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February 20, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-20

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The Mic ignDal

Voi.. 11f .

Varsity Basketball Team, Greatly'
Strengthened, Goes to Lansing
-Dents Defeat Pharmics.
>Seve memer of liCl the bsasketbasll team11,
w fith Coach Corel leWii.iavc thismonn
f 5rI1asim and will meet~ theC M. A. C.
te m in a retur thatch o1 n I till IIC ' ggia''
ii lI this afternoonlf. Thei. \iiliical ea
will pret'C5 a~ 15 1 c sC 'tron~ger line-u tii hanl
11( r~l :ii11( 'iere difitl i. At till' saute1
tite i isll' c57CIect i that1 the . 'A.
C. men iIll hav improvedsl Coll 1111aly
1i'C11 tl'itl liiC)l tili li llt :11cl11e1L ll'
Idl(s Sure to r tl t. 11'1 Il tl
Illat it li C's 11it 1 the 11 ili) li ofl the llam
dmlactIriltitca ll 'elie tha h1e1 wll f
C)ai s trn neill 'a'a'iasll andtII in
iii" l11lc es tha tro ble 11hem I thiell
firs g 'tin 1w1t 1 the c ile pr111sil

itt'TREPR"tiM i'C" :\'i'i I 'ii
Exceiillnt aidrsses, wkii hd llvlled,
mak d till.'seill iortoil rli' l C o es
1held iltinttisi-' builing1;1111 ita'c et
in i honr s "sitttt byi it
1111 I MI a vu ,bk1n '
(''arsi S the clasin h uii siycol
test. The 11 1 iijwak hull i ii' I,. I',
hm ri cd who1t"i ii ii w i idec i "'oa f i
in If l i "11and lde Siitl li hollilli C 111

IYISSION OF PEACE ,H~ i l~ i I'.y~scr , cjia10-i '>><,tl PREVENTS BATTLE).

Justice Brewer Dwvells on Influ-
ences Against War -Criticises
Policy of Increased Armament.

i t1, >r

llc t a tl'lf c, t t ii a1 ili
'iii I ii 'iit, l t t ict t il
iv thrua 't It
111; ''ii lit 11 iijaIitii
li alt'i'laticttlt'

t ; aith . i
1 t I''

Wvo' h nvI IWct li 1i aili'Sdth nvritteesti ~
IN l ii ' I'la e. 'Ise laet rl wrt111
n the s i eati htPo.RcadClarki
Imt, ()fit tii i lkk t h i' t
rd Air heIdac. Pof.Cah'ii ha
till Iim-o w'nsadpI
IIi a I l ei rtl
'a'aAA' IX '1 It (
,:it 'iii 'a'ii htC aS 'it'VitiS


,cI'l s a sr t1 lh 'i a i ~ iii
lii' till' tisit i ' t lit'
i~in --alt r~t h a c >>i i ii~
11'c i tii tel~ l~ t l a c

cc1l1>tii: l

ad W srii ilii is ; tiiii ris ,iiiinteiii 'at Ii'ii siiaai uli t eiii ' ' s W
l'51sii1and iliys ii rI 'kact :e liha tteeistiti osibe eit
ai i lli biittaken il the'i a sb x ili tIi i's ii s no t in fl
clg'c IIte I ticitich itiiaia.w-Ircii iii 1wct isrOsi'
Va'l i iiiii i s ll. ' tiiFCTii'iMil .' ii ts t ilc 'Cth m ilif Ia',' are tolii ri ng i
caidicanic da'iites ora'thea si'ii iiiscit l's t siC' alto salii it/aeeintoti a it
team .ill w iis luh li illih x etd t etli i n thei' o11e11 stect of Prii it-a td w
ctag' tIi hco i' tcl k td y y d n w utcili tiarne to i lccca. \ t e 1efer1to ith
ti e i q add das'iss iiiic th s is wl eth lc ill. 11111landi tI s t i Si lii medy, t
onchigan c ha' iigreaiicii' er oii h1111111 C iitAdtirll richton.' prti utaui by
cnlilatieisticiaetci tem leste 0Ii 11111 c'ub i a iits is it
iioped'ith he il -itg thr hole't iiiotc'ti 11111 iifth i eC cI
iiii'iiictl t. I tati ha ii < t grt tati iiill't, i ots iso,
Pni .-ici'cc 1.OT T 0 TI 'a~tt1t bolsholst bstitiru aterre o tic
th hr isb h core.. f i2 is I[iiiiia 'a isans undairgadi ut c t tue5that
iFiriy i i. At. noCime Niilodu1'ing te rahs thei orlt a tis ilags at luau it
g'ame Wi re ith druggisti cd ladarther narliii phist of11111

'i l' tl1 ~ f h + i t'' ithe
w ich t he ii tt it i tw
ti ar ii stilt lii it > is c Il
it I tht I - cit - i Is 'itstl {
is lls, fil chl nil hit i «the itim«
great i~~c itsit f

1' ,r5' n' . i c\tie it l I
.i-iltl is h iiid n ~t~de'
ic t'c n l~ll lstatd i, i mslli
h lsd V C' it Cv ., 0 1) Il, l
it 0 W llA l- l 1,1. 'li i w
wil i~c s ''is c i clac h
itwr s 5 tititay ~c l"" f
iii''fr tesit iw. li fo th
tc c i , c u o u c Isa tly- in-
rai rlt wit'l itii it; ,pish1
ile is cc of r f I r v c 'atiC~
isn alo cclc is 1 1 tutu ii
it st ttt iti"' i ftlcRo a Saish i _it a-
l lit it tc o i t e _' i tita of
itc ;u t'~nt c a d htrt , o
t 1 c-e sternin islituion:11
T ~ , frI is. ' wm A l tr
,;l~ I~cprocredfromlucnhc ofI-,a
"Oolad 10in«1a nd alo, iatSara

Solons Say Snow Fight Is Both
Dangerous and Uinauthorized
-Weather Sides With '[hem.
iivr v i l iih: io ft ow iii's' ii li
ntiii tgii li n th i st lac it e is
a ~ yic in ip"i hiC' tatist 'ai,
atc 's;flo t i s t (its ita
'tiolts iii k ln ,hil l
,,o 'iit.ofte otL i t igltisact i \its I
'slly frh~~i" its 'fr 1I -,h ;la
fgh w ic wt titsi t' 'n
I ii id t iiio I a iii t i iir
ilt ti olt iio ill i ilt t ii ii1lr
iii iiai's u it ii;11 , 1 i~ y i
ftul not i li tls t ush tI %o 1~
I riot
IT'herCCCII oiatci :ccl
to t ii' .sort of a i -ii ;iii .
tilc innnhrlil i ll o ~ o1 l
ii lilat oaii tii s ist s I ~nt
itt> llti c 1111 A ' i t i ii l
is m s ,caned t tink t W,; lin'
nate sit asni btittssi is t t ,t it i ir
sh c i l i tns it n; it 5 11
Ar, l.t o .i t Ii ithsatC' 'a Ii II t'
lilti ,a tc. C~i-ilr ll
t is a i ct~ d i r a ,m i
'niitill's\a, a11 iii ii l. i m and
reportia fle nicti i
ni it 'f
Theifclani sit 'elu t-ciii ' I ~n th
'aitss time n a.g i" w t l
icy tite wtoc alit t il, ',m
iii tllspay d as aly 11i
tei s eixce ledists ,. iii , uth
th tl~ t a i ci 'R hsll
iorestitici sl c '55, i is s 'I -1
tidcrsi g t t ti h i illiv- have is
ivioa'fiti he' i e l ' ati it ,l'tilt
i{ 'ii iitlho ise I listca' ,'%lihiltao
issi ii ii~ts'iii ii li i lst' \ tut « .r

''I /,llt 5' , C'
s cifts stit 1 t
ih hs i ts ilrf w li i
liii' Isils' list


ircts col
ilts puic if i

'Old i< is it rceI II ta t '~~ <r x la ts i t i I I
III sititiflithe tlfe o th s Iii i
tie II sstsI w cTls t for arsit
1tllc I k, f tI I dait.o)I c i

W sit ifad tllrt i oattt n it havii
i.S h sit s " "I' q the i cliii t1stsitprogram
ii n ctve ut u I 'ls itall I & i 'fac-
itsin n
I' ' ii r. W rren Psit rii pro
'a ss'fo ph sioys itu gvete d
to sil" t i'sfte L'i. iriy of:s
w .l icli .t p~rtru nt. 11c arn W e i ls' 11and
nI-Itc irs stayed t i08 ,'hnh \ m o lknveri
itt'an t he osi
y wher stiitno ilprfessorof p sit iii-
Sol. CA m dicie in the en it a 'ai:rcs
ie Hro' e I Midica iela)()i

Theasa'ciule for itic secoindarCsundiiiof
lhitericclaiss biskiatbail serieshissbeien
aranedasfiiiiiwiisblyx'aaisisger Sasia's
l11uC51il1)'Feb. 21-'12Rg. vs. ,'I 41\
10 Li s. DenII :'10 Law vi '(X} aug.
i iI ig. diCCw a iiyc.
il-l'.A'aaS IENDORSEL) D t
Sicitheannouniiicemetclth at thetaw sii
diegCreC aofDuctour of Juisprudenli cectoi
:x13 'al.enC~, there IhSacciin oms pecul'51a-i
de~greea comei. lp ito theC standardC1of CC-
quliraements1. A cCrtain proifessorC, wih
a5Statistil. turni iliof atiin, Saopted 1g0
percCeCntt as5a1stanard~a. UnderiC these
conitioniiiI23 11CC cent of thiamenaold-tull
tng a51 '.,Idegree failead to meetalthe CC-
qufirementIs. f tthis 23 1pCC ciii, II 11CC
cent camelCfroml outs~ideicollaeges, 9I 11C
cint entered the lassdealrtmenlI~lt lil
probionllii, and 3 pCCercnt wee comCi~i-
mendediCI diCretly froimathe litearIy idc-
partmllent. Thtis is certainly as highiaI
rcCommllendlaioln as icihigan's liteCCary
departen t lIcould receive.

ithe --a hal stidard iwas sll-iiisit' is
uuI~iland ci iid iacd a'i 's' i'aiifii II Ii'felir
f l.rmiandfpreseCtatio.Udrsuchsilir-.I
11111 sasilcas,ftit migih tse ivris deirable
adtheiseacreiah~ilestudieni t trlisles t
iirt iand iitere'ast, andi n ii utun, do tirl
of lileiuiCrsity is goodtifor, in itheiiiway
of eaiiitinig cleerneiiss, s iiell is OII-i
r:h s incere il drama ti ft. uiuii il
situ lay ths nota unadvi isedly, fort 1we.
atc Wie ll a ai f thil pos iblea ls afuiu s
of a'55 pClicy hiih a 51iiiisiii Ii a ii tooas
olil lase'part sof t iaauden 'orai-rtaIonaf a
prieunt onceiestis'ishedfiisthaidati
breaks at'cui intel' 1~ntnw it
havebenunoruat.Wefao ol

it aft i

it;fS it'aNIf'f

ii fs i)r it t i i ,r a
;i c b he its al fth
wa"(wnseand Dr.itAn,
Ifn a'ilii ien iicniuilS tiusJ
testate tilreveI <tIliis'' i
la rm iiai C'strati isti t

yeais i
'III '<~ ii
is tll i

Tilts at the qusin fsocl pton
hefoe th stu in ilanytuiluts ieot is o
.ainn 'Aib'rti ll' s1t iuti ttiileasti11l the
I liii "liiif t iii'stll sup em icuriiit
re ar Ca t o i tlt'C l'recent petitio ll is I1,11os'1i,
uuua'atfugS ill be'haeld tcu'u lust hi n-
diay' 1ornsinug %t o:3spaoiuthe'e'will ie '

c xcrlscs his cariar l.u me hise
Ih Y oiii ,hltn m eeu
it, iicar 'Or 'the h nor.I i l iis'uiu hisc
isim th N ist n h tte e ecs.
Ir a<s tt the iisa int 'ti!, h's itic
h 'ere. a' ii i iteth l s thiat i st ilciuih
iwt ill ill ")])hs' 'ii his hotlidfay issby hes
"suit~ lawit dace :nis"'iig'tls, Moays

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