown of Laredo, Texas.
Laredo's population is 95 percent Mexican-
American, but Hispanic-Americans of any origin
do not make up even three percent of Ann
Arbor's citizenry. The University can boast no
more than two percent.
One of the lasting benefits of growing up in
Laredo was gaining self-assurance, said Gonzalez,
who co-chairs the Socially Active Latino
Students Association (SALSA) "For me growing
up in Laredo was very easy because of the strong
Mexican community."
She said in her high school, where nearly
everybody was Mexican-American, teachers
required students to speak English in the
classroom but "as soon as you walked out into
the hall, all you could hear was Spanish."
She said her brother, who graduated from the
University's Law School last year, told her the
Latino community at the University "was very

ispanic involvement
small." This helped her decide to come to the become more outgoing in trying to bring people
University three years ago. in. We've even got new members bringing in
"My brother explained to me the need for other new members," Gonzalez said. The group
Hispanics up north, and if anybody was going to currently has about 20 participants.
increase (the number), I should be one of them,"
Gonzalez said Gonzalez said other issues she wants SALSA
.Gonzaleza. sto become involved in, include recruiting and
Gonzalez, a Spanish literature major who also retention of more University Latino students.
works for Minority Student Services, said her
biggest goal for SALSA is to attract more She said she wants the University's
members. undergraduate admissions office to adopt
To achieve this goal, Gonzalez said she has recruiting techniques currently used by law
become more outgoing. "I've made it a point to school admissions officials; one method calls on
establish a relationship with any Hispanic I come Latino law students to recruit undergraduate
in contact with."' Hispanic students.
She said coming to Ann Arbor enabled her to To aid in retaining new students, GonzaI6
share experiences and Hispanic culture with wants to establish a support network for Latino
Latino students. students in which juniors and seniors befriend
"There are so many different levels of younger students and counsel them through their
upholding the culture... we've all been exposed first years here.
to so much," she said. She also wants to set up study sessions where
Hispanic students help each other with course
Gonzalez said that because she co-chairs work.
SALSA with LSA senior Anne Martinez, more Gonzalez said the more Latinos that attend "a
people have joined SALSA. But she wouldn't better institution," the more the credibility and
attribute the increase in membership to her own prominence of Hispanic communities increases.
"We're so hungry for members, we've all 'See IATINO, Page 3

LSA junior Adoleena Gonzales, co-chair of the Socially Active Latino
Student Association (SALSA), hopes to attract and retain more Latin
American students at the University.

Sister City (
member bla
A member of the Ann Arbor
Sister City delegation to Nicaragua
accused the American government,
yesterday of using the threat of
communism in Central America as a
"scare tactic" to turn public
sentiment against the Nicaraguan
"It stinks of the McCarthy. era,"
said Thomas Gomez, a medical
technician at the Ann Arbor
Veterans' Hospital.
Gomez also blasted the Reagan
administration for its support of the
Contra rebels. "There is n o
consensus in this country for going
into war by the average citizen," he
e air "Th Rmornn ndmintratinn hae

sts Reagan
But in an interview, LSA
sophomore Debbie Schlussel, a
member of the College Republicans,
called the notion that Nicaragua is a
democracy a "farce." She said, "If
that's a democracy, then every total-
itarian government could be called a
democracy. If it's such a democracy,
why do they have so many Soviet,
Cuban, and East German advisors
In his speech, Gomez drew
parallels between the Sandinista
government and the current French
government, characterizing Nicara-
gua as "a democracy with many
social programs" and a "pluralistic
society," but also socialist.
"The andninta are our enemv.

SPLASH parodies MSA, s' /l
dives into elections I,'.

The Michigan Student Assembly
takes itself too seriously, said
members of the Student Political
Lobby Against Scholastic Haras-
sment (SPLASH) party. But that
doesn't mean SPLASH doesn't have
practical ideas.
A campaign statement prepared

See story about MSA inde-
pendent candidates, Page 3.
defunct laboratory newspaper of the
University's Master's Journalism
program. Both are running for the
posts as MSA representatives of the
Rackham graduate school.
The two found MSA "bogged
down in .a quagmire of self-im-
portance," said Vineys. He criticized
MSA representatives for spending
too much time in-fighting and said
that many representatives are more
concerned with "resum6-packing"
than with resolving issues.





MSA 987
Elections O

Fat Al celebrates Turkey Day.
Ladysmith Black Mambazo talk
about choral music, their in.-
spirations, and American and=:

by SPLASH founders Jed Loren
Boal and Kevin Vineys reads: "The
SPLASH party is fed up with the
jingoistic, yellow dog, running bear,


ARTS, Page 7



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