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December 04, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-12-04

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eThe Rele
InWeekenMagazine: The List

vancy of Religion

9 John Logie

9 Interview: Rosemary Reuther

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 4, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily
Cubans vote
to terminate
prison siege
Inmates to sign pact that
a s! fi l9..Could free 19 hostages.

A room with a view Doily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
Shielding themselves under an umbrella, two women walk in the blustery snow flurries and slush yesterday outside the Michigan Union.
This weekend's weather forecast calls for more wet snow and wintery temperatures.
Ho'using cod debtnasend

ATLANTA (AP) - Cuban
inmates holding 89 hostages at the
U.S. Penitentiary voted yesterday to
accept an agreement with the federal
government that could free the
captives and end the 11-day siege, a
federal official said.
U.S. Justice Department spokes-
person Patrick Korten said the
agreement was approved by a
majority of the inmates, and officials
were waiting for word on when the
pact could be signed.
"They want somebody to come in
from out of town," Korten said, an
apparent reference to Bishop Agustin
Roman of Miami, a Cuban native
credited with helping end a similar
prison siege in Oakdale, Louisiana.
Roman booked a 7:35 p.m. flight to
The two-page proposal was put
before all 1,100 inmates for a vote
after it was initiated by detainees'
representatives in a meeting with
federal negotiators, said Korten.
The proposal had already been
approved by U.S. Attorney General
Edwin Meesse.
Korten said he was told the
inmate vote was not unanimous, but
that inmate leaders had promised to
enforce the majority sentiment.
No details of the pact were
disclosed, and Korten refused to say
whether the proposal goes further
than a settlement that ended the
eight-day siege last week at the
federal detention center in Louisiana.
That pact, which led Sunday to
the release of 26 hostages by 1,000
inmates, included provisions for

amnesty for actions during the siege
and for individual reviews of the
inmates' cases.
Some inmates announced over a
rooftop public address system that
they approved the agreement in an
afternoon meeting in the prison
chapel, said Ernesto Perez, a host of
a Hispanic radio program that
inmates' wives have used t o
communicate with their husbands.
"We have agreed to everything
and we're going to end this thing,
Tomorrow everyone will go home,"
he quoted the speakers as saying.
Carol Dixon, whose husband was
among the hostages, said shortly
after 5 p.m. that prison officials told
her to go to the penitentiary because
detainees had agreed to the pact and
would release the captives within
three. hours.
The standoff began Nov. 23
following the announcement of an
agreement to deport to Cuba some of
those individuals imprisoned after
arriving in theX Mariel boatlift of
Korten said the agreement would
apply to an estimated 3,800 Cuban
detainees held in county, state, and
federal prisons nationwide. It would
have no bearing on the status of
American inmates at the U.S.
Penitentiary here, he said.
Gary Leshaw, an attorney who
has represented some of the inmates
but was not at the negotiating table
yesterday, said it was clear that in
order to reach a settlement, "they
would have had to deal with the
deportation issue."

After more than two years of
debate and compromise, the struggle
for a new Ann Arbor housing code
may be coming to an end.
A 53-page proposal is scheduled
to go before a public hearing and a
subsequent second reading before the
city council on Dec. 21. The
proposal is the work of an ad hoc
committee created by council, in the
spring of 1985, to redraft the code
now in effect. The code was revised
last June and again in early October.

The revisions would simplify
language used in the present code, as
well as change the complaint
procedure, notification to tenants
about inspection, and t i m e
extensions for repairs.
"Many houses in Ann Arbor are
old, and have certain peculiarities
about them that have to be taken
into account when writing a new
code," said Council member Kathy
Edgren (D - Fifth Ward). Some
changes were made to fit these
eccentricities - in some cases

ceiling heights were lowered from
the standard 7'6" to 6'6," said
Edgren, who originally proposed that
the current code be changed.
The revision would also tighten
lax enforcement policies, she said.
"The inspection department was
sending paper tigers to the property
owners and not following up on the
threats," she said.
The new code gives the landlords
six months to make repairs instead
of the former limit of one year. It
also spells out the penalties for

violations, which are mostly
"We're trying to set minimum
standards for health and safety,
protect the housing stock from
deteriorating, and do it at the lowest
cost to the owners and tenants,"
Edgren said.
Jack Donaldson, director of the
city's Building Department and a
technical advisor to the committee,
said the proposed code would also
See AFTER, Page 8

encourages top
Sminorities to enroll

'Ford Visits
Alumni campaignfinishe

Special to the Daily
DEARBORN - A symposium
last night reached out to minority
high school students from
southeastern Michigan in an effort to
bring them to the University.
Selected because of their high test
scores and grades, about 450
I minority seniors from southeastern
Michigan were invited to the
Fairlane Manor in Dearborn. About
110 students actually attended the
symposium, with questions pointed
more towards traditional high school
concerns than with minority
problems on campus.
University Admissions
Counselor Jim Vanhecke, the
Iprogram's organizer, said that in past
years, 80 percent of the students who
attended the symposium enrolled at
the University.
The event allowed University
administrators to address the
concerns that students had about the
University and its programs.
Representatives from the admissions
office - including Director of
Undergraduate Admissions Clifford
1 Siogren - financial aid, and

of students and opprotunities. In
addition, a panel composed of 15
current University students answered
questions about issues ranging from
housing to the Honors College.
The program was one part of
University President Harold
Shapiro's six-point plan to
encourage qualified minorities to
attend the University. After protests
last spring, in which students
demanded higher minority
enrollment at the University,
officials expanded thel minority
student symposium.
Vice Provost for Minority Affairs
Charles Moody said during an
introduction to the students, "I hope
you look at the events of last spring
on campus as opportunities,
opportunities where an institution
can look at itself and say, 'Yes, we
must change."'"
"When you come to Michigan, be
proud, stand tall, hold your head
high, and tell everyone that you
belong there and that you deserve to
be there," Moody said.
The students on the panel felt the
symposium was an effective step in
increasing the number of minority

With former President Geralds
Ford on hand, University President
Harold Shapiro announced at Crisler
Arena yesterday that the four-year
alumni contribution drive,
Campaign for Michigan, had
collected $172.9 million. It sur-
passes the campaign's goal by $12.9
Ford, who attended the University
in the early 1930s, was t h e
campaign's honorary chair of the
He joined Shapiro and former
University regent Robert

Nederlander, who chaired the
campaign, in a luncheon and news
conference to celebrate the end of the
campaign on December 31.
Faced with dwindling avenues of
funding and increasing needs -
such as a new hospital and chemistry
building- the University
established the Campaign to tap the
alumni for money.
Construction projects have
recieved $80 million from the drive,
while $80 million has gone to
faculty endowments and student
scholarships. These areas are the
largest recipients of the funds.
"Over the past five years, we've

raised more...than ever before in the
history of the Univeristy of
Michigan," Shapiro said.
As an indication of the
campaign's significance, Regent
Thomas Roach was quoted in an
interview last year, saying that
without the fund-raising drive, the
University's $285 million hospital
would not have been completed.
Similarly, he said, the University
could not have afforded the $20
million chemistry building now
under construction. Roach was the
campaign's "special gifts" director.
Ford fielded reporters' questions at
See CAMPAIGN, Page 7

... surprises class

MSU to award Shapiro
with honorary degree

Michigan State University will
mend at least some of the rivalry
between it and the University this
Saturday when President Harold
hn. nrn ran a. iaan -. nnnra-r pr n

President of Research and Graduate
Studies, said their Honorary Degree
Committee recommended Shapiro
for the degree.
"I think that there should be no

mrea a e

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