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November 18, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-18

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Page2 -The Michigan Doily-Wednesday, November 18, 1987
LSA -SG independents fight for recognition

Independent or small party candidates have a
tough battlc when running for election. But in
tie race for LSA student govcrnment, it will be
Eleven members of the SAID party, two
members of the Progressive party, and three
unaligned candidates are running for seats on the
15-member Executive Council.
The SAID members, led by Barb Eisenbergcr
and Trisha Drueke, the only presidential and vice
presidential candidates, have adopted as a platform
current LSA-SG issues like increasing the
availability and publicity of counseling services.
But Progressive and independent candidates are
pushing ideas like campus racism and the
proposed student code of non-academic conduct as
issues the government should take stands on.
They have their own ideas as well. Jonathan
Aaron, a junior, wants to reduce the student-
teaching assistant ratio, give foreign TAs an
English language proficiency test, and coordinate
what TAs of large lecture classes, like

Economics 201, teach in their sections.
Aaron is also running for a seat on MSA as a
member of the Student Movement party. Pam
Kisch, the LSA-SG election (director, and
Rebecca Gebes, MSA's election director, agreed
there is nothing to prevent Aaron's dual
First-year student Atienne Benitez decided to
run as an independent because, at the first
candidates' meeting, contenders without a party
were just shoved together and told to form one.
Benitcz said some students were indifferent to the
party idea, and so she chose to run by herself
because she thought running in a party where
people didn't know each other would not "work
Benitez wants to increase student awareness of
LSA-SG, something SAID wants to do, and
wants the University to hire more TAs to reduce
Another independent, Virginia Chang, a
junior, adamantly avoided forming a party: "I
don't believe in heedlessly adopting someone

else's ideas and opinions, often for lack of one's
own, just to fall under a titlehead."
Chang also aims to tackle issucs that LSA-
SG has not. She wants the group to survey
students and take a formal stand on the code,
increase collaboration with MSA, raise the
amount of financial aid, and place "reasonable
emphasis" on student evaluations when
considering professors for tenure.
Juniors Dan Rosenberg and John Shea, who
are running under the banner of the Progressive
Party, want LSA-SG to expand the scope of
issues it works on.
They criticize the University's foreign
language requirement, which they call
"inflexible." Instead of forcing all LSA students

take four semesters
policy now stands,
of five semesters of
Rosenberg said
racism awareness
English 125.

of a foreign language, as the
they propose a combination
language and foreign culture
he and Shea favor using a
class as an alternative to

MSA parties have similar stances on key issues

(Cotued frm Page 1)
Only the traditional battle over
whether the assembly should focus
on campus issues or expand its
scope to the national and interna-

tional level separates the five parties.
The Students First party, main-
taining its stance from last March's
elections, favors devoting assembly
time to "international issues," as




well as to campus concerns.
The United Students of Michigan
party and the Student Movement
party, on the other hand, seek to
limit the assembly's scope to such
campus issues as financial aid and
housing. The Change party has not
committed to either stance, but
rather slates that it will carry out the
wishes of the students. It plans to
conduct bi-monthly student opinion
polls to ascertain "what the students
Since students will not elect a
new president and vice president un-
til next spring, it is questionable
whether the new representatives
could greatly change the assembly's
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stances. But both candidates of the
two-member United Students of
Michigan party said their election
could prevent MSA from dealing
with international issues.
However, in the most contested
race, where 22 candidates are vying
for nine LSA seats, Students First is
the only party running a full slate of
candidates. Thus, Students First,
which won a large majority of seats
in March, will probably increase its
dominance of the assembly.
The election, though, of even a
few new representatives could change
the assembly's stance on a few key
issues. The controversial funding of
the Public Interest Research Group
in Michigan, which split the assem-
bly earlier this term will return next
fall when the environmental group's
current funding runs out.
Whatever the outcome, assembly
members hope that holding the elec-
tion in the fall will smooth the
transition between assemblies.
Now in its third year, the Peer
Information Counseling Program
(PIC) has continued to grow.
PIC is a minority student support
program based within the library.
Staffed by undergraduate students,
it provides research assistance by
appointment and on-demand when
staff is available. PIC staff can
also provide instruction in word
processing by appointment. But
wait! There's more! You can
also arrange for a PIC staff mem-
ber to come to your dorm for a*
library talk or word processing
Don't get lost in the library!
Look for PIC staff at the Ref-
erence Desk and in the Academic
Resource Center or call Darlene
Nichols, PIC Coordinator, at
764-4479, for more information.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Gorbachev to address Congress
WASHINGTON - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has been invited
to address a joint meeting of Congress during his summit with President
Reagan next month, House officials announced yesterday.
The White House said Reagan should be accorded "the same op-
portunity" to address the Soviet people.
Gorbachev is expected to address Congress and the Cabinet at the joint
meeting at 10 a.m. on December 9, said Wilson Morris, a spokesman for
House Speaker Jim Wright. Gorbachev would be the first communist
leader to be accorded the honor.
Morris said the White House proposed the joint meeting and the House
and Senate arranged it.
Each chamber needs to agree to recess for the joint meeting by un-
animous consent.
Report denounces President
WASHINGTON - The congressional Iran-Contra report paints a
picture of a Reagan administration at odds with the law and the
Constitution, but minority Republicans dismissed it yesterday as a par-
tisan indictment of the president that ignores foreign policy questions
raised by the affair.
The report says President Reagan flirted with constitutional crisis by
creating a White House atmosphere that encouraged evasion of legal re-
quirements and flouting of proper procedures for reaching foreign policy
It also says the administration violated the Constitution by going to
third countries to solicit donations for Nicaragua's contra rebels at a time
when Congress barred even indirect military aid to them.
Cease-f ire aimed at defeating
Contras, says U.S official
WASHINGTON - The Nicaraguan government's cease-fire proposal
is little more than a disguised attempt to help the Sandinista army achieve
victory over the U.S.-backed Contras, a top State Department official said
The official said the proposal, unveiled here last week by Nicaraguan
President Daniel Ortega, "is the type of thing a conquering commander
would issue as terms of surrender to a defeated foe."
Under Ortega's proposal, any Contras who lay down their arms and ac-
cept a government offer of amnesty may rejoin the political life of the
nation "with full enjoyment of rights."
The government asked rebels to move to any of three cease-fire zones
where their safety would be guaranteed once the 30-day truce goes into ef-
fect on December 5.
Official disputes de-icing time
DENVER - A federal investigator yesterday disputed Continental
Airlines' assertion that the jet that crashed in a snowstorm, killing 27
people, had been de-iced within 20 minutes of takeoff.
"It was obviously more than 20 minutes between the de-icing and
takeoff," Jim Burnett, executive director of the National Transportation
Safety Board, said at a news conference.
He said a preliminary investigation of the crash Sunday at Denver's
Stapleton International Airport indicated the de-icing occurred 23 minutes
before the plane was cleared for takeoff.
Tapes from Stapleton's control tower show the DC-9 was de-iced at
1:51 p.m., told to taxi into position at 2:12 p.m., and cleared for takeoff
at 2:14 p.m., Burnett said.
Crazy collegiate cockroach
contest craves competitors
Don't know what to do with those unwanted cockroaches? Federal
Express them to Florida - today!
As long as your insect isn't an arachnid (scorpion, spider, etc.) or a
crustacean (crabs, lobsters, etc.), your bug qualifies for this afternoon's
Fifth Annual Great American Bug Race at Palm Beach Atlantic College.
"One of our biology professors, Dr. Ray Waldner, came up with the
idea as a fundraising activity for the Science Club," said Marty O'Gwynn,
Media Services Coordinator at PBAC
The competition, in its second year, is open to contestants from
around the world. It is organized by the PBAC Science Club to raise
funds to sponsor guest lecturers.
All bug enteries must comply to fourteen different rules, including the

use of steroids, the wearing spiked shoes, and the eating of one bug by
another during the race.
Prizes of $100, $50, and $25 dollars will be given in four different
categories. Entree fees ranged from $1 to'$3, depending on what class you
By Steven Tuch
If you see news happen, call 76-DAIL y .
0hi Michigan Butlu
Vol. XCVIII - No.50
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13 in
Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student News Ser-

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Editor in Chief.....................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor..... ...........AMY MINDELL
News Editor .................................PHILIP I. LEVY
City Editor.................................MELISSA BIRKS
Features Editor................MARTIN FRANK
University Editor.............................KERY MURAKAMI
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Francie Arenson.
Vicki Bauer. Eve Becker, Katherine Beitner, Steve
Blonder. Keith Brand. Jim Bray. Dov Cohen.
Hampton Dellinger. Kenneth Dintzer. Sheala Durant.
Heather Eurich, Stephen Gregory, Grace Hill, Jeff
Hughes, Steve Knopper. Carrie Loranger, Michael
Lustig. Alyssa Lustigman. Tom MacKinnon. Andrew
Mills, Peter Orner, Lisa Pollak. Jim Poniewozik.
Melissa Ramsdell, David Schwartz. Martha
Sevetson, Lauren Sinai. Rachel Stock, Steve Tuch.
Ryan Tutak. David Webster. Rose Mary Wummel.
Opinion Page Editors...............PETER MOONEY
Assoc. Opinion Page Editor..CALE SOUTHWORTH
Rosemary Chinnock. Noah Finkel, Jim Herron. Eric
L. Holt, Gayle Kirschenbaum. Josh Levin. I. Matthew
Miller, Jefkrey Rutherford. Steve Semenuk, Tony
Sherman, Mark Weisbrot.

Arts Editors............BRIAN BONET
Books.......... .............. LISA MAGNINO
Film.............................JOHN SHEA
ARTS STAFF: Scott Collins. RoberHFlaggertA
Timothy Huet, Brian Jarvinen. Avra Koutman, John
Logie, David Peltz, Mike Rubin, Mark Shaiman, Todd
Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Mark Swartz. Marc S.
Photo Editors.............. ...SCOTT LITUCHY
PHOTO STAFF: Karen Handelman, EllensLevy.
Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Dana Mendelssohn.
John Munson. Grace Tsai.
Weekend Editors..........REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
CARTOONISTS: Aaron Chassy. Fred Zinn.
Sales Manager .............................ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Sales Manager... .....KAREN BROWN
SALES STAFF: Gail Belensoo. Sherri Btansky, Julie
Bowers. Valerie Breier. Pam Bullock, Stephanie
Burg. Milton Feld, Kim Feuerstein, Lisa George,
Michelle Gill, Missy Hambrick, Ginger Heyman, Matt
Lane, Jodi Manchik. Mindy Mendonsa. Eddy Meng,
Jackie Miller, Jaunie Parsells. Jennifer Rowe. Jim

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