Saturday, Febrr tary 23rd
G 4'
reed forins e autrfevrday. hCalliandhexmin e turihen ews shapes
*ihia 4'ta tLbPS omAlr lc s_1
Weaehedurer o very tthigi teli e ofer fiteings AINGDIH $.0
NIAAFAFALROT' Oa a js er aieY om il Awasei esdofthe Lowest. eteU. fM is5ct 10. F
TESOTNE- MKGV.Ns f hetaRKHe1118AM'S B nvtslAZAr.prps Waicss itchiepaen itaSpecianle
w~t~ diectconectonsat rlcgo or t. t t e v. Nah Wirtll res debat 1'Ao.l. Sat etig eav sprod rayrelii
BUFF aes iyS.AiLOan tdewet. tobehld haS at eUnrived rmrsuaie fte'i ie trniy alCHmAInoldISH $5.00
da nomto adtruhtcet alo h llchilanis of re sntai ts'l u sotil usiwhoueuu h i htwlrpx, boueyls
owieolWHYSAnaAND OS OrN are ibitariatdl starutoeide rLit (ihs.lls Ati'citmfiueii'to tel betiotwrortepr o
wish~~~~~~~~~) itetsnets' t -VastrS.a the Mic .Iigait etiisad!ut ilehatrow A.Ah.tegacitig the seicitac
L As I N an as t R BORas e he w s. i i tii'1-dtd Llc rl 5yt Uii veh rs~itoy t he i _1it. Wlts 'rh, A rn old, Jestw eler
To naistr atiisghiht eato rli i ciitgait roiitesciieat evens slo tEat')h i it Aueofus sue tlilor-
R se i A S A e t A i i i s i i t i i i titiitite are C c 1ii eL O IIi ii 5 a t it g is i s tttiBut o ti ss-at
RAIL ROAD ~~~~~~I ii i earhien i the cia thu d Lebt Ip lit ltl Ili h oe
A kri D Dx SltTsa edittiidbyanaietiiiofis .5ittpeettiy stiter AstieifVwonderfle
TIM TALE l .We r~ilt hisI uverityto quliii iti nlit Htiivof tiig-EiCiTYtiss
Taking Efrect, Sunaty, AMay 2,1899.tlit . __________________
Train lease Ann Arbor ty Central Stand-II
nit Tine. ~~'i'iiiasiaiia is ih ia i ii m>stiiiit tttiI 7 't, Ot iIth-ti3H; 1171,t7
sdle tirned ifi wilthtei'deaste. SM O sgte Holmies IL.iveryv
SOUTH NORTH li i I-i1tc{Tgecie c
-No. R.- 7:25A u. 1N. l OA. (;LtE K ChLtB NOTICE!____ ____PHONE lO6, 515 E LIBERTY S
N.R-113 A a. N. 5.-2aasr. . ror
No.a.- 4.- 5 p. ss. N. 3.- 4:56P. 5M. 1uI I t~ asitir eiict tto ight at 1I1Cal{ It hN 'f'1'riifrotitrooiis ve'
em hnAbradTtd n l eekiiic Rooimil'- 4 . 1 tSchtdi'i s t eri, :t40itS.State st,for t
('. .t.en nn rboOantToedoonat~ire titehiass, scon ilour. Intirsie "'-
Ass tris aly eeptsuSndaiv. - f 1.I *t.Schieie. i
'sci-.tt (raials flrit l-'ihlai1Reay Saturuay m iiniiig it'. Itrltlie iiwil
sitt L m fi iill ii11 iditrtmetits cwi l evte te 'tntire tii' isio thi',isatts.
FloKING V ALLEY fIY. he held;In te yu. this,,-ftertiosu, icsitesiienin itending ~to jiu nflue ctise I
T eR ira th ttk s-h nonlt4 soutiutrn lit. tis viuors titss ti'ik, .30: oisclock . -1 1 ' 5
Business In and Out Al. is i -tP7Iil t ,ll. 154 r gr. Viitors sri'e liot admittti'othir ts iiiichgan.this rate
4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS A the is fs1l sillaiter iotcs tiight
4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 alt IMiy" Rtiitdsos's5 1"11. Comutlete thne "Adler" stits ana ouves-
TOLEDO, COLUTIBUS Th---s-mnaslnan thrtct oats t Wadiusu Ryan & Reue
and ATHENS. versify fatncy letter pater and pads in taiess' slid Getleieul's Posctket- c elN
5. Hi.Fisher, L. W. Landmsan, tect.Alsye.Shle' ok ok a n-lidOfti ot. "OTENX!
0. P. A. A G. Trav. Agt. h iy l tye.ShHe'sEo-ttAitR'Sac-EWERY51iS TuO al Ifsnottry some NfFak'T"n n
Ceolhbu, Ohio. Detrait. 0Mih. store, 116 Ss. Msin At. fttl' RR.YS~t' I is s suest1fsi n o
-- _ ___-- i etiss Aa. vys rshi tt and ade to
Deroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- AlarmiiClociks at HL~TER~t~'S. Art Pictnres for students' rooms, at 115150 te sisst disurtuirantig. You
bor Railway. _____Sctaii-'r's Booistore, l116 So. Blain shgiatt tiebasett di't '.evetilitnces and
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti -et$ a aei h oad vtr o h lt: tbt trs
'every hountheginning at 715 a. m. nn- Best$3EtTS madOtsCEe!Hoard.E.sta fst'hiigtn;81e.ta tes
tl 9:15 p. m.;t After that to Detroit at W adats, Ryan & Reule, tote agents. TDNSN~C! 25 .Wssugss:is o lie
11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner Ann The best laundry is the Toledo Laun-1
and Main St.; )etroih,111 Griswod t. tf yost are tat satisfied with your dry. Tspy i. _Work called for and d- Pickwick Billiard Parlors,
Cars every half hour Ssturdays and rlom atid oard or you wish theex- ivered. Leave your order at 121 S.Itdy fo :5t 51 .M egulation Star Table,
on~~~~~~~~~pne riasfo2:5t515Pm. p550were alitte less, go dowia and AMatn at.
MONEY LOANED ~tali withi AnansArbor Msic Co. f MnrhCsin
an Watrhes,iiatnondo.Wherls and thereCr5' l ai nd's' sl t sleteil's Poket' teyin Nwad
sinai Property. Offien at residence. Mi R.-'Waerman or Laughlin IFountati tos iait Onii-ThiridOff ftshi saionfhis. Strictly Up-t-ae
Licertystrenet. Aul tisiness confidential.i
Hears. te ui:0a. m. and Ito3:3Oandtod Pens, $1 each, at Sthaller's Bookstore. lcAttEtlS JEWE~LRY STORE. 7o7 N. U niversi ty A ve. Ann Arbor
P. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS ___-_____ ________
-IIs tuneqtualed at any price. Our styles are Noey and Exclusive.
Ttma-ftT--t- F cmlrsUT v sm s -1--t- r-s--r-t--s-t--s
U.aossBrbe n e seiadENOCH DIETERLE, F nr aircUnd ives y lst ens-hilt stock west Fins
S o Bah t doblassa st'ofDla hstisng. All kinds
mends.earls0. in 12 s Bothe af enpa ringgsyitiy dox4e,
Shopri 190©B.h) _ ,~~il FourthI Ares, BthPhones She Sop E.dambt Photon
R#ooms 5m2STATE. . i . Tojnsowski E a b