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December 05, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-05

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Senior Laws Fail to Show Up at
Deciding Game in the AWarding
of Numeralh
Upon the failure of the laws to ap-
pear on Ferry Field yesterday morn-
ing, the senior lits were awarded a
forfeit by the Intramural athoritiea.
The game was to have been played
between the senior lits and the senior
laws for the second set of numerals
whh is given out by the Intramural
By previous agreement of the re-*
spective managers of the two teams
the amne was to have been played on
south Ferry Field at 9:15 o'clock ye-
terday. The lits had 13 men out on
the field but their prospective oppo-
nents did not show up, and the game
was forfeited.
In order of standing by sets of nu-
merals, the four high teams of the in-
terclass league rank as follows: All-
campus champions, which position na-
turally carries with it the first set of
numerals, are the dents; second set,l
senior lits; third set, senior laws;1
fourth set, soph lits. The first two
sets are awarded by the Intramural
office aud the last two are given by
the classes with a majority vote on
the recommendation of the class foot-
ball manager.
There can be no dispute as to the
legitimacy of the title of campus
championship this year. The -dents
won this distinction by hard playing
and by their defeat of some of the]
strongest teams in the league. In the
championship game they walloped the1
senior laws by a decisive score, al-
though up to that time the laws were
conceded to be the strongest team on
south Ferry Field, by virtue of their1
defeat of the senior lits earlier in the
season. The dents had a well bal-
anced team and had the fight to make
their aggregation first on the campus.
In speaking of the senior lts, strong
terms are necessary. They posse:.
one of the best backhels amoo o the
dags -teams, the Eartns 13ia ,cl3
comlbinition proved to be O)o mni
Thr wnors than one ppsa xg eani
B andeU dlid the open NhQJ running
for his cam and most of the gan "
made around the ends were made by
.he Varity baseball man. Afar n,
was the plunger of the iii imuich in.
He was a most valuable man, albit
a trifle rough at times. They were a
first division team almost all season.
In spite of the fact that the senior
laws receive the third set of numerals
it in no wise detracts from their pres-
t ige as a strong aggregation. They
one defeated the team which finished
above them in the race and played in
the championship game, which is in
itself a sufficient indication of their
worth. They played a consistent game
all season with the possible exception
of the game with the dents, whn in
the last quarter they appeared to
have lost their bearings. McCall, Me-
Namara, Rowan and Brown made a
splo did backlield, and one which
gave ;ood account of itself in every
By dint of uphill work and hard
fighting t( soph lits battled their
way up to first p3se i tle second di..
vision and then proceeded to roane
the senior engineers in ll'e hi
the fourth set of numerals. This te'am

played more games than a0y oiler
class representation in th1 ie gne
won more games aind deserve ts much
credit as any, and more thang moat.
They had the conme-back spirhk and
after they nad be'en reckoned okt 0f1
the r unning buckled de wn and ocn
their class insignia. 'Ihey had ti'o
men on the aihecampus team, armI
three on the second team, Itdwards1
their left half, was prolbably tn best
all-rounid man of the se~ason± and their
entire team was of 412 centimeter
c al i mr e .
Deve l0ping~ ati printing js dlOne at
iloppe's stuidio, Prints made, 3, 4 and
5 Cents each


Step Toward a -Better
Michigan Track Team
". i*r \' , It v
!.. . .Y >t Zv{. .v.} X"}. .
Photo by Daines and Nickles
Made possible by a $500 dollar ap- he gave it his official O. K. and pro-
propriation, the construction of a nounced it well adapted for its pur-
board track between Waterman gym-, poses.
nasium and the Medical building has Captain "Hal" Smith, of the Varsity
been completed. The track was con-
structed with the view of accommo- track team, summed up the general
dating both dash and distance men consensus of opinion among the cin-
and has been banked accordingly. It der men themselves, when he said it
is about 14 feet wide so that at least was, "Darn good-" It would appear
two men can run side by side, and 141 that some of the men are having a
laps, measure one mile. It is built of little difficulty in negotiating the turns,
two-inch planks in order to stand the but all agree that they have no trou-
wear and tear of spikes, its main pur- blein "hitting it up" most of the time.
pose being to provide a track for men 'They're all trying it.
to use when practicing for meets on Director May, of Waterman gym,
tracks which require the official in- says that the new track is great for
door spiked shoe. classes as it gives the freshmen a
Coach "Steve" Farrell, of the Var- workout in the open air. He favors
sity track team, is pleased with the the oval as it makes the boys work
latest speedway and expects to have to keep warm, and gets the results
his proteges do a good share of their! without persuasion on the part of the
training, upon it during the winter. director. Doctor May said, "It is quite
"Steve" himself tried the track but a sight to see the boys tearing around
said that he found it rather slippery in the cold." What is more, he claims
' eir ini "tion, however, that his pupils like it.





r a c


In the Most Widely-Discussed
Inth stPlay of the- Year
Author of "Kismet," The Faun" and "My Lady's Dress"

With the Same Splendid Cast and Production that Marked Miss Starr's
Notable Engagement of half-a-year at the Belasco Theatre, New York


Prices, 50c to $2.00


Seats, Dec. 7

u- ,

Abolish Sport Because of Interference T E DAILW SS
With Studies______________
Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the When speaking in these All-Ameri-
interior, announced in Wa'shington can terms which seem to be so popu-
that football in Carlisle would be lar these days, one should not entirely
abolished. This decision to stop the overlook the name of Percy Haughton
playing of the fall game at the Indian when the coaching question is to be
school, cuts off from the playing list considered.
of American universities one of the Michigan students are firmly con-
best and most featured schools in this vinced that the only and original
country. coach is he whose last name begins
The decision to abolish the game with a "Y," and this man's record
came after a conference among Secre- will serve to substantiate their con-
tary Lane, Commissioner Sells and Su- tentions, but at the same time there'
perintendent Lipps of Carlyle. Their is a certain student body in the east I
opinion was that the Indian students which is as firmly convinced that the
were making the national college sport greatest general of them all is named
precede their studies in importance, Haughton.
and therefore it should not be tolerat- Up to the time that Haughton qui-
ed longer. Seventeen of the Carlisle etly slipped into Cambridge to assume
Indians were employed last year in charge of football affairs, Yale, 1iar-
one of the automobile factories, and vard's biggest opponent, had won 16
13 of these returned to school at a victories from Harvard, while the
sacrifice of educational opportunities Crimson had triumphed but three
as well as wages. times. Yale had scored 270 points as.
The Indians always drew big crowds against Harvard's 65, and a victory
wherever they played. Probably the over Harvard wasn't much more sur-
main reason reason was the fact that prising than the mere scheduling of
they were always ready to meet any the game. But times change.
team in the country, and that the Eight years ago Haughton took up
spectators wished to see what manner the burden and since this time Yale
of trick plays they would spring in an has scored a grand and impressive
endeavor to win from their noted op- total of 13 points. Two of these were
ponents. safeties and the other nine came
_ -through field goals. Harvard in the
Always see The Ann Arbor Press meantime has accumulated 116 points
for your printing if you want quality. and is apparently going faster than
Press Bldg., Maynard street. Phone ever right now. Her victory this year
No.1., (*) was the most decisive that has ever

been recorded in the his ory of the
two institutions.
Haughton's football teams gained
recognition right from the start and
they have maintained the same pace
consistently. It is 'umored that
flaughton gets the biggest salary that
is paid a football coach in America.
but his record tends to prove that per
haps he isn't being overpaid at that.
Haughton still has a long way to
go to equal Yost's record at Michigan,
during the 15 years that the "Hurry-
up" man has been in charge here in
Ann Arbor, but his fl r t half of the
distance has been negotiatei in an
amazing fashion. T,e Yale game ap-
parently doesn't won'y the arvard
team as much as some of the weekly
encounters with the seru , for the
scrubs employ much o the Haughton
system and frequently ta regulars
can't score much over ttur'eo or font'
touchdowns against them. If Yale
succeeds in holding Harvard to less
than 10 points in the next few years
it will be such a disheartening sight
for Crimson students that they will
almost consider it a defeat.
lHaughton's stay at Harvard is much
shorter than Yost's at Michigan, but
the Crimson leader has a wonderful
start toward equalling his western
rival's record.
Good Printing-The Ann Arbor Press.
- ' /*'

j T r IT
I i Still un-


There they outweighed Everett by 12
ounds. To offset this handicap the
iverett men had already been in onel
,ampionship game, having won thej
tle last year, and therefore were not
t all nervous from the importance of
such a fray. Detroit was playing in
.s home town before a'friendly crowd
nd thus had the advantage of know-
ng that the sentiment of the majority
vas with it.
Yesterday evening a smoker was
old at the Board of Commerce in
onor of the Detroit Central team. The
verett men were there as guests of
heir opponents.

l dope o 'schlastic foot-
a rhmupti oth ountry was
jpsot yest rtiroon when De- h
troit Cemna and I.cret High of E
er a battd to a scoreless th
tie on Naxie Vied b'-fore a crowd of
more tha f' 1 i persons. The game
was b hen; mktestd throughout by
both m e t ,er was able to
ary the p tin seroas te last chalk
'no to boti: bejween the goal
Everett lHn ae Deroit with
erepation of o the best the
east coul prduce, it i' generally
neda at no beter tem could be
tou est of Mhiga. Detroit had
decisiw hat e, champion-
o s.eoe to her by
iefu opoi t dring 'the
sth f ia:ed yester-
ited which
Jf the tw 2,e .22 s 'n a ie country
:auld p.odu' tl n. better football ma-
hine. m, roe. te out come it seems
that neithier can cdimu superiority
cv'r the other, but that the champion-
snip Will he a mt&te t.o be discussed
around the 'ireside of supporters of
Sthe two ~Istitut'0ns tis. wtter.
Tak~ing an avrg'5 of the two see-
'ions of thi country the betting was
a bout 'v en. An t ast every one was
vilhing tO i1e_ odds on Everett, while
h the x'itnity ol' is it utions played by
ural this fall aud in Detroit the
. orgamzi~alion was on the long end
tht bet. Central's tiu was nearly
13 pzuts 1heavier~ lie mat [ihan was
timat of'Q .1 2nast.' in~stitUtiQ'th ad -
vantagc" elug etaily int he Piee



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