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August 05, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-08-05

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-Final examinations for tie second
half of the law sunmner session are
scheduled to begin Wednesday, August
25, asd they will continue through
saturday, August 28. A number of
lrospective jurists will complete their
course with the present term.
--"Justice According to Law," will be
the suhject of the lecture to e deliv-
ered by Prof. Ro'coe Pound, of Har-
vard university., istr West Pysics
lecture room s t5:00 o'clock totorrow
-While motea'n; through lhre last
Sunday, Dr. W. ,If. Ve'nhoer, '1-'03M,
and Mrs. Veesboer apped nit for a
few hours in Anni Ac or.
-"Joe" Applegae will not instruct in
gymnasium work next fall, on account
of the pressure of his scholastic work,
and his position will be fited by R.
A. Ambler, former Y. M. t. A. in-
structor at Cainet, ich.
-Reuben Peterson '14 reporter onI
The Evening Enterprise, an independ-
ct newspaper in Poughkeepsie, New
York, has just been appointed head of
the editorial department on tat pa-
ler. Besides this position, Petersona
is also head of the rewrite department,
-Rev. J. ''. Sunerland as recovered
from his recent illness and expects to
give his postponed adress on, "Is
There a Japanese Peril?" in the Iln-
tartan church next Snday morning.
During his recent visit to Japan, he
interviewed masy prominsent men, in-
cluding the prime minister, on tis
-Prof. C. F. Gingerich, of tie English
department, left Wednesday night for
tows City, Iowa, to attend the bed-
side of his father who is seriously ill.
He will return to Ann Arbor Sunday
-Students in the Medical School are
now taking their final examinations is
anatonmy, preparatory to the closing of
the summer session in that depart-
ment. The medical school will close
-Seveni silver saglest.hamurg
fowls belonging to Mr. A. A. Hale, a
-unversity laboratory assistant, were
killed Tuesday night by a dog. Te
chickers are inported stock and Mr.
Hale has reported the matter to the
-Tlom Bgle, 11, Henry Bogle, 11,
and Egmont Hildner, '17 started yes-
terday for a two weeks' trip down the
Huron river, The trip will be made
so two caioes and they expect to get
to Lake Erie us about four days. After
arriving at the lake, they will paddle
along the short to Toledo, where they
will ship their casoes to Ann Arbor.
-Sunday services t Camp Davis were
inatigurated by the Rev. Leslie J.
French, '9, who visited the engineers
at Douglas Lake, July 25. Regular
worship was conducted, including
hymns to the acconpaninent of man-
dolins. This is the first instance of
any organizedl devotional exercises
among the students pursuing the out-
door work during the sunmmer. Dr.
Frenchs was student pastor of the Pres-
byterian Church for a number of years
and an instructor ina Senitics. He is
now associate pastor of the Clling-
wood Avenue (hurch, Toledo, Ohio.
-lDr. Frederick W. Week, who received
the degree of aster of Arts in 197,
ansd for a nunsber of years taught Ger-
man is the engineering college, is in

town visiting friends. Professor Week
now occupies the chair of psychology.
in the State Normal school at La
Crosse, Wiscoissin.
-tirades for the work completed dar-
tog the first hsalf of law summer sea-
stun will be given out toaday at the
clerk's office. ______
Now onit-All Clothing at greatly cc-
duced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. Al
our new location, 21t So. Main St. tft

It Was a Bad Night For
Ann Arbor's Gay Big Day
Ann Arbour bada riot lasst nighst fr ;aut a screed shout the opportunity for
liar first linmcsinace te last "regular"-ahssicat street sdancinag.
J-thop. The city police forc'e batticd Crest ihordes of stuidesats wettaowa
for houtrs with a savage crowd of sfu-- tluci a Ist ighact to eitgage in the opesa
dents whto inssistedI in danacinag on te sir tall, despite thse raint. Thse power
paved streets around thse court houtse' of tise press was aever so clearly in-
square. Thse studtents also'clamaorsed'dicatesd, btut unfortunately thte "Dig
for nmusic, and btecamue enraged witentDsy" is taut dtue until nsext week Wed-
there was none but the siren on fbi'j nesday,
fire enagisse, whichs was callead out to 1Thse comsmittee on arrangeenst
qauench the- riot, were quaite peeved because Thse Wot-
'lThe trouble all started whsen a Wol-; veriiae insisted onahavisagliar festivi-
verne cute turnsesdina a story abosut Ants ties a cweek ahead of tise; bta yester-
Arbor's "Dig Day," whirls was to bsej day seenmed as gosod a stay as any,
Wednesday. The editor gave the story sisnce it didn't raiss ansy aarder thasa
to thse sc feature writes', whso turnedatIcsual,
Varsity hanl to Oppose G'reat Runn11ers lts Garriet Ripley Williamss, '14,
at a-nFrncico daausbfer setGardnar S. Willianms, was
ii San i anc~cmataied yesterday afiarnsooss at 1:00
Saturday o'clock to P'rof. Joint Waaite, of the
- tao- siftartmseat of ftae aaaier.etty. TVia
CaptaisnSnaitha will have four wotrthay crmnwihwspromdih
conmpetitors, inastead of tt three data-tpresesnce of this mediatefamibaaly onty',
gerous rivals in the sprinating chases- tools lace at liarWilliass' residenace,
pioshsips at San F~rancsisco Saturdlay, with R5ev, Lloyd C. Doutglas, pastor of
judging froms t' results of the fat' the Congeregational churchs. officiatinge.
western try-outs of a few days sgo. Followingstl asrriage ceremsonsy, a
It. Mc~ridle, of the Dentver A.,t'., receptiontasoglia by Mr. stud11r.
pushed H. P. Drew inte century itn ett tr o whichlsthe( frienads os' the'
t0 flat; asad woss fromathse senssationsal fameily were sifs'ted. Hits William,,,
Los Asngeles stegros intshie phsesnomesnal eras attesndied by P''riilsla1rirtgs, 01
timae of 21 seconsds. 'lis figure saves Brookinse, floss., owsile Stassley ickt-
a fifth of a secondl off tse cworlsd's rec- ordis, of Chsicago, 00wastesestcrass
oard for lie furlosng. Ift0 wau t at- Mrs. Waits'lahas stieditsAttn Arbor
lowest to stasnd, owisig to the highis for see-al years.,isavisng gra'atced
winad, but It inadicates tetettey the colt- frostsbutts the haigh schsool ass et tni aa-
her offtse saess whsisomtiths siust tbt- va-cilyShe8rwcas cecil les on 00lie'
tie isa fle sational s'basspiosisips. camsapusasse was,onse of lt-' mstoluts-
The Wolverisse leasler hsas bieen sass tar girls isa her 'lass.
tse coast acclimaatisng himaself for sear- P'rofessor and M~rs. W~ate left. yester-
sy two weeks, asse should tsrits excel- dasy for Destr'oit, whsereftheywlt ce-
lesnt cosnditioss Satuarsday when thse big osace thaeir houneyncoons trile to ther
races somse off. ttes'sssesas, asndsteoss their settles. will
--- t sendtsomae tlinistsr Nest'Ensglansd
TEN YEjl'S TEST OleCOlNCRIETIE states, reftsrning to AnnusArbor to take
TLIS'hVEw'OIIEI uS sp thseis' reside'nce' f at 31.Cabridgre
roast, late in Septemtber.

The Farmers & Mechanics Bank Ihe Exquisite Corset Shop'
eat t 5 te 5.-~ t... 9 ree te ee cokwoar, Hoiy, Underwear and Wisls
For nacticstfuds, our Travelers,PHN 16
Checks can't be buat. Payablu RN 6
aunywhure. Ask us. 304 S. Main Street
Nu -
for your profit-drank
Evy sparlnggass of itbrimfl of vsi\gor,5ys
Thisat- Quenchinga~
Whoneer AtlanGa.7
ofiCoc-Coela s-c

Hsvu a rush vacation on thu Great Lakeu, the moat enjoyahle and
economical outing in America. The cnol lake breezes, the ever-chace -
ing ucenes along the shore and the luxurious steamers nperated hy thinsI
Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of?
the trip, sod return homu refreshed and glad-you went.
Daily serviebeweenDetri and Cleelnd andDetroitand Buffalo.FrmJone 10th
to Septemober 0th SeaesCitynfDetroitlIIIsnd City ofCleveland III,the"ToGiants'
ofithe Great Lakes. operate daily sersice on the Bufalo Division' you cant afford to
misu the pleasure of a ride on these floating palaces. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY from
Toiedo cod Detroit to Mackinacsslalndsand Way Ports. Mackinc Island, the Historic
SonmmeruResort onithe North Country, is becoming more populsaroetsr season wuith the
Touttststseeking quietneso and repoue., zcellent Hortel andnBonrding Houe sccomt-
modstions at reasonahle rates. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY nY SPECIAL STEAMER.
Cleveland tosMackinac Island'nostopsnenroutemnxeptat Detroitand Alpen. DELIGHT-
FUL DAY TRIPS hetwneens betmoitand Clevseland, doting July and August fose tries
wseekly. DAILY SERVICE ltune 14th toaSeptember 0thhbetwoeen Toledo and Pt-in-Bay.
Steamerstbetteen Detroitsand Baffalo or Detroit and Cleveland either direction.
Sedtwo-cent stamp for Illstr'ated patmphlet and Groat Lakes Map, Addnos L. G. Lewis,
G. P .4A..etrotMaci. Setuofposter stampu mailed for five cents.
Philip H. MsMiflan, Fret. A. A. Schantz, Vice Free, &SGnl. Mgr.
All nteamers arrivend depart, Third Avenue Wharf. Dntroit.

Experiments conducted bly Dr. A. E.
White, of the chenistry departmsenf.
for ascertaisning liarbsat type of con-
crete to be used isa the covering of
erich walls anad facings have bseesa
undsec r wayfor a snssmbierof yerars,.btei

and a Wanter Tr'ip Arrantged"
11. &, tC. Line Acceps R ailwsay 'T'ickets


uas - - - u a -- ' llcase aflilet eatse iate
s yet have proved unsuccesseful. Ifedelt cassirtcktteaigvi h
labs tra.e beet a nthe rotef of thec Miecigasn Cesntral, Wabashanase Grande
cheisty bildngfor ovrr tesn years, Tronk Railwasys bsetweena Detroit assd
ramsryiteatheding m D uffalise t he15rsdirect-ionsare avail-
.e..g.: eahanig maneyssasa -
ion, bt rsuls hve s yt ben t -able for trasportatiosn on D. & 5'.
atisfactony to thse invesntor: Work Daily Line Steasoers. This arrnsgr-
till iee resaserd eupon tisess irsthlialwesntenaableoste traveler teetweesn
whe Dr Whte etuns.eastersn asndwestersn states to forsake
the hout, dussty cars asse enjoy the dee-
lighats of a cool snightos rest esn route.
LOSTi-Probably let State stree5, Sesnd two cesat stamap for baooklet andt
AVednesaday evessisng, 'a Sigmsa Chat Great Lakes Rap.
fratersaity itn. Finder lease retain Addres's Dept. R.
so 'ae.H.tMills, 148 S. Staie St. Detroit &' Clevelattd'Navigatiott C'o.
Phone X36. 759IjIDetroht, Mich.

1 ii


Technique unexcelled
Each person posed artistically in relation to every
Home Portraits
In the familiar "home atmosphere"
At Christmas time you wvill wanat your photograph.
Why not have it taken nsow when we can devote
much more time to please y ou ?
121 E. Washington St. Phone 598

"The next trunk I buy
will be an indestructo"
IDESTRUCTU This is the opinion of
' G~~aBAGAE ." people everywhere who
kno wtbeh adsomeeappear-
once and dusrabailily of Io-
-n destructo trunks, or 0110
o ... .", . "" have sec ii how wondei folly
Sconivensienat they are foe a
' ltr, celiungand vanalioulmip.
' We have a sew lute of
" ;Imadesirunlo bronsaa itd
... . ." leather goods. Cotme mm amid
' "' "''# see thsemc before you go
" west thisssumner,
" Imdesiucto trumiks are
sv alesolsuely gtlaramateel for
five years, isopmatler how
'hard the wear on hive
" " , .themr.
tSummer Furnishings
for Men
Ruele, Conlin & Fiegel

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