No. I1C2.
Term Is Made Eight Weeks to
Cover More Work-Appropria-
tions Plade by Regents.
At their regular mnxtly meeting heiui
yesterdtay, the Board of Regets decie
to lengtthenlthe teoo of tie'suasser ses-
sion. I has benoned thai the regular
si- he term is not1long eough to
cover the grounxd that ought to he cu-
erd ile.thcouxres gieen. The period
was made eight wees, asl the fees it
the egieerig Ixit literary (etartuets
increasedt from $5 to $20. The lass
detartmoent has an eight sweek pero,
whlile tie mledicuwas left as eore sls
Mrss. Mliller, wi fe ofthtie late Dea i
Miliieir of the (detal departuet, desirexi
tol present tieCUiversity wit tie etiex1
personual olectiou of boos, sies ade
sxeinens of te professor. 1A fewe smalli
articles were reserei frost the gift, ut
thesexwiiile giveni xl soxcfiture ate.'
Tile gift Ills aceiptexd, ue iwill e
sorelitlell'beflre tie arildesrcanii
packedt and11shiipexd.
T'he Amiericaii!flow~xer Cl.xf D etrei
Ills axwa'rexdte heaig cotrat for
thei dentlal bulilig. Their bhutws'
$,t30. ITie fanniniig systeni is the 111
ill lieiinsled. 'The JxhsssonsSeesvice
Cx.xof tCiicagxo xxas axarxexte cxxi-
tatfee the iheatiregilatixxniaplianxcles
The1111111111 Ias $,000o.
.A2 iet rxlinlg'sastade effective il
regarid lloisruicors wxxork'ig for higher
degrees. thie exacixx'ordhg of iths
clueis11s toll xs : '"All inistucteorli'5axt
assisantls Ixilose cmpiies'ation11 is folii
tors in nig'soginiixg ihigl scoolos Ixnd
collieges illIlre abile' ill dexoteia'pnr
illilof thi ime ll'ollgaduatlie' suin i
residece,1shll bereuiriee tox pay'0ne
11nual fee fori'ith1'e1ma1sil's lier'ee; ,andi
hlxiiiw1o11itiolllllfees fortll'ctr'
degrees. lhe laud~iing'1boai'd shall ex
ten tisprhlee oileergenliof ihis
ciend 'xiin eighinllg' ciies xwioIm11111e
lie'board alilt 'iirlpii'llell$2,500fortehi
ipurcciase' letIa news smmiiercm'piixfo'
le cengiers. 'lre money sis tobe
applroxirite'd if i is necessr. Regeixt
Crey aiixi Prfessorls Dav~is 'and1 ole
and111set lasidel'for Ille'remolsliof te l'd11
camp 1a1dfoll'tie' con1srionli1o1f Ilhs
Care wisy erle'appinii~itell trsees f thie
Gesrge1111.Cray wa x pponte1ho1s
iphy~sicianlsatiitleUCivisersitilosial Is'
I l en cingill iithis scalpacit feet'ses'
11111buteerlhsisg lbeeireglirlyrs
aponed, ciiulldt 11111w'his slariy.
'lhe iesigltiiilofstsetii'spleisteiietx
of Untiiversieyihospixtal, iF. S. Gilmorlse,
xls alcceite!.
Prof. Peerseoni xas. alouex $100for
le tixrhase of a nexw'micirscole
Citlres Xw. Merkel was appiloitee a5'
sistanl t i eireslogy sitoite slary.
Prf. lfredi I. Lloytresiged frosii
le Bloarel i Coirol lot Atheis Pro.
A. S' Whitey weas alipoisileilto the
Prxof. Winklser tiriiexd oer $138 as
lhe iproceexds froixitielDeitscer Vereisi
plays. The monliey is addeil to the spe-
cial boo: fuiodlof the Germanai eepart-
Daxvidl Frida~y 1was appoitedl a i-
sructor ini Germtain ith a sallies'of $75
for the semester. Isalc 1. Cocrase
and11 Arthur C. Kocksius were appontee
temsporry assistans i L Idglisis t I sal-
ary of $100 eah fer the seieser.
. 1B. Resiy was apoitel assistant
ini descriptive geonmtry ande drawvmg lit
the cte of $s,uoo tier year. tHarry L.
Coe and Roy A. D~owd were appointed
assistants ix snechianical esnginterisag;
Harold AlI. Shearer aind Kanaye Fugisa'
ina electrical engineering; George W. C'
Lighitner ill cisil enigseering.
'Pie eluestionx xf umaking aix additionxi lo
theac anicalxleatlahorateareyxsas left un-1
Jamites C. Vattsxxaluxesiiasrg siasj
graxitedi the idegree If Dcto xr off \edi'
tPerry K. N-filler sess given the degree
of Baschlorll of Sciessce inivil engineer-
insg, Dwsighti f,. tLoweellini mechianical
enxginie'e'ring, axndiFr'1n1kIs .s Bliss isn
cemlicali engineerig.
'T'he idegree oif iachelor of Arts seas
grantledl il the fxollossinsg :Lulu F. Biesck,
IHesiri 1. ('rattons, AriturI'. Groxssmani,
:MIarinsXW. Krasmer, Wi'ibuir XW. Morris,
ThlomsliLsI. -Milhisry, Frederick XV.
N illie. George A. Oisboernie, Shielby IB.
Sistn, lititc Snuire, Roxse Al. Taylor,
and11 Manlde Williasms.
Regesits Fletcher, Carey, White, Sawe-
yer, BlelandelLeilandsel sre lpresenti. Re-
genlts Knsapplenisndiitd li sere abtenit.
'The liii leasm xsas xosmpletely 1111-
classedi by tie' phalrmiics ini tir secondl
samie of lie' balsketbll series last cs-eli-
ing. Nsx individlllIstirs swercieliopeed,
'le' probabltly' illlacs Iflpraxctice.. ''Ths
all wxas1oil tse floor tiearly haslf tic
tilie. Feels sndilPierce tiers' ihie best
lies, i his'gameis.
The ecrowx la1111 einxg wssrallier
;imall snithle smasiageusentswishies it
. cde iiod' 111111this'gashes ire free.
Upoln ils'elillilsiasinsh loxtn this year
telleids lie exisistee' (f a varsity leasm
text seair.
Th'ilin111111last evxeniniig tils as fot-
She'lly......I, ........ Salisbxury
Ham m nd. ... .. . .., . ... . Nurray
Peck ... .... .. . G. ... ...Johnssor
FrexixiEl khart... I.1G.........t.ishecr
BiaskessftomxieIlet-tierce 13, Shells
3,' Hammiiiondi.3,Feelk %,hFrame, Sais-
Cu migs illl'S coe':i'-IDeiss7, lPlllrssics
112. Re Isis .111 le l'l' isiisrs-Wn-\Xci
dhe'll and11 Coiehraise. Scer;I's--D axvixdson
and1 111111ck.
CO NCL OM NE S chaos is J. XV. Ovtie_, 'ho woss his hr se
C~u1NCL N MIN E laull numerals during isis frexhitasi year,
M N auth sho has pitched oni thmevarsity duxr-
inn lg A E A TV E the last txvo seasons.
R: A. Shields, '(wq, has anunscedhlis
-- ithdraiwaa as a canidaitlse for tile5Stu-
Nominations Offer Opportunity.
for Strong Selections--Sketch-
of Candidates.
'Tlic eiis h1111 aveisibexen'ninsiatedI
bxy te sses'rsialdepalrtmss scanididates
fo~r Ills'Stdents Counlcil tisis yeair are,
as a whxl'ie, replresenstativ'e iise'nsuhillare
wieslll <cehiilsel ssithithis'iaisy studiett
p~rolemils andl ssith colliege affairs itsgeis-
cr111. If till'righlt mteni srs' chosens iy
thec resplectiv'e classes, nxtiyeair's cotusn-
cil oulghtl toI ie asshrollgl or stronger
111a111ithass bxessit asisy'tissas-is the last,
A shotliIskeichs ofteachs candidlate.
showsingtghue hart thahile his llixayed is
Uiv sersity actixvities, is gisvenl below.s-
iie fllosxwiing six m scien-re appotlinted
by' the junliorr laxs'class:
h?.i. 1:M\c ~osnald, sxwho is la graiutiae
1sf Cie \Mininesotaltnormtal cexllege asse
ptresidtent lot last year's fresh lass class,
lie is a' imemsbiersxf lhe tLaws-Presidenits'
I. C. hPigsiey is aiC lresentl treasuirer
o~f his class, isithaisstahxenparC isl sex'-
ersil olratorical conitests.
Aulody aiii Chisrchx grauiated from
tis' literary depaxlrtmientl lasC year. Churcth
is treasurer elf she Athletic Association
isie a isemtiber oIf the isisascecomsimittee:
Of thie'Oionelbanqueltil and111 ef thle'coesisty
D). 11. Ne-ison1 is chisirmaisis ef use 'o
lass'ip tc 501111iliics.
C. R. M\ille'r is ai membte'r oIf te Rochy-
2 The cndlidaietts 11111Isil is' bythetju-
[ills tits sire'
A1. J.:A-bbott~, 11111isbus1ine5s5simantags'r
oflth hi'Almnuils.
11111111-el iairldlltis pesie'sit'iiofthts
Socsioslogy chlib'and1a '1 emerc o f this
Sph1inx sosecietys. lhs 51aslsistakesnasi
actisve 11a11'iniise-s's-iositorlilIical sconiests.
Chaun111ce-y Bh criswi1515gesieial chiri-
man to sf hie junior1' 1op11comi iltessthis
y'ear ad aii ssiisskebalmanalger elf his sclass
lash yseasr. litecis51 Sishinxs,1a imemblier
1sf this'Tota st1115ers' cllu, 1an1d1has hplayedi
wilihis'hellmusical cllbs folr three yeatrs.
its is 5also 'Ia 11me1m11r of'Thic Dily.
dent Counscil.
Thte frst smeeisg of the commhliitees
for the counity fair sas lhellas inigt
al the MichiganisUnsionsasd the gneracr
panss at preparatieon swere idiscusssscx.
Thhe chalirimens assethtte majrity f te
membssiers of the' variixus cexisisittees shil
at-c the success of the fair ii chsige'
were evesnts report, esess at this early~
ate, a hrilihaint oitlooh fr tie festiessl.
iTe iterest this year is repoerte geae
thsaishas greeted aiy ike'occsiniIs
te pas. The fair three years ages
cleared the Uniosn $3000 assi tims ehes
use influsence of the Uniona snssol fe-t
as strongly as it is at hic preset. Tie
m~ainagement feels that ue iteresti tikent
ini M1ictigestua steakas sronsgy fosr Ill
suiccess of the fair.
The atdserising coimmittee is planing
iutonu a campaignich iill es hscared
oser this part of the state, siidshevery
publicatiosn5n tie sroiisdisg ciis swill
he enlisted ini the cause.
Cwnieral Chairman Winsteadh ssill csal
a meeting of the represestaties fthe
fraternities ansd college organiizationslsas
ass early date, wshen defisiiteIplas sill
he niadle for the psrasde aisethe attracl-
tionss. Vasrious origisal "suints' iais
teen promsised, icuiniig, as retoree
a burlesquse liisosme of the fixliigesihi
saent Oeo h ooite a rmsdto take chargesf si iboothl idiring' lii
lair ansdlthtsholer woenss's sisestis are
expectesd toaaisd the Usnion sstheuy sill
at ite last carnisisal. O~rgansizationusle
sirinsg candty ibooths, sovesir, or eothe
prisvileges shoiuld apply- to R. ,. Buh-li i
1115, NO. 7, Cutting Flas, lai ani clris
C'hairmnisssWisteadstated 'xilsh51v1-
inlg that the xutslook 55551godlhifor 1
recoerd-breakinsg counsty' fair. "'Ae sre
isleting siths cs-ry encouasg'mlet,sill
hir. Wisstead, "andintsieresein5thuncoms
isig esest is greater thasns sse has hoIped~s
fr. -li of tie commshittxes 11cve ies si
5151' he swork is asiimasner tasteassurs'
tile msanagemntandsuthe Csionu of heasry
co-operation frossi sll lquarters.'
The fancy sress party sof tih'e oman'xs'
teagule,sswhichi sas toihissehesi gil-e
osn Fe'b. ftssill ibe givess toIsighulixar
bossur gyssisasiam. 'he gandu ilmarh will
starttprompttly- at 8:30 o'cock. Woman'hisl
League tickets andt fifteencensts extras
will admisit. The various cmmssittes-asen
us folos:s DIecoratuions, Ora Ihixree,l
Jeaete Kiatsis; refreshmnsts, Cot-
slasheriPllt; fasny'dasces 01111 pro-
gramss,Hlcen Martis, Ediths Hugset
Issanosvice tournassaent eldsby115 ',i
Fesners' clubs onisFeb. 52 asndl 11, Lhel di
wons use decisivebouost rustsIeil ho te
cose score of g to 7. 'he swisiue Ias'
awarxed a cub piu, hiterto aloed l
oly' touthose reachisg tefinlssin Ilans
AnsimiiportantC Iseeting tof the soph f it
cass will heeield is Roosi C, 'Usieriy
H-lt, this afteruoonssaC 4 o'clock. Eery
nmemsber of the class is urgedi tlbe hpres-
est, hushhswomsen asdnmen.
"Prisosn Cossitions as Viewedelfromt
the Social Standpoint' will betshe subi-
ject of E. D. Runsdell's lecture tonight
at 7:30 in Tappan H-all, Mr. Runsdel is
chaplaisa of the state prison at Jackson.
The general public is invlted to attend.
Many Strong Productions Are
Well Delivered --Much Interest
Centers on Finals.
1,hssIi dtls t h s lessen h s tse'delgat
toi till- at or1,ica el s s i ,.so ''i l us te
jnnw- aw las lat nght I lie shill
ning,1orain is eitled Te I ~ si~
hf-eel se Inertaheeltucrc
wat Ill tk(Is 1st o~l :111 s lte .
Po liia orrtm
hts', siltsrh 0 1w etwilb
'15115 b i t ,se ir ase.;m ic fom
'a - hetniyl'a s~, e e-Ifr m - i
it 'as f1 5 555'vial 15t1diide ll
,,5c. 1'Threeitis lits 5555 1111hss'lililt'
easectine t o ' hee ills Is e ii s
suhieceisss illi'ed )tTh rdy
,vllh w elw ( ill Ssi lws i'' di
tri as 's-se esti ii ' est Sit'
Adrianis NI. Ii s-i naIii i is 5 i
is'isis il
(ilI:' . "aeli l
"The M N l teP
ill itte sN tiln,"ewilliii
is-it d i \ ist
15'll' soi lt 1 W
'a b ii I Theillo
ish i . the p elm llre
s-s. ar 'isic I.
>> cIII '-i-Chtildl
tuiii' I--ilsit t-
hae itt ai_
<1 - l 1
tt 1111111t1s
itt1.Wr Xli
lit152S l 1 Ii-/ 'C
liBILtt.XSRI S COtVEIREI fJ. T. Ken s'1 cap'taehlinlilof scxt year's
\'i'h 'ht --12 12'hht'1t}:h cla~ss foo.lhluteahml. He Is' s toaihsmstier'
l i ig- se tes tCiree feeC high,
1stidilig sushi yestesrsi-us- ninhg 111111hils-
11ssionof hue (Ilazier uilin iis llbhoardis,
lllli sansd Xlainx stireels. WXindhl 1111
snot1 .11an't fxahe tih ign u now- I-i's
treto stalltlullaftesr thsspusr formanllce-.
her, this Ssiiexyx'Irust 1Companyi 15'hft Des-
troit isetlf IIgav e hiublicity commuitte-e
theri'ssion1 1o1 1155thes 1boar'dx, siudhhr.
"iMurphy, assistantsicreary'oisthue 5com1-
pany, who111 ws foism1151lxyumanager of tse
CorerlI hll sue,1tok ossnt o atdd
husisbesitxxishes foer she success of thts
'i nhuigssuUnuiosn's opieras. Accoriluhy-,
this publicity comititee xes'tilhos worki
weith l uacrity, 01111 0 iaste buickeC. As
a result, hue whloeunus or seades, orxevcsen
stand1s still, wsearihug a "tplease hlpi the
bltind'" sighs, can't hlp knsowinug abuouti
51 icligensis. '
Chselsess sushiYtpsilanti hase asosbeensa
placardede. A1t the Yipsi Nohrmala schsool
she sadvsanuce'sanxfosundl a jaunihesr eho
wsouldniu'tgive hpermissi'so nuotack uhphsuch
ax paser-"for Citsmightc drsxssthe ey-es of
thue youns~glais awsaysesefrolmulthaeir boohks."
(Nossmsilies, please.)
"XWhustuif yohut uiduitsee teuute1551it
tip'" suggested the adxvaxune mait.
'tejaistuor swinkesd broadly. "t'e got
to llsis sfter the furne nowus," lie suig-
ge'sted, ands sisaippearedl.
Ande thua's swhy there seas sxuch a croswd
ext feinnitiy arounid xx certasinsillbohartd
haslf his hul ate'r.
Atiniigeisea rehearsals toeday--Prinsci-
pies, 3 o'clock; "JusCtLook Wise' chous
at 7 ; octette, 7 :30 ; swhole cast, at 8.
eof his tieshman11 clsiss tanquyet.nd suuia55
Jame1s K.hhWatkinls hils ipr'es1iet lot
this 511111lo n 5' eclass. Ihs,sslasyedi a
proinen atlie i'ci otballhhiislice'hue C'-oe
is Cesios~'511 1leg n v l hs ''l", is sarsit
fsilit, Id 1thisyeal. Isk' playedi1115thus
al-fes teans s i in IhIis freshuuuuauuyx'xr.
Wat in is5 1 1tul 'is isxiiiphix sand a'e lr t
thts'igocubillsld willplayha}arsut
i AI]eisiiucsus
:.Kursf1 is Iahimembherof 'Flue Dasily
stasff sdhilaisstaksenuaixllciinuc tieest
incolegcerramaxisceworIhk. Ile'issaiuue hu-
tleri'llfthin )'115thcl'h' hVereinisndsiCsomu-
edhy Cluii.
R. N.Mcsland hxusIis isaitiss u' elf 'Tle
Daily staff.
11. 1. heedder hels a -lmsu eme seThle
Daily staff lasts yeasr.
'The folloseinug asciifromt the juiuor
ensgineeintg classaseecadideatessfoe the
S. XW. Cushmanxu, lastseyear's tpresidesnt
of Iis clsass, iplayedion thss'sxl-fresh teasn
of igo5, sands has slice ssonu Iis 'fxootbsall
sumssersals, stirlig bothhis sosphomiuore
atue junsior yeares. lie receuntly organiedu
thse Unisversity Bhanjo nlubisasud is its
header stuCrsenit. Me. Cuushmansuu is also
a msembier of 'Trianugles.
-I.XMr. hBusssselliIs tile resenti secre-
tary of his class.
Harlose tavock is ss membher of 'Tri-
Thue remuaindueroext hse candidates are
0. Id. Baker, H. 1'. Baxter, J. A. Hoe-
ton, A1. C. Parker, B. S. Tutuhill, anud'
S. B. hWiggins.
The nominee from the junior nmeuical
j 'rfss ndeliil - ilIlrd s il
lies ,iin ap n lI l tis a1 1111111 a
' Prof. lihel' ip s i ls e atic- 1'-1t I''' - o
asna nd l tse' sss s e i ut )[ s ts ir
Slil the ir1st nat p cs \I) No n
inplls lil t I l I 5 1 ttte er r
re il ()X 111 115 le Th e~i
Xicmees ip the'' sbieas Isetyi
spth Ise' lisat i il 1 (f115 iii iii s ci
Ill iltl( he paeo lr
a 1211 l l h(. d I~ o 5 fee t l
t elll wI i: o t.I hi 1 e '']lIlihssslsc
tin e th aupics o h - 2' sis ' I,
sesissi te.
til n tos' bes "'WKeIlsbI thle Kilsansss itt
atS fo'clloc 'csif ee n . CldeI.,1.
Killsss;, wsll a t.its s t l a Ilt',,Bsies
XeveIal toastlshry membt iecs;Of tciclb
W. 1. Mdorsiart, 't ss ll iSehrs"s; Herbert
'I'. .Bolge, "hisv I'dasssDays," ands
FL XX. Xtlbnge'l, 'Kass S 'h'ipisty -'