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February 20, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-20

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The Michigan Daily



No. 7

Track Season of 1904 will be Inaugu-
rated--New Men Expected to Win
Plaes-Rose does Good Work
withShSot-List of Officials.
'mihocxiirs the Preilminiiary i-
dor eelwichkrkmill giv' te raek
ulen(thiir Iisl eatry-utlthis yea.
The resut. o iite i'i'i is asaied
w ih a groat deal ofieires.lfor he
uei' men ihair sownis ui aliily i
traiinig thal 'eye uie vaxius to
stchlvathey is ill sloo cci i o e
ito withI ixerieiniciidrlmeni'.
Thle lfolloing'iiif melae('all beI do
I. Kler liffeils. Weara.
Blarlowiiiu thle slriuls: Nicol iiie
* des atilelt. talmcer aind Reilaiii
il thle 1qarle;viihey liiid1Talen ii
th lieiole' iaull l Ca'rre l i te sht
put airuue. lfauiiy. IF. Pele. aii
ihlihiu the liii tlDa'uueaIntie
ill the iiile. i e
1lii en ofithe mniintend t
cmeeal]iis very plieshauk lial
the nueii uienivill i'ariy xoff'iiiieioi
thei' honorsi. Iis'vsioimewhac t'a d
I onmet hal so Iew of the i ew
'n.red in te meetl .\iiniioi'iimiayueI
trieiiinivan'iieviitI Ixigl lhe givilly
hisnae t Sd Milar, lerk coiiy thil
xalrsiandaulit li'ishdtiaiimaniiiiilliu
these is a It tilnet'o lhv ne moll
odin is meet wcx iill Ibe iiiluabilei'in
Ili, m ets whih ae t ro l i i i
iiii iterest'inglst'ivenI t teievening
C'apiiaiiiKliigg iiilt inclno
copoe il ttaniuix aiidCoei' ii'i
the meaixs ue of theiii iii iand'It Per'..'.
ixan l cex'ci ig" rail ii''hs i.
The iw rlay rceiis between'x'Ithei
lx'if-mileirs aiiilmil'rs xvw i l xx oly
co'tes'ed afais. Terei iti I. '-i
est ci' lriivar ei 'ni the'te'inis aldxII Ii
iiiir arci i'x'u'uuiix Il inii' ei r race.i
AlfltrieidIRoasi. liiheC ulifrna ahee
ii'iiihas ilst entereid liilass xli'lari'
Ill pra1. ii i yii'strnt IlHe lad Neler
ii I ral, all f ti'm.us'er 42 rit.
'llii'ifichials lfor xlhi meix xoxiiiihi
ari' as fxllowss:
Rleferee'iaindISIarter-v Kx'i'ex' ix -
ilr f t'xxure'- id W . li Illarx.
ITrc llsis es-----lit. I 1li. Du ap J.M
Isuluas. . I Dvorak
Filit Iuidgvs-C. C. tRi'dxdin. .('
CtJ .Utley.
ha iii s-Frankituh fLls 1. .Itadduock
IdJI. MctAf'e'e.
11111rs1ivI'i''Wdu'tuulu. Cii. IG.May,'.
'T'etasi' halt sqadiliis ills' larxat
woriiiI theli'cae detelirecutionlil
f Co'h'les 'Utley'. .ohnsiin aitiMt l~-
islet' aindl xhe iiutlkis ugioidtfxii'a
the sadisoliiitimae ''a fix' suxwig'
as siiiinsas eatterlxoiiditiiiis ptiiill
f otsie rat ie. Pirting adilbat
ling paieltlv'is gii iiing ilxihelbate
turoresorIGerge . Kiiix it tii' li-
1110Thl'h'ougia Sicniaiydili've'ireta
iecure at Nwherry Hal Friday after-
nooin ioi the "'Trte Religin." He tre-
se111i'ilfount foii' eriiinoi'iieira'tiin
to the aitiience it' stiiitents antI pro-
fessirs whii attenitei. The eture
sas te'ist in a selles'swhich ri' to
beli lvereditat Newerry Hall iii Sat-
nlay. Professor Kiix wiltidiiver
thii'regilar Anviersary adsisonit
thie'Stidents' Christian Aseatill in
Suniday, Feruary 21 at 7:4lip. i.m
insubje'ct will e "lThefhristiaii
Demands tuton EduciatedutMMn aiiitWin

In his lecture yesferdtay afternisi
(Continued on page 3.1)

Choral Unone May See the Exposition Fawous Ator, Artist, and Lecturer President Anell Gives Forceful Talk
-Low Rates Secured-A Week's Here Tnigt-Will Give Scec- to Teacers-The Wonderful Op
Lease of Absence Granted by echios row His Writings- potunities of te Profesion-
Ixe Senate. His Pleasing Personality. Influence of Teacers.
It. lie i' h h e liiniumeus f lihe 'luu- 'liii Ii xi ils' cxi ii' .'ssxiiaiiiii B fiii'i'a lugx'audinceof ud' nts
ral '111111 sshete'r xor 111t1tha o xii'iuuiii' lii'i 1i ts pxutlx thee's11 F. 1otilinsiu Preid'etiiAngll >15 u'u'xlauiunu'uxuu
caix iii iis Loi Isitl(hue, SI.Louis l xx i - Smith lx x lxx xiill r'dto n11gtill i i'
511111i lisnextflay. KtehI ve beuev' ni''isi- vx'isix> Ixll I'fro ''Ilx'I" lxThxge iluInderiisjl iDoli
(c'rii"'il his li irtruis fliii auspotxluul andll' 111 ilthii'SIoiris' Heteu lnti vi iciiii'if Techr'sPr
I iii, ldinyi, ausit admsissinc toi Ilii t'his u b ris ilctx i i stl' ix I o11111thi fs u'siui. ' ap'h a l Ictlv s iii u''xiil
i tuin lto lcill e 'thv'rtu'o'vinot sothylxofxri5placel'alongs'ie Ihoixsi' i'recived'i Illailastng isrtuisluio foxim i Ili
tilts op 'ortunity iil lie acetedvi. ( iie lx>b% J ixi's \Wit u'xiu i leyttu'>. u l sincerille, foriri'itlture o' f xhei' ''5-
'I'he i'three 11hundredIsinlgers are toidht . Perhats no alls f Iite 'ar' ias
tituseiAnn iAborui'stat in Mondiay lla; 'sovichii in'hpfuithioughtls uaniihe
2.2 ,it i ochlck a. mi. rechuuig Si..----utu-t---hug hnxuidea us h xhsie s >l'ester
Loiuis ati:,:JO1111tha it'i uen xingon teur ''laha ul i'iiiiih
turn 'I''),xAnsA'bor 'wll be 'iclu yThs peuchl Iuwa'ut slfinlllu'stimable t.a-
1iii> s i utuveili' hose whoiiul i>2t'uututallsud'tix o n tend l 'uxuu ul tuat
one us i'.'l.. lhi'uhe x~. incuduingy Itrans- " made ' u i liliit, l ui',i' asi ema'' rkab'uhlyt>
u'xixuutonthree'lu'acys' lodingiti and u adu-tt trctial. h1'siululu Agll b gunuhi
uuision toii the u nduuuuts s $1 27;,. 'hi- tll:byhoswuusiygI(ii'ifltu'nceu'Of i 1.1
'lt dst Snlt' i l el, c to n itm nslr F\1Y IaI e e tf f te ut hrsil>' uaslxiii end 'su'ry tpr'ofssh as uuvits dilstiiuu
Ive >' bylunanimouh5s voleI'ahie1511s 4lifi i iliuuuhs. 'thulassyi'h'timay h Ien
iii uiof absence to lx x'memberslxxiiof a vsha'puspecilh iia leaexo is'hradil
hut ChitalI 'iou. 'of lus'vi ll y makuiof'it' ai niiivi u
vr eisr.th' lhui''wh'eu'n i uuli iiti'liuF . a. Su sit hc i yi'>lie oh' stilk . a u
li'sucsil'''s f thetDirec'to'rus i ster-u'touconscvius expre'ssioil btrauuys ouriu
ig thsu t' s m'tuxuuh 'i i io d he fact tiuss iiw 'tllsie, Ioutivoct in. 'u'u''. tl
thatt he Chorual u tu' 'ion oflsx'u wali' in-'ifuvu Ihisi eohe i.'is x l''achherx i kei il
ldxpxuuslh1111'.:ia th110 lie. tituw u's''. xix his pecinil' aii re'sex'ctbl'e ihhililli
u'urat'eusucoulhut' ec'iu'd Iron') therit' 'uiWi ll tutu Iew higs thuehate ia'heu'
r 'ad comtan>yvso thlauIthet'proijec-tutad l'f hINA"IN)n5J11T. liiay 1 i'e'oimi' narr'ow, ' .hhtsitmn
t be .aandonedl.u hi'ts tdifi'uly i liie.thngs thueh , lu thereuu'isxluange'r't la
peetinistanceuxhas b1en vec e.hut umayu' Ixiiint' xdifus' T'hex'fuda
!rats iy galin lullo tuin ly for Itais- leiii loiiioxl'Ialullrdii and111 ymaii menl ques1 ltion1111 uht ' e a hh'lt is: 'Will
lxii' at iii. hiut lihwse1t'four'lotudgig an l Abbott.ithe ii l'ui'-ach 'hiss? Tereis 1alway'is'
lilrtiiiliiu it t' igroundus Xci c uuuux 1. 1lHopk lvinon Smiut hi tuteds'nolintoi dagi' t lau hut'ayliii'fll ito tutis.
dautionuxv swill be rexs use'ved ii inFoetix vductilxi i tu nn Albori'sitilt ils as tIhut' liuny luuachr's haveasi' ii I uuulu'uy huo
hue h ' aush( llux] jy>as I(hei'ya's
. gui by. Euchutay.Ion te colnhtrary,
so ldxi i faeudsh ev'nu'ationu.
T H E M ICH IG A N VIILY oll he p till'5 ta tuthei'tiieuruihs'
tmt ed h to'' beScme. c I lilt i d Weli
sheetedid''ri fohi i tulligte stiitimiex'uh ofit
DELIVERED FOR SECOND SEMESTER x'uausu'ofiels un xatained'u. lht this
shou unhe soix viBotys auh giesare'
00 IF PAID BEFORE 00 st is pilasuv eer anduwe s' e
0MARCH FIRST 3" never de'isulsxai rf Ithou'sehtalet'under
N te'ch'ue is uilsou i age'ru'iof lbe-
MAIL IN ORDERS OR PHONE 461 cmgui a ruu cutiserhubui h mustciuxt foe-
wshotarei'thgo in itouaciv' lift. Ie'
......... ..........ust 1no 1 t if. uh uumonalshi s 'clusionu.
- - - All hut't ls' p ue'i's souulduheai dd .uil'
P rthu 'rhivuli'u''s wh'ihh is sixtia i 11 hilliii~iu'' ti'tedll xlii' h hee o t t19 1-102 fOnu ihe io tutu'r uuandil maiiy>'arei' ihe
het lCultIlleandthbut ii sI ttdilsacie i'ixuesxwas sit uu'x'l ceivu' d1tlhuat I'his bli,'uix'l cuailhltlis iof Ilihe tachinug
froululoieuo'rifhei min illl ut ciis: Ithut yea's 115 111th lli'ihh'i Ifl jusi Ihil ii in 'urofession, It is a consantl s~icutuus
IN ltici fuit'iuut sit uii'th hll lu'iuuiug itr. Smuit hai n to Ann xc Xi Iuudlv'Ixlopm lt caund lhigha tuimuet.
c-ilr }t Ra ~u uioad s' w 'ilc th e f' parryli' God'.fit's lst Itr 'asures aci ivs to usi 1
lihi. Smillhiis a ti c tual Siiiihtui'i'ui'i oxii usiduti ilesl h yIhi'> cu'' tiplashic
Conuusider'uingy theisite u'of ItheiCho'ralu'cwi tugauilt) ixuuus s - lixe'maesuaual'v-uu uisthei'handiwor'ku' 'of God. S autahi'e'ru
' Unonthe lengt hi f timeu' Ihut'' sitl 1 i uall ui sshluulii insan ly. His diii'shouululd 'sre't' huh uuiIhimusv'lf mos
stshititSt Iiuis cxl111'viiu nhers' of readuiug is sr'aceize'dhbi>' atoruitght>' forithis bless'dtwork.
spnda S. hushndth an ri- hie lss cu'tui'y'yndan ciatuc , -oI :' uuuuuuuuuustuis eu's iiieu--gatways
7a'sadopruiisorrr ytegsuhleu'whlif-hxarei'seryu'uptivatigutou heliyer larning. 'The upthitl
tip, he-chuluv' iats aret'vii'> uruasoni- iT' leari's uandl It iu-illsihit ll gi-cul' shou hais beguinitoi icomprehendiu'uuthels'ax-
shbv. Al1the man'neru'us viusthelseadu-dtst hraticterizeguxuiI u l-i'- etiuuua ii troth~ls f matemuatis tus
thei litiriuih'ItIt >'itloffers of sing thu lS ihtu'vs 51tlu. IIllhs bt, readi'c n g l earn1 edlxitii iiticompre enidhthe gea't wots
1 E pittionluuuat sviis alt u-xpitnsi.'ITih'reu' he follo s pl an bt u tlt'hiv s wn andI °f hlo I.IThus te gia disilinie'vi
is moure' than ithis ivolt'd. is 1Profs-: luhs beienu this' hi-il Ii, tteacuuhir., uture i s ataiued.
vii' Stanlte>'sald. "Thlis i viiitvsiply I iss viisu-u'l tltanduxletltascut Iluu s rant tolalrneiIdii 1 or tc ref-itinedtli
a plausnreu' tp, ut vieacns an acue-hi's 'iuutiru i vacsinuious and i nuh htu-lst-. adu th hu h ti ihut r uo ihst pult.
cient for theI Uirusit y cail fr Alt jt.ere is'l i his 1w'ay' of utI iyIhi'gs Anouteuv-uauuviuage fulr'theuu'Ieucv-er
Wei occ~uy a uiqhi ue hsii111n1:it is hibe- anudI11i'll u-v th iis uoss uookis aiiee s s hu t iuluus fotu iIh ivuerisiy f
vcauuseu'esi'thinIgs;lasasstcciyer i',liinhuhdlyisul utuwluiihi -vt1ne verf tlhu uis liii au-I'daly triuhns thy-u
tpruss-tiuidiuio fC('actavus. ac it hshold anciter'htaihci ls ciaudic'. heit vssi'Eveup ilIis dififret.ii'uiWe
u-cu'r, thu- Dreuams fGlrt-i tls. ViA' wrkls' fn man11y ithilingy striisf aut shoiuldiguardutagaist mnsg Ithi'
havse nllls'a rhaulci' toiiit('lullutilei-ven'-uuuu.uuuuhurca ging uiukly t h h u-Iuu shcuu a mhahie-as if ever-ud 1eit
tueu'liraddrepIutation~. ironus anditipatt'iucadiun iihis dulum't werv l ike.uo
I ciisideri ths invit atin tou sufi11111f tchuuracterI'showuxs tiat lit' tis ink thisruis a angeiut-i I la aIecu-e
this'geaesst mwork tuprodluced'ulin this hlte111'stuffoti'a1 brilin uut''rertn Iay lbettoo odet. sI-ThisIt'endeny a-
countryls'fori' yersitgea 't hoiinor." A liahutasuel'.shuuldx'e -uuioos' toiiannhe sshoulul e iedu
this juuc tur iisthuetiprofessoru tul htu um111tiirofessioniito iIlei-niuuul't i h'l eauhn gles ua umora s~in''us 10
whutinli'heas i) St.hLouis twitwsetksshehi'tts areadulacihtivedsiuccess''5. thuuistrI ucr. AimonugtaheseWI
agot anthscwmthi'annouunemenvt' T uuininug his attuti-huh tail, heI fidi ut awatei ulsluquickloig synufatly.
Smusicalevets. hislpridei' wasuextitt-uttu-e hull t-kinowsnufor hs wo-trki waritAssoci at ion with theyoyuncg is the eat
by the' announilce'inthof cnrets hi'ye iscit uandskextvhes. Hils ashe for elxuirfifehutIhet'foluntilifhut uh.
iso irefresnativesuof thourucl Sbu'u- art atuppuers tohahuv be-en ihiet Ihut'ruwads f hu taers are
ieu,.the Apollo ub ('uhfChliagoi anut His' gre'a.t greandfthe, Fans IHop hblessed.iThIeuy rjoilet'i thu jyuand
hi'Choura IUnion uof t'..t'nivsit s-oif ll Ivi isger f iheDeclarut1on1OilhapliesluofI the iuys anu gs, evil
Michigan. 1111' tlit u'uiu'u' ws aamlciclaeurin lvimcI hrls' hon thu hriglt eysbfri'
''ThueIExosiion ihas guarianl tthe e olrts,'shis gandunuuuuh, Jugi-ostshemlzesan d uinspuiationc.
soliists.thue'Exposlit~ini Orchet ra andul etui huluionuusuu the5d5 irhsh1evsi- Hwsegetat is hiflunilceo f Ihut
thue Music altPsr livenight f May itt-ct oithi' .eietiofyinelu Arts in tahe. Hi' tahenmras ant
24 fr Ithe resentaticn in icnrll Pilalpuihiuc viaada nnaut-ti iltiiigudess1he yuing Iiit.5 unehim to-
fornm ofthis'Drams of Criunticucbhueunwamrilth(lieshtch opporunliisf lif'.

t(h uuhoal Unity.'' Mr. Sihbe an togauu i unu when-ia He- sturt-cus sunshinue in t'he hoes.
At theICmeeting Tuevsduayeenlingit'hillryanut]luas uttlainedi hh tot'e fronit rankHis character andl intelligence 'make'
Choral Uionv mill udeciude- wheuthe'r tin usmncg Acmerican ptucuers in mater thueliichigan if toduay. If this menu-
urit it will visit thr Expooition. (Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 2.)

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