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December 03, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-12-03

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 3, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

win a snoozer
over BG, 91-72
Michigan won. The other team lost. Gary Grant and
Glen Rice scored. Grant dished out assists. And Rice
and Terry Mills rebounded.
Ho-hum. The Pope's also Catholic, the sun will
rise tomorrow (at least outside of Ann Arbor), and Bill
Frieder will always have something to complain about.
MICHIGAN (3-1) beat Bowling Green (1-1), 92-
71, last night before 12,505 at Crisler Arena - that
much was expected.
What was less expected were the mistakes the tired
Wolverines made against their Mid-American Con-
ference foes.
Grant scored 26, but many of those points came
long after the game had been decided. And while Grant
dished out eight assists, he also turned the ball over six
And, perhaps worst of all, the Wolverines were
sloppy on offense. On many of their fast-break
attempts they missed shots that should easily, have
been converted. Several times Michigan stole the ball
for a break, looked for a fancy slam, and came up
"I just think that was maybe bad decisions," said
Frieder. "When you're fighting for spots and playing
time, though, it's not very smart to do that."
GRANT SAID, "We'll get it all back together.
Once we hit one of them (the alley-oops), we'll get
Frieder said the team was still feeling the effects of
its trip to The Great Alaska Shootout.
"I think part of it might have had to do with the
long trip, the jet lag, and so forth," said Frieder.
Michigan returned late Tuesday afternoon after a long
weekend in Anchorage.
"We were hoping that they would be a little bit flat
after the long trip back from Alaska," said Bowling
Green coach Jim Larranaga.
"But I thought they played hard - I thought they
played well - especially during one segment in the
first half."
That one segment in the first half, in which the
Wolverines scored 15 straight points, gave them a 23-
10 lead, and the game was never close after that.
"The game was over in terms of us having a chance
to win," said Larranaga.
See 'M', Page 8




file e1
A University student, allegedly
kicked in the groin last week by a
public safety officer, said campus
safety officers have detailed
"multiple charges of assault and
battery" against him to the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department.
Rackham graduate student Harold
Marcuse, who protested the Central
Intelligence Agency's recruiting
interviews last Wednesday, said
yesterday that Police Detective
Richard Kinsey informed him of the
charges on Tuesday. He said Kinsey
would not identify the officer who
listed the charges.
Kinsey and Deputy Police Chief
Donald Johnson refused to comment
on the case yesterday. Johnson said
the police are .conducting an
investigation, and will reveal all the
details in a press release by the end
of the week.
Leo Heatley, director of the
University's Department of Public
Safety and Security, refused to
comment last night.
No official charges have been
filed yet, but the involved parties
may press charges after an ongoing
police investigation.
Police Lt. John Atkinson said
Tuesday police have conducted six
interviews about Marcuse's
allegations, and expect to have a
report for City Attorney Bruce
Laidlaw prepared by the end of the
Witnesses at the protest accused
Robert Patrick, an assistant director

S to
of the safety department, of kicking
Marcuse. Patrick refused to comment
on the incident yesterday.
About 30 students forced their
way into the Career Planning and
Placement Office last Wednesday, in
protest of the CIA interviews,
knocking Heatley - who was trying
to physically restrain the protestors
by pressing his hands against the
walls of a corridor - to his knees.
Heatley, before the protestors
moved past him, said, "You'll have
to assault me to get in."
Marcuse said last night that he
was the first protestor to get past
Heatley into the hallway.
After the protestors gained access
to a hallway at the other side of a
room, Marcuse said he was kicked,
and demanded that the person who
kicked him be arrested for assault.
Marcuse said he did not know
who kicked him, but three protestors
who witnessed the kick later told
police it was Patrick.
Later, Ann Arbor Police Det.
Douglas Barbour told police that he
was assaulted by Marcuse during the
protest. Marcuse said yesterday that
he "denies the charges to the
utmost," and that nothing he did at
the protest "could be conceived of as
assault and battety."
"They're upping the ante,"
Marcuse said, "and I'm doing the
same. I don't feel intimidated by
The Latin American Solidarity
Committee, which organized last
See LASC, Page 5

Doily Photo by SCOTT lITUCHY
Michigan forward Terry Mills tangles with Bowling Green's Tyler James in a battle for a
rebound during action last night at Crisler Arena. The Wolverines won their home opener,

No candidates shine in
presidential debate

' ,

Daily News Analysis
p It was still hard to tell the pretenders from the
contenders when the cameras stopped rolling after
Tuesday night's nationally televised presidential
The debate sent none of the 12 Republican or
Democratic candidates to the edge of either stardom or
But two University political scientists, one a
Republican, one a Democrat, both felt the GOP
candidates outclassed their Democratic counterparts in
a debate where the issues were hardly scratched and the
p surface of candidates - their appearance - was
Prof. Gregory Marcus cited many of the
Republican candidates' background in business in
explaining why they looked like leaders. "In terms of
the impression they made, in terms of looking
presidential, almost all of the Republicans looked
better than the Democrats."
Prof. George Grassmuck, a supporter of Vice-
President George Bush's bid for the Republican nomi -
nation, also saw the GOP coming out on top. "They
all seemed fairly well prepared," he said.
The first hour of the debate, sponsored by NBC
News and staged at the Kennedy Center in Washing -
ton, focused on foreign policy and particularly the
Intermediate Nuclear Force (INF) treaty President
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev plan to
sign next week.
Ironically, all the Republicans but Bush
disapproved of the missile reduction treaty which
Shapiro speaks
Princeton alum

Reagan has set as the cornerstone of his final year in
Former Delaware Governor Pete du Pont harshly
criticized the pact. "It's a bad treaty...I would always
entrust freedom to the ingenuity of the American
people (a reference to the President's Stategic Defense
Initiative) before I would entrust it to the integrity of
the Soviet government."
Du Pont spoke with the clarity and eloquence he
displayed in the only prior Republican debate last
month in Houston, but his sharp, combative style
hasn't helped him escape his single-digit poll rating.
As Prof. Grassmuck said, "In terms of glib TV
presence, du Pont doesn't come off very well."
Senate minority leader Robert Dole, Bush's closest
contender for the nomination, expressed pessimism
about the treaty while reserving final judgment on it.
By not committing himself one way or the other,
Dole did not appear the strong leader he has portrayed
himself to be.
Alexander Haig, Reagan's first Secretary of State,
tried to propel his stalled candidacy by attacking the
front-running Bush for his passive role in the Iran-
Contra Affair.
"George, you've claimed to be the co-pilot of this
administration...now, were you in the cockpit (when
Reagan approved the sale of TOW missiles to Iran) or
were you in the back of the plane?" asked Haig.
Bush refused to criticize the administration and
seemed to be suffering from a strong case of
"boosterism" when he said "we've got a sound anti-
terrorism policy."
See DEBATE, Page 3

a Treats
..In the
United States mmm nnun
Step 1:
Treaty must be submitted to the Senate
by President Reagan.
Step 2:
Senate leadership sends it to the
Foreign Relations Committee and
ri(Mbly the Armed Services and
InineCm tees for action.
Step 3:
Foreign Relations Committee vould
likely hold hearings early next year
after the Senate reconvenes.
Step 4:
Foreign Relations commit tee votes on
eher to ratify treaty or not.
Recommendation then g to the
floor for full vote by the Senate.
Rtification requires a t-thirds vote
(67 votes if all 100 senators vote).
Treaty is submitted to a full session of
both houses of the Supreme Soviet,
the Soviet parliament comisting of a
total of 1,00 members, and is ratified
by a simple majority vote.

Summit drama
Reagan accuses Soviets of
violating 1972 treaty

dent Reagan accused the Soviet
Union yesterday of flauting a 1972
arms control treaty by shifting two
radar installations to the vicinity of
Moscow and Kiev and probably car-
rying out illegal anti-missile tests.
A report - submitted to
Congress just five days before the
arrival of Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev for a summit meeting and
treaty signing - made serious new
charges that the Kremlin had violated
the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.
The report said that in addition to
shifting the two radar installations,
the Soviets had improved a chal-
lenged radar at Krasnuyarsk and may
be preparing an anti-ballistic missile

defense of the country in violation of
the treaty.
"I am confident the Congress
fully shares my concern about So-
viet noncompliance," President Rea-
gan said in a letter accompanying the
Earlier in the day, reporters asked
Reagan how he could ask the Senate
to ratify a new treaty at the same
time he is accusing the Russians of
violating an old one.
"I'd say a certain amount of in-
consistency is justified," Reagan
Pressed to explain what he meant
by that, he added, "on the part of us
who are talking to each other."
See U.S., Page 2


"What they didn't tell anyone was
that Fritz Crisler was traded to
Michigan from Princeton for a
player to be named later," University
PrP.6rA,~nt LNnrnld Vhntn4n inlrpd with

"Leadership in undergraduate
education is going to be central for
higher education in the next
decades," he said. A small, private
university like Princeton will enable
Chnr to nf. aCannnantrt.. a .mnra of M

Israel stifles opposition to its
occupation of .the West Bank by
deporting Mubarak Awad.
Little Shop of Horrors devours the
Mendelssohn Theater today
through Sunday.




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