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February 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Mic ignDal Voi.. 11f . MICHIGAN PLAYS PLANTERS TODAY, Varsity Basketball Team, Greatly' Strengthened, Goes to Lansing -Dents Defeat Pharmics. >Seve memer of liCl the bsasketbasll team11, w fith Coach Corel leWii.iavc thismonn f 5rI1asim and will meet~ theC M. A. C. te m in a retur thatch o1 n I till IIC ' ggia'' ii lI this afternoonlf. Thei. \iiliical ea will pret'C5 a~ 15 1 c sC 'tron~ger line-u tii hanl 11( r~l :ii11( 'iere difitl i. ...…

February 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY.'I"ol ii citoto111111,byt iiralltr Gs IL Wild Comfpanly .MERCH-ANT TAILORS Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mtteniunmr Light, and Datk Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tao. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumoberland, Cheater, Orient, Pet- ham~, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Frderal, Empire, Raeborn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London...…

February 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TOREY AND DIAMOND Razors AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Statches, iamons, I awBoks Watches and Jswelry uepauid. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331iEF Liberty St Ann Arbor Hous:n8to11:30a. .ito 4:3andt o JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S% Own ?Hake BSEST BRIARt PIPITS PRICES Mv id - - $1.75 to $5.00 Socond-$1.00 tou $1.50 A:NIRiJIANCEi BeltPhone, 9S4, 21k "ioncePhone,08 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Successors tot(),1NSI. Satn Fu...…

February 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…THI MICHIC(AN DAILY THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THIE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as P'aper-hanging Pai)t- ug, (interior and exterior) Wall-t inting, Kalsoiiiniiig.lFreco- ilg-,"etc., etc. We cemploy only' skilied is orkin tand guarantee 001I work. Goods D~elivered to...…

February 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…\ Th i haO . X III . AN ARBOR, MICIGAN, TH R DAY, FEBRUA Y oie No. I1C2. SUMMER SESSION IS LENGTHENED Term Is Made Eight Weeks to Cover More Work-Appropria- tions Plade by Regents. At their regular mnxtly meeting heiui yesterdtay, the Board of Regets decie to lengtthenlthe teoo of tie'suasser ses- sion. I has benoned thai the regular si- he term is not1long eough to cover the grounxd that ought to he cu- erd ile.thcouxres gieen. The period w...…

February 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIfiAN ATYO I HUhA 'IWS~bI 1THEMICHIGAN..DAILY. _ _ . I f 1u. iinu DUMP iij Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS I Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown Caribou Tan. Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Yotr patronage respetfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street Track Shoes Gym Suits Jerseys and everything that a track man needs...…

February 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…TH MICHIGAN DAILY I IT-I XXV REGULATIONS RV .S RN lE A Buort Sap andelone whicthwilt IAE.EE.E-SI) NETSLCXII 'CTR no ea frelatherwould bhoatreat. for any honeor bath.iT following is a revised report of The Rev. Percy S.Grat, 5 SI) ec Yo ti e icrot onft BIar of recommndatonss relatie to tes'coim- orofthe sn-ChutrtItof te AcensiontNwi genine haned literary and ltw cotrse: VYork City, will tdelier te not.tSlottfin li'itlfF lln N o P O LEA ~~~ i) W...…

February 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…T l 7 ifE !'l ix tHbar\3Eli3a'betb THE NEWEST IN TOWN Made as you'd make them yourself. Different from the candies that you.Ihave ueeu buying aud better. A new sh ipment in. Ei. E. GALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. f AMUSEMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT Fror the E.tlre Week ., COMMENCING MIAJESTIC FEB1RUARY, I THEATRE 17 The following Attraciions will be Presented : 1.-O0verture. L-Elltott & West.D)m gA. 3.-Charle...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… U? d :': rat" J , " J O r '' W ,,, C} E-{ . .. o Q bA c wow . ,f - v . fC/) f f E' r~ .- f ,_, '/. r, (7I7 C7- v^r _ (-)r H ^ ii v ^ f . y f , .."^ - .- . r J. T J . - . 034 -or Ki ra z r. ? i _ ..' !f. ... f f ._ E~ ~ (~) - ~ - - C,) ~----~ -- - ~ ~< -~ - ~ r ~I-~ ? H J o CLO W W (j cn p ..a ocbc i C Ica CS4 °' b U W r,'^.. 7.7 77 L- 7 v r. r ! r ~ .' v ^ ;r 77, ...... f. _ ..- 'f. J _ J i' J ^J . r. = .: '.' f , ,_., l r: ~ ...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY New Sprilig Woolells 1907 4. N. Wild Co. 11 South State Street If You Need a Base Ball Glove or mitt, or in fact if you are going to buy anything in the way of Base Ball goods, youll find the largest st o ck and the best selec- tion at SHE EHAN & CO.' iThe Stueolts' Booksor Money Loaned 5)o Watches, Ditiotto.Lain titosli. or otiens rtsoal Propet'y Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargain; in Watches, lDiamods Office at rsidenc...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1, Ii I R Sam,. Burchfileld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 MAST HURON STREET LL HAVO YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'S? Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in.- eludes every new and natty fad of flhe season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK (" CO. i 4 E i TH[ FARlMItS AND M[CHIANICS BANK MAIN A...…

February 20, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…rTHE MICHIGAN DA IL Y GRABS Al HOAG'TS Th is, is yout chatncet get te nit)s mserchtandtise for 25c litt you1 e-ver have Ihad. Five hundred l oxes filled wit good, clelii desirale goodls from all tleIartnltuit. D~ry (is)ois, China, Fancy Ar- ticles, Jewelry, Stationery, M tisical hIs itt iuttis. In the lot are to /Z0iters woth uttltto $ 2.5tt each. If ntlotstisfiedyott nay have your imontec vbtck. IHOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Butter Cup Candy Wh...…

February 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga-n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHI1110 k\'I 00-Y, FERU\RY 20,1906. 0 11.. XVI. INo. 98. STUDENT SENTIMENT WILL OBSERVE WASH- INGTON'S BIRTHDAYI I S N O T U N A N I M O U S C.Smi W All S pe k in U i __..__ -_ _-_lon.H.CSmt WilpeknUi Promnen Stuent Difer n te aooo, of tie tog-ofwa r wold vesity Halal-Appropriate Pro- Prmien tuens ife li e a srios ifficuttty an(d tmater gram to Be Carried Out. Opinion As to Abolishing Hair- witch meints erot...…

February 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY Sprifig, 1906 IOUR STORY Attractive Styles New Colorings F~OR IMEN'S W[AR Largest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POPULAR PRICEfS FulDesSuits a Specialty FulDesat aG. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. state St. px INFIELDER'S GLOVE W The best ever made. Heavily padded around edges and ex- tending well up into the little linger. No heel pad, but is extra tong to protect the wrist. Model selected by prominent players...…

February 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…70w - THEI MICHIGAN DAILY p -AT MEN ATTENTION!10 qFNELNCE ar h lpe aditoeceey r elpiit just suau m'DolreI 0& lepcce1eii:,iar. Acmiplete tt in ortfrateruiic iculilueepres- ,rIEETUEEE 5ine u]clIcslotoiccc eic.l Ve are aeflt racn o,1 e tIs hpls. soibce t THIS ONL forcel f Co.e 11iNlI nA C C E bm ( 0i . e hav e antersit rPIPES, also o LorI ,xI : iS SC0.FNP' atl pttttucsi' ieeorf C j. "R. . JOLLY. State t. I t .in ed icall tco ce. 6 J. HALER &Co...…

February 20, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hockillg Valley Ry., CONITINUE6S ITS EXCELLENTI TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four+Trains Daily From Toledo MADIE-TO-ORDERt STYLES IN Regal Shioes~ For College Men Almose trs legal style as rh-I rety copded from a new destlrn thart s-breen prdeadbyathe inmost New ifr.nd London. And the Regantmodees hatare motpopulanr an thecolleges(t r; .- where are enact annfattihful re- prouctions of eertainecostly rtgt- to-order shoest...…

February 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATIURDAY, IiEEtBRUJARY 20. 1904 No. 7 PRELIMrINARY friT. Track Season of 1904 will be Inaugu- rated--New Men Expected to Win Plaes-Rose does Good Work withShSot-List of Officials. 'mihocxiirs the Preilminiiary i- dor eelwichkrkmill giv' te raek ulen(thiir Iisl eatry-utlthis yea. The resut. o iite i'i'i is asaied w ih a groat deal ofieires.lfor he uei' men ihair sownis ui aliily i traiinig tha...…

February 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…THE MICPHIGAN DAILY. Z N 'f T'E M CHIG N D ILY COLLEGE CLOSED MONDAY. t VftI ufIff aneeirsIsesmlbrl s ofttratthe An On Monday college will e cloed R; GldI ci on11111 * rhr YPtot fl5. for the celebration of Washington's ± ~PI ollhed daily I. odyer.eeptd Sourlg the brthday. There are many among the true.y stttll cWshig too steet stdents who will take avantage of Salo hsele loo ieeac)PoteR2Orth oiday tomals short visits home, MANAGiINQ EDITOR: t...…

February 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'The Niagara Folis Route " Qj f O r-eat THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to Mr.I ,ntion BUFFALOII NEW YORK AND BOSTON 20 to 50 p. c. DISCOVNT with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul snd the Wet. write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor IVIOCITAAND JAVA 'trousers, House Coats Alnraynf tN D j Underwear, Bathrobes 214 Main S. DEAN CA Co.$.0,is. FanShr 79 New Brunswick TablesSAEBRt.W RH REID'S BILLIARD PA...…

February 20, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…THE MhICHIlGAN DAILY. ruritan Shoesf For ____ + tory 4 MOE LOANEDON:: A *Comol~ete [ine of Dress goools. .ewiy t , nin l Class Chattel a n d , Cocllateral SecurityT. 4 BUSINESS STRICTLY CONIFIDENSTIAL. Ann Aror ~ioe, W.uJ. LOURIMn. t F'actory '-- ckton, Wass. I om) I. tia tin~ 31w1. Phne 4;9. Off......... flrs to 1.1tir8 :3. j Q;rolvn in Turkey. , Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. SM-OKE. MAKS SrCYPTIAN SMOKLS Crk Tip rPlin. Save theCo...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…Till us. OiF N. DAILY. VOL. X I II. ANN ARBOR, IMICH3., THULRSD)AY, FEB3RUAR{Y 20, 1903 NO<. 10r1 STUDENT SUICIDES Orlando G. Pepper, '06 Dent, Shot Himself Yesterday-Alleged Cause Despondency Over Work At osie o'clock yesterday aftro Orlando G. Pepper, a first year stu- dent in the dental department, shot and killed himself. Te young mean, Who was 21 years of age, lived with bis widowed mother at ltDi S. Tayer street. Before the sicide ocsurr...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…THE us oi: N. AIY VoI. X IIIJ. ANN ARBOR, M1ICI. l"ZII)AY, FEPi UAIZY 21, 1903 No. 11 2 FRESHMEN VS. SOPHOMORES .Close Meet Predicted-Nearly One Hundred and Futy Entries- Preliminary Class Re- lay Races Tomiorrowv ti;l ovwill oitess t1h . aual trogg le btweenvO( othe fresionn 01111 sophomorel 1l(1sses0of the Iloiver- sity for tractkot toe 10'1y,'itd it tids fair to he the 1m1st01exciting" 111111tlty contested in recent years.IThe large tlttttt...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THEF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TH1-11 U. P M.DAILY 2.1 10 give out of town i rs - S rin gj.;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sedtodo Pi'1t Iic'tir 1122 o ni~lost : A Cheap ______________________the__________________________i t221'11 tithe" 1122111 EF ountain Pen - 1 212122111122112lf-o12 11:1l BUINESS i'ANAGiL'i, ci:1e nsof 1A,00 d ,;Il ttw l It I II . II UST'ON, '04 1-111211111222121)12le 22112 . 1.2 2 o111 cc 1 W iI)I E ITORS', 2 l1r2' l o\\-ed1 1'221...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…' ~THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGA N DAILY. Spring A nuouncemnni Tl r _ Illg st >8 co11r t ll'tise of*11 Co ~ ll rkrll fegelll Tet 6 Bookd l-C(. s 1+: o r atittll i ra T1,she st ' Fota in 1 Ph eention othe11cit i rsioksel ' )er- 3208 . Stae.St. Colg T Ft s I'u, j t i i 1. t i t i 3 i HlE U. OF M. DAILYl MICHIGAN NC 1)(11C ft"iil 15858111,1188,t i e t 111" il',rc ,'.r t t w I ll t~t it' o '11 i II If h c ililil'loti' 111 th MANAIN(i FEDITOR, !w I ti...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…VNIVEAk" I OF '. 1 Plain and Cork 7 ip. A.CSlildig& ros A Pipit7 'Recitlal 1'i s11 xaii1x tx11r I xi* 1 C V;1 1 ; IN 111.2 tt -AR Il t'I .l~ll ))111 t ill iii lx np Official Athletic -}upplie +. 1ha '11s1t11111111; 11 11 Ball, Field IM)(key, Lawn 111 w% I i "t('if , It11i1;1 Icon i ((tt + ~ J1~ChFIEL ' FINE TAILOINGT"' E 4 NV 1' 1, 11 11P" \l THE WCFINEST LliY iot WOOLENS lur S. W. B3UR~CHFIELD) Other Colleges Ils 1 i'/ ii2 1 1\ 1 ! l' t ri : ...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…TIlE 01'IIICIIICAN lDAILY. S p c a l S l e i S r c t l yo 3 a l l W o o l C u s t o m M a d Tousers $.5,$4.0, $.oo and $6.oo AT ONE-QUARTER OFF. Look at Window Display. Cutting, Reyer & C.J US 1r 0-1 ATWSIGONS. WAISTS, GLO JtS, IlLfS [I(. RENTSCHLER, {ARTISTIC FRAMING PHIOTOG RALPHER. AT RENTSCHLEW S. Cleaned at Cor. MBain and Huron Sts. Phone 3891, 3 rings. LOVELL'S CORNER STORE. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR %Zi as Portables 1~~~~1..1I,,.I' 1 tI 0 41:...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 5

….!t°. f z., . THE UNIVERSITY OF '_ICI1IGtAN DAILY. If you want to know hsi w rh O R T E T what smartly dressed nen wilt wear this a c- soli ask to sec - - t ';ih i F il 0 \v 3I l A)"t t _. _ . , . _ . .: , _ .. _ 1 ._ina .cW.__...litf&Ap1. I E3E lt3 -r nch oe onri'State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN 1 LA 1 IST XOAO XIryie rlii::~r I6IOfItI'[is~d 1 A I G"A I ) BUJ ' SOiiUTHEiiK~I(RNOIE lie teasitr~nl~tI o your- l' toie riiia se i ut IiIti I 4 P IN S ...…

February 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…711,IIF lIVEISITY OF IIIIlGAN D)AILY. I r~m I L[I [~ FOR ALL DRESS OCCASIONS Our Styles are Exclusive See Our Windows Before Buying PURIThN glOL 60.,0 III &oMfIIN STR[[T RENTSCHLIaR,t ARTISTIC FRAMINGj Estimates cheerfully giv- We sell PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S. en for framing all kinds B iknsefr Cor. Main and Huron Ss.I Phone 39 3 rings, of Pitures~and all work AMUSEMENTS Randall Again Attacks U of M. ppybetaneecutdi Typewriters I ill'S't...…

February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…= S.. " h,1_" }}^ e aW ma , ni f .. >.:... " n r: r' mrsy ~ _ , fl4 1 -K~N y _ i ti _ l ~S~ 4 ti C UA~r~{ _. ." .. ,ti i ° ' _ r t \Yoit'll ry 5 purtiaV $10.0 BOX FOGS THEff1 I have m r ev,: l a.1}mys: iN axu: r u THE SMOG.F THE DELMOf 100t F RED L .)E. GIiL BE-,7T ONGH ~on Arbr Con~r~i~idev 1. Ai ~ tiOU; COMING Mr Charles Frohmnan's excellent productio"l 1DAVID) HARUM.' Mr. Carl llaswin's -A LION'S HEART." S. Kent Miller. P : 4.~,yRING; ST , ...…

February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

….t~, ..- 4 CLU t5jN V~t .; ..4 L .14 .. . 4 t1 4 . ..tY 1'+ +i .. ..i '... . A4 y . 4 r 4 _4 ..4 4 . " 4 Fr _ _ ! j I+ C l - .. y STE -El C CI C--S EE r NG tO 7 f Kedfe. NO l KK , t . ., - ,.. , -.. 5 s _. ,r a' r , . - - 6-^ } "r .fit qf1 ... ... :7 FUTL:i LKCY 'e~ tut .a, ' ,. . ~ L r i -. r ~N I( th ps--t 3 r . - ______ A I AUNjS RS .., . " .. .. ., 1 , . . ". . , .:i, . S i.l F 'eI iti .a t.1.Y.1 ~ BURN ~VOR , (tot it it -0 Toi thout o 4 N...…

February 20, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…x ..~.~O KU rf2~f j~ ,\V IN S9 'rK G i ,. .* v - s . ... .,, .., w ._ . ,.-_.. ..,:-' , ; . i . _ a , .. ,, . . v - -.. t. d )4 ia!1 ~r. , J t, a re-. ( r ~ L AMA:7 I: I j ? l i l I I ' li i ' 'i l~ a AIS\iE\ 1 2 Pictures in Set. LOVE LLS CORNER T HERB JOHNI"SON - I I. Ii'~\ p II II ,'.S. Lr, . _sbrrt . i: __t _...:Z _, y'i u . :., ... a '; .s. , 'i .w."t i;. . . :i-1 '": .. __ . _ -,OFC O OL T F- - -'~?TEFE S 29E.WAiI S.:51 .STA STv _ _ % A'?...…

February 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…r4 <aiim. VOL. XI. ANN Af:BOR, MICH., WEDNESDLAY FEBRUARY 2, 101. No 106s .Our Special Line of.. THE FILIPINO GUEST lie sitoke vers flatteringly over the A LARGE SQUAD repinnt which1 has been tenieret hint Foregn ad Dmestc iii oiverthe contry and estioialy the adDnetcA Prominent Native Lawyer Visits heary amanner with which the law Many Candidates For Baseball Foreigneiedhnthre ndh AB ISHis Young Friends. in the tlllt -ievi in ee ille Honors-N...…

February 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERStTY OF MICUtGAN IYA11A. 2 TIlE UMVE11~LTY UIi MIHii(AN DAILY. Pubished Datly(Mody ecpe)drig Coleg er, at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN -MAIN Ptoo Beoson Oci "Argpni dmainSi.t 33 S. SateSreOt.r Both 'Phoorn it3. Nee Stoe Poe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. 11os, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, .. ". ENEo)Aoe, '0:IL EDITORS: ATHLEII CS, - G. D. B DoTco,'01 1 A H.MCOet),.tL,'t E. WAK~tt't Mss L, K. SAt\E'0 C &S. DVORAK'l 'H. H. Woonzoott '04 W.' P. ...…

February 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…TBE UMVYEISITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY mom. c .c.c c cc¢ amrr .l-wr. r r Tr EF F r e irE:iF 'IEEFEEirEEi Satur4 ,OPFZNING DAY* W The spring styles of t! ready for inspection S *'G dlay, Febr ~e "Varsity"!!I atu rd ay. Call a )ODSP] 117 MAIN STl Sal ccc 14-24 si 44a A-aa la:* 441444 saa saa a.,illaaa saaaaaa-.31 44. 4.3:. iary 23rd a "V ARSITY" HATS fats have arrived and will be Lnd examine the new shapes. 9Y GREET 1 w+0++0+00...…

February 20, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POSTER BOARD Z 30 x 40 FOUR COLORS Red Gray Green Black 15c a Sheet AT Steady Emuploymuenl For Energetic Men "and, WomenI MICHIGAN SUSCIPTIO N EXCHANGE Ysror" uilhsaapsc For "Ann BOOK AGENCY GASOLINE LAMPS Brin .r in your old ones and letus maie you an offer. The Superior M'f'g. Co., 329 S. Main St., near Williams. tHeadquarters for Shade, Matles and AGENTS WANTED Chimneys. TO HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS THE WABA...…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… 340!f "44 VOL. X. I ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1900 Spring Announcement Q. H. WILD & Co. ; c iDaejust irscived1 0ur line <- it l wIII" ioolteis for men's Nv t ilds ts tIJthiiii5in Ataa it- iith-t aie suitalltandil se- t~l l i r te s-on. 'AWe-are -ms )5o is' full ran, s in nov- i n duaiIi lityas yl e ) tto soot eth-sos teitin( tt, ot-g of 'l'opCt s, iiit- ii'5 ac ests adsoi l fsl ii seinos. We invteue 0to cal itrIispicetoiii...…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…TI UNi \ I, 1181 X Ot MICHIGAN DAILY lU'L Aspirants for Oratorical Honors. Publishd Daily (Snays escepted)i during the teredi and qualified for thse oratorical' Coilege ycac, at contests o, the various classeo. Thtere THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, are twenty-two contestants from thse c)'BI eaca The Inland Press, Hesing Black. i.rst year law class. Only six will be Both Phases. 17. alloxvetl to speak in the class contest. Bact ttht. highest six ...…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. o:000DSPEED'S SSPECIAPRICES1tt~ ON AXLL LINES G 119 SOUTH] MAIN ST. - MICHIGAN CENTRAL- ',The NiagaraFalls Route." . tIe g Chler, the Ijbotcgrapbero CENTR'IAL STANDARD TIM1E.1 Taking Effect N o ber 19, 1$99. . _ .a cR=es" t .ctrxs . G r ...r Detroit3 ia rs.......4 7 5 .M Atl~anticEx ps . ..17 10 Grndai ds313 pss...... 7fU)®MAA- N. Y. Boston Spcial ...3.. .4r8IR wS I T Fast astern . ....9 43 Mil and373 Ex~ ....…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…4 TIHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST RECEIVED STUB ENTS D ATNE OL Headquarters for remlem-ber that we call Supply youl with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MENS FeRNISHINGS Fountain Peu, the Laughlin or Waterman, wchich and Compete lineof GYMNAoSUM we fully guarantee. What mole can you ask? Try us.GosanSWAE.. E-A AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS M A RTTo ave[: 334 Sosuth States Stree ,nnbr DO YOU SMOK$? ,%:_rnwrIS4 d ,,+ 'I n t1 I i L $r capital, 5os,oo...…

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