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February 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…She" UtI>of 94l PaI1k> VOL. X.. ANN ARBORMICH., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1 900. No 107. prin~g LARGE AUDIENCCE DE- LIGHTED. Announcement G, H. WILD & CO. Wte have just isesiived our line f spring woolens for men' svear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable andi de- sirable for the season. Wec are also showiing full ranges in nov- eities, in squality and tiayleeto stilt the moost exacting taste, consistun ; of Top Coats, ...…

February 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERISITY Of MICHIGAN DAILY lootai~hd Daily (Sondye eceptd drig the Coaltegye aat. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ttepaco The Iad Pess, Henntitg Block. Bth Phonett. 17 MIANAGING EI~iT1OR. F. NEottotARD'OtL. BUISINESS OANAiEI. U. IH. Hoot '00 L. EIOR0L1S. ATHETCS,.S . t.. Otaoao, '01 B T.ft,.WOaoW, O L. A,tt1. MOUGtAtnL,'ttlE A. G. Bnoawa. '02. E. oJ. B. Wa, '00, L.J.tttaatGtoo Ea,'0O, WOi. t otY, 'OM, The subooepton piceof atth ltt S0S2.50 ...…

February 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 011' MICHLIGA"N DAILY. a { COATS for Spring-the roost convenient coat in a gentleman's out- it We are showiog a line that come nearer to "made-to-order"F TO P$12 to $20. GOODSP'EED'S 117 MRIlS STREET Sles al') s orev/ct er. ]]5 52 iiK eu, ig See nH t al MICHIGAN 0ENTRAL I'' - The NiagaraFalls Route." e bILe the IIVbotorai her. T:I BS A5SO UNrA-TNADTIME.I M u0 H ii Ta king Efect Novenmber9, 1 899. 't .. .sr .. ."1 r ,z r.;ta:r...…

February 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVER~SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST RECEIVED 10000o In Your Inside Pocket Is whayouacanasaveonaasaitoravercoatadelta youaardarbyaus. Wguaanteea perfect fit~or ao sale. Calladsee, nasobbigatiaa to bay. OGa immese assartmeat af aver 3,000 saplswll plesayoaa AllWoolSuaits and Overcats from$a%00up. Goodrich, ah r& Murphi, FotRo vrFrtNtoa D. fl TINKER & SON HATTERS ANDI FURNISHER Headquarters for HATSa,CPS, Mao's FURaSaSa aad Casaplete lis...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…;be Uof 94. P)ath4, VOL. X. ANN ARB3OR,1I,1CR.., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. No. 130. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. "We havc just rceivcd our lhoc of spingi iwoolens for mcn's wear. It incluiles evcerytlhing in staiplcs that irc su itablicanoldce siraiblc for the seao.War also shoing full ranges in nor- elties, in dilit t1noilstylec to1 sit ite most cxactingi taste, consisting if 'I'op ("oiatsSuii- igs, FancyrVesis ar oilfo I 'roll...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Poblehed Da1ly (undys axceted) durig th College yea at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orletr: The Iland Pes, ilosotg Bloc. Both Poone 14. MANAGING EIITOI. FENGat~aaa,'OlL. BIUSNESS MANAGER,. 0, 1. II tto..'00 L. FI)IITOII. ATrLL1tLll~s, G, . 1). tcvo, '01 Ii. T. IR. WOOaot, '10 . A D, MoDooostALL'1 E A. G. BoowN O. . ItJ. 11. WOO, '00, $. A. JSloostoLe r,00, t.'A KIGHT, '01 . o noon eatda.tot01iI A Evmuitat o,,OIL...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF" MICHIIGAN DAILY. r-- rr- i-- Wit' fir- r- r- t-- r -- i- r-- r - ="r =St=' _-= - L Wit- - r-- r- - r- rc " -- 1"° _ 7 r° F - r- t° =i t ~WHEN 91 . . . t-- .--+r-" -.r :L_.r ^_'' _'f '-'r_ f^--'"f- f :,,,( J-+l-= f=+f .f- t YOU BUY A TOP COAT-YOU WANT THE BEST-WE HAVE t- THEM--NEARER TO CUSTOM MADE THAN ANYTHING YET PRODUCED-NOTE THE FIT, FINISH, STYLE, COLLAR AND SHOULDERS-YOU SHOULD SEE AND TRYS THEM-812 T0 S20. GjOOD8P...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ed etellien-mumus h otD. fl TINKE[R & SON~ _, Th~le splendd lra as o'th Spii55e55 .frth, j "' " i is ith feeingHATTERS AND FURNISHERS Of pride which we thinkppadoabletthat weisnvite your easty inspectiona of jHeadquarters for our nJi iI V Iewtslneof Srig and SaaaaertOfrnsjs eevd fehadtmt iglas uclaveat ur's ria storsy, Over3(00 p utes frot hettBAHT, CAS.tME'S'aFUattSTItst LeadinsgTailorssofthe Wor]d. Sails...…

May 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…m f Awl, VIOLOW 'VOL. X. ANN ARLBOR, MICI., MONDAY, MAY 21, 1900. No. 173. Spring Announcement 0. H. WILD & CO. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in uality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite y...…

May 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 173) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY U " " State Bar M <eethn. ~L.~ ~The annual meetingo of the ichigan - State Bar Association will be held itt ?ubtsed Daily (Sdayrexepted) durng the University hall ott Wednesday and colege ear at Thursday, Mlay23 an 2t. Tie Wedies- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. day afteroott progransme will onalst of Oroas The Ittatnd Prear, Heaing Boiec, an address by Professor Bradley M. Bth Phots 1i. Thotmpson,itresideit o...…

May 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY Ulu -2IICUIG AN DAILY. ® KN OX, AND ALL THE NEW ONES OL EFL% INEW BRAIDS, NEW BRANDS GOODPET MICHIGAN CENTRALI " The Niagara Falls Route.' CEN'TRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expresso............555 A. X. Atlantic Expresso.........7 45 Grand Rapids Expres.......11 10o Mail and Expressc.........3 47 P. a. N. Y. EBoton Special ............4 585 Fast Entrrn............S..dl4 Mail and Express.........…

May 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

…-<' TRUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.. GOLFj 'if you.want. DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, 1LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- FIRS, "PUTTERS, CADDIE BADS AND GOLF BALLS .... ~Yacan find them at 'heehan'S W'e carry the, largest assortment o:f all makes in the city. Our - lerks are np to date Golfers, =andl will gladly give yen any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ace Arhor agents for the following well-known cluhs: "WILLIE DUNN...…

October 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY. FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR 225, DELIVERED OR MAILED TO YOU EVERY DAY, VOL. Xil. ANN ARBOR, MICI., SUNDAY OCTOBR 21, 1900. No. 25 MICHIGAN 11, PURDUE 6 The line-up: YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCORES Announcement Purde Mihig an____ SmlsIbet... ...... Rdaen 4444H.'4'444444..44H..g4 'Varsity Works Out a Victory in the liehel ........... .T 'aX . hit u Our special line Last Few Minutes of Play-Purdue DuaSh ane . .Gi.....Marks ± Michigan I I Purd...…

October 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIO N DAILY. 0 ~~ ~i, ~ Cornell Hos HodulumsSh e go g _________________________ Ot.20. lou. W.J. Bicyin, 9 t C Pulihe Dil M ita-xcpeddn1tth he tilo(nc-'standard bearer, today -- -" a .a ' acricce Clie eao,at ple le is setconid encounter cof TllE UNIVRSITY 0F MICH-IGAN h <npni irt olee studenits. It I k ~The w ay 001 shoes are going willt -ANr FCcntI1 "tsnecat and the students surpise you, and the pres that uiiifliorali 0...…

October 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE UJNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DALY. 3 do COAT SHIRTS Are now used exclusively by the best dressers.1 Our shirts receive careful attention in every detail and are properly tailored by high-class workmen. " ~$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50' OODSPEED S 114 MAIN ST. S. MICHIGAN C EN TRAL .F., . t W." , ..;, , PIANOS TO RENT' ,~The Niagara als Route." J H E N R Y B R O S* A'T T T3 11 CElNR'1AL SIANIAR I 'lIE. + Now oil the floor at L I Tageet eperhr o uco 709...…

October 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY 015 MICHIGAN DAILY A Excursion Rates FULL LI NE WE CAN SHOW YOU more GYMNSIUMTO ALL GYMNA IUMthat strict ly to c-to-measure FO T AL ,ordinarily tharg dwefrnl GOLF GOODS Aeo te h INTO GOOD CLOTHES than 1000 of the most inviting styles forFoll ever brought together. ~WH-O BELEIVE ogarments ought to he booght below the prices o ay, " HERE OU ARE." )RICHi & DUKE, dlar', asEarth. )Foot roosm over First National Banh V N H LTNOW ...…

November 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…'K ati _ VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDESDAY, NOVEMBERt 21, 1900. No. 52 Announcement PRCIE{POE Robert T. Hill Discuses Cuba. Po. Wenley Addresses the First AL lr .fil fttt o- SuetMeig f-h i pca ieVarsity and Scubs Showed Life and , i Sty l ve ts-ido 550*5 lai phial Society. - His Early Ou pca ie Speed in Practice Yesterday-y e. t cliay aslss iea Wec h In e t Experiences in the Sub- of foreign and BlilsTried at Fullback With 110555at 515 50 vi...…

November 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…z THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHiGCAN DAILY. t~. Et ~ ~t,_~ i t,fAthetc Bar Transats ImportantShe gon Puls SdD i \un ' 55 eliii drin i( itoh1el' l a si'it i:- at a Sacrifice THlE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIIGAN h u sice I .tt he 'jQl ( 's I the wsay oui shoes ae going will 1( .' l1 III,) gae wi s 'akeli sp surprise yo, and the prices that A h1- g oip'sias Fs 35 s 'isO r'ts'gi'aAnsCcciii thaie nakiisg theni go wsill tusrprise Both IPhoi '-1" ei tae Py tIi, Nof...…

November 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…THE IIMYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . ~ ~O9-E~ :0 00000000 00000 .0 000 00~ee + Vacation '5 Thanksgiving will soon behere--- Going home to see the old folks! You'll need a SUIT CASE--- They hold more, look nicer and are the way less than satchels or valise We have them to suit all. $2.50 to $18.0 rye9 in )o G ? DSPEED'S0 117 M ID . _S. - MIHG NC NR L ELUAD'SThe Niagara Falls Route " ...J ~ .~~ + Ilandlolin and ltal itrStugs costs - ." ...…

November 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01B MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Excu WORTH READIN Al The Cardinal's snuff=hox, Henry Hoand an( on the Wing of Occtsions, Tart Chsandisliessis The Hlearts Highway, M1assiE. Wilkins The Lane that hadn onTussing, Gilbet Posiies ti are Fahles, (it-rgsAsde tie Alice of Old Vinacenns, MAlc re Thompson ar In the Palace of the King, F. Msriaa Crawfordi Songs of ohe,tiornlog, itstca t Plllpotta The Isle of unrest, Chs temlSlo lrisa m ana A...…

December 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

….maim\ of ITV all l I .. . V T 1 lXT V OL. X1. AINN ARBORU~, MICIH., FRIDAY, DECEMIBER 21, 1900. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics or the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress oztcasions. 6, H. WILD CO, io8 E. Washington St. DAINTIY XrIAS GIFT...…

December 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ° t shouild be invstd-with eough power R N 4 in s(to enable theni to ill their positiou0a(1 N OR 5111 NE execute their trust ini a manier befit-Th '0"$.0Soistehe i.PblishedD i3lsd.ea cclelduriig liiVit to wear when the weather is usncer- Caton il~ei at Thai he system of cas s games as ain A little rain doesn't hurt it THlE UNIVERSIT Y OF MICHIGAN now pa yed keps froint the 'varsity while it affords plenty of c...…

December 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE 'JUNIVERSITY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. , ,! :' : :iE+E : :s:3E: FE:IEF: iE3F: r:lF:g: :BE:E : R ;1 N a, u' sir . a tit '4IIIIIUNI ,; , Nir I N nd' ' Il l u!i ll,,, 'r. .. leil .. o i li !ii i ,III ,o °, i11N I W 11111! I, uu a0y ' IIIiiV '" ' J l It+ ,,, y ,C III L IIh . o o = y16 1 . lii , r .: :;::.. .::. o iii -- ' :r ^ ~ : :'3:x'3 : ' lIT CASI3 OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS Twenty-four inch, steel frame top and bottom, good locks and catches, ...…

December 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UMVERSI'IY 01 MICHIGAN 9AJLY NEW BOOKS WORTH BEADINMG "he Cardinal's snuff =box, Henry Harlam On the Wingeof Oecctsisns, PftChandler Harts. The Hearts Highway, 'Marti E. Withie, The Lane that had aosTurnia , Gilbert Parke (tnre Fables,. Georg Adt Alice of Old Vinacennes, 1 itrie Thompsm; 41n the Palace at the Kiag, IF. YMarids Craw! orc Sonagao ats,1raint. EdtnPhitlpotb The Isle at Unrest, Hcsral Seto...…

February 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…Wbe AL ju -94 Ila VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDJAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1901. No 107 ....Our Special Line of.... IMICHIGAN 42 -- CHICAGO 30 FoegCndD m s I Capt. Hayes and His Men Give the FABRICS Maroons a Trouncing thu M alolry 1and1llds lets fall before FOR~ SPRING 3to'lngaol s troek mn at the uiest oft iragto gymnoasiutolaolsg mlittthe score heing 42 to ,l) in favor of the has arrived and is ar- Inoize oanl thne, andl lovadentalty the range...…

February 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…'THE U.YIvEIL8Ii'ry oUt'MICHIGAN DMIl'. 2 Publtised aily(odays txcpteit)ditntg Ccttee 'terit THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN Aroitotllito~viitSt. 336 S. State Stret Bothli'Phonestt3. 'New'Statte*Phone t82. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. SHASt, '0t RUSINESS MANAGER, F. 1 NE ARDo~lt, Pt tL EDITORS: ATHCILTICS, . GI. D. ltri~vTTc, *01t1E A. H.:vcDouGALL'Il E'-1.. WA. KNGIT,tic, iL Mitts L, K. StrINE '03 CHAtS. tDVORAi0P "8. H. W ooDNowo, *04 W. P. CHatwo, ...…

February 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…TBlE UNI iSYY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, Febrr tary 23rd * OPENING DAY HAW ES fIATS G 4' 00DSP4'4' reed forins e autrfevrday. hCalliandhexmin e turihen ews shapes dents' *ihia 4'ta tLbPS omAlr lc s_1 21 117T MAINSTRST:R E TTE'HOE6 Weaehedurer o very tthigi teli e ofer fiteings AINGDIH $.0 NIAAFAFALROT' Oa a js er aieY om il Awasei esdofthe Lowest. eteU. fM is5ct 10. F TESOTNE- MKGV.Ns f hetaRKHe1118AM'S B nvtslAZAr.prps Waicss itchiepaen i...…

February 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER' BOARD Burchfieldts Fine Tailoring Trade.. . SIZE 30 x 40 FOUR COLORS Red Gay Green Black I5c a Sheet AT Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the sfate of Michigan. EXCEPTING NONE. ARTISTICALLY M ECHANICALLY We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD,, /06 E. Huron EXHNG our Gil L' m paFor' Ann airbor" Match Generator. GASOLINE LAMPS Bring in your old ones and let~us make y...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…be o at VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUCRSiDAY, MARCH 21 1901. No. 130h F( 1 I' ....Our Special Line of.... BATTLE OF THE ORATORS for (allege at the :Detroit high school,I (10111 who-h he Iva-,graduated ill1900. ISUETS UD N DAT ore in andD OneS¢ llC He entered the law department in the Annual oratorical Contest To-night fall of 1910). with the class of '(03. Le' ABRIC Will Be Unusually Close-Winner 1lticilahted and wn-1 second in the...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _ 2-i suit of the holders ot the oki Stock 333333313 ?333133333333J33?3a ~~ ~~ ~ ~ aning on to it ntil they were of-UN V R I Y H L f_________________________ eiudl inre thou par fr it. P'ries T d Piubished Daily (Mosndays eacepteddring rngd roM111rtc2hpe cnt23y~~ Clege rea, at 'Ito-iran busiiness is ow) in tic le q m EvenM arcO'c8:15 THEU INIV[RSITY OF MICHIGAN for ea onnui ide. IrthM aeloe tiohasnot come ...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY k*F t E~EFL eF~fEtl1 fEE:* E1.Er: - * E Er E E rrr* 6*6v~dT3E irfr i£5fr'C *f is is i6 Uh7e Celebrated Spring; Styles: is You' r a' w it is+ DES Hat. Now Ready. e Invited To Looi.. Sold Only by 'O' EL EI s3T DERBYs ON * 1W'S. Is TRETIs 1 4lOODSP 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 ?. Ba'? a'S3 i 3a'a'a'a'a'a'3a'a'3a'333 Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Wit...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MI HI0A N DAILY $PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY ine.....;r Writinog Paper y the pound at 2,5C Acorn and Cram Woo-e, nvetpen to ,match 10c per package, 3 packages 25c 'FOSTER BOARD, PHOTO M- UNTS, TYPEWRITER SIPLIES. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You cans get a HlOT'LUNCH AT 338 Soth Sta St. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Miimeoraphng. EDWARDS BROS. Over Sheehan's) State ...…

May 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…VOL. Y1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY MAY 21 1901 No. 173 .Our Special Line of.. REGENT COCKER IS DEAD Who Gets the Gym? DEFEATED BY SYRACUSE Foreign and Donmestic Eminent Fiend. of the Uivrsity '1'tl'tery 1after011noon MihianLoss n FelingEror Il.ePasses Away-Introduerd Pros- bocce ] th110100 *1111oft1a'it -orliSrie et1 e FA~II5ent Succesful inancial Pol-. "Fonth AniaItersc11'10'1hoast' icllane" Bt Gives 9 Bases on F O P G ;icy of the University ...…

May 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 173) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (oiialaieeatl' ki 'aikn'' tea shearid 'Iio iniilsitate atrlee t In t he cattpuits lat (1ellin whten tieeresutiofatthe ittitit etlioe at-ti fileatty aeiitiatic 'i. siil pirit, Citiiliitety mtanifested by a saillt iiitche oft petrsons, is entirely w'eecg. A~e mutl ie teithrtielei whotwiit e ast t «ereethe r'etttlte play- ea Aeii titti wait tite teattaola eti the t'aiii tby thecomtiieitiveproiessta, "kilt tte e...…

May 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…11f UMIYEBSITfY OF 4](IGANi' AILX 1 S Ar [ 1 i J2L HatsA and Sailorsm 4' w P Clu ive .Shirt Waist Patterns 4 ____________1000 Patterns--No two aliKe e4' fy,4' ti4 O07ODSPEED'S 0 17MAIN STREETT centra MANDOLIN$ & GUITARS NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' OU. 0TIVI.R1 ivii..i.s ORS cieeecetethe First lie misc F 2 They ae for -al at the THESHOT LNE-SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= ouiouuwwi Music Soe ANN ARBOR TO rie1ndaered6o isetin W Liberty St., Ann Arbo, Mich...…

May 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

…TEE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Jerseys We have them on all kinds of combination of colors, alsoruaka them to order for c las temris in anry colors selectedr, weih numrer- ala, letters or monograrrr at club rates. Caps We also make class callo to order with any monogram design sub- mitted. UNIVERSITY IiOOKSELLT I, 320 South State Street You can get a HO")T LULJN CH For Ront. For' Sale. Thesis Work (Caroful ly Drite. Typowriting. Minmeog...…

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…-z r - b~r- ' d G , r -- -----f ! c- - - - - o C G i t r J r r 4 , _ -1fw O . J% ' ~ J- H . F - G : ~rr C U. w .':0 T., SZ= l~ r J low 7 fq -L~q 7 E 7. y0 V = v X 7' r F Gm C p T 1 1 , J r , "7,5 r G /r r p0 p 7 !GC. +Gx r = G~c ../ ' J ,4 1 '<. ToIi y~y J -3 F r G- _m ' h s. ,, i _G yc r -= cT !. E r5- ;#1{ _ a. o" '7' t, If q .MG °F c J s vc c {! j j i 'i i i ,, i ,, It i i 3 f i N a H C1 -, Hom z. 0 rtlA …

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIItUAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shoN ni, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and T rouseri ngs I0' 4* 41alldidalt appe.w f4w 111w '1):' liam. kv- ; I . .. E W S -Alht 21r Ilt'l-rll t(Y'rll at. (.1141 Ila; ttllt 11 ill-14) a tiilli. ul ;titlitt for 014. phli-4 _1) 1;tll- lidl441 ll lxrt . East z' Ill. llavi-tl ri.-Ill _ half oli the I:i-w...…

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-INEWS r 4. + + + -'4...' 1... 11+. +44.l.l++++++t l. i::1::ii 111: The Most GollvioGinU lhinis that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy +~4 STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. +~ W'e cannot cormmand the language with which to tell you hos good these clothes are. The makers attach their label he- 4 neatit the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of + their reput...…

October 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY- TEWS Oy tr C ck a*SEuthymal Tooth Paste tae-20 Packers's Tar Soap la - 2c+ Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets - - 85c* i d yPeruna - - - - 80c 4 CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 50. STATE ST, + NOW READY LI NEN PAPER SECOND EDITION A Handbook h LIet us show you the duality we sell PARLSIAMENTARY PRACTICE, at 15, ao and 25c a l1)... .. ... by RUFUS IVAPLES. Our Playing Cards are the standard One Volvmee quarto, $t oo Net. All Booksellers or at...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VBTYics. ANN AROR, MICII., T1IURSI)AY, NOVEMBER 21. 1001. No. 51 - HARD PRACTICE. JOHN E KELLARD. _ ONG SERVICE TONIGHT. 'VARSITY COLORS. Scrubs H id 'Vasity to 0-0 Score, Thej Noted Actor Gave a Reading of Last Meetinz of the Season, New Songs A Resolutior . wptd in 1867 Declaed Three Men Hurt, Shift of Chicago 'Much Ado About Nothing, Before for the Beloit and Iowa Gmes the Colrs to be Azure Blue Gaines Possible, a Larbe Audience. Will be Su...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE is the hest we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blu~e Styles. and a very fine linle of Pancy Suitings and Trouser in gs in the latest patterns and color-: ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 09. ioS E. WashngtoaSt TAR SOAPS PACKER'S .. 20C SPANISH ROOT' 15C Grandpa's Wonder ier Liai~d U} nla 5 and 10c QUARRY'tS Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY" S Lunches Are Better Than Ever I have th...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THlE JM1CHIGAN DAILY-NESS ~I~flL~' fj ~A( I n o or wiIndowlis 1a(1then t iealook inside the store and Sou will see the hlrgest and best lTAKEi 14LOOK s\511eted dsock of New Fall Suits and Overcoats between Detroit and Chicago The most conplete ine of Men's Furnishings and Hats in the city. The JsOe agents in Ann Arbor for the celebrated YPISII :i'aN 11 NDEIJXXEAltM INAT 'aIAN SHIRTS and HOWARD HATS. WII1OfHfMS, RIYAN & I1IiIL[L 200-.202 S. Mai...…

November 21, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…. t .e1.I' . THE MICIGAN DAILY -NEWS + HUDNUT'S ERUES, We hg've just added a full line of these fine perfumes and toilet articles. "Toilet &Hints" is a book: that tells all about them and their use. Ask for one. .. .. .. .. SCALKIoN S'-PHARMACY 324 SO.0 STATE ST. WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY Our entire stock of P NA E IA LAW PUBLICATIONS GOES PLAYING CARDS Save inttne y by pi welt iri next Semnester and Miscellaneous Books _____AT bxefre our stock i...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…1 %" FsTYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MC., '1UE SMALL POX AGAIN. Senior Class Memorials. T ONo.atoni egr 1t5 .ls nw1 'io Iaversity Students Down With i w his:is 'iiyetIbeen -l nI t}i he sni or ii. lss. Tit,' iiimoriial I -sisllm iii's the Dread Disease, Many Literary, hasisn W nitse o:t(isi-sdcisin Dental, and Law Students ara til prohsil dlls ils i intingi the Eximoed. csbr y liii'sof l m s msteiisr. of th + ~rct o o. 5t,1 ,11 fi omi h liii, 'i Uan 4 5the...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…LEADING MERCHANT TFILOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD0. io8 E. Washington St ONE OF OUR HOT WATER BOTTLES would prove a blcssing worth its weight in gold during this feason ot COLDS & GRIPPE 750. to $ I-5O CA.MPU5 DRUG STORE. THlE MICIGAN DAILY-NEWS I...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THlE IGIIIGAN DAiLY-NEWS AH, BU r THEY A ED"N IS IOur new assoitnien-: of 13tth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking jackets. + iiciiAll that yo'i could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and+ it illbe oyurardeaista -e to look them through bofore buying sour hooi-+ lay presents. 200-202 S. Main Street. 1 LI1ItM, IFN&+LL OHJ- SOHANIZ CHAS.CDI(E T A SEX LSO LN R T55 q j iOR DR~Y WORK sPECIMLTY: HANDWORK 601 EAST WILUAMS STREET 117 WEST ...…

January 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

….- _ .ys.+t THEJ MIiCHIGAN DAILY -NEWVS CAN DIES wtiitttiii.KOIDIAKS\etolitei II i its'packe;i o f l t il sil:o. We Winiter sc"en(ixy land winiter' 5aitis lmaike IEi dakiexat i)U'k f<>t.lsh ipm n it hot l~c. ine e rtho tullidixys. W aalte c atterns-Q, + Se tiem in l r Nindaiiw. per cent. discount on kldilks. SCALKINS' PHARMACY 3 24 SO. STATE STI? riGkwiGK Billiard Frlors dod Bowlingu 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I lba r0 ...…

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…_. __ t ; _ _ j 'I, ,.: '. " I J "" r t' i i ~1 _ ...2 e Y a .. \" v .r r a , 1, r . ,..5 . r .- i L- i. - - C CA xa m «.; r ; t A" i 77 '" - -. , r . -; ., ' cn -_ m y o' f. T I ?: _ _... -- - 1. "r: - f- r. i. J. _. ! , . - is 'J r- p. t "". I _ "" . "1', - y -J _ . -._ tRt .- J / 1. ..1 ... J. . J - f "' f ; _ - 1 -r _.t zE z 0 r r s :e r. . t f. . r 1^. l f' u 77- G_ r7l r° r t "1. ' J. ° l + .o r-r ; f . m !. l '' …

February 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…4 W X 'I_;: - -LI .- r5 _.._ :{. d ... .._. .. ..... _ __. ._.,.. .. " .,e . s .T,, ,, , - = Q ._., . F : . ': _: , _. r. ~ ,: YtY Yff^ + .. r I -t \A~d it. N.- I 'lii \'r'. . rf 2'; ' t"ti t t't ;!)1 - i E I llit- Ia;'.ki lt , . : ;,t1 :j t P tie Price is 2and $2.5° c store' HF EK +.:i ier it1 .n .tlC' / '// V-YU. v + -: IY ri ... r 'S lV ' Ot' ++iY1 1111M1' a. r rw u-....-.ev ..-T. p.'Y lry. tu'nav Lam. . il .."wP yt reOe ! Y, . ti st I : >z...…

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