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October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…ti . f 4 }.: t , 4 'IciS'' k ~ 'npr7.L T i UAILY": '.'..iU' .hI7 r Y d 1 a INIW (W HE WLD I yJcd YVV( \Tr pF r 4 ice:"+T.e 1-y+a'< ,{I ,.; t r.. i - } T J ; 4 , .. ' ''' ,s s ~ z ,.. r 01 g. ss '" I . 17:. .. .1 . -"U . : .. + Fy i, s i a s , , , R.; r t r; . k ' off. ' ' . i S: :. Y Y - ' $; s a t " S . , 1 F b ', a V C z. w X . 'w Al l : a er'Posv U F ; II HF - f a ah kde' iA C li~ oa i, ~ i e A IO ; z r1 ~~ ~ O( ~ j~ be ~ ? J L~...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 1


December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY $2.00 NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS y ~ 'an r a:r Daity Phones :--Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY THE NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVI. No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENT NEW LIBRARY TO BE ONE OF FIEST II ALt'-ilU1i'N lL9tAR STRUT. SORI ESi j1i, REII, RO K WORK TO BEIN NEXT SUMMER To Have Seminary and Faculty Read- ing Rooms; Capacity of Stacks 600,000 Volumes Work on Michigan's...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…Ik I ich igan f 1 ° . ; 7. . SUBISCIBE N011 Jmm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915. IN Fox TODAY Rev. John Hayes speaks on "How the Blind Man Saw the Elephant" in Newberry hall, 7:30 o'clock. Wright Saxophone dance at Union, N 9:00 o'clock. AD Junior engineer dinner at Union, 6:00 o'clock. ard Kentucky club meets at Union, 7:30 o'clock. Bridge tourney at Union, 7:30 o'clock. ged TOMORROW ter- Chess and Checker club meets at Un...…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…MEli DFAILY NUCE OF THE YEAR 75c LOC11l4 he Michigan Da ly ii;: N 0w ~75c _ No. 153. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1~;) PRICE PR1(_ LSJ ... . r AD WEATHER JINX 'URSUESICKllIGAN Last Two Day -, Varsity Has Been A ble to Take Field Only for Short Time AE FIRST STRiGOLE WITH I YRA(TE ON FILI TOMORRQW TODAY Michiganensian out, 12:00 o'clock. Annual cup debate, room 13, law build- ing, 8:00 o'clock. Craftsmen society dances ...…

June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…''. The. MicII igan Daily B.O. )-O-S-T I.G.A.N. IR.O M-I-C.1I. .w _ _ . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1915. PRII toot a Wei o' rSecond of TODAY Baseball-Michigan vs. Notre Dame, Ferry field, 2:30 o'clock. Union membership dance, 9:00 o'clock. Baseball-Michigan vs. Notre Dame, Ferry field, 3:00 o'clock.' Tennis-Michigan vs. Detroit alumni, Ferri[ field, 9:30 o'clock. Band meets University hall for ball game, 2:30 o'cl...…

August 05, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…PRICE 500 TTHE ONLY OFFICIAL FOR THE REMAINDER FTEEESUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1915. No. 19 D TORPETRSON r Poor Pastry Pigs Perish Ur~ ~ON NE _______ Putting Pie Past Palate 1'0_---- 'oday They should have known better. testants, were given a pie. At a sig- 2:00 o'clock--"Moral Education," Miss There is no doubt about it, for they nal, they set to. They crammed and Declares That Disease Can be Cured...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I I Les for the College Man nds most of his time inside-a suit of medium will be found best for comfort and health he Fall and Winter. 4Our variety of patterns ant this season in uiftigs of all weights. WILD COMPANY :: 311 S. State St. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS ' J NEW AND SECOND-HAND EAX T BDOeOpK Se A'2 Departments THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ofhcial ne sp,;apecr at the 1.niv crsity of M\ichigan. Publishied every morning ...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI CLASSY CLOTHES for classy men. That's the kind we turn out. The very latest fabrics, the very newest style models, the very best tailoring skill enter into our tailoring. See our new suitings and overcoatings. Nothing like them any- where else. Not expensive either, considering what we give for the money. r .__. ... I~I~I_'. I THE MICHIGAN DAILY ific ial ,c;,ar at the Univerity of M ichig min. I'ubi._'cd eve:y morni...…

December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIIL "G TO CRITICISE the suit we make for you. Neither the material, the styleorsthe tail- Thng will be found the least excuse r fault finding. We solicit an order r one of our new model suits, know- .g as we do that it will give such all. ound satisfaction that we will be ur regular tailors thereafter. G. H. IWILD COMPANY ending Merchant Tailors State St. 7,, , Flowess for C'sirlstr WAl AowISVS I Will G.-ow in Water ;I ...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…Tifl MICHIGAN DAILY IT'S NO REFLECTION on ready-made clothes to say they cannot possibly fit everybody perfect- ly all over. Each man has peculiari- ties of form which only made-to-meas- ure apparel can fit. Order your new Spring suit or overcoat here and then you'll know what perfect fit and class mean. Of course, all garments are made in our own shops. Drop in and see our new Spring woolens. C. . WILTD COMPANY, Leading Merchant Tailors. St...…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…TtiiU MICHIGAN DAIIIY C "Y ou'llr be admired and oft' tithes envied in one of our swell formh fitting suits. Suits of fully shrun ke cn pare woolen cloth. There's a dlash and class to our tailoring that sets off your figure to the best advantage. Andi another thing, the suit will hold its shape' and wear well. Have you ordlered your flannel trousers? ~~~I i c f. i A X r i 1T i li ld U r' ' LESOrr- _777 TAT 9:..5T FcT:. We Just Receiv...…

June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…Tkig MICHIGAN DAILY C TAILOR WELL SUITED Those are the words. Every customer is well suited on the back and in his pocket that leaves our Tailoring Par- lors. The newest patterns a man can wear are here in sufficient diversity to please the most fastidious, and also the very latest fabrics. -" THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at t...…

August 05, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre j The Ho Fa ouax1 'yb y anouse 'ayers. I Thursday and Friday, Aug. 5V and 6-John Mason and Har- old Lockwood in 'Join the Penman" and Paramount Travels. Saturday, Aug. 7-Mignon An- derson in "Milestones of Life." Sunday, Aug. 8-William Far- num in "The Plunderer" Temple Theatre ADMISSION Sc. (except Friday and Saturday) Thursday, A . >-The Silent "W," (Li a sV.ker). Friday, Aug. 0-Esterbrook Case and Zenr X 'efe ...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…- : i I C N ,. v ,., y .. TheLaresta-, d NLYMoern Fuily-Equippe' CleaingandP. ssig Etabishment in Ann Arbo i 0 U 151 e l*tIg 1 ywt l i1 q a "7.p t a a w y ems'. r i.k: ! 5' F r S 3 r x ". _ , . Save 250 from these Main Office 220 S. State Street 'hones 189041891 II -. ~rrtR OS-.v ''I 9? . r tTH't. , a va ie "t- . flww ntsA... . .C W r/y , * AT THIE "THEATERS "Sari," like the "Merry Widow," an- other of Henry W. Savage's grea...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI PAt I[ I ii __________ 11 I < - i', i 11 * _ 1 1[ Y 4 - -" ., - b, ,11 a E ' ' b y , m ; U4I ,G ALL-FRESH HOLD Sparks Scores for Yearlings After .. Sensational 40-Yard Run Around End VARSITY LACKS FOUR STARSI Michigan's crack All-Fresh football team held the Varsity to a tie in yes- terday's scrimmage,. each team scor- ing one touchdown. Back in the dark ages, dating around the time of the inception of t...…

December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…TRIM MICHIGAN DAILA PAGE THREE _ ___ _ i . l " )I,. .t ~ ~ .7{-n1;+rlt' { - i a I2 R" 4 N' . __<. ,. _. i , si ;. i8 ' j -- . ' g ' 9 ' . ' s,- ...._.,.,e -- -..WU ......,.., . . _ ,. __. f r-A 1 L AWARD '16 ITS FORFEITED gME Senior Laws Fail to Show Up at Deciding Game in the AWarding of Numeralh Upon the failure of the laws to ap- pear on Ferry Field yesterday morn- ing, the senior lits were awarded a forfeit by...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THIS MICHIGAN. DAILT. I ' ties, movements, sports, amusements and customs of the metropolis on the Thames are all explained, in a way that gives the impression of intimacy. Such chapters as those on "The Spirit of London Life" and "The Lure of London," distinguish the book from the leather-covered ffair called a Baedeker,-derisively by stay-at-homes and affectionately by those who travel. Then there are treatments on such special subjects ...…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…TRI MIONIGAN DAILY F. Murphy I 11 I I II Chase Sikes F. W. Grover Rob't Dieterle C. L. Kendrioks C. F. Boos Glenn Shipley Harold Ristine Helen Ely Genevieve O'Lea Adele Crandall Elizabeth Mason Margaret Dulfelt Helen George Marie Boos Nova Roys Ella Travis Franoes Seeley ii II Campus Stars and Beauty Chorus of 60 Girls NEW WHITNEY THEATRE, MAY 6-7 Seats Now on Sale at Theatre Prices 75c, 50c and 35c 1' e ____________:.__ MMOWAM...…

June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY antAM . I olicy at 1I 11 ii H aving l urrllChsi the C. o[iM. ;and Thuron River 'woat Livery, also known au fs Smel-s boat House, it is illy ar<>>c manner asill meet wih he irtappNroval of the lIaNSv of the U~niversity, and I the Si .udent body. sincere dlesire to condluct the busi iness in such I. ortdAccordlingly, in pursu ance oar this, bybuiess policy, 1. take this mieans of caling your attentIion to the...…

August 05, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE [ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at IRN S O oping roll films if LYVND0NS VELOX you cn finYaN 'S, V719 North University Avenue (tebsparmd) single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) 1wbtppema) Established 105, and growing bigger every day ___________-= Doctors Succumb to Germs NEWt( Fall Woolens own____ And Wolves Grab Contest icctcit ...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. UNIVERSITY AVENUE "THE STUDENTS' HOUSE" Bsgger and BeWtrEThmn Ever UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT S OM E I MP O RTA NT C HA NGOiS >w SIMPSON SOLAR SCREEN. The niost perfect screen made. OOTTON REXOLUX, changing alternating to direct current-thus giving a light 300 per centst ronger. W BALCONY'-almost completed, ready soon to be installed over night, giving a much largerf seating capacily. BEST OF ALL is the MAGNIFICENT PICTURE SER...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Full Detailed 6i' Account Y E L L Of the oW' EXTRA Sc On Sale After the Game Game COR NELL SPORT Play byPlay Paw I,")c I ScA IRARY SERVICE NOW AT THEMAJESTIC THEATRE I NllIRFS RIF STATF The bill at the Majestic theater is Thus We Will ee Cornell Defealed At About Six O'clock SundayMorning --, r 0 11VULVULU 1111ULL 'U 1 li 1 L, I) GIVEN TO CITIZENS IN SEARCH WORK, SCHOOLS LIBRARIES RE. AND Althou...…

December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…FOURY IARIM MICRIG-AN DAILY. FOIYR E MICEIGAN DAIL~!. MUSICAL CLUBS USHER IN 1915-'16 SEASON~FRIDAY MPUS Music CLB - ILNOVELTYCONCERT NEW MUSIC TO FEATURE PRO. GRAM IN HILL AUDITORIUM NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT QUARTETS WILL SHOW TALENT Serenaders and Hawaiian Musicians Will Also Contribute to the Entertainment, Michigan's musical clubs will launch their biggest project when they start the 1915-16 season with the Novelty Concert to be given...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…AN DAILY 0 ing Suits That ake Coo R.ESVLTS COUNT, NOT PROMISKS 'ing Suits by their "make good" virtues--their fit at the first wearing and their continued fit as you continue to wear them. HART, SCHAFFNER (4 MARX That's the name, and it stands for Clothing that is the last word in Classy Clothes for mankind. ASK YOVR. CHVM ABOUT OUR HABERDASHER.Y TZ CLOTHING STORE__ average citizen. TO C OS[ At Harvard University, where Dr. Fitch i...…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 4


June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…AD E TiE A TILRI IDAILY B THEAT R Specials in Six Days JUNE 7 F-" 41 At UNE 12 ". I READ THE LIST BELOW AND SEE HOW WE DO IT! EY, in "Life's Shop Window." Five LIN and MABEL NORMAND, in Taliaferro, in "The Three of Us." 'ABROOK and BARBARA TEN- Parts. Thursday, June io.-"THE FRANK CASE," which is now the subject of so much discussion all over this country. Friday, June ii.-CHARLES CHAPLIN, in "The Tramp." Also "The Golden Beetle,...…

August 05, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE -Final examinations for tie second half of the law sunmner session are scheduled to begin Wednesday, August 25, asd they will continue through saturday, August 28. A number of lrospective jurists will complete their course with the present term. --"Justice According to Law," will be the suhject of the lecture to e deliv- ered by Prof. Ro'coe Pound, of Har- vard university., istr West Pysics lecture room s t5:00 o'clock totorrow ...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…Al- ; rITC VQ NDAILI1, - ~* - - ~ ~ - - - ------ LET Yx' ; i tx f Y ._ . : j P ' ., " , -. c tip : r s ' r r .F ftr = 1 s y1 tt a d7 iH' A. I 1Tl - .a . S .G t. ?:" you 0 EY h heTo ~ ~tnwro: come in and look over our new fall ~ ~ ~ ~ . faris. e by helaes a d1est Lgoods, and guarantee to make a suit th'Iat wll v t ou pe f' yiVe youte best uo of satisfaction. Po iv4 o ~ 'Rie r highest possible qws . d f4 4ta-cl ass workman ship. I1LORS ...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN RAIL x. H' I THc, Co.. 2915. The acknowlsedged lHead- ers in men's fashions for more than sixty years have corr~ctly interpreted the style need.s of the real American, as shownv ain.. &gad lathes Lneu l"e Clothiers and Furiils i MdNSRE Call and loofa'over or ccilat$ 2.0,aystl THE~~BC C ~ 0~P Scientific Apparatus, Cheomicals and Stude Ict ;Laboratory Supplies for Biology, histology, --vrdoy at~lg, and Anatomy TH...…

December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYf. .w . r. Evcning Clothcs This cut represents our Full Dress Suits made by the Stein Bloch Co. and which are offered at a special price for the holidays at $35.00. Full Dress Coats Tuxedo Coats . Full Dress Pantaloons Full Dress Vests Full Dress Suits . $25.00 . 25.00 . 6.50 . 3.50 . 35.00 1 ('I / \\ ' i ik j~_ eN YOUR SUIT T HIS season's style demands form-fitting clothes. That makes it absolutely necessary tha...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN L)AiLY ._ Spring Showing of STEIN BLOCH SUITS w February Cut Price Sale IMPERIAL HATS and all the new shapes and colors in CAPS iI February is the month that we cut prices down. to rock-bottom. This is the time to buy. Be on hand so that you can take ad- vantage of these wonderful money -saving bargais in Suits, Over- coats, Hats and Caps, Sweaters, Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes. I Lindenscbmitt, Ap & Co. :fem......…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN i ALLY _. t I il ell M rN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individualsty as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Stein-loch Smart Clothes, H ats and Haber- dashery for warm weather-a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day. The little subtleties of style presented in our appar...…

June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 5

…N . TH MICHIGAN A AILY _ i ''"y l I STRAW IATS Finest and biggest line in the City $1.00 to $6.00 ,[{ , i Visit the Daylight Store WE HAVE A LINE OF GENIUNE PALM BEACH SUITS in all the latest Patterns $7.50, 08.50 and $10.00 Make your Kodak Autographic Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. Sport Coats, White Serge Pants Straw Hats, Palm Beach Suit...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…. . :_ I Ml _ . .11 .: 2 .Y LlD _iL --- - - ON L_1ID!C isiit~~u,11 rt~f L y r ADPLN ENVC ,f kIIS ~r,!\L. n, c..:i ralr, < .1X 11"6'n i '.. (1 4 O I('1.i Natura 't,'s 6 l I_ - ,7g @? ,ime tP'tl''rson(k ias i9"nfi't Masons and c Sac'- ' a ax - Wih i ,e te .,- J t r . # g ihgn n iO n fll '~ A X ~ J R U J on no__. ta .. hk_, i w eh B o en hi. __ 1 a C "(7, . .-' { .. a'rw 9 li oas :urt3 vdu JP Op*7 Duria2 lteiai4d flWMa rtaus oe iuv seyst;: i...…

November 05, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX" THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Walk-Over Foot- ear There's Snap and Ginger in every Pair GO MICHIGAN G0 ' TO LYNDON'S KODAK AND SUPPLY STORE 719 N. UNIVERSITY AVENUE FOR Fresh Films Guaranteed Developing Velox Prints Latest Model Kodaks Good Pictures Bargains in "Trade In" Kodaks N iV The Milady Gypsy Button $4.40-$ Our windows are full of the season's authorita!ive styles --conservative staples and popular novelties-no mat- ter what y...…

December 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SQL IiIE MICHlUAN D.hIL . PAGE SIX ThiE MICHiGAN DAILI. A NEW WALK-OVER FOR YOUNG MEN Gip,' CALENDARSW For Picture Inserts - The grandest line ever shown-made to fit any size pictures- some for enlargements-and they make most wel- come "little gifts." Don't put it off until the last niunte, bring in your negatives now. .-LYT DON- ) "Windsor" Model English Walking Boot in dull black, or Tan Russia Calf. Plump single soles $ .45 & $5...…

March 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .... 1~ I NOTICE miss the Over ution Sale Spring Days are Kodak Days NOW is the time to bring in your kodak and have it all cleaned up and put in order for the warm sunny days soon to come-or better still, bring it in and trade it in toward a new model. We are selling the new Autographics every day, which shows how popular they are already. We also have Auto- graphic Backs for the Folding Pocket Kodaks. ) IT NOW-...…

May 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' ,. IL I M Vi I 1 I Over Foot-Wear Spring Styles now Ready 3 Thoughts Every 1915 Kodak is autographic. Almost any Kodak can be made autographic with a new back. The Autographic Feature is only one of several new features.- Let us show you the new ones. II1 We sell from a sample line but our clothes are tailored in town I OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $28.OO UP Pumps and Boots LYNDON 719 N. University C. I. KIDD -a...…

June 05, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FORGOTTEN i./1 IF -' 11 Are you going back home without a Scrap Book and some pictures of University Life? si iii StrewHat eason 7.0 i LYNDON i r , i.~ IS HERE Spooial for 10 days: "M" Books only 900 d . WM..l NONOM I rs a Sport Coat tiufe they last . 4LCOLM, 604 , Liberty . (E STYLES IN will always be found here. Our Prices and our Shoes are RIGHT and WE FIT YOU RIGHT Editor, The Michigan Daily:-...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ,f lESS maign and Varsity Featured in E COPIES Notes, a 32-page uni- a founded during the ar, has just been put e than 30,000 strong, .mni and former stu- tin is marked by the ampaign now under± s of general interest pathizers. bout a dozen articles * of the Union build- booklet contains a on the "Yost Men," L cut of Captain Wil- '16P. Other pictures sd Union home, the headquarters in the the alumni advisory camp...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1AIGN OF N S VAT REPUTI for Clubhouse Campaining I in Newspapers of Ma- rity of Great Amer- ilan Cities , OUTLOOK, COLLIER'S, HCE ARTICLES RECENTLY Emphasize Democracy an; Debt to President- Emeritus Angell for ublicity for the Michigan Union ding campaign has been floated ing the past few months on the At magnificent scale of any previ- university endeavor. Mr. C. hes, of Detroit, general publicity rman, assisted by E....…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY. nts ready to show you the best Gla Yu'r Bck We hope that you will make this store your drugstore. We shall do our best to serve you. CALKIN'S PHARMACY 324'S. State Street olumbia DOUBLE DISC Records c of .s Suits, Overcoats ats, Hats, Caps, and Furn- at reasonable prices. C Will fit your machine DHAMS & C00'S CORNER 201-203 S. Main St. G TRIG" ETHIC~ ROWI LLAR' I CRAVAT KNOT '. 2for25c DY A CO.. IKC., MAKERS...…

October 05, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' I Are You One of the Few Mena in town that has not seen our wonderful display of fabrics for Autumn and 'Winter? We've sent many a satisfied customer out of our store wearing one of our Made to Measure Suits and there's no reason why we can't do- the same for you if you'll just give us the opportunity. Our prices ate within Reason. Established 1905 LYNDO0N Commercial Photographer to Michigan Students Growing Every ...…

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