Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 63
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 9, 1987
Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily
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Treaty bans some missiles;
talks to
dent Reagan and Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev signed a treaty
yesterday morning banning interme-
diate-range nuclear missiles and be-
gan talks to curb more threatening
long-range strategic weapons.
"We have made history," Reagan
declared after he and Gorbachev spent
more than three minutes putting
their signatures - time and time
again - into leather-bound volumes
containing the treaty and accom-
panying documents.
"May December 8th, 1987 be-
begin on
come a date that will be inscribed in
the history books - a date that will
mark the watershed separating the era
of a mounting risk of nuclear war
from the era of demilitarization of
human life," the Soviet leader said.
Reagan and Gorbachev sat side by
side to sign the agreement under the
chandeliers of the East Room of the
White House. The 24-minute cere-
mony was broadcast live in America
and the Soviet Union, as were sepa-
rate remarks made by the two leaders
moments later in the State Dining
In the audience were the two
leaders' wives, Nancy Reagan and
Raisa Gorbachev, American and So-
viet diplomats and arms control ne-
gotiators, and scores of members of
Congress who will pass judgment
on the treaty in deciding whether to
ratify it.
In all of their public comments,
the two leaders emphasized hopes of
moving toward a more ambitious
accord to cut long-range strategic
weapons - the world's most deadly
arms - by half.
Police report on CIA
protest spurs debate
Whatever really happened at the student protest of
the Central Intelligence Agency's recruiting interviews
two weeks ago has been clouded by contradictory
statements from University safety officials, city police
officers, and student protesters.
Based on officials' testimony in an Ann Arbor
Police Department report made available to The Daily
yesterday, the city attorney's office was justified in
making a decision to arrest Rackham graduate student
Harold Marcuse on two separate assault charges. But
student witnesses say such testimony was untrue.
The report details violent attacks by Marcuse on
University Assistant Director of Public Safety Robert
Pifer and Ann Arbor Police Detective Douglas Barbour.
In the report, student witnesses do not mention the
assaults on Pifer or Barbour. Statements from
University and police officers, however, describe the
two assaults explicitly.
Student protestors have suggested that the officers
have exaggerated their assaults to pressure Marcuse into
dropping a case against Assistant Director of Public
Safety Robert Patrick, who Marcuse said kicked him in
the groin during the protest.
See STUDENT, Page 7
Prayer for peace Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Ludwig Waluliso, a resident of Vienna, Austria, prays for world peace at a rally Sunday in front of the White
House just before President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's summit meeting. Waluliso has
also been to the previous summits in Geneva and Reykjavik. See photostory, Page 5.
Gay activist fights
for recognition
through LaGROC
Carol Wayman refuses to be "invisible"
about her sexuality.
This would be normal behavior for most
people, but for Wayman, an LSA senior, and
others like her, the decision not to hide their
homosexuality can make a major difference in
how they live their lives.
Wayman, for one, does not regret her
decision. In fact, she said that "I feel safer
now that I've come out," because she prefers
dealing with verbal and written harassment
from her fellow students to maintaining a
false front.
The problem of invisibility, said Wayman,
was one of the main reasons she helped
establish the student group Lesbian and Gay
Rights On Campus (LaGROC) last March.
Many homosexuals "are comfortable with
being gay, but just aren't comfortable with
society," she said.
Through LaGROC, a group which
champions the political and social rights of
homosexuals at the University, Wayman
helps students in her situation deal with
homophobia and discrimination, which many
gays, including herself, have encountered.
Wayman formed the group along with
several other students she met at a Michigan
Gay Undergraduates meeting.
One problem which LaGROC has
encountered is getting its members to act
publicly, said Wayman. Many students,
although willing to do behind-the-scenes
work, are afraid to do things such as circulate
Michigan Student Assembly Vice
President and LSA senior Wendy Sharp said
that Wayman has made great progress in
mobilizing LaGROC's members in spite of
these worries. "She's great at making people
feel comfortable in a very uncomfortable
situation," said Sharp, also a LaGROC
Sharp also commended Wayman for
encouraging non-homosexuals to get involved
in LaGROC.
The avoidance of publicity by many
members "makes (LaGROC) appear a lot
smaller than we really are." Wayman said that
although the group has -only 30 active
members, it has a phone list of about 150
See WAYMAN, Page 2
may get
Three women, who on Monday
were told by West Quad housing of-
ficials that they would have to give
up their leases, may get a reprieve,
said West Quad Building Director
Alan Levy. His announcement fol-
lowed a meeting yesterday with the
The women, sophomore room-
mates Andrea Walker, Beth Stoner,
and Natalie Halich, were told to
leave the dorm after contributing to a
West Quad-Williams House "slush
fund" used to purchase alcohol for
house parties.
Williams House vice president
Susan Brown, an LSA sophomore
thinks the decision has been over-
turned because "Alan Levy didn't
have all the information" before the
original decision was made. "He
didn't realize that the whole house
was behind (the women)."
LEVY DENIED the support
had any bearing on the case. "If the
decision is changed, it will not be
because of (the protest)," he said.
"The University policy is that
alcohol can be consumed (in a
residence halt) as long as it is in
compliance with state law."
After yesterday's meeting, Levy
said, "It is my policy not to publicly
discuss disciplinary situations. I will
say, in this particular case, we are
reviewing an alternative to relocating
the students to another residence
hall... and after appropriate
consultation with housing adminis-
tration, a final decision will be made
within the next several days."
Walker and Brown said the deci-
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Carol Wayman, founder of the student group Lesbian and Gay Rights on Campus
(LaGROC) speaks out against anti-homosexual prejudice, which she says is common in
society. LaGROC has called for an amendment to the University's bylaws to prohibit
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Sandinistas may try INSIDE
*1 H re . . of harassing students, di
captured U.S. pilot ofed
Heatley ishould be'
fired, MSA says
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
Sandinista soldiers shot down a
small plane flown by an American.
linked to Contra rebels, and the pilot
may be put on trial, Defense
Minister Humberto Ortega said
inside the border with Costa Rica.
Ortega said Denby might be tried,
as was Eugene Hasenfus o f
Marinette, Wis., but added: "This
time the laws of the country should
be applied more severely."
Charles Dickens (Prof, Bert
Homback) will read A Christmas
Carol Friday and Saturday at the
Art Museum.
ARTS, Page 8
The Michigan Student Assembly,
in its last meeting of the Fall term,
last night passed two resolutions
dealing with the recent protest of re-
cruitment by the Central Intelligence
Agency on campus and alleged bru-
tagonistic behavior toward students,
as well as his inability to discipline
his staff." Heatley was present at the
protest, which occurred in the Career
Planning and Placement Office Nov.
25 when protestors clashed with
both campus safety officers and Ann