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November 20, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-20

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I Weeken Magazine:

" Basketball Tip-Off

" John Logie

. The List

. Interview: Sean Higgins

Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 20, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

National Security aides John
Poindexter and Oliver North inter-
fered with seven criminal investiga-
tions when the probes threatened to
expose the Reagan administration's
private Contra resupply operation,
the congressional Iran-Contra
committees say.
Meanwhile, Attorney General
Edwin Meese, the target of strong
criticism in the panel's 690-page
report, described the study yesterday
as "a great job of Monday morning
"There wasn't anything particu-
larly new," Meese said of the report,
which said he failed to deep records
and neglected to seal North's office
during a weekend inquiry last
November that uncovered diversion
of funds from the secret sale of arms
to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
North continued to shred docu-
ments throughout the weekend in-
The report, released Wednesday,
also concluded that Meese probably
approved the use of private funds for
a failed 1985-86 ransom operation
for the U.S. hostages in Lebanon
bankrolled by Texas industrialist H.
Ross Perot.
Defending his performance during
the inquiry a year ago, Meese said "it
looks a lot different when you are on
the scene." He declined to discuss the
See NSC, Page 3

TA i


Term limit disputed'

The President of the Graduate
Employment Organization, during
the public comments session of
yesterday's Board of Regents meet-
ing, announced that the union will
file an unfair labor practice suit
against the University.
Two members of the Rackham
Student Government joined GEO
President Don Demitriades to voice
their anger over a restriction on
teaching assistantships. Graduate
students have been limited to no
more than 10 terms of teaching as-
sistantship or equivalent fellowship
The restriction, known as the 10-
term limit, constitutes a change in
conditionc of emn liment Demitri-

Steiner has said that the purpose
of the 10-term rule is to compel de-
partments to organize their programs
so graduate students earn their doc-
See GEO, Page 5
VP Wilson

LSA senior Wendy Sharp, vice-president of the Michigan Student Assembly and member of Lesbian and Gay
Rights on Campus, addresses the Board of Regents yesterday, urging the administration to take action again-
st discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Studens lobby regents

With about 130 students loudly
cheering them on, speakers from two
campus groups yesterday demanded
that the University's Board of Re-
gents take action against racism and
anti-gay and lesbian discrimination.
The students, spilling out of the
regents' conference room in the
Fleming Administration Building,

arrived towards the end of the board's
monthly meeting in time for its
public comments session.
The protesters - representing the
United Coalition Against Racism
and Lesbian and Gay Rights on
Campus - clapped, wore green arm
bands, and chanted, "A people united
will never be defeated."
Lillien Waller, an LSA junior and

member of UCAR, presented the re-
gents with the three demands her
group plans to focus upon this year:
- cancel University classes on
February 19 to honor the birthday of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and cre-
ate anti-racism workshops;
- establish a mandatory Unver-
See UCAR, Page 2

ades told the regents. He said gradu- The University increased its re-
ate students were unaware of the rule search spending by $30 million this
when they settled on a contract last past year. But impending budget cuts
spring.The may blur the future of federally-
"e l-er policy should not yy
be implemented until all think about funded projects, Vice President for
Research Linda Wilson told the
the effects of the rule," Demitriades Board of Regents yesterday.
Although LSA Dean Peter Wilson, presenting her annual re-
Steiner proposed the ten-term limit port to the regents, said the Univer-
three years ago, many departments sity spent $213 million for fiscal
did not enforce it until Steiner sent year 1987, an increase of 16 percent
letters to department chairs last June Fedear.
calling for full implementation of Federal fundig constitutes 64
the rule. See 1987, Page 5

Blue to face,
A week ago the Michigan-Ohio State game ap-
peared meaningless in the context of the schools'
storied rivalry.
- Both teams had no chance to go to the Rose Bowl.
In fact, both teams just wanted to salvage their sea-
sons and make a bowl game.
But events in the often unpredictable world of col-
lege football changed everything. Ohio State fired
coach Earle Bruce Monday afternoon, giving new
meaning to this year's renewal of the traditional
matchup at Michigan Stadium (12:20 p.m., ABC-
BRUCE POSSESSES an 80-26-1 career mark
in nine seasons at Ohio State and will coach his final
game for Ohio State tomorrow. The Buckeyes have
said they will decline any bowl invitation. Bruce's
dismissal sent shock waves through his team, a squad
that already had revenge on its mind.
"I've been waiting for this game for 11 months.
This is my chance -to give something back to the
team, the fans, and especially coach Bruce," said Ohio

inspired OSU
State placekicker Matt Frantz, who missed a game-,
winning, 45-yard field goal against Michigan last
season. "In my mind, I feel I gave the game away to
Michigan last year."
Michigan head coach Bo Schembechler, who
staunchly defended Bruce earlier in the week, knows
there is nothing he can do about the Buckeyes' deter-
mination. "The thing about football is that I've never
been concerned with the opponent's attitude," said
Schembechler, who has been associated with the
Michigan-Ohio State game since he was a graduate
assistant under Woody Hayes 35 years ago. "There's
nothing I can do about it, but I can do something
about our attitude."
Schembechler's sympathetic attitude towards Bruce
will not carry onto the field. "I like and respect Earle,
but I want to beat the hell out of him when he comes
up here," said the 19th-year head coach.
DESPITE ALL the controversy, there is a game
to be played. And once Michigan and Ohio State put
on the pads, Schembechler says a "knock down, drag
See EARLE, Page 12

Students First leads
in MSA elections

Indications late last night showed
the Students First party capturing
many of the nine LSA seats open on
the Michigan Student Assembly in
campus-wide elections that drew
only 1,700 voters.
Students were . chosing
representative for the Michigan
Student Assembly, the LSA Student
Government, Rackham Student
Government, and the Engineering
Council. Ballot counting was still
proceeding at press time.
Because this was the first fall
MSA election, assembly President
Ken Weine said he had. n o
expectations, but the turnout was
much lower than the assembly

elections last spring. At that
election, Students First garnered an
overwhelming majority of the seats,
as well as the presidency and vice-
presidency, with close to 50 percent
of the over 5,300 votes cast.
About 250 to 300 ballots were
invalidated by a ballot error in the
LSA Student Government election.
LSA-SG candidate Kenneth Bassey's
name was erroneously left off ballots
that were distributed Wednesday
morning, but election officials
caught the error and had correct
ballots at all the polling sites by 4
p.m. Wednesday.
While ballots that left Bassey's

... campaigns for MSA

See ENGIN, Page 3.

. .

Volunteers from the University's
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center began going door-
to-door Monday, distributing litera-
ture about making walking and liv-
ing in area neighborhoods safer.
Twenty-two volunteers will walk
from one house to the next in resi-
dential areas near campus, giving
safety tips about walking alone at
night, said Pam Kisch, a SAPAC
coordinator. The canvassing will

'U' study: Market crash
won't cause recession

The nation's economy will slump
in coming months, but Americans
will not have to endure a recession, a
University study released yesterday
The slump can be attributed to
consumers' fears about the Oct. 19
stock market crash, but the study
predicted that major purchases, like
new cars, will pick up next year.
"The fourth quarter economy will
be slow," said Economics Prof. Saul
Hymans, director of the Research
Seminar in Quantitative Economics.
But he said the slump will be
"nothing that can be thought of as a
Every year, the RSQE studies
economic indicators and forecasts the

such as new cars, until early next
year. But it predicted a 0.2 percent
increase in auto sales for 1988.
The study also forecasted a 2.9
percent growth in the Gross National

The Detroit City Council should
pass a handgun ban law.
La Rondine, starring University
students, is an opera of bittersweet
romance set in the 19th century.
ARTS, Page 7
Michigan begins a home-and-



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