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June 05, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-06-05

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MicII igan






.w _ _ .







Baseball-Michigan vs. Notre Dame,
Ferry field, 2:30 o'clock.
Union membership dance, 9:00 o'clock.
Baseball-Michigan vs. Notre Dame,
Ferry field, 3:00 o'clock.'
Tennis-Michigan vs. Detroit alumni,
Ferri[ field, 9:30 o'clock.
Band meets University hall for ball
game, 2:30 o'clock.

Each Totals 1S Points among Field of
:1 Entrants; Probably
Will %Get "Gold
Management Announces That Event
11ill lie Made an Annual

All Faculty Mlen Stay in the United
StAtes because of Danger
from UOerinany's


Means Probable Enlargement of
to Six Pages, Cost $2,100
Next Yeal,



afny AMen 'TeachlDu ring
TGerm; Somte Go to San
circa Convenitions


Associated press service on The
Michigan Daily will be considered by
the board in control of student pub-
lications at its final meeting, which
will be held after the examinationLs.
Members of the board are investigating
wire' service on the various colleg-c
dailies throughout the country.
The establishment, of associated
press on The Michigan Daily wvouldl
probably cost more than $2,000 next
year, and would probably increase its
size to six pageis daily. Fe", western
college papers have the facilities of
an associatedl press wire at the pres-.
enit time, but sevoral easternl papers
are uislng, it with succes..

Michigan Union Institutes 3
Radical Changes, Notal
Weekly Forum and
" Get-Togethiers"
TWO Residence Halls for Wo
Science Building Adder
"J" Hop Revived


game to, in yesterday's
tre Damne, defeating the
14 to 2 score in a game
d some real baseball. In
tt that Michigan's score
betted by the errors of
yen, the Wolverines play-
ood enloughl formn to *us-
ations which are being

Dr. Edward H. Pence speaks at Pres-
byterian church, 10:304''Clock.
Lloyd C. Douglas speaks at the Con-
gregational church at 10:30 O'clock
fon "Contrary Winds~"
Reception committees; neet In foom

214 new engineering"
11:00 o'clock.

building, at

I McNamara's de-
two innings, and
e third and with
ftcNaniara was re-
who had the Cath-
allowing but one
nid shutting them

lEnds Schiedule with Detroit ('Contest at
9:3~0 'clock Todaiy at Ferry
Field Courts

in the fifth 1 ELE CT



ty and was sent
ouble. In the
pass, and took
ng--led. Labadie
id, and Benton
a throw, which
red into the out-
badie scoring.
n an error, and
lble, scoring onl
ct day, both at
uaking four put
lit$ out of twice
lbut one more
at the Wolver-
aal game of the
series being
lock this after-

swill hlave their last
ay of seeing some of
in action, this~ after-
ing the last until corn-
ek. George Sisler,
est player of all time,
he box. Captain Mc-
and Waltz will like-
their last appearance
'e who remain for the
e and summaries fol-

rf 52 00 1
n,cf 4 1 1 0 0
p, if 4 110 0
11 30120 1
3b 4 12 30
au, ss 4 1 1 3 0
, 2h 0 ;1 0
,e 4 162 0
p 42 04 1
talP 35 9 24 13 4

Michigan's tennis season closes to-
day when the Varsity meets the De-
troit alumni team atj the Perry field
courts .at 9:30 ;o'clock, playing a six
man match with the raqueteers from
the City of the Straits,
A six man mtch will be held, in-
luding six singles, and three doubles.
The regular Varsity team will be in-
creased to sx for the occasion. The
following men will rpresent the Var-
sity against the alumni: Claptan *in
del,'Crawford "Switzer, Mack, Polasky,'
and Cohen,
Followinig the match wthd the De
troit alumnni team the Varsity will hold
a luncheon at the Michgn Union, at
which the Detroit team will be present,
and at whch the captain of net year's
quartet will be eletedl,
Insignia hps been ,awared to the
1915 freshman track and bpsbaii ath
letes.' Thxe 4mras we ven to
the following mpber of the 411-7
mesh lasebaall team: Barlbeau, Field,
Piggott, Nrton, WalterhouSe, ai-
bert, Alexander, Miller, A ndrtis, Ba-
loskey, JpPpl, l4d4dle irpwn aand
Brqcltmg4rl. he @ mpn will reportat
the athletic assocition ofileat Ferry
field, befqre 1100 Q 'ploclI tp>4ay.for
All-Fresh track npumeras have been
awarded to~ the following men Fisch
er, Hardel, #Roinsonr Shadford, Majt=
teson, Meehan, BomWlck},slr,
Dunlap, Luther, Paig~, nimons,
Clark, Se,tt, Gpsppe, Walls and
Smith. 3Measrenw14nts for the num-
erals ;will 'be t.k@n at the 0tlic as
sociation pfice before i4 :,Q P'dlptk
Faculties of the varpilps cgllge will
attend the aalauirete ekerpises in
a body, wearing their fovrm ta 4@om
ic robes, apeordlnlg to an announce-
mnent made yesterday, The new cus-
ton4 Is introduced by way of com-
liment to the graduating seniors, Aw
thoritles desire that seniors plan to
be present at all the Commencement
week exercises.
All Rtoom Renters Should Call Union
All residents of Ann Arbor who have
rooms to rent for commencement
week,' or for the summer session are
asked to telephone the Union employ-
ment °bureau. The bureau also has
about '30 positions for waiters for com-
mencement week, and can "sill about
tie same number of. ae bt.skde.
Sg ioi s 'Win from Juniors at Tennis
Polasky" and 'Neff, seniors, defeated
Wick hart'ndq Wight, itgjni , in hvir
final dq uler ?m Gc ' ~ld tY, by the
score of 6-0, 7-S. The ampus ham-
P onP pP jn pterclas terini now rests
betwepn toe sopbgm res and to sain-
lors, and "tl _4,c ing Mra 9ci 1 ll be
etagrnet week

First honors' In the Pentathlon are
divided between S. G. Vedder, pharm.
spec., and W. T. Adams, '17, as a re-
sult of yesterday's events. Each of
theh men kept his total of points down
to 18 for the entire meet, and two gold
watches will undoubtedly be awarded.'
by the athletic association,
Vedder proved to be the individual
star of the day, takting first in the ile
at a 4;50 clip, and tieing « ith
C. P.. Russell, '17L, in the high jump
at the heighth of five feet, four inches.
He was not, however, able to overcome
the lead pf. W.mT. Adams, '17, Who wNas
high man in the first day's events, and
who yesterday placed second in the
high jump and ran sixth in the mile.
C. M. G raven, '17, who won the 220
and the shot-put on the f rst day, took
fourth plarce in both the high1 jump and
the mile.
The management announces that the
Pentathlon will be made an annual af-
fair, and that next year's meet will be
started earlier In the spring, in order
that more men will 4be able to enter
the events.
Tied for first, Adams, '17, high jump,
2nd, mile Gth, and S. G. Vedder, 1Atarm.
spep., high ;jump, 1st, inile, 1st, total--
18; third, Graven, '17, high jump, 4th,
mile, 4th, total-24; tied for fourth,
Bradbeer, '17, high jump, 5th, mile,
9th, and 'Martin, '15, high jump, 1r4l,
mil, 1401, total---a1; sixth, Maftens,
'16, high jump, 3rq, ilje, 13th, total-
35; seventh, 1!3lilner, '17,; high jUmp,,
8th,' mile, 5th, totl-$8; eighth, Rus-
sell, "'7E, high jump11, 1tt:mile, 10th,
total-3.9! ninth, Nelson, '18, high
jumpy 5th, mile, 8th, total-42; tied for
tenth, Shartel, '18, thigh Jump, 5th,
mile, 12th, and Lamoreaux, '161x, high
jump, 0411, mile, 14th, total-A$;O tied
for twelfth, impson, '17 high Jump,
6th, mile, 2nol, and i ohr, '1E, high
jump, 7th, mile, 11th, total-49, 14th,
Hoerner, '1$, lhigh. Jump, 9th, mile, Olrd,
total-q; .15th, Alden, '18, high J ump,

perating from a strenuous year.
Dean Mortimr . Cooley of the n-
gineering college may spend a por-
tion of his vacaton on a fishing and
hunting trip in the Canadian woods.
Dean Victor C, Vaughan of the Med-~
ical school expects to attend the meet-
ing of the American Medical Associ-
ation at Sanm Francisco, after which he
will make an extended tour 'through
the west,. returning to Ann Arbor
about August 1,
Professor W. H. Hobbs of :the geol-
ogy department will attend the meet-
ing of the Geological society of Aer-
lea~ in San Francisco.
Professor Clarence T' Johnston,
Prof,, W. H, King, Prof; H.B, Merrick,
'Prof. C. 0, Carey, and Prof. Hugh Fero-
die are the faculty 'men who expect to
go to Camp'Davis, the summer engi-
neering camp at Douglas Lake, Mich-
Professor T. fC. Trueblod will leave
on the 16th of this month to deliver
lecture: at the 'Universities of Utah,
Montana,, and two other colleges in
the state of Utah, and will then go to
the National Convention of Teachers
of Public Schools at San Francisco.
The Professors who intend going
east for the summer, either traveling
or visiting, are., Prof. R. D. Jones of
the economics department Prof. A G.
Canfield of the French department,
Prof. A R, Lloyd of the phil-
osophy department, Prof. A. H.1
White of the chemical engineering de-
partment, and .Prof, S. D. Bigelow of
the, deprtment of chemistry. Prof. W.1
L. Mlggett of the engineering shops,.
andl Mr. S. J.1-oexter, will take an
automobile trip through the east, fol-
lowing the close of the semester's
work. Mr. Hoexter will then retun to
accept a position as engner In the
Markham Air Rift Co~, of Plymouth,l
Prof. . D. Scott of the geology de-l
partment expects to finish a repott
for the state geological survey Mr.
A. J. Pieter:, instructor in botany,
will take a position with the Bureau ,
Plant Indutry at Washington, D. C.,
where he will become one of the ti.
vestigators for the firm.
Prof. H. A. G=lea;on of the botany1
department, will direct the summer1
wocrk att hs Biological Station at
Douglas L.ake, Mich.
Prof. J. F. Shephard of' t psychol-J
ogy department wils et as superin-
tendent of t ,ji new science building
untl us omnpletion..
Prof, W. J. Hale of the chemistry1
department, after the summer school,
will leave for the E±xp6sitions; and J.
S; L4rd of the same department will
be a visitor in the laboratories of Prof.
A. U. Bleinenger at Pittsburg, Pa,
Prof. A. E. White of the chemiA et-
gineering department wi1 4, outside
consultation work ; wll as have'
classes in tl,. xynir school.'
Mot pfthe remaining professor
~will remain inAnn Arbor, a MWipit
of them teaching in the i jerno rsea

On account of the dlanger from Ger-
man submarines,, no professors will
take the chance of crossing the ocean
to spend the 'summer vacation. Many
of the professors will journey west to
the expositions, while others will visit
eastern cities., The majority, however,
will remain in Ann Arbor, either
teaching in summer school, or recu-

Since the opening of
in the fall, a numberc
have appeared on1 the c
have come from various

Faeulty and Parents of Seniors
Invited to Attend Formal
Social Affair


34 5 6 7 8 9
10 g 0 0 0 0- 2
0 o r3 o0Orx-4l
gases, Berginan, 2, La-
rody. Labad ie ,Sh ivel.
Maltby, Shivel, Mills,
altz, Brandell. First
Lei't n b~ses, 1Alich-
)ouble plays, Bergimau
Spitches, McN~umara T,
cNgzmar4, i (Du~gaii)
m 5 (K~lnp. Bergmnan,
7 innin gsby Wells 5
[its, off McAaxara, s
n, 4 14 7 uatligs.of
t by pj per, by Me-
ps gamIe, 2 hours, 15

Charges of Professimnaiism, Presented
by Weliber, Will Be 1under
At its meeting this afternoon, the
board in control of athletics will dis-
cuss; the charges of professionalism,
which are to be presented by Chas les
Weblwr, '1, catcher onm last year's,
Varsity baseball squad.
Wobber will present four affidavits
tending; to prove that as many mnem-
bers of the present Varsity baseball
squad have played summer baseball
for financial gain, in an effort to have
the board take some corrective meas.-t
urves as regards the present enforce-F
ment of eligibility rules.

"4GOON BYE Boy," 1W'itliBP 1
Michigan§ humor magazine, made its
final APw of the year to the campus
yesterd;Ly, when the "Goo' Bye Boys"
number of the, Gargoyle appeared.
This issue contains 10 fuqll pageg of.
art work, and l llnumber Pf sliAort It-
ries jn l din iR account of the Dai-
ly-Gargo le game which is reported to
be of the highest order of fiction,.
Among other literary efforts of the
book i$ a fable addlresseRt h rd
eating seno b 1-laroN d chradzki,
'113."A.ID: hlney, '17L, Joe Kucera,
;'17E, QIs~rk smith, '17A, and Joe Wil-
son, '17A, have all contributed full
page drawingsi
Fresh !1hg neer to h l4i"P .Wow'"
Freh i nj er§ will hold their first
annuaql "pow-wow" at Cascade Glen
tonight. The class will meet jat the
M. C. depot at 7 03,00 tcMottand marh
to the glenaiin a body.
J-Englneers LeAve for Camp, June 25
Leaving Detroit on Friday morning
of June 25, the main body of Junior
civil engineers will travel by boat to
the summer surveying camp at Doug-
las. Lake. Another body will go to
camp by means of, the trains leaving
Ann Arbor on the same day. These
desiring to travel in either b;,xl will
notify H. H. Philli ~

and even from the alumni.
Perhaps the change with the great-
est effect was the first Campus Ellec-
tion day, held last Thursday. In it
were combined the elections of the
athl1etic association, the Union, the
goat club and the board in control of
student publications. As a result of
this union, the largest vote in the his-
tory of campus organizations was poll-
The Michigan. Union has been pro-
lific in the instituting of~ innovations.
Wieekly meetings of the Forum, at
which vital campu~s problems were
discussed, were held between the be-
ginning of the second semester and
spring vacation. A series of faculty
.nights was also begun, but was also
discontinued at the mid-year recess.
F+aculty men from various departmnents
of the colleges and schools of the uni-
versity were asked to hold informal
"get-togethers"' at the Union with
students, not merely those from the
department they represented, but from
all of the other colleges and schools
on the campus. In the early spring, a
"Co'unopo-N ight" was given, when
men from all over the world assem-
bled at the Union and gave exhibitions
of native games or sang the songs of
their' countries.
Through the gifts of alumnae, two
residence halls for women have been
erected near the campus, one behind
the former site of the' athletic associ-
ation building, and the other at the
corner of So~uth University and
Twelfth, streets.
The women of the university have
not been idle in this year of change.
A couple of months iag,,o a vocational
conference was held in Ann Arbor
through the activities of the Womnen's
League. PR the line of entertainments,
both Kermess' and the Greek dancing
myth presentation have been given.
The Y. M. C. A. has introduceu2 the
book exchange and the departmental
unit system, by which officers are
elected for each college and school
on the campus, each of these units be-
ing represented on the cabinet of the
(Continued on page 6),

Seniors will hold their comnmence-
inent week reception at 9:00u o'clock,
'Tuesday, June 23, in Barbour gymna-
slumi, according to the. plans "formu-,'
latedi by the general committee yes-
terday afternoon. The affair will 'be
formal in nature.
Tickets will be X4.90i per couple and
will be placed on sale next Tuesday at
the Union desk, Wahr's bookstore and
the University avenno, pharmacy.
An important, neeting of the recep-
tion committees of all senior classes
will le held Sunday morning t 11:00
o'clock in the Engineokintg society
quarters,: room 214) new "engineering
With a list'q celebrated contribu-
tors 'including Andrew Carnegie, the
June number of The Cosmopolitan Stu-
dent' will be placed on sale Monday.
This issue, which is the "International
Polity" number of The Student, con-
tains artic~le on the present Europe-,
an %J1tttiwi by Chancellor David Starr
joirdan of Leland Stanfojrd University,'
Norman Angell, foremost world-peace
advocate, John Barrett, director of the
Pan-American Union, and Dr. George
W. Nasmyth, director of time luterna-
tional Bureau of studenits.
Chemical Soelety Initiates Six men
.Alchemi sts, honorary chemical so-
ciety,. Ws initiated the follow-
iiig men: F. C. "wheeler, 'ThE; John
Maulbetsch, '17P; P.. L. Uhlrich, '15E;
A. E. Roedel, ' ;E. A. Sachs, '17;
and H. Hf. Al htn, '11', After the initi-
ation A lavnquet, Was held at Catalpa
s 1. Smith Accepts Engineering Position
Don A. Smith, '16E, has left school
to accept a ,position as assist-
ant city engineer at Flint, Mich. Smith
was president of the junior engineers
and editor-in-chief of the Technic. He
is to assume his new duties in Flint at
Coach D~enies Rumor of Resignation
Coach Carl Lundgren of the baseball
team announced yesterday that all
talk as to his resigning the position
he now holds is groundless. The coach
said, "If there is a a ball team here
next year, I'll be on hand to coachi it."

Ialy- Staff
he Arcade
aembers of
ith a. free

June 1, 1915.
To Alumni and former Students
of the University-
You will be pleased to know
that the year now closing has
brought increased prosperity.
The student body is larger than
ever before, the total enrollment
being 6,857. Ours is certainly a
cosmopolitan community. Our
students come from every state
in the Union and. from 33 tor-
eign countries. Earnestness and
enthusiasm have characterized
the work of the year,
A re-equalization of the prop-
erty values of the state added
a substantial increase to our-
regular income. The legislature
at its recent session voted an ap-
propriation of $350,000 for
a new library building. The
new science hall is ap-
proaching completion. Few,
if any, science halls in the
country equal it in design and
general fitness for scientific
work. The new residential halls
for women, both gifts to the uni-
versity, will soon be finished.
For Commencement, a varied
and interesting program has
been provided. Hel~p us to make
the home-coming of this year a
record-breaking one.
Very sincerely yours,


rk June 3 :
urge each
club in his
L1 welcome
Our active ~
iare eager *
,but must '
ifrn,,c *n1v 4

.E. , if. Pence
t IPreach
Miss Leonora. Allen
Presbyterian Churc
Sunday Evening, June 6th, 7:30



* * * * 4'

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