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February 20, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-20

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Headquarters for
remlem-ber that we call Supply youl with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MENS FeRNISHINGS
Fountain Peu, the Laughlin or Waterman, wchich and Compete lineof GYMNAoSUM
we fully guarantee. What mole can you ask? Try us.GosanSWAE..
M A RTTo ave[: 334 Sosuth States Stree



,%:_rnwrIS4 d ,,+ 'I n t1 I i L

$r capital, 5os,oo0. Surplus, $30,000. Transaocts
4 )lt)tt''St R, o-5c~ KE vi r Prs. C. E.GREViePy
A&(>s Dill A ii tllCo' Lignrxfor2c fAsAh
4 Irtsoxsis-i(ilis 52' -25c FIRST NATIONAL BANK or ri sfee
Capital f 105 t5(5* Surs and o i tst, 40,50
U IJ 1i Numbe:Tmtriasagneralanking.5business.Frig
040 A IN ST..D exchnge ooi-can sld. Furni,-hleftter o
--- - E10 . . K 5.I EPrs'. I1050H1aOSO '05LE,
Whisit Club 'l ournesutest. Calendlar. S. .(LAIlKOt'515N ('sit eTe
scoetO h1.n T esdayFb, .20- S sa oBand0in5S. f h ro Svnu 5n
{sNVIist fclub, to te field o in ls' haon 0 L A . rs. StoL 100!10io iOe1 f
'( si iso 14( afteroon and ex enin-'sF, 'sf s s o, Febi. 2.- i is eni laxe lst~ie- ot 1 ccit0 Loi
wxill lbe the bugest evenot of the 1tik -1 ttii ~L.I 2in Iof 1tli s at. Ulcis dps its,us a-i s il
AtUTHtOli ()P exver given in Ann Aror. Atgenerai Frciday, 1eb. 23-"1A 00 sian Gaileo," Te~xhan i-eois the pricieeot thisIUnited
Stotes r. afitits s uon popeie firi tion.
iitio n has beeni extended fto offl i t'fi ii f 1sfiSeies. Safetyidepsioxs-to rent.
Ir ' (IROF I(OFICERS rsisft-inMacik.Pies.:. 5D . hos'-
wh,00ist , f c-i, Irrespetiee of eittclub fsrf . 1-t.2I ifo raIc s r s ic e- e s li ar(to. F .Hiss .coh Csher; M.
Iteaguec membershoip ttheeitrcscur; and 15 .. ~et 'p.i. .EitA-fts
assuransiethl-ave becie reixeol that Wtuo xFi.I. 0 .Ftlt,5. .5.BOsOTs, PRcS.SPT
stereoptoiconolecture on Uuotenbsurg in W. ARNLi stsiepe lyr ib rsetfoDtriJV. SEA, 2 iS'tc-rs 8IIE
Gacksxnix sil ilntitMsnocisieUiycu re ntara cuc. JHV . Woso sst.il'se r
11O iil XDaytotnO.,andlothsercities. Some Unit> sh j, Weinesay, T~ihusday, C.S As5 ut )lYN~
thir onogest teaimsin Ohis part of Ftrs' iRohn27,pOh.sti t sod
Itslesli ookelle rs, Statiinerslthiicountryiwitlixotpete. Transacts a general
Boslslirs taooirs hecoutr oil sotet.SatuiodavyfMarho 2 Hsoi. Jhin Teon- Bankinig Business
aiii Esgravers, Handolsmenovieiiier tins, eight ic eB-axes in S. I. A. course
numiber, wiii he awariteit the ainneis. Sunnday, March 4-Anti-Saloon Son- Ma~ Wkert of
320 S. oSTfITL Si The pius toe tie afternoon games day. Howxaid H. Rtissell soil Jiudge C. 1 COLLEGtATE CAPS,
sree monograms in style.,toade up of H. Gestot, spcakcrs. ! GOWNS aned 1000S.
.AN'N ARBOR - - - - i'IGIIGAN the lters "U. o1." wsith the wsords Regtissg sf
u.WhisbtVPO Cltot" in gold letters on a lark OSuenits are csrdiuaifolyosnvied toisns- CAPS aqd GOWNS,
U.Oo abr AO AH pect our caintofote li:.rs of suits, oeer- ' SPECIALTY.
cThOnOlyOses i bloe scroll rutnsing disgonslly asrsss. coolS, mnt's to riistigbs aol hats. CLASCNES,
Shot) and Bath te Ct.Rea-'the pino foe the evening games sre IVslhois, Rytxas - ieule, S. Mlain st. .CLEELOS
Room s, 322 STATE. . .Trofasauski in the shape of sn ace of clnbs in dark icoesicier eooiteIo h CLASS STAIOPE,.
Thhlsiariundolo xrn aito odsenifor clasos haseonnotifieidof s COLLEGE PINS.
TheillRENson,.with thietlettero "LT. nf M. COLLEGE
BARBER ' on 0''tilthe hblades of rho figure. ' moetting its the isear future.SPCATE
GU RIFIN TEBS3 8SATIS~FACTIONI A largecnumnoer nt laidies wiii ho A ti-o line of Manhtistan~ Shirts W. C KERN &CO
preent at iotho goamsonloifo e-jost iniat Wadhatms, Rya-n & Rtouie. 41i1 E Pift Sco rth St.
UIESTSCOLOinlinre-Sec theti. S. Masfin st CHICiAtfi, ILL.
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF e-entative- of the St. Claoir, 10fDetroit______
and oth er togldes'lut.s. Ageno- LOST-'A jteeed arrots'pin, hetweenl-
D I~A C I _ l su erlIinsloeion i extendefd to off, stnthsleMetoisft Chouorchisoilfle Pi Bets "A slice to i hue Bndrpasrtrno Go H iI
Ladies'0btein helitasfiitd. Sftftc0i.niuu thestsoad soffice. -00.
PIK RS. torots eveniiig.Theafternoons ganme xwiftA nlnoef a nattantfiiShirtls just L Pipe
Office sod Acadeemy, Nisckel Hail, 334-33655. State hi0i t2o o iem gsc ~ iici'''iispuiyt ch i. PV c ~ ' a oe rao
______________'oe 0 iI.~ sii aaiost rT.obacco ' why Old En-
{,SPi CIAL HOLILAY OFFER SitioiagterioSfuolt it the Athens Track Schteduole. o Y_0p gush Curve
2/.-theaotrehtfates that the piefomanlces hfoloiloxwiig scihdlc his been ,Cut pipe to-
j oie f thiesce l fl made'out. badiaco is soevarou
$3.00 F'if Mthewxs finidBflger in "By thie baiiccoseoto tes' esoi
tadSea a ix eh" in thib city 0i1lhue e'xsntosae reqused'i to retport at the r
LU LIFONANhours iniiicated: popuslar .
L GILNONTI 'idntfc'lfith hosoe give'liat the Her- Sitrisots4:30 ho (:00 o We~stphl; PN l qaete~r nNwCrcit,°
PES ~ s~ q~o-.tefii No okot.qtlsrtee-toile1:30 ho Batch.; halt-tulle D 771, .,. The curved
iIf" at i oe' fu 05 t isreel orti'ilthcitseveraol theatre -4:42 tis Hayes; mhle-4:40 to Lh'mer-.
ufoir bysotishavborheeno formed oltstendilsolo; huridles-4:45 to MctLeani;walosk- tins box that fits any pocket is another
' $ It otho performance suitd soholiay at 14 iSrofsl;ioesnthtr
1.0 4:00 to Director Fitzpaftricko; shoot put - reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever
hfit lutestoot t so , silo' tractions aresoiethiing of a nloxelty- afternooseoee4:00. orany tinie
so tBC. soath offer yeo $1.10 loriit. iii Annu Arbose the hantier hiouses of in thii forensoonl to Direcotir Fitzpuat-I made as many friends in so short a time.
liii's00s00 are expected. riots; high jump-4:00 to 6:0S to Arnm-
If t itos esHsit MuE SYBOSstrollig. xiih'i eosoo i leGe It disappoints no one."
Aep aay yeu figureitR esRFTA OYS -thr
Wlicl dwn own allat he eti'hreswlelfoybenitersof the oGlocesA trial box will be Sent to any one
11 rTh iooithoetopsetiuitl. 5Mere iCigar Store,to16l'ast lieoiihireet.,forclbtf de ay vnig t7o'oka y
f'pts uti s i tFse in ieoortf pipes, tobacro 0151 ci--ars. ini roono C. anywhere on receipt of ten cents in
QUITYDIAODosioiPoI1ti GOreLD.' AIS I B t hY~blN eie. stamps.Address Old English De-
Only e nstir o eorc address __________IInvarte. eThe Ame..rcan Tobacco.-

i i

ath~ii isofr seufuri~li
-Agiftuo verein! seul-s
softe osofhs givere.
Get your sides in curiyorsder
tiohday. State wihether i dy's or
g'etI sto is detlsiedi.A(odres
129 Shetowaoth St., Setrsi', Mich.
lnBako xpess.iayn

9. 1

STr'y Thie...
TWOS. MOWSV, Propsr. sos
1003l Broadway. E;57Be]]Phine

Spring Effects
0 The Entglisho Square Itmtperial is'
E~ US (44KA especially it teweslhaple, alothe
Psinited Eutd Bttittng. These;
woitho manlysithours can1 becfoutnd'
witho us. \e inteiyisu to take
a look.'
Wagner & Co.,
N 5 5 Headquarters tee 121 S. Main ;
- All Articles ot Furnishings '


Co., Ill Fifth Aye., New York City.
All dealers sell it.
ltlktic 6os
Oicoially sidopted Optheain ohig /
'olleges.,OSctoeostud Atdoisic
Cluofbth le Coutry.
... EVER soiIf.suoITEFOe...
Btase Itall Tens
oost Ball Attutetics
GofGtE Cy11nsu
Spalding's Otticial League Ball
ho Ishe OffioalSoil oh tie Nationaol V
Leugues and sit leadin oegsso
ciutions., Spaldisgs Base Balt Guide tor t900, t0c
Hasoeo BtalozeAG.padn&Brs
of Ailt Sfis e 5 pllu rs
t0 ally aIf/eo tNW ORK,CHAGDEVR

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