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November 21, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-21

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. ~ ~O9-E~ :0 00000000 00000 .0 000 00~ee

+ Vacation
Thanksgiving will soon behere---
Going home to see the old folks!
You'll need a SUIT CASE---
They hold more, look nicer and are
the way less than satchels or valise
We have them to suit all.
$2.50 to $18.0


117 M ID . _S. -

MIHG NC NR L ELUAD'SThe Niagara Falls Route " ...J ~ .~~ + Ilandlolin and ltal itrStugs costs
- ." 1 I I+L . *1 j ~you no Moriethat fni'eirol
CINIT1R.L S'T'ANDR lD 'TOME. 01-011the0oncat _1T'I, IB
Taking effect September 1o, i19o00 .' ( Music
Atnitig9' E... .........44 We have on1 our tables an Entirely New Line F
Ml andt sE { iW. Liberty1110 Ann Arber.
Gra Ra A!..-r. ..... 1 10of 1-all a11(l Winter Suitiugs.
N. Y:noaon S'peial ...........45 It Wilt Pay You to See Usa. Don't Go HomQte for
Fact Eatrn ... . . .1..........94:3"
Foil lN ,VtEST. "540 * £' ~ THANKSGIVING
Boston N. Y. andtCicaitg........1 .....e<) 8X1 Y Without one of Our
G.R.tiH-413 '5t31..t' ARTISTIC..TAILORS, .?3U. of M. PINS
Shes~lhIllTickets, all Classes.t nd fr01~ om OO0O++*+. OO +OOO++ WnAnld, :Jeweler
R1oenp oints at lItst raten.Full infor- _______ ____________________
u.W.R1GIES, H.0' lttvtn "Lieut. Garden's Lecture" lnteresttno. Final Debate ''ridgy. T
Q.. ('TAe hiesr, vtA nAbr
'11'lle ij~el 3-113'13-3 (3if 3'the w 13 111c ind t l t @ e12; he a n l tr-c
_; 1113'f I(311;t1133, 11a Y. Al. 3'. A. 311te ltin- 1 ~ ieitde~ t h 'r41'e an~t t ral ner Ol- N EW
y 1 _ It~~~i 1)ld'li'Le 11 S 93dtl1', Ii snftic' 11333' 113 ' bIl 1}-iivy, ,m Lo j l d tat upe on t'c3 c1,-tt "l S UDe-
, .- .. r -_ ,- --1-3 9.1, "1 t't decide a 11.,3011 131'33.3 101331le S ill D EN TS1i11t'L
i ii1 311ti.l1t31 ei tt. ' eet I N31111331i1too11me1131 'iil1 11113'3'll<l tl 133 111931S11en1d-113 n i
13e 1i 111333 .ii ~l~ 11:111 11-t eel dc11 1- 11113it'- 35ill 1 1' 11131. 1, 31 .1 1311ie 3le~'t o s t 'e are bettet prepared than ever
z:.Ada11n' I =G; --r-I 1$1 313 3 t'tl-c Il 1i 11W1 tl' 1113d to give the blest of: carriage service,
TIME TABLE 1111ly 1'1j113(Ildy'lt131 h is ini:ciI' ta13331 - ,-1 1--1w f o h11'ml. i11-i , io -3 avn ade sc rb er tie
lakine rEff-et, S i1111y, Mely 21, 1899. 111ic th ile 111' 31'3'l}ltll 3 1 -33. 111' }11~ I I ~t'1 hvn addtorbe ie
Traiu leave Ant, Arbor by Central Stand-.. 'li l( ;tr
1113 3133 n beg l ip. 13' 111131 91311 31.of 111'tIhe 11Md d 1 913$ 1 '}ls oe1r(Ia 3i 111 tle(-3eli1 cocht o urttrk
1 :3 5 A. . I No, .1 :33 0A 111139ir ' 31111-clt te 11111 33113llo 1ed 11pi(:- 313 j 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERtY ST.
4. -1:.315 t.-Nt.13 No. 3.t 4:56 P.t;(t
1111313130i 3 143oI11131i('eebr , - (AL ABOARD FOR CHICAGO! ?1
anl s(3) t h ror te.v.e l (lat 111rt 131nil Ru11'113l. Hie" 31el3l Iookt
13 W. r tI LLS. Agent. hits an31ieue13 ,;-wk 1331 3113Ti le IC 33 o 18311- ! -t~th u '~ii lwilOtrl
10 139931 ' TT . G.P.A I, uill33 lie3 1-' 3111 11101 1t31- 1i3 1h3111e Nv3 :o 13-3.3 3311 13, 13 1o3
11- Ilig'3a In3 which33131 13311 3l 'a3- 1 31311 331 13l'111133.'3lI 131 133'-e'
5l'''~lil)T a )"f l b t;\1'33 1 1 . 14t 3>",- I ' 1 13111 13311 d,13131 1 Il in hit \V amt)-.3ll3 -
111;x'. 1f __i __t. _( ____- 111331131119.n-t sp ci 1litra le"llilt 3101 e 11 1311 3
HO tCK ING VALLEY BY.33 313 .113 ilf)11313 133131131 33 3331333331111131 31 11' 11313131111 1 'i-3I.' -
fhe R ilrod tha taks th TjNll5-15- lll S1lrion'e 1112t' Set(ut te's1v1 1 311 ju-t nei'31 111I e I
BEee s n a d u l' tooe , 930 So~ \V;1.111Stai n t . e1't <1. 1l 31i 11 1 I Cht iSI 1 e131 13333 333 /3-
of M chig n. 3113~r i 1-313-113-3 311'10,iil111o 13133 pil. 3
AA Tial~n.Ra ttl lc oo11-3-11 111 393lvte, O11111 ±r3. l~
aila E atW e s the ento-te 'Sttinner xv eaer's I. tl ~eti-' lilie 111t 11e13. li 13'
SOLID chVESTIBULE TRAINS 113133l1 3- h trie 11333 113133 ill-SOLID VESTIB311TR1IN3 11dhlilt,\ ..
anRTE S 31- ~ 'tyg a rds. I litu t a e o rE'h' a- 1' 'l1,Mn l f:''2Tdl \ - /,;
and rt. t 91 53t.l 1~o.1Sltttrstol~oe ATtENSn.11at. 1 till 1lt ho 33}1 tni' 1331-33l,33it'l II 333
113-evelt13.3.,113' 3191111se andiPokeyli N 111he 31
Chips'atA.chall're't-BoAns.ore13331111t. I tll lile 1111 o'c x'is t ll'-1t5t 1 i ,t;HUS
Co.atH. 13333L. W L ) lntt 531. '11 13-t113191t1 111 ~t u- 1 1' l lel htl 311 1L'1 133 :.'Il ie 1)-1 Bt .131 ~ tteto 5 sil
vet-ily fatncy lettei er' a1'tn113. ptsin11 ' r-1111 tltl lt' 3t1313 33 t 1133ic o13l1331131 Hatk'sfs toe hot chocoltate and fresh~
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- te citY. All 4tytes. Seialer's Book- -d1 'ice l.'n tbte enljoctt. candles atid oyster-s, served in any
bor Railway. s5re116 dSo. Slain at. set e tithie013or.
Fare leave for Detroat and Ypsilanti 200 P. Wat511i1tot .11(1 So. State.
every h'itI 0311, egining at 7:15 a. am. lWadhtattts, Ryan & Revnle are sole 1)t:)\"' (x() ASI;.1', 111 ', 11. 1-l :
unt' 7:155p. in; After th~at to D~etroit 113111110for 9l1it 1ttt i nleveilr. 113313 l'I'e3 1 00; ie '3ete111, :)('.___
oh 8:45 p. in., 9:1-5 p. im. and 11:19 p. nt.PikikBlarPaor
Waiting roomt, corner Ann and Main 'Plhe -New Doiueslie 1'ittiottIs tite Pickwick t r 1afatdttt'lo1111t
etc.: Idetoit, itt (riawprdpoh 11-31 t'eeIt it' tfeor tlnry workl. Foe it Pen31, $1 each lt ca per1 's SBooks-lor"t t lt' 1l13otlie T11131 ,1
try Cori S. _________121._._AlainSt. 13313131cll us1do130
MONEY LOANED nyvetrySthingtee, SNelainEve
os Watt-h,-. l11333m01d,leetsaand other e- 1n )3F3t~ N)(1538I ilt yhl e ~
soxli aiPronpety. Office at residetnce,X341F. Strictly Vp-to-Date. S 1( :.l"IT
Libaety--tenet-.3Al.9 bu-inessca nfidential. It <,it 3 c1 3113 1lu 1333f 331' 11313333 131 1 n-nfid to133y 331 dI.dlf'.Srcl pt-ae
one. bto 11:30S.lit. 3.nOd 13o3 :;30 andto tll ll1.\I4S J .EiOI'lY t1 1l3RF.. At ttOSEY S. 1707 N. Unliversity Ave. Ann Arhor
p. in. JOSEPH C.'.A ATTS


13.50Buys the "PURITAN SHOE"35
s 3050 Save $1.50OHnevery opai r.
UJ .." of Y4i Barber e asl 1jss-ENOCH FDTERL~m almraed'"Universife t on w blc westr.
P n 8t ,s soNakon 12S. o rtAeBOAh Phoness a#hoe epcr~gx~ly done.
HhpS y om) oom s s 22.STAT. . R. T oaeewskl M1 Shp E. Lambert. Photos

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