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February 20, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-02-20

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The Michiga-n Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHI1110 k\'I 00-Y, FERU\RY 20,1906.

0 11.. XVI.

INo. 98.

I S N O T U N A N I M O U S C.Smi W All S pe k in U i
__..__ -_ _-_lon.H.CSmt WilpeknUi
Promnen Stuent Difer n te aooo, of tie tog-ofwa r wold vesity Halal-Appropriate Pro-
Prmien tuens ife li e a srios ifficuttty an(d tmater gram to Be Carried Out.
Opinion As to Abolishing Hair- witch meints erotis coasdcatio.
Cutting-Sophomore President 'Stctote vohs icd t -.sentiieot of a large Th Iaw dpatntttconittee aI-
Offers New Suggestion. m tie of stuents i i ng tt he noitce t good nes tt the have
________ f~beieedhirt-tctuttitg ottidi btematic just secored teicIott.Henry C. Smiti, of
Thefolowng recorniutsmae b is firit ati-ttti id s kde01(1of fcattirs Adihaitto pak it Unovesty ihatiat
fit ffiovh trecoititeli tt tc tydttittettlIto titiftestitrcests itt the 2 0 o'ock fTttirsdts ftetoottIletes
aursissitcitis fpromientfitutiesityitittissi is anither i tmetodof itert-the pface of Goiverntoi Cmmnocf fIoa, I
cce i xcpiressiing their opfinions oi theti lasscoltcts Io tos firediftocanteli fis etgage-
1ot 1ii disctssedi iqtesiotnof iaoishinig irtiC C I on-sit to sihairmanitof t mit tfotht(ated.tHfitis a Italete
fir fresh-sophi ihaircuttig bee fn ad cotitteet.iwhichsdiftes te iecotutocitspeae at is pi-tresence swiff go far
iithmit should le o rie inmindiiithatatos id: "I itse-irassbenin ittowarimangtheisexercises of "lsi-
tie sitter is 5115eiccrnintg sWhit St-favor f hiro satins as it is a distinti ts ~ifrthdiaya sueccss
dents ati or oriti le (Iiss loatto exptess litse \Mtic ia st o, iThftuifotnut te As i forierunieteiiof Cogrso
definte oinios. otitit camsin ssinceto atiyesr'sstbidngtaffai fonti fhecscondtri tcisw ii t riato
scniiincltis abouitievenly ividetltias to imadef iit cessrIisisotfriiiti a stuidntrecori\itif m iuthftcanuot faiits please
te sup~erseduin ofhai-cuttingsbyit ttug itati a f cttasdpouin~out, to do ioisic at Mitt Arbititauictce Te xecses
if-w n--iceiiHfurontt t isogenteratly thint~g which siffrelicsvcthe utiteicty (willfc cotdtiucti in the sauetmatitisr as
cwiteed thatii theiforistitrIpriactice his ioif allticetitd sitabliftnotoiet-s-give-cin pas tt ciar.]nijstic theic. s-
ern amful ttfeiatre stiutthe tu-thft iistituitsmn by te 5press all (iser the igtoi progrfatmticmittettttcc eifcllowis-
fents do nt -treetiat useeiiigof-sar contryisc og shi-ctttig- culdingf ettr fom osrinot Ctsnis.is
is soc h etiterias to e tadopti. Ilftcacroued on iitifrienclspirfit ifit wis isublishesdti
Representtig ithc soihomlote class ot fartlcularsidangeroui sidI wsas fics Moitis Iua, i i 51 41906.
ii sde t ris sats i actsrygainifaIisor ofit. iPuti whienttere aecmnssMsyiDeriMi. tutuy
a~ scethai thi tudnticstCouttnc t i s titin til ltns ci sitsiswIo fatsen isote Contfitutng myiiteegramtiof iciw luys
ifs diesttir of iait-callus It is onc s nscofpopi ty thanto toressrttt Iile.kiago wie di i et oinustetiifail I
cf ital inters-cs-siaiii nivisiersiftismen, use of deadlfy we-afons s iffeingiioscolcrning--tic most iiisiiihtse neces-
ind sto ssoomores tin i rticidr.T hei ii thsessises Ithilk it iste sissometiig its i that reuirsile sto ctclly t-
cciii s-sruggc-sted isi plausiteout, itnti sitd oiftcfn. I tisse the shtemse sitsgagenientfsspakcbfoe te stisetts -
personially, I isouludpresftrbica-utse of Igesedfwsslibi lientsit toroughf tilfa o iii h iCiesr-i15 ofXiMicigai liltIb-
te slimuintio nit ani spossiiiliftyiof it ses to meito is it good1ne."11 -,z
frsssi(tllg.fthe teeftig of the inwo casses Foydci. Ro-enthelie senis ntuleiNthi ntutiaittiporanstsduty culci
ins-ery-hlclfati itsecifiedtimhoe1Eacit couffls-ietwi sotisiftixiiircssedshimssiissiisilthav fiugt aot thisirisutlt Itfa- t
irs-stinnd eii acit sopitoitolre stotifle A ic: i1is bi inil ivr f niiini theliesithat I mutst fiteftse ieeioi that1
roichAi-f sitii itst fifece of rofe.haisri-ttiin lg proagrmt utusiltiome it ibeOttr la-.-Yn icnnt reget te sitatisnti
Thic-itat igisent sigtnslftheto casses scemetisiseoes-dsi. IHe os ntlthilik hal asomuft s I slitforiiotilt ssy atis
rsfront oppfosite sites of the fied, that the rier ft is s it esifelan. I tasfflic ttit te setse of havingI
e ni- t ar tig itotic- tilt i tintsosf tic JiosCurtis exprsssid himiseffa fll-sembarrcasssd son ut i att loinsg liiiop-r
instlsiss ..iAt te ititdsf fifte-i tsi-lits-s"-I thiii ikte sfcee sfsill-isk scrt nst Isiftha i~ti s ost ttacie toii
rtis thes-cosinig signalscan en s-givs-cith le onit all right Achange o smie st its nee
lasss hutingthe est uuuuuuhucutiedt-ioiihis Intsesisd. Thus prponsdfpan iii situ i- - - --e Iamthus hifs uffIer
aaddthis uictsty"a'ywitithie-idittgrouis tiucnutof thel ront ths siompicatitot
fits nprsidenutiosith e frc-shmen,-ugamesuitdsuiililipiisvusfsspourti thtcat hisert 1I.C utiuiis
madi hithislfolow itg statsmet I umle onineditr it sl toithitscs-ieshn
ntini favori of lai-utingis I dito fssr]itotelitsf eroh e. it CisC X\ N CCfs JUIORfi
not thinktait gistes ourtclassit tirchacistec C apttasuit'loluly"tWendell lustthi bse-his Iit ORACTOfR ICALi CONThiST
hiI ito ot beievhastii ithe tgofsiaribaliteais:ii f dosht knowsuiss (st isiiat to l_____
I igodsuhstuuuuus hMothiet us ha5,thitutabout i it Ictlts (uirtailcustomJil .Duriyiittejnirh
dhngcuain s tati itand te iici stut wi ich 1afforiiui niuhtt thfu fistthis Ioratsillfcints 11la steituul iTler
oilers noiaeil t advani 1thauscI expe ctuderlssmensi sanduitpstsonallyi I toriiudgeii-s s-ereiProfessourssDioi tush Jose-c
toi have i se t m siy l ulisch s suitntaiswal, itd(-hink it ts a hierycda sillsu111ne,1Fow l sit and \issrsthird utd 'Sevrut Iis
I see io ccason wit s5cldit h ithshoul ssevr I amin ifasorof aithinig whiischt sbjet was "A DfcsnsitfNpusheoou
his addiesd."iswoildiwouisfoliiitie e hssinterscts of thu Se5con autice %is tisenibycut hisi aya-
CaptainitseilS Norsousss of tthefooit- ullivsi situ ndiiftair-cuttingumust bticlhhIsubjici Japs ili. Tihe ote
Iall tesiui stud Hir-iicutitgif cos-utboishedficu Itink fthisnetic-intstirniay I ciinhesttitsatushetircitstusjcts swer:C.
sltsitedproferis aliit excellent cudsiisits rov -a5oodorne."iR.c-l5oore.c"PoitsihcliRcmedihus fou So-
iand sis isftsh wh iihu i iish trlt oCn h lr. ii I rc Capitil l I istits I . 1iney su : it l Evils: C J I giun trte- ats-of
I shtotuldcosidsser bicin soutselictutu"f theiii-oufsr idsea sisttd i sitsutuitfi ci sunes hrasford. "turi-
ducited' is somtshinike s ls ithusis: eplc f Ihtilt-cutinii ttils i tuo me t littnadCavaiser,"candscR. H.iiCacys,
ic-iteglatttus t igosernsthitsaristii s (uitg to swok C iginsftardusip onu li Ps hifiPolsitil Reom.i
hill-c-he timcimtsdtscibsit abosecal! tie sopihomoreis u l s twrcfocdt tilts-______
have sthe hair-cuttg sconfined toiiithis sit tutuklyiilfst ysar.Ithimay iihis that IThus ieisatslutor t huatupisoshi of
sirs-ets. thlure thesmstharmi uucitutu-thue abositioniouusuhfhnis-thtitituse-theCcnrliit basting -league betwt-eut
ini is thehrt-aking intoir houses tush roomus sit)tand if so i liif cusesittfavorChicisisatutuNrthwsterntc ilstufa ke
adsuimsiasig ifurniure.uuc If au hf iuu of it. c pil i3.u This sujet coseut is
could be useimuiustatedIshould bticeitsilytuT ihie-opiniisioof i I oiucishitswus: "-RissosushdcciTluattheotic- of sussatia
ini favor sit hair-cuttiin. fHosserccit "somie plantsuch its tie tproposdon lueciau setusuiof thusCAierct ausussy is
tis iimpossssisis,-rautheuscpropostedstilt it woudhaslen this-itstails itsces ssacy itoIpreferabe to the oici of msantaninug
51tituis practhusblei, Ithuuhinkisuworld rsnder it flracitical harebe kdoe hc 111 si it at.11its pusenstust srsngtssd efifcieg
lieusgooi hiuug(Continued on age 2) Clhile-i-o witsl1has-che ihastuns(tt sie.
Spier-C osswts etihutsiastit ovusd
thisol lungei uus-idet andipre1)1 ed 5aFOR
grs-sioet . s-slush "Iiithuthir-iGREAlTER FREEDOM F R COLLEGE Bi
chaniscsta]u hf ey l re tinsglehd0o11tushd iila outasCithudispatcitn iithis metco-u(aceinsutit cut uctec mitint- la si t ea
suluacked usyisso orihreli tes teti01 ir i t papes offlshtudisouile' hitcuh wosulduhsaslowiuscolege bsssehallufa--
-suit and thu s iuftisinutesitleefsctshatipraticasll thut usholefisasealci ss t, lay shin 111111ba seball'"t5he itas
itasircutiitn hunts-Cticitgan'sr uhtta-team ouuf te C it cisity of Iwho adi ia ske.
tisiu; it is anga-eurouus aitudnt a far tshtnieduaditinthat t hey arhe pr(1(10 "Teeswass" he relies, "aultilhe
iht -Tetn-of -at-rsic ulbe so regn-fess ils tuI- rfusigitossign the resoluftionilst-flts-11p1assed, is1not1 seat.
satcd s to prsentcit asetIthclra - t satsusstuthaiit theysase alhiasitusef ossss-r I tikthaust therenittihe
ptrancsuues snd gsiethus-ba-tte- ture .fit-t-inct-rhaig reciedt umonuesfrlouytinigtsonic raial iactionutaksesns by the cosn-
tistroughoitu. I tilmitseartu-yi favsor- bassballsitridonetanui ofatsufhi tins sshi ftrencesseit xlJ hichut ill m-itanske tie
fthiesnis-uplan.- is to mileiss maniita. itofesstuifl c-aedopution111ofthilt resolfution inisquestious
henry F. Shuhte cotmtasiedthe uewi-osuigttheuspheusenctisuts tit sisitushard, ues ast-
islea ito the foositb t-lgstifon, ss-lung:the lutws plaiers madetui heshihh isidiisistae- "Dc tsan thutithus-i-lt-itbe
I is inaint-iihehettof - itbdtcuterfue tth tat the aemolit-tnty of esllege --uset umuote fre-domt:t
lie ssaidthat heitould tic ike lutotsset basball laseshro frsughotusuitie cuuul iunty " ssiadyuimyiuttiote tie s sa--
hasir-cuttinguab-iotshedas it as a fea-i sre profssionsl.tinittgalbit i s m in utiouthat the acioni
tre esulrtof s Mu i cii-itssutnd oneithicuht Profe-sor t ii tenigiticisgitan ts't s cn ae illuhflowiutsich tmsore freedom tu
if proerlys-i-contuductsiasitattle royli feiencutuespresnutte i issasedutlst ctllegeebasebs-att tiaers. Youtmausinaiy,
betwesensiiio ciasses s it stoodiown tigt stiethse huenuretud cinusthe opuh-1t10,ithat I stu iifsavor of such fegisa-

howisever, ttere an-o ied of regulastinsgitohasst aftlcollege plai-ers are profes- tiotit Isdo lust thiink it is just tou te-
htesures, anti le swottid prefer somue sionil. tie ssaidthint hue was uuabsle to uris-c a isisu of the righst ho plai- suit-
acionihaloug that lincnssteaci of inug- express an opiusious outhtiat subject. utter bsasebsali if properliy regutiateti. As
unriing a netw custom. He feels tisst "Was there sot some resolution intro- to profession.atorn, aii I can sag is that


- I
:- I


Ciii Satutrdayisafternoon uuand evssing,
Greei twill bring, aut "Ie lecfisttof
Venut t iican 'ictiiprcit sseliy thic
usne ouss f pressentatioouif use lays of
isie sst tli aprovaItsi iisthse i is-
bhan perforillacts,-stil thusegenerasl
piublicthisstiasen(((ost skislyto thsisle-n
if scesuns tie le ays1ivsslisuhaeivs-l-sI
if ths earlsu u t sutg-trsaiios .
Sets gsit ntilt todsic -itch r i :13(1 p. m.,
suk'li'. ( eteral saduisssill is fifty
culls. restrves sesats aenty-f Iiseu-ills,
liee wiaisweeinisg ada llsh is-tnsgsait
sgnashsiug of isectih amonsusg tseiavss-stu-
diens Ssundayi CChile it ui supsusiblee ii
shtnah y sut exacts ta i tistisa it ais safe- ts
tug tuhtths snumbter if "ostils asnds
plucs"sent51o1(11tiss-c-i c xeeddci
all presious Iclls.. i ss sated oslu
tithIats aIse hums stah ueliale ithoiriity thats
usdt.1ACulistat doshn sstudehcssfrssu
lis tw uppis tcllasss sitaredi thesam
A-Ctocgethiss-sit Niss sloofy1 crow
who filswithfevecrisishihastse, tcc- opent cut
s-elopes ainig theiinsciioniiiUniver-
ssititofCicuh stss - isuss fDeptsmnt,"h at
ths iiisitfthite Sundaysigmorning. 1his
wthou e self sithi isissConduitionsaresis-
eclincdlto tillsrsatulastetshemseles.Th
hits faulsty illiholdt aercinig S sltst
tiay 11101ntitgsit wsi-bsh Ia15number of
thoacu s sse h aceseenresuessted to its h-i
draw w~sufits begiss-ns hesarinig
toe situsll 1its us ipowera tupreent it.
andt csonsiniosiusy. I belusisveithatsi-
succedare marki uuusuableshsdcgree.-
Catiasin WndC wensfc s iterieed
oh tile hprofsessonal-su itsm ch- uusmads-thn
dciisivs-cste tuthat he his fist htinks
tht so collehge pislesiresamatesurs.
"Withousut a.dobst.tt lis cotinuediisf
sllsililinisho pft iipates ints us c
baistisebllar iot amaiteurs, acicoringitgci
Ih hotequuienitssaihis s inviabl
taCciisand if a srofessuionasl doeus stun-
ceed it keeut g iss51 us professionism susse-
cret it is tilt exceptiii i fnrtser thasns fts
ruts. 1 tis thatifths Irulesareisosmue-
soh-at 1(o0 setvece regardingsuthe restric-
tions os athltess, btuit i s atdifficlet
iproblemisuosusiorelax thesetiwi thosut go.
uusg to the other extremsethereby gettinaymninoclee h r f

Indoor Meet With Wisconsin in
Waterman Gym-Several Ac--
quisitions to Track Squad.
IDirector CharlsucsBairdt returtued fronts
Chicsagos Sndaystgasutuansnosnceduecu inhu-
ielythtsthind isioor seetiewoes te
MiichigsansauitsWisconssi trsc teamsu
siill scur n-usVatsrusisigs-usussiust sit
Satura nsusi ight, Machani2t. iTismattsc
thes lists f indoorsus suts sals-sdyfsced-
ued s tfollois:
Fb t - rei cciusu meet-
iii -Sp-lrs et
Ci us it-C\ us s1 (et
Ciii. I CI suit situ s s Ci seigau.
Alar ft3 situ11 cl ss stitch
Cpu i / rI-utIst eishlsbuisis-et
thi Satiuus-urdngtutetcheen tieia-
aiti us itud e CCisosins smeet is
still op~en. Sotitessicgstuia tisfhssec ects
ca.rie h os n sitwith Illino itss, utit i iot
cer ti tttil etie swit cthe fiusi sil
ihe scurted
ibise u tsrack sd ecisvsdseveral a-
Ifiisitils iesterdslug shusssisy rove vl-
usbl stit poit sIw~innes A l"Cf arlow,
flue fasallie qurtebtack, us utusprac-
ticing the sar10115 nd lituhs Igood.ut Bar-
los s bis rssorduof:o tjfour thecent-
tusy iimsubs wsilehe whis a s stiuent af
Oircha-rdf La-e.s Sinutcltching te uti-
censusy hebas nouhdonsany-iracks work.
Rutimne, siftounullshlasAC-A" to te
htsudetwco ttu Ies ago,(wsalso out,
sut owsing toushiasublutithe isill srob-
sbslusht huae Ii ts dobus ichs before te
timetsuscoame ns ouitdshunssosuit
Cuthuehib uitmsterliaat yes-
terdasysfussthefi s imethus stlii ot
do anyii-workl in h itssuiet ie hass te-
gus traininigihowvesr-tilnIdsiill ousuee
its thin tcsrseitnarymestinIstiSstuda
Rsay Stewsarcts ii sialyi he sssibe
his ceute idoorus s hishis udeseloped
a aduleg. Thlislaesan excellent
opseninug furss prnt sieswilsStwssrt
out ofhit C liia lia 15notia55man ts
refpr-esust rii thus fortygwsi-hs useven
si-isisellcii iiia.
Coetscotinusttdihiss swor t: illscle soto
yesterdasy asic hiseffotussci eto tsbe
m -sueenswetahutni
Theusanassges of thsclnass rlsaytarso
s-s-srtir ta rdi aboutuulgetingtheir
shellotilesori. Nostimeutriaisishasve iben
ieldic, ui tihes ihcgins tday.gA sigs-
-sssumbr f fresh lessginuers were cus thur
tronk esterdasy safiernoonsit prcticingath
amoniug thectutseemis s telasrge ssnube
if fast omsu.
Chsicaso lostIta Ililinosis Saturdtiltnigst
us thuefirastidoor umeet of tilt geain thu
ilini sesunuug us[ lloitrs fluChifu se ssa
Eckersasstsuceedinustyihng MCin stthus
35-i-srutdsh.i Chissagoase featsemss
sitetitshinfat that-sigh itbodyilCCkisus
Pariry niduisQsugiesee keput suitnsug
10 "chils"anod t"puckss" -ccoriiinig ts
lthus ussusslsystemiin sogi-sag-t elMid-
sung, tosses-cu these unit sol udofubt-i
nutty bhuelib tlt forthus sshiferetics-
Dr. Nestuflfussight ii hiss upasot uf
he tPlymouuthfurct ,BrooklyusatN Y
sill speaksCn sitvlutsstu ti- omiusnoo-
- nightu unrthis-susica fbuh- Susetus
-etutreassciasuion lit. ils is nt
eunknson us Aun sArborahavig ap-
sares screo thinlintuce psstfornm four
g easeasgo.Hsetissuie f thteforetosi
s itu-nessf use countryhnysie f lie great
thinksin iiftse custchu, sundtausorator
usiosnte.fis change s suie uof tic sug-
est itsntsse York andsis famusous for ti-
ig the cisurch of Henry Ward Beeer

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