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November 25, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-25

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 25, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily



reach agreement
g 3|||'U' profs.: Arms deal


' Leaders to sign pact
at talks next month

sets a good precedent

GENEVA (AP) - The United
States and the Soviet Union agreed
Tuesday to the first superpower
treaty to eliminate an entire category
of nuclear weapons, and they will
sign the pact at a summit meeting in
Washington on Dec.9.
The deal was sealed with a hand-
shake by Secretary of State George
Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister
Eduard Shevardnadze at the U.S.
"All that remains is treaty lan-

guage which others will be ale to
do," Shultz said. "We are very
pleased that we have this agree-
The treaty io scrap shorter-and
medium-range missiles is the
centerpiece for the talks President
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev are scheduled to hold in
Washington Dec. 8-10.
At a news conference, Shultz said
the Soviets had not yet provided all
See ARMS, Page 2

The possible agreement to ban
U.S. and Soviet intermediate-range
nuclear missiles is a step towards
nuclear disarmament, said University
professors and spokespeople from
disarmament groups yesterday.
But they added that the Reagan
administration needs to back off
from its Strategic Defense Initiative
if it hopes to make further progress
on arms control.

The comments came in response
to Secretary of State George
Schultz's announcement yesterday
that he and Soviet Foreign Minister
Edward Shevardnadze had agreed on
the major terms of a treaty that
would ban the two nations
intermediate-range nuclear missiles.
Both sides still have to draft,
sign, and ratify the treaty before it
can take effect.
See PEACE, Page 2

Shultz Shevardnadze
Shultz and Shevardnadze reach agreement on an intermediate range
nuclear missile ban treaty.






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Peace march
The third annual Community High School March for Peace and Die-In stopped traffic on South Fifth Street at noon yesterday. "We mean
no harm," said Community High senior Beth Dulka. "We just want to make a statement for world peace."

Today, for the first time in two
years, the Central Intelligence
Agency will be recruiting at the
University, and students will 'be
The interviews are sponsored by
the Career Planning and Placement
office. The protest, led by the Latin
American Solidarity Committee,
will begin at 8:00 a.m. at the Stu-
dent Activities Building.
Protester Phillis Engelbert, a
graduate natural resources student,
explained the opposition to the re-
cruitment, "The CIA is a network
which carries out U.S. policies to
oppress second and third world
countries. They have toppled demo-
cratic governments in countries
which the government represented
the majority of the people's inter-
In October 1984, protesters dis-
rupted a CIA presentation and chased
recruiters from the Modern Language
Building, forcing interviews to be
When the CIA returned to campus
the following fall term, 26
protesters, including many students,
were arrested and eventually acquit-
ted. Despite the opposition,,the CIA
interviewed 20 people.
CIA recruiters, however, did not
return the following spring. Deborah
Orr May, director of CPP, said at the
time that the CIA didn't need more
employees and had a list of students
on file from fall interviews.
When asked if the 1985 protest
stopped recruiters from returning to
this campus last year, May said she

did not know.
But LSA junior David Austln
said the protest did affect the CIA's
decision to skip recruitment. "There
were protests against the recruiter;
all around the nation," he said.
CIA spokesperson Sharon Foster,
said she did not know why it did not
come to this campus last year. "We
recruit on 300 campuses a year."
She said the CIA usually visits a
school once a year, often depending
on its size.
Foster would not comment on the
number of employees needed or re-
cruited this year. "We don't talk
about numbers because the opposi-
tion is always interested in knowing
the efforts against them."
"This year's needs are smaller. At
most universities we havewheld a
general session in which we pre-
screen," said Foster.
"People who work here have to
pass a polygraph test, we have a
high moral standard." said Foster.
Potential employees undergo an ex-
tensive background investigation,
including financial and personal in-
formation, except political affiliation
Foster said, "We accept that it is
the protesters' First Amendment
right to make a statement, and it is
our right to recruit." Foster added
that sometimes the protestsscreates
such an interest that there is an in-
crease in interview requests.
Engelbert said, "I don't have a lot
of sympathy for students who want
interviews. It's like asking, 'don't
you feel Nazis have the right to re-
cruit?' These people have no regard
for human rights and lives."

" Petition to

A petition to buy more land for Ann Arbor
parks is expected to garner enough signatures to
put the proposal on April's city election ballot.
Already, the Park Acquisition Resource
Coalition has about 3,700 of the 3,882 signa-
tures it needs before the-early-January deadline,
said coalition chair Bob Elton.
The parks would be paid for by a millage that
would provide half a million dollars a year over
five years. The funds will be taken from city
property taxes.
An identical resolution was proposed last
February by City Councilmember Seth Hirshorn
(D-Second Ward), but was rejected by council
with a 3-7 vote.

request 11
Currently, the Park Acquisition Resource
Coalition has about 3,700 of the 3,882 required
signatures, said coalition chair Bob Elton."We're
doing this because a lot of us feel there is really
little undeveloped land in this city," Elton said.
"If we lose the chance to buy the land, it is lost
"The pace of development is quickly gobbling
up open space," Hirshorn said, "and we're getting
the short end of the stick. Parks are important for
the overall ambience of the community."
Hirshorn said he plans to use the issue as a
platform when he runs for reelection in April.
Elton, who has run for city council three
times, called the park acquisition issue "non-par-
tisan," saying, "Politically, this has been the


ore parks
least controversial thing I've ever done."
But the millage has its opponents.
"We already have 100-plus parks," said Coun-
cilmember Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward), who op-i
posed the resolution in February. "It's a lower
priority than some more essential needs that
aren't addressed, like housing."
Elton said that if the millage passes, he would
like to see the city buy land in the northeast and
southwest sections of Ann Arbor, which includes
the Nixon Wetlands, and areas near Briarwood.
Funding would begin in 1988 and continue
through 1992. The millage, if it passes, will re-
place a similar plan that expired last December,
Elton said.

.JHousing mediator

known for fairness

Sherie Veramay never lived off
campus when she was a student at
Hope College in the late 1970s. But
her patience, objectivity, and her
ability to put people at ease has
enabled her to become a successful
housing mediator for the University.
As the off-campus housing
adviser and chief coordinator of the
University Mediation program,
Veramay said her job entails trying
to help students resolve disputes
with their landlords.

"You may have a situation where
you've rented an apartment, and you
made an agreement with the landlord
that certain things would be done. If
they aren't and things aren't going
the way they should, and you don't
know how to go about talking to the
landlord, you can start here as a
resource," she said.
Last year, out of 878 requests for
mediation, only 23 came down to
actual mediation sessions. Out of


'A 7q

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