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December 05, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-05

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MPUS Music
Serenaders and Hawaiian Musicians
Will Also Contribute to the
Michigan's musical clubs will launch
their biggest project when they start
the 1915-16 season with the Novelty
Concert to be given at 8 o'clock Fri-
day evening in Hill auditorium. Se-
lections by both clubs and numerous
features have been combined in a pro-
gram which promises to excel anything
previously presented 'to a Michigan
"Novelty Concert" ip has been
named, and novelty concert it shall
be. Departing from the conventional,
new music has been substituted for
the established Michigan songs. Of
course, "The Yellow and Blue" will
close the program, but the remaining
numbers' will be presented for the
first time.
The list of features is an imposing
one The Varsity and Midnight Sons
quartets represent groupings of the
best musical talent on the campus.
The Serenaders' trio and sextet are
both famed for their work earlier in
the year. The Hawaiian musicians,
organized by William C. Achi, '17L,
will be welcomed by all lovers of Ha-
waiian melodies.
In "Crusaders," the opening num-
ber of the concert, the Glee club will
have a fine chance for the display of
its powers. It is an exceptional pro-
duction and should show the results of
the many practices devoted to it.
The Glee club has done unusually
well this year under the direction of
Theodore Harrison, the head of the
voice department of the School of
Music. This Is Mr. Harrison's first
year at the helm of the club, but hls
has proved himself to be well fitted
for the work.
The Varsity quartet, though it has
been formed but a short time, will ap-
pear bn tf'e program in a selection
from Van de Water. The quartet is
composed of H. L. Davis, '17, first
tenor, Frank W. Grover, '18, second
tenr, U. Stanley Wilson, '16, bary-
tone, and Staley J. Hiett, '16L, bass.
Peter Hartesveldt, '16L, first tenor,
Harry W. Kerr, '16, W. S. Westerman,
'17, and Harry Carlson, '17, comprise
the personnel of the Midnight Sons
quartet. All are finished musicians
and their number should be well rend-
Nothing needs to be said of either
the Serenaders' trio or sextet as both
have firmly-established reputations.
The trio is made up of H. L. Davis,
'17, guitar, Harold Forsythe, '17, vio-
lin, and Frank Wheeler, '16E, cello.
The sextet comprises Karl Macomber,
'14, banjorine, Leroy Scanlon, '16L,
piano, Leonard Aldrich, '17E, and the
members of the trio. Suffice to say
that there will be an insistent cry of
"more" arise when they finish their
Achi's Hawaiian double quintet con-
sists of six instrumentalists and four
vocalists. The members of the organi-
zation are William C. Achi, '17L, W. F.

Crockett, '16, James L. Driscoll, '18E,
K. Marshall, '17E, A. D. Honey, '17D,
C. C. Ashbaugh, '16, Peter Hardesvelt,
'17L, C. P. Ritchey, '16, Donnel Sis-
sions, '17.
Following is the program as it will
be presented on Friday night:
1. Crusaders .... Edward MacDowell
Glee Club
?* Bridal Rose Overture . ... Lavalle
Mandolin Club
3 Selections.. Midnight Sons' Quartet
Hartesveldt, Kerr, Westerman, Carl-
4. Sentimental Symptoms ........
..............Serenaders' Trio
Forsythe, Wheeler, Davis
(Continued on Page Six.)
Shirts made to order.--G. H. Wild
Company. State St. Tailors.
Learn the new fox trot at the
Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf

Camp Davis Men
P1aI N.ve1 Dance
ad llring Wach Camp
n il ll nce.'s to 1Pon C11111)( lot 1 e
"Wa-a-an," "Tub," "Three,"
"Five," --, and so on in exact (dupli-
cation ci the way they did last sum-
;uer at Camp Davis and in exactly the
same dress, the senior civil engineers
will next Friday call roll at the 'Grand
Traverse Dance' and so initiate their
annual camp dance at the Union. Fol-
lowed with special feature dances,
cantp songs around a real camp fire,
unique refreshmonts and attended by
yhe whole of the class of senicr civils
as well as the entire civil engineering
faculty the affair will be the climax
of the Camp Davis dance which is the(:
fourth of its kind to be held.
(Continued on Page Six.)


Attractive Book Contains Accounts of
Illricux, De Curel, Caillavet
and Others
ISTS.--By Barrett Clark.-Cincin-
nati: Stewart and Kidd Co.
Such a title as the one which this
one bears is bound to attract atten-
tion, for it would be difficult to find a
more attractive field for study than
the modern French theatre. Someone
has said that France is the "battle
ground of opposing ideas," and the
truth of the statement is no more evi-
dent anywhere than it is in the plays
written in that country during the
last 35 years.
The interest aroused by the title of
Mr. Barrett'ssvolume is not disappoint-
ed. Written in a very clear and read-
able manner, the chapters hold the
attention from the beginning, and the
author has not failed to make the most
of his subject. From the imposing
group of writers that presents itself
for such a work Mr. Barrett has
chosen 13 who seem to him to be the
most important. Brieux, De Porto
Riche, Rostand, Lavedan, Lemaitre,
Bernstein and De Cural are perhaps
the more brilliant lights of the list.
His method is that of calling atten-
tion to the characteristics of each dra-
matist, giving synopses of his better
plays and quoting significant scenes
from one or more of them. This has
been varied to advantage in the cases
of Brieux, De Curel, Caillavet and
Capus, with interesting accounts of
personal interviews which the author
had with these men. This is his de-
scription of one dramatist who is no
doubt more widely known in this
country than any of the others whom
he discusses:
"My first impression of Brieux, as
he sat before a cafe in the Rue Royale,
was a vivid one: a heartily robust,
modest yet assertive man of middle
age, ruddy, almost insolently healthy.
Dressed in a common blue serge suit,
wearing a "Derby" hat, smoking a
cigarette, and sipping a coffee, he re-
minded me of an Englishman or an
American playing the role of a Paris-
ian. Slightly above medium height,
rather thick-set, with a fine, open,
clean-shaven face, short, curly gray-
ish hair, sparkling blue eyeshupon
closer inspection he presented the ap-
pearance of a French peasant who had
however lived long enough in Paris
to acquire a fair amount of metropoli-
tan "polish." Genial, communicative,
at times rather satirical, he strikes
(Continued on Page Six.)

At The T
"Little Gypsy"-Majestic Today
Daintiest of all screen actresses is
Dorothy Barnard, the Lady Babbie of
'"The Little Gypsy," produced by Oscar
Apfel from the scenario by Walter
Dare, at the Majestic today. Miss
Bernard who appears in support o
William Farnum in the Fox produc-'
tion of "The Bondman," and plays op-,
posite to Nance O'Neil in "Princess
Romanoff," makes her bow in screen
work, and already she has become the
best-beloved of motion picture favo-
rites throughout the country. New
York critics declare that Miss Ber-
nard's wonderful charm and delightful
freshness of method account for her
universal popularity. The actress her-
self ascribes it to an abounding love
for her work.

stage, will be seen in the pictures.
Richard Bennett and his whole cast
of co-workers, all actors of promi-
nence on tne speaking stage, enacted
the play before the cameras of the
American Film company at Santa Bar-
bara. The most painstaking and ex-
pensive work was necessary to tell
this story on the screen with the force
it demanded and y(, with the delicacy
The plot deals with the disease
which has been held ani :niention-
able thing for centuries. But it is re-
lated so dramatically, so clearly and
interestingly that it must interest ev-
eryone and offend none.
Local theater-goers are going to be
privileged to witness an unusually
fine dramatic offering when David
Belasco presents beautiful and tal-
ented Frances Starr at the Whitney

Crod Phd g-~TheAim Irbor Press.

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David Belasco has asserted that Miss theater Thursday, December 9, 1:
Bernard, who has starred in several "Marie-Odile," which is described a.
of his productions, has no equal upon a work of very superior caliber by th
the American stage in her own line well-known American playwright, Ed.
of work and her celebrated artistic ward Knoblauch, whose previous
achievements confirm this view. plays such as "Kismet," "The Faun,
and "Milestones," the latter in collab-
"Damaged Goods" oration with Arnold Bennett, hav
gained for him a recognized standing
From an educational standpoint, among the foremost playwrights o
"Damaged Goods," which opens tomnor- the day. "Marie-Odile" is described
morrow afternoon at the Majestic the- as a study in maiden innocence. The
atre, is one of the best teachers, espe- title role is that of a girl sixteen wh
cially to medical students, and Prof. has passed the whole of her young life
V. C. Vaughan, the greatest of all in an Alsatian convent and is abso
medical teachers, endorses it as well lutely ignorant of the world. It is an
as Dr. Udo J. Wile, whose reputation idyllic love story written with sucl
needs no comment. simplicity, charm and sincerity tha
The film presentation of this won- it is acknowledged to be one o' :
derful play is considered better than finest contributions to American dr
the stage version as all the different matic literature. It is such a slendei
facts referred to in the play are idyll that it is doubtful if it could hav'
shown. been put upon the stage by a less syn-
Most remarkable of all, the same pathetic and- artistic producer Ihat
actors who presented this play in its Mr. Belasco, who has also brought t
history-making run on the speaking it the services of Miss Starr.

Have You Looked Here?
Y OUR Christmas shopping may be accomplished to
splendid advantage at this store. Quality with us
as with you, is the first consideration and our name
Dn the box conveys that assurance to the recipient.
In no way do we sacrifice quality to price, and a careful
comparison will convince you that here yon obtain the great-
est values for your moley.
Engraving becomes more of a feature (ach year and the
highest grade work is demanded. Only high class engravers
are employed and only the finest work accepted.
Add to all this the assurance of courteous treatment and
a careful corisilerption of your every wish and you have the
most satisfactory shopping place in town.
N10 AL4 a eJ W R Yrs
sie St ,p r

t l 7.';

fi. -i .-L_ zn 5 a^. .l .. J , . . .aFa+ ,. '




The Specialty Shop o O rigination

Our Toyland is the busiest Dept.
in our store, every article new
and up-to-date.
Skato Mobiles
Doll Buggies
Coaster Wagons
Sleds and Skates
Wood Benches
Tools and Chests
Cash Registers, 5c to 25c
Foot Bas
Boxing Gloves
Mechanical Toys

Tea Ball Tea Pots
Coffee Percolaters
Almond Dishes
Chafing Dishes
Sandwich Trays
Cake Baskets
Bread Trays
Crumb Sets
Salad Sets
Pie Dishes
Lemonade Sets
Relish Dishes
Mahogany Stands
Tobacco Jars
Egg Boilers
Desk Lamps
Silver Vases
Pullman Slippers
Mahogany Candle
DIinner Gongs
Traveling Sets
Cigarette Boxes

$.)iSpalding 1 ootb als
For 79c

Selections Early
TPhi' joy- of Chri giv ing
Is often marred by the problem
Of wliat t) g' YOU (:1r, how-
emr, sel'ct vit jab~~e a cv n um-
ber of bhacnif' nd usefuA gifts
rnt ai x< stock :
Clkee auni racker Dih.
E 4 S & ee Cmr.

Hello 1i0ys
Com n and ee the new
Bigg~r mnOdels, m~Ore for your
money thain any ether to.
50e to $. 7

L'('trcie Iroas 7i, ~t< +'

i . Y :. 5 nEf.

Pop {~'rai poe..

Electric Stois
Electric Ed~*ei Washer.

Christmas is near.
of yourself will be
your friends. Make
at once at Hoppe's
Llberty St.

A photograph
appreciated by
an appointment
studio. 619

In "The little Gyp sy, sunday, at the
Majestic Theaters

_..7a -.,, t };. w+ z s -a yn, r ya .° r " -Y _ x 1. __ a. _. _ :..s . .3-

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