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October 09, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-09

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a W Don Canham " The Ramones
IM agazine:Interview: Arthur Miller * John Logie .The List

Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Volume XCVII- No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 9, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

Top baseball
award goes





likely to
defeat Bork

Michigan baseball star-pitcher Jim Abbott, who
received international acclaim on the United States
baseball team at the Pan American Games this
summer, was named the, recipient of the Golden
Spikes Award, the Heisman Trophy of amateur
baseball, yesterday.
Abbott, who was born without a right hand,
recorded an 11-3 record with a 2.08 earned run average
for the Wolverines last year as a sophomore. He was
named the "most outstanding amateur baseball player
in the country" by the United States Baseball
Federation at a noontime luncheon at New York's
Downtown Athletic Club.
THE SELECTION, made by the United States
Baseball Association's 60 member Awards
Committee, considered athletic ability,
sportsmanship, character, and overall contributions to
the sport.
"It was a tremendous honor to win this award,"
said Abbott. "I am thankful for everything that has
happened. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Being named the recipient of the award is just one
of many memorable occurrences for Abbott over the
past few months, who is now mentioned in the same
company of San Francisco Giants first baseman Will
Clark and Montreal Expos third baseman Tim
Wallach, both previous winners of the award. Abbott
was asked to carry the United States flag at the
opening ceremonies of the Pan American Games this
summer in Indianapolis..
"I was very shocked that I won this award," said
Abbott. "This was a similar feeling to carrying the
U.S. flag in the Pan American Games this summer. I
have been numb ever since."
See PITCHING, Page 11

From the Associated Press
Bork's Supreme Court nomination
was dealt an almost certainly fatal
blow yesterday as opposition spread
to a majority of the Senate. But
President Reagan said he would not
surrender "in the face of a lynch
Reagan officials, giving what
seemed to be conflicting signals,
insisted the fight would continue to
the Senate floor, no matter how
bleak the outlook, but also said it
was up to Bork to decide whether to
The President himself said of
Bork, "He has a decision to make. I
have made mine. I will support him
all the way."
Bork went at midday to the
Justice Department to meet with
Attorney General Edwin'Meese, rai-
sing speculation the nomination
might soon be withdrawn.
Department officials added to the
speculation by saying Meese had
arranged a meeting with Reagan to
talk over Bork's fate.
However, presidential
spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater said

later that there would be no such
meeting, that Meese had reported
there was no change in the status of
the nomination and that "our
strategy is to continue to make our
case and change minds."
Terry Eastland, a Jus tic e
Department spokesperson, said Bork
"obviously wants to stay in the fight
for the nomination as of today and
the attorney general is not trying to
persuade him one way or the other."
Meanwhile, Senator George
Mitchell (D-Maine) - himself a
former federal judge - declared on
the Senate floor that he would
oppose Bork's nomination if the
White House pursues it to a final
vote. According to an Associated
Press tabulation, based on floor
speeches, written statements and a
telephone survey, Mitchell was the
fifty first senator in the 100-member
chamber to declare he would reject
The number of announced
opponents later reached 53.
Reagan, speaking briefly with
See MAJORITY, Page 3

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Wolverine pitcher Jim Abbott received the Golden Spikes award yesterday. The award is
college baseball's equivalent to the Heisman Trophy.



The game could be

City policymakers to
protest 'Victors' ban

Schools' war has
spread to ice cream


- for

Flip a coin. Heads, Michigan
wins. Tails Michigan State wins.
What's the result, you ask? Who's
going to win the football game
tomorrow between the two intrastate
"The coin landed on its side."
In a series that has been
dominated by the Wolverines over
the years, this year's matchup may
be unlike any others. Flipping a
coin may be better than trying to
analyze this game (3:30 - ABC-
CONSIDER the following:
-Michigan will enter Spartan
Stadium with a 3-1 record, having
lost to the only good team it has

a change
played (Notre Dame). The Spartans
enter the game at 2-2, having played
four good teams. The Spartans have
looked great at times, inept at
others, whereas the Wolverines have
played solidly since their opening
game loss.
-In recent matchups, the two
teams have played better in the other
team's stadium. The Wolverines
haven't lost in East Lansing in their
last eight tries. Conversely,
Michigan State's last three triumphs
over Michigan have all occurred in
Ann Arbor.
-Both teams' strength is on the
opposite side of the ball. While

"Hail to the Victors" has been
banned in Lansing, and Ann Arbor
City Councilmembers are not
Today, at high noon, Ann Arbor
legislators will personally defy the
Lansing City Ordinance, passed last
week, which bans the now-contro-
versial University fight song. The
councilmembers, following up on
their resolution passed Monday, plan
to sing the "Victors" in front of the
Lansing City Hall.
"This is really a First Amend-
ment issue," said Councilmember
Seth Hirshorn (D-First Ward), who
said he will sing today. "But there is
a festival atmosphere. We can make
f 4

a point, at some time, to have some
Lansing City Councilmember Sid
Worthington, who wrote the Lans-
ing law, said the city will riot take
action against the Ann Arbor poli-
cymakers. "I think that we should be
understanding of those less fortunate
members of our society who have to
attend the University of Michigan,"
Worthington said.
The Ann Arbor resolution said
that councilmembers and other city
officials will sing today, but Hir-
shorn said he did not know who else
would show up. If any singers are
"wrongfully arrested," the resolution
said, the City Attorney and the City
of Ann Arbor would bail them out.
If councilmembers are arrested,
said City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw,
"There will be quite a bit of laughter
... I strongly suspect it will be to-
tally ignored."
Laidlaw, who does not plan to
sing today, said that singing the
"Victors" is not banned in Lansing.

The rivalry between the the
Wolverines and the Spartans has
reached new heights. Now, fans can
show their spirit by eating their
school colors instead of just wearing
The London Farm Dairy has de-
veloped two new ice cream flavors
- Spartan Mint Fudge, and Maize
'n' Berry in time for Saturday's
Those who would normally yell
"Go Blue," can only mumble with
their mouths filled with Maize 'n'
Berry- a yellow cheesecake-flavored
base, embedded with bits of pie
crust, and blueberry-flavored swirls.
Its mint-flavored competitor is green
with a white chocolate base and
chocolate chips.
"The Spartan is outselling the
Maize and Blue right now, but it's
too early too tell," said Glen
London, founder of London's Ice
Cream. "People are even asking for
empty cartons of both ice creams to
send to their friends. We never


this much activity," she

London attributed the greater
popularity of the Spartan ice cream
to the enthusiasm of MSU support-
"It has nothing to do with the
flavor of the ice cream," London
said, although he personally prefers
the Spartan Mint Fudge.
But the game's not over yet.
As part of the first-ever joint pep
rally between the two schools, the
ice creams are going one-on-one in a
taste test this afternoon on the steps
of the'State Capitol in East Lansing.
Lick-off is at 12:15 p.m.
The rally, sponsored by the Office
of Michigan Sesquicentennial is de-
signed to honor one of the nation's
greatest rivalries, according to the
commission's Executive Director,
Mary Jo Bales.
"We'll be giving free samples of
each ice cream at the rally, and we'll
see which one disappears first,"
Bales said.
See RALLY, Page 5

See MSU, Page 14


Bill proposes changes
in state's AIDS policy
LANSING - In a sweeping Up until now, the Public Health
change of its AIDS po li c y, Department has only required doctors
Michigan came out yesterday in and health facilities to report details
favor of collecting the names and of Michigan's 430 cases of Acquired
addresses of the state's estimated Immune Deficiency Syn me.
25,000 carriers of the deadly AIDS Studies have shown that 35
irusonperent.-4 nercent of ACDScarriers

The Soviet Union should allow
religious disidents the right to
Geri Allen and the Open On All
Sides band will play at the Ark
this weekend.
ARTS, Page 7
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